Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 4
Secrets are toxic to any sort of relationship; whether it is a lover or a friend. The best course of action is to always be honest and forthcoming, even if the truth might cause one pain.
The next day found a very excited Kurt. He couldn't seem to keep the grin off his face as the two worked together to cover the walls of his room a light lavender. He couldn't help but laugh when Blaine couldn't figure out how to assemble the little work desk they'd gotten. Blaine painted his nose in retaliation, which only made Kurt laugh harder.
Six hours and a shower later, Kurt was yawning and snuggling into Blaine's side. His Master curled strong arms around him and buried his face in his messy hair.
"I hate to be the devil's advocate, but shouldn't we be getting to sleep?" he asked, chuckling.
"Don' wanna move." Kurt mumbled.
"Well how can I say no to that?" Blaine asked rhetorically.
"You can't." Kurt sighed. The two molded into each other, talking quietly as they watched random late night TV.
Why was this so easy? Kurt had always thought that a Dom would be impossible to get along with, but here he was cuddling up to him like he was a teddy bear. He had fallen into the lower role so effortlessly that it almost scared him. Lips pressed to his neck and he angled his neck out to give him better access.
"Where has your pretty head gone to?"
"It's nothing Master." Blaine pulled back to look in his young sub's eyes disapprovingly. "I'm just kinda confused, it's not important."
"Everything about you is important to me." Blaine insisted softly.
"I just… I don't understand why I don't hate you. No, wait, that didn't come out right! It's just, I always thought I'd be miserable with a Dom and now there's you and you're really sweet and not at all what I expected." He huffed out a breath and hid his face in Blaine's arm. "Just forget I said anything."
"You're submissive side is coming out more; it makes it easier to relax around me. Are there actually any Doms at your school?"
"Yeah, Santana and this other guy Dave."
"Well I can understand a lesbian not affecting you much…" he mused. "Have you interacted much with this Dave?" he felt the smaller freeze up and his breathing increased rapidly.
"N– No, not really." He mumbled unconvincingly. Blaine gave him a look.
"I thought I told you not to lie to me." he said sternly. His voice softened and he leaned his forehead against Kurt's. "You can tell me anything beautiful. I want to be here for you. Just get it out there, it can't be that hard."
"It's nothing important, would you just leave it?" Kurt snapped, shoving off of the couch and storming off to his room. He slammed the door and leaned against it, exhausted. He dug through his bag and grabbed his phone, curling onto the bed as he hit the number two speed dial. He needed to talk to his girls.
Blaine didn't follow his sub. He knew better than to push the emotionally fragile teen. He had promised to be patient and he would be, even if it killed him.
And at this point, it just might.
The boy was an emotional rollercoaster and Blaine wasn't sure what to make of it.
"I just don't know what to do! I mean I want to be honest with him but I really don't want him to find out about all this shit." Kurt groaned, exasperated.
"Dolphin, I know it's gonna be hard, but trust me. Things will be so much better when you tell him. Secrets just get you in trouble." Brittney said softly.
"Uh, Brit, did you just call him a dolphin?" Mercedes asked, chuckling.
"Yeah. Dolphins are gay sharks right?"
Everyone laughed.
"Guys, crisis here!"
"Look lady face, just tell him. He'll get it." Santana suggested.
"Well hold on, even if he tells Blaine it doesn't mean things will get better. It could just add unneeded stress." Mercedes pointed out.
"Just do what you think is right, ok?" Sam said after a long pause. He was the only male sub Kurt knew so naturally he'd been included in the conversation. "And calls us if things go bad."
"I will, I promise." Kurt sighed. Talking with his friends had helped somewhat, but he was still so confused. They all said goodnight, his friends giving him well wishes and looking forward to seeing him Monday.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on his door. He called for Blaine to come in, rolling away from the door. A warm hand rested on his shoulder and the bed beside him dipped down.
"I'm sorry. I should have known not to push it." Blaine sighed. Kurt just pretended to be asleep. "I'm going to get Jeff to come over in a few days. I think it'll do you good to have someone to talk to besides me."
"I don't need your sympathy. I have my friends to talk to." Kurt grumbled.
"True, but Jeff has been a sub for almost a year now. It might help to talk to someone a little more experienced. Just try, ok?" Blaine begged. Kurt sighed and rolled over.
"Fine. But don't expect me to be all zip-a-dee-doo-da with him." Blaine couldn't help but smile at that.