Dec. 21, 2011, 6:23 a.m.
Dec. 21, 2011, 6:23 a.m.
He smiled to himself as he dug through the bags and pulled out a small book that he'd bought from Barnes and Noble. It was called 'The Little Book of Facts' and Kurt wasn't quite sure how it'd caught his eye, but it had and he'd bought it, mostly for the novelty, he supposed.
He flicked through a few pages, reading some of the facts printed on them.
"Did you know…shopping activated pleasure centres in the brain, releasing chemicals such a dopamine that create a similar feeling to drug addicts getting a fix?"
Kurt could certainly agree with that one. He flipped through a couple more pages and stopped randomly. The words at the top told him he was in the 'love and attraction' section. Slightly intrigued, he started to read some of the facts and began to giggle.
He'd definitely have to try these out on Blaine to see if they were true.