Of Pleasure and Pain
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 47

E - Words: 1,111 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
655 0 0 0 2

Chapter 47

Of all the people affected by Kurt's disappearance, and there were many, Sam and Blaine seemed to be the worst off.

The Dom threw himself into trying to find Kurt, constantly badgering the police officers that were investigating the case. His friends told him that he was over reacting, but he said it was the only thing keeping him from going insane.

Sam on the other hand, had completely shut down. He refused to go to school, wouldn't eat, he barely spoke. In turn, this caused Puck to go insane. He went crazier than Sebastian, constantly sitting by his bed and begging him to talk, get up, eat, anything. Sebastian tried to calm them both, but it seemed to only terrify them further.

"Please Sam, just eat something. You're gonna get sick again." Puck begged. The blonde stared at him blankly. "You're gonna hurt yourself." He snapped, folding his arms and facing away from the bed. In less than two minutes he was pleading again.

"Noah, just leave him be." Sebastian sighed. "he'll eat when he's hungry, we can't force feed him."

"You're not helping!" he growled. "this is just like Karofsky, he's not gonna eat and he'll get malnourished and he'll die and then I'll kill you for telling me it'll be fine!" he snapped, trembling with anger. Sebastian held up his hands and walked away.

Blaine went to school, but he was on autopilot. He'd missed so many Warbler practices that they doubted he'd perform at Regionals, and had struggled to find a new routine. Both the songs they'd chosen had Kurt and Blaine heavily on lead, and they were at a loss as to what to do.

"Blaine, come on. I know you're upset but we need you! I mean hey, my grandma passed a week ago and I'm fine!" Wes insisted. Blaine finally rounded on him.

"Upset is running out of gas, upset is not being able to catch the ice cream truck. I am despondent. Even you're grandmother dying doesn't compare. At least you know what happened. Heart attack, fell over dead, the end. Kurt is still somewhere out there, being held god knows where being hurt by god knows who. I don't know if he's dead or alive, if he's looking for me, or if he's in some ditch barely breathing. I am ten and a half worlds away from upset." And with that, he stormed off.


Padding down the carpeted hallway slowly, Kurt wrapped his arms around his stomach comfortingly. He kept his eyes down as he entered the living room.

"Hey Kurt." Dave chirped, barely looking up from his TV screen as he watched players attack each other. Kurt knelt beside him slowly, unsure of what to do. Dave paused his game and glanced down at him, smiling softly.

"Come on, you can sit up here." He invited. Kurt smiled back, hopefully looking eager, and pulled himself onto the couch. He sat close enough so that their thighs touched, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the floor. "Kurt, you're shaking." Dave informed him, sounding worried as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Sorry." He mumbled, leaning into Dave stiffly. The jock just rubbed his shoulder and kissed the top of his head. They sat in relative silence for a few minutes. Kurt slowly made himself relax, nearly on Karofsky's lap by the time they spoke again.

"Sorry about the clothes." The bigger man said. "I don't have anything smaller."

"They're fine Sir." Kurt mumbled, hiding his face in Dave's chest.


The two were sleeping in the same bed, unfortunately. Dave had offered to take the couch, but Kurt didn't want the jock to inadvertently get some sort of grudge against him, so he slept on the other side of his queen sized bed.

Kurt shrieked and jumped, somehow managing to land right on Karofsky's chest. The jock grunted as the air was knocked out of him, instinctively wrapping his arms around Kurt before he'd even opened his eyes. The lightning struck again outside and Kurt hid his face in preparation, still flinching when the thunder. He whimpered and clutched at Dave's nightshirt, too scared to worry about the proximity.

"Kurt? Kurt what's wrong?" Dave asked worriedly, holding the brunette tighter. Something had to be up. Kurt had hardly been willing to touch him, this was bizarre. The lightning flashed brightly, illuminating Kurt's tear stained face for a fraction of a second, before he sobbed again with the thunder. "Kurt are you… are you scared of storms?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on the back of his head as he hid in his chest again. Kurt nodded slowly, trembling with fear.

"I'm sorry, I just- my mom- car crash- hate thunder." He managed to choke out, only a few words unmuffled enough to be understood.

Dave sighed and patted him on the back slowly, holding him through the night while he trembled.


"Kurt?" the brunette looked up from the notebook he'd been doodling in. He was kneeling by the couch, where Dave had been sitting until a few minutes ago.

"How may I please you Sir?" he asked softly, careful not to look him in the eye. For nine days he'd been cooped up in this house wearing old clothes and sleeping in Dave's bed. His 'new Dom' had only left him once to go grocery shopping, the first time that he discovered that their bedroom door could lock from the outside as opposed to the inside. Despite the constant chattering of Karofsky in his ear that he should 'chill out' and he 'wasn't going to hurt him like that bastard', Kurt had been doing everything by the book, following to the letter. Of course, his sex ed had been taught by a Dom who thought subs were better seen than heard, and were nothing more than slaves to do their Dom's every bidding. Nevertheless, he did everything he'd been taught, acting like the 'perfect sub.'

"Come on, we're going out." Dave said, waving him over before disappearing down the hall again.

Kurt froze for a moment before scrambling to his feet. "Wait, out? Like... outside out?" he asked, stunned.

"Yes, outside out. There's a few stores just outside of the city, I figured we could find you some decent clothes. Probably won't be that expensive crap you're used to, but I figured it's better than my old rags." He shrugged, and let out a startled grunt when he was tackled by Kurt.

"Thank you!" the brunette squealed, before freezing and slowly backing away. He cleared his throat nervously, staring at the floor as he mumbled "I mean, um, thank you, Sir."

Dave chuckled and took Kurt by the hand. "You're okay Fancy. I like seeing you excited." He informed the pale boy. Kurt smiled faintly.


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