Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 6
A submissive is defined as a person that naturally and consensually seeks a position of powerlessness (psychological or physical) in a power exchange dynamic. Allowing a Dominant to take control over them.
A Dominant is defined as a person that naturally and consensually takes the position of power (psychological or physical) in a power exchange dynamic. Accepting responsibility to care of a submissive.
That Saturday morning, while Kurt was snoring away on the couch (having fallen asleep there again, talking with Blaine all night), Blaine snuck into the kitchen and started working. He pulled bits and pieces of food out of the fridge, cupboards, and freezer and started flitting around.
About half an hour later, he heard Kurt groaning. Eyes still closed and mouth open in a wide yawn, Blaine's own personal heaven came bumbling into the kitchen. Blaine grinned and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist as his eyes fluttered open slowly.
"G'morning." He mumbled. "Something smells good."
"I made breakfast." Blaine confirmed, kissing Kurt on the nose. He giggled sleepily. "Go sit down, I'll get the food."
A few minutes later Blaine found himself carrying two overflowing plates into the dining room. Kurt was standing by the head of the table, chewing his lip and looking puzzled.
"What's wrong beautiful?" Blaine asked, putting the food down and wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.
"I don't know where to sit Master." He confessed sheepishly. Blaine grinned indulgently.
"Just sit wherever feels comfortable." He suggested, settling into his own chair. Kurt seemed to ponder for a moment before falling to his knees at Blaine's feet and leaning into his legs, blushing brightly.
"Is this ok Master?" he asked innocently, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine smiled lustily and petted Kurt's hair. He looked so fucking beautiful like this, kneeling at his feet and blushing naively. The fact the he had sex-hair just made the whole thing better. "It's more than okay." He confirmed.
The two ate slowly, Blaine feeding Kurt bits of bacon and eggs and fruit off of his plate. They talked, learning about each other and asking the most random questions.
"What did you want to be when you were a kid?" Blaine asked, holding a strawberry out in front of Kurt. He leaned in and bit the delectable fruit, his lips brushing against Blaine's fingers. Blaine jumped to attention at the thought of those soft lips somewhere else. Bad Blaine he chastised himself mentally. Think unsexy thoughts before you rape the poor boy.
"Same thing I want to do now." Kurt answered. "Open my own bakery. Something like 'Death by Hummel' or 'Kurt's Cupcakes'." He chuckled a little, but the laugh died on his lips. That dream was as good as gone now.
"Mmm, Kurt cupcake…" Blaine mumbled above him, laughing. "Sounds tasty." He joked. "Hey… what's wrong lovely?" he asked, noticing Kurt's crestfallen look.
"I just… I don't really like the idea of being stuck at home all the time Master." He confessed. "I wanted to go to college and have my own business and everything and now I just… can't." I wanted to be able to provide for myself, he added mentally, I hate relying on people.
"Kurt, look at me." Blaine said. Kurt raised his face to look at him, unshed tears shining in his eyes. "If you wanted to go to college you should have told me. Just because you have a Dom doesn't mean you have to stay home and do nothing. We can talk about you going off to college if you want. You just have to be open with me."
Kurt's smile was radiant. "Thank you Master." He murmured. "I'll try to talk to you more, I promise."
"Good." Blaine smiled down at him, happy that he was happy. "Now come on, enough heavy stuff." He pulled the boy to his feet and smirked. "We're going out. Go get dressed. Wear something warm." He instructed, giving Kurt a mock-spank and sending him on his way. Kurt paused and turned, but before he could speak Blaine said, "And no, I'm not telling you where we're going."
Kurt pouted but went to get changed anyway. Blaine could hear him squealing to a friend on his cell and smiled, grabbing his own phone.
"Hey. … Yeah we're leaving now. Give it half an hour. We should be back around four thirty. … Sounds good. … Ok. … Bye."
Blaine settled onto the couch and waited for Kurt to come down. It had been about twenty minutes when he heard a sudden "what?" echo down the staircase. An angry "oh I am going to wring her skinny little neck" followed. A very pissed off Kurt came down the stairs, still talking rapidly on his phone as he grabbed his jacket.
"She knows I love that song and she knows I'd sing it better. … I honestly don't care! … She can't say that, she knows why I left. That doesn't mean Mr. Shue can act like I don't exist. … Yeah. … I gotta go; I'll talk to you later. … Love you too 'Cedes. Bye." With that he shoved his phone in his pocket and collapsed next to Blaine, letting out an angry "urgh!"
"Trouble in paradise?" Blaine asked, taking Kurt's hand and smiling. He couldn't help it. Pissed off Kurt was a very sexy Kurt.
"Nothing new. Rachel being her usual bratty self." Kurt confirmed. "Mr. Shue, our coach, suggested this amazing song for sectionals and since I wasn't there to defend myself, she snapped it up."
"What song?"
"Defying Gravity from Wicked."
"You know that song has an F sharp right?"
"That is well within my range." Kurt scoffed. Blaine quirked an eyebrow but didn't say anything, getting up and offering Kurt his hand instead.
Kurt had the grace to blush, taking Blaine's hand and following him out the door. "I'm sorry Master, I shouldn't have snapped at you." He mumbled. Blaine just rubbed his back and helped him into his seat.
"Rachel, is that the little lead vocalist you guys have?" he asked a few minutes later as they pulled out of the winding drive. "She's got a pretty good voice." Kurt huffed.
"Yeah. She's great. But I'm better." He mumbled the last sentence, but Blaine still heard him.
"I'm sorry baby." He murmured, taking Kurt's hand across the little divider between their seats. Kurt squeezed back and smiled a little.
"No need to be sorry. I just hate how she never gives me a chance or even recognizes other people's talents. She honestly said when we started up that she and Finn would sing and we would sway in the background." He leaned into the domineering man without really thinking about it, twisting his neck to kiss his shoulder briefly.
"And your brother didn't stand up for you?" Blaine asked curiously, smiling at the willing contact from his beautiful boy.
"Oh he wasn't my brother at the time. He actually didn't like me that much because I had a major crush on him." Kurt blushed. "My dad and his mom got married a few months ago."
"Are your parents divorced or something?"
"Umm… n-no she… my mom… she, uh, she died when I was nine." Kurt managed to stutter out as the car came to a halt. Blaine frowned and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder.
"I really need to work on my tact." Blaine muttered to himself. Kurt giggled a little and shrugged, curling his legs up underneath himself and sighing in content. "We're here baby, open your eyes."
He grumbled playfully, but dragged his eyelids back anyways. And promptly began to scream. Blaine couldn't help the grin on his face as Kurt squirmed around in his chair, rambling on and on. "Oh my gosh thank you – how did you know? – this is so awesome!"
Blaine opened his door and slid out gracefully, opening Kurt's side for him. In his excitement, the boy managed to tangle himself in the seatbelt. He was just too damn endearing. They got their stuff out of the trunk and went in, Kurt chattering excitedly.
The ice rink was deserted save for a few employees. Kurt knew the people well enough that there should have been thirty people here at the least. A creeping suspicion grew in the back of his mind and he rounded on Blaine, his voice a little sharper than he intended. "Master did you… did you rent out the whole rink?" Kurt asked, stupefied. Blaine just nodded and grinned. Kurt groaned but didn't protest. He knew it wouldn't do anything.
"Why are you so against me spoiling you?" Blaine asked curiously as they laced up their skates. "I thought most people would love that."
"Most people would." Kurt murmured in agreement, standing on the thin blades with practiced ease and turning to get on the ice. "But I don't deserve it." He whispered, more to himself. Blaine still heard him. He followed the downtrodden boy onto the ice and took his hand, pulling him a few feet away from the entrance and wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.
"You deserve everything Kurt. You've done nothing but try to make me happy since you moved in; I don't see how you can think you don't deserve happiness."
Kurt pushed the taller man away, gliding to the other side of the rink and scrubbing his eyes clear. Blaine didn't follow him.
It wasn't something from the last few weeks that made him think this way. It was engrained in his personality from years of self torment. Something he knew was true. Something his father denied vehemently. Something he'd never tell Master about. He could never be punished enough to make up for what he'd done.
Blaine was going insane. One minute Kurt was looking at him like he hung the moon, next he was crying and running away. He wanted, no, needed, Kurt to open up more. He couldn't bear the thought of his submissive in pain.
Sighing heavily, he leaned against the glass surrounding the rink and waited for Kurt to calm down enough that he could talk to him. Instead of coming back however, Kurt started skating in circles in the center of the rink, adding a little spin every now and then. The boy was absolutely enchanting.
A good ten minutes had gone by, and Kurt had finally managed to calm himself. The systematic way he'd circled the rink, starting with a little circle in the dead center, slowly expanding, had helped him get back into rhythm. He finally forced himself to go back to Blaine, murmuring an awkward apology.
Blaine smiled and took his hand, pulling him close. Kurt explained shakily why he thought he didn't deserve praise and Blaine rested his forehead on Kurt's, a sure, confidant look in his eye.
"Whatever happened Kurt… it doesn't matter. It obviously affects you and I want to know more when you're ready, but it doesn't change how I think of you. I still think you are the most beautiful submissive in the world. I don't think I spoil you enough to be honest." He grinned and stole a kiss.
The two stood in each other's arms for a few more moments before Kurt laced his fingers with his Master's and they began slowly skating around the rink.
"How did you know I like it here?" Kurt asked a few laps later, eyeing the taller suspiciously.
Blaine sighed dramatically. "I may or may not have perved info out of your friends."
Kurt laughed. It made his heart swell, however, knowing that Master had gone out of his way to make him happy.
"Finn said you were here practically every day. Do you have a fondness for blue balls or something?"
"No!" Kurt yelped. "I mean… uh, no, Master, I mostly just practice."
"Practice what?" Blaine asked curiously. Kurt smiled coyly and released Master's hand, pushing himself faster and faster, until he reached the middle and flew into the air, spinning a few times before landing gracefully and going back to Blaine as if nothing had happened. Blaine's eyes were as wide as saucers. "Fuck… that was… that was sexy. Just another reason to love my little pet I suppose."
Kurt flushed at the praise and smiled shyly. "It's not that good. I still can't get the triple axel down, and I-" Blaine pressed Kurt into the glass and pressed a finger to his lips.
"Enough. No more putting yourself down, understood?" he looked Kurt straight in the eye as he spoke, a confidant, and assuring energy seeming to seep from him to Kurt. Kurt's eyelids fluttered for a moment and he tried to calm his breathing. Fuck… that voice.
He whimpered a little and nodded shakily. "Yes Master." He murmured; his breathing slow and even as he stared into Blaine's eyes.
The submissive had to swallow hard and muster up his courage before stretching to breech the small distance between them. Blaine pulled away almost instantly, holding him in place with a fierce gaze.
"Bad boy." He chastised gently. Kurt looked confused and worried. "You ask before you touch." He corrected the boy's behavior. Kurt's expression loosened slightly before it took on a simpering, desperate quality.
"Please Master… please kiss me." He whimpered, shifting his body against Blaine's in an unconsciously sexual way. Blaine choked back a moan and leaned in to nip at Kurt's neck.
"I don't know… have you been a good boy?" he teased. Kurt whimpered and nodded frantically. Blaine chuckled and pressed his lips to Kurt's, arms wrapping around his waist tightly.
"I don't wanna leave." Kurt complained playfully, dropping onto the bench and pouting. Blaine laughed.
"We can come back again." He assured. That seemed to cheer Kurt up, and he smiled thankfully at Blaine. A comfortable silence overtook them as they drove home, hands still firmly clasped together and a contented look on Kurt's face as he leaned into Blaine. For once, things just felt right.