Of Pleasure and Pain
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,400 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
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Chapter 5

A submissive's place is at his/her Dominant's feet. They are to serve their Dominant according to the Domination Constitution and the contract they sign upon collaring. Conversely, the job of a Dominant is to cherish their submissive. Good behavior should be rewarded, while bad is punished. Punishments should never be excessive and should always be within the guidelines set forth by the law. A Dominant that violates this, breaks not only their contract, but the Constitution.

That week was awkward to say the least. Kurt avoided Blaine as much as he could, staying late after school and hiding in his room whenever he was home. Blaine wasn't that much different. He knew the boy needed space and, even though all he wanted was to pull his submissive into his arms and never let him go, he respected that.

It wasn't until Friday that anything happened.

Up to then, Kurt had made a point of keeping his collar covered. He didn't want to have to look at it and he didn't want his friends to see it. But today it was sweltering outside. The sun was shining down with all its force and Kurt couldn't help but enjoy it.

So for the first time since that weekend, he gave up the turtle necks and scarves, choosing to wear a graphic tee instead. He gave Blaine his usual stilted goodbye, not missing how the Warbler grinned seeing his collar on display.

The glee club members didn't say much about this newly revealed accessory, except for Santana who said it was 'kind of ratty.' It wasn't until lunch that his worst nightmare came true.

Kurt was on his way to the cafeteria alone, having been kept after class, when a strong hand wrapped around his upper arm roughly, yanking him down a different hallway and into the deserted boys locker room.

Dave was screaming insults at the terrified boy, who seemed to curl in on himself protectively. He was shoved back into the locker and soft lips pressed against his, the feeling contradictive to how forcefully he'd been pushed around. He knew he should have done what he always did. Go limp and wait for the attack to be over. But his brain was screaming at him, urging him to fight back.

This isn't Master! It screeched, incensed. What are you doing? Find Master!

Kurt pushed against Karofsky's chest and shouted for help, not knowing if it would come or not. A sharp elbow landed in the small of his back, making him collapse and almost pass out from the pain.

"Fucking useless." His attacker spat before stalking out of the room.

Kurt curled into himself on the filthy floor, a single, heartbreaking tear streaking down his cheek.

It took him twenty minutes to be able to stand without wanting to cry out. He texted Blaine as he scurried down the hallways, keeping his eyes open in case of another attack.

Coming home early. Had a bad day. – K

What happened? – B

Nothing I'm not used to. – K

You know I can't help if you don't let me in . oh and JSYK Jeff is coming over tonight. – B

Ok – K

With that he flipped his phone closed and started his car, eager to escape his own personal hell.

Three hours later there was a light knock on his door. He called for them to come in, hiding the little picture album he'd been staring at under his pillow and sitting up. Jeff sauntered in and sat on Kurt's desk chair.

"Hey." Kurt said awkwardly. Jeff laughed.

"Dude, relax. I don't bite." Kurt smirked a little. "So Blaine said you guys where having issues?"

Kurt blanched. "Not issues really. Well, sorta. Blaine's just being annoying."

"Ok first of all, you always address your Dom properly; even if he isn't in the room. Second, it's his job to be annoying. If what he told me is anything to go by he was just trying to look out for you."

Kurt sighed and curled into himself. Jeff moved to sit next to him. "I know he thinks he's helping but he isn't. I just really don't want to talk about it." He took in a shaky breath. "Even if I talk to him, nothing will change."

"Kurt…" Jeff's hand moved to Kurt's back, trying to help him relax, but Kurt yelped and moved away quickly, his face tinged with pain. Jeff's eyes narrowed.

"Come here Kurt." He said quietly. "Let me see your back." Kurt shook his head and moved away further. Jeff's voice hardened. "Kurt, just get your ass over here before I call Blaine."

Fear colored Kurt's eyes and he stood immediately, pulling his shirt over his head and standing nervously in front of the elder.

Jeff's eyes widened. Across most of Kurt's back were dark and yellowing bruises, varying in size and color. They marred his flawless porcelain skin, ugly marks against unreserved perfection. His fingers traced lightly over what seemed to be the newest one, an odd circular shape in the small of his back. Kurt whimpered in pain and stiffened, but didn't move.

"Turn around." Jeff whispered softly. Kurt hurried to comply. The markings weren't as bad here, but there were still a few littering his chest and stomach. Jeff pulled Kurt down to him, wincing mentally when he saw the look of terror in the boy's eyes. He held Kurt to him and rocked them back and forth, not saying anything for the moment. Eventually Kurt seemed to relax marginally, curling his knees up to his chest and leaning into his newfound friend. They stayed that way, neither noticing the silent tears streaking down Kurt's face, until they were no longer silent. His body heaved with sobs, coughing as he choked in his struggle to breathe properly. He started to spit out random bits of sentences, the words too garbled for Jeff to understand.

"– my fault – don't tell – can't take it" Jeff hushed him softly.

"It's never your fault Kurt. Never. I never took Blaine as the type to do this." He sighed heavily. "Don't worry, I'll talk to Master, maybe you can stay with us for a while."

"No!" Kurt suddenly started squirming. He moved to sit next to Jeff and looked him dead in the eye, tears still streaming down his face. "M-Master didn't do this to me, please, please don't make me leave."

Jeff wrapped an arm around Kurt's shoulder gently. "If he didn't do it then who did? Your parents?" his voice was getting a little panicky. He wasn't used to dealing with this kind of stuff.

"No, god no. Carol and dad would never hurt me." he subconsciously grabbed his little blanket, running his hands over it comfortingly. "How do you do it?"

Jeff was bewildered. "Do what?"

"Act all subservient to Nick. I mean I can understand sitting on the floor and stuff but like crawling everywhere and the gag at the mall and acting like he's the freaking air you breathe just seems a little crazy." Kurt rambled. Jeff knew he was trying to distract him from the problem at hand, but answered anyway.

"Master and I have known each other since we were really young. We were always really good friends for a long time and things just sort of fell into place when he claimed me. I was a bit of a wild child to be honest. My parents never really cared and I would act out as much as I could to try and get their attention. It was so engrained in my personality that when I moved in with Master, I threw fits just so he'd pay more attention to me. That…" he chuckled. "That didn't go well. Master wasn't like my parents. We talked about it and it took a while but I told him everything that had happened. He promised me that he'd never abandon me like that.

"I'd gone so out of control by that point that I just didn't trust myself to make decisions anymore. Even making myself lunch I would freak out and feel like I was doing something wrong or making a mistake. I got so stressed that I would just refuse to do anything unless directly ordered to. Master makes most decisions for me these days because I'm still so nervous about it. I suppose you could say we have a TPE relationship."

They pair stayed quiet for a few moments. Finally, taking a deep breath, Kurt looked away and mumbled, "Did Master tell you about Dave?"

"That other Dom in your school? Yeah, he said it seemed to freak you out."

"He… he's the one who…" he waved a hand over his general body; he couldn't make himself say it.


"Because he's the biggest ass of all time." Kurt snapped. "I… I honestly don't know. He would always be a jerk to me and my friends because we're in the glee club, but he always seemed to always focus on me. When I turned seventeen he dialed it down a bit but he would always threaten that he was going to claim me and make my life hell. Most of this," he pointed to his back, "is from being shoved into lockers and stuff."

He turned to face his newfound friend and his eyes turned desperate. "Please, please don't tell Master." He begged. "I'm just… I'm not ready for him to know. He'd just baby me."

"No he wouldn't." Jeff said, shaking his head. "But ok, I won't tell anyone. But if I get in shit from my Master it's your ass." He teased, shoving against Kurt's shoulder. Kurt couldn't help but chuckle and shove back.

They talked quietly for a few more minutes before Kurt sighed and pulled his shirt on again.

"I guess we should get out there huh?" he asked reluctantly. Jeff laughed.

"We can hang out in here as long as you want but knowing my Master he'll think we're being bad."

Kurt looked confused, then blushed deeply and giggled nervously. "No offense to you but, no thanks."

"You never know." Jeff shrugged. "Sharing is fun." He waggled his eyebrows and Kurt turned bright red.

"Ok, I'm leaving before I pass out from blushing." Kurt announced.

Jeff hit his knees as soon as he left the room, Kurt following suit almost instinctively. Jeff shot him a look and smiled encouragingly. He just rolled his eyes and started crawling down the stairs backwards, trying not to fall. Jeff laughed and flew down the steps easily. He sat at the bottom smirking at him and Kurt just rolled his eyes again, bumping him with his shoulder once he reached the bottom.

Just as they rounded the corner to the living room they heard Blaine shouting. "Victory! I! AM! ALL! POWERFUL!" he froze. "Oh, hey Kurt."

The subs shared a look and went over to their Masters. Kurt bumped his head against Blaine's knee as he passed and the elder smiled, carding his hand through Kurt's hair. By the little noise of content he made, Blaine knew the silent treatment was finally over.

Kurt turned to see Nick kiss Jeff possessively. "Were you a good boy?" he asked playfully. Jeff grinned evilly and raised an eyebrow at Kurt who beamed despite himself, hiding his face in Blaine's legs. Blaine shot Nick a look and tried not to laugh. He knew that Jeff was just screwing with them but it was so damn cute to see Kurt blush like that.

Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and the young man curled into his chest, his head tucking under his chin. "Well I hope you two behaved or you won't be able to play together anymore." he teased. Kurt mumbled something into Blaine's chest. "What was that?"

"I said I'd rather play with you than Jeff Master." He repeated, blushing. The embarrassment was worth it though, for the breathtaking kiss he got in return.

Firm lips pressed to his and his breath flew out of him in a rush as his Master's tongue danced across his lips. He whimpered and opened his mouth willingly. Blaine's tongue pressed against his playfully and he moaned, pressing up closer against his chest and wrapping his arms around the taller man's neck.

He didn't know how long the kiss lasted, and he didn't care. His Master finally pulled away, peppering little kisses on his cheeks and nose before straightening up fully. Kurt had to blink a few times before his brain registered what had happened.

He blushed again and curled into Blaine's torso, listening to his heartbeat and smiling to himself. Jeff smirked at him from the ground and he couldn't help but grin back. Blaine's chest rumbled as he started talking to Nick. Kurt just closed his eyes and listened to the relaxing, dull buzz of voices.

"What was with Sebastian today? He seemed really distracted."

"Well he turns eighteen in two weeks. I'd be distracted too." Nick commented, chuckling. "He said he found the perfect guy a few days ago."

"Really? Is he old enough?"

"Of age next Tuesday, Seb's birthday is next Thursday." Nick confirmed. "That Sam guy has one hell of a guy to look forward too." They laughed and Kurt perked up a bit. Sam? Sam's birthday was on Tuesday… he tapped on Blaine's shoulder. He smiled down at Kurt and nodded.

"Do you know what his last name is?" he asked worriedly. Blaine eyed him curiously.

"Evans wasn't it?" he asked, Nick nodding in confirmation.

"Well." Kurt mumbled. "That's just a little insane." Blaine and Nick eyed him like he was nuts. "Sam Evans is in New Directions with me." he explained, smiling a little.

"Crazy." Nick agreed. The two slowly fell back into conversation, talking about random things that Kurt didn't really care about. His eyes drooped closed as the rhythmic rise and fall of Blaine's chest lulled him to sleep.


Blaine smiled down at the man curled up in his lap. He looked so peaceful like this. Nick and Jeff had long gone, but Blaine didn't want to move and risk waking his angel.

He buried his nose into Kurt's messy hair. He smiled a little; he couldn't help it. He'd hidden all of Kurt's hair products a few days ago and though he went ballistic looking for them, he looked much cuter without all the gel and such.

It was with a contented sigh and a gentle smile that Blaine fell asleep, holding his beautiful angel close.


The next week passed easily, the two spending more and more time together. They never went past kissing, Kurt always asking Blaine to stop before it could get out of hand. Blaine was just happy that Kurt was talking to him.


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