March 6, 2013, 1:33 a.m.
March 6, 2013, 1:33 a.m.
The door slammed loudly against the frame as Kurt unloaded his bags by his feet. He stomped his way to the kitchen to recieve a glass from the cupboard, shutting the door hard. He filled the glass halfway with water from the tap and gulped it in one go.
'Baby?' Blaine called from the hallway as he made his way towards the sounds of his boyfriend.
'Not now Blaine' Kurt's face was turning red with the slow bubble of anger rising from within himself as he slammed the glass down on the kitchen bench.
Blaine was concerned with Kurt's coldness. On any other day, the two would be in each others arms as soon as Kurt entered the threshold of the apartment and be kissed senseless. So Kurt's attitude was very worrisome to Blaine to say the least.
He moved to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist from behind but Kurt immediately shooed him away. 'Blaine just please give me five minutes' he all but snarled as he turned in the direction of their bedroom. But Blaine was having none of it.
'Kurt, look I know you have been stressed lately' he began to ramble at his boyfrined's retreating back. 'But Kurt please don't take it out on me, I just want to help' I can give you a massage or cook you your favourite dinner or bring you some wine. But please don't shut me out' Kurt continued to ignore Blaine's attempt of comfort only he couldn't hold it in anymore.
'Honey it will be alright'
Kurt snapped. 'I GOT FIRED BLAINE!'
The harsh words ricocheted off of every corner of the room, and it felt as though the words just hung there in the mist of the silence.
Kurt turned around so fast he was almost scared of falling over. But he marched right up to Blaine, only mere centimetres away.
'Everything will not be fine Blaine, because I just got fucking fired!' Kurt's face turned a dark shade of red and subborn tears were starting to form. 'Everything I have worked so hard for, so fucking hard for years now is down the drain!' 'So no Blaine I don't want a fucking massage or a fucking bubble bath or any other funking stupid idea you think of!' I just want my fucking job back!'
Kurt was so close to Blaine now, the anger bubbling inside him was almost tangible. The tears started to make their way down Kurt's cheeks and he was shaking from frustration. Blaine moved to wipe the tears from Kurt's splotched cheek, but battered his hand away. 'Don't'
Blaine's heart was racing because this was the first time Kurt has yelled at him like this. Sure they have had their fair share of fights, they have been together for so long. But Blaine has never seen Kurt so completely full of rage.
'Everything will be okay' Blaine's voice was barely above a whisper. But Kurt's response was anything but. 'NO IT WILL NOT BE FUCKING OKAY AND I FUCKING HATE YOU FOR SAYING THAT!'
It is true what they say, that silence is louder than words. Because in that moment, it was almost deafening.
Kurt suddenly surged forward and smashed his lips to Blaine. There was a hunger there that was so indescribable that there was apart of Blaine that was actually a little afraid by the intensity of it. Kurt attacked Blaine's lips like he was taking his anger out on them. He nipped and sucked at the tender flesh and Blaine just let him do it. It was only then when a frantic mouth turned into frantic hands as Kurt tried to remove Blaine's belt, that he had to intercept.
'No baby, not like this'
Kurt let out a frustrated scream and fell to the floor, Blaine following on instinct. He pulled Kurt onto his lap and stroked his fingers through Kurt's soft locks. Kurt cried so hard and loud that Blaine's heart was in his throat and it was only when Kurt's words met his ears that he knew he needed to do something.
'I'm so worthless Blaine' Kurt sobbed through his tears, hands tangling and pulling at Blaine's shirt so hard he was afraid it would rip. 'I'm so fucking pathetic, I can never do anything right' 'I'm a pathetic piece of shit, I screwed up, I'm so stupid'.
'Ssh' Blaine cooed, fingers stilled tangled in Kurt's hair. 'Stop talking baby, big breaths Kurt' Blaine rubbed what he hoped was comforting circles on Kurt's back as his sobs subsided and his breathing evened out.
And then almost in a whisper, he sang.
And sometimes things are unfortunate for me
Because I used up all my luck
The day I swept you off your feet
I want this
And I want you
Forever and ever
So please don't you give up on me
'Cause I would never
And I know that things will go wrong
And I know the days can seem long
Just stay with me I promise
I'm where your heart belongs
When Blaine finished, Kurt was asleep in his arms from exhaustion. He decided against waking Kurt by taking him to the bedroom, instead he reached behind his to retrieve a pillow and blanket discarded on the couch. Sure his back will hurt like a bitch in the morning, but with Kurt snuggled into his side, clinging into him tight even in his unconscious state, there was nowhere else he'd rather be. They will deal with this mess in the morning, together. Always together. Because after all this is where both of their hearts belong.