Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 3
The Dominant holds the power in the relationship, however it is His responsibility to understand the difference between punishment and abuse, and know when He has crossed a line.
They stood silently for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, before Kurt pulled away infinitesimally and looked up at Blaine shyly through his lashes. "Can… umm, can I go get my clothes and stuff? I have a lot of homework to do." He let out an awkward chuckle.
Blaine smiled and tightened his arms around Kurt possessively. He let out a dramatic sigh. "Well I guess I could let you go for a few hours. Need any help studying?"
Kurt shook his head. "No, but thank you." Blaine quirked an eyebrow. "Master." He added, blushing. "Sorry Master. It… it's just hard to always remember."
Blaine smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You'll get used to it." He assured. "Come on, I'll help you get your stuff in."
Within half an hour, the two got everything into Kurt's new room. Blaine noticed how carefully Kurt folded the worn blanket, almost religious about how he placed the items on the bed.
Blaine was watching TV while Kurt mumbled to himself in the dining room. It was entertaining, listening him rant to his homework as if it was its fault that he had to do it. He was just so cute.
BANG! BANG BANG! Blaine jumped a little.
"What in the name of Gaga was that?" Kurt yelped.
"Just the door, don't freak." Blaine laughed, hauling himself off the couch and down the hall. He swung the door open and was immediately mauled by his fellow Warblers. They ran into the house, yelling and laughing. Nick gave Blaine a noogie and cackled. "You didn't think you were getting out of guys night did you? Don't matter how many houses you got, we're still gonna find you."
Jeff smiled from behind Nick but didn't say anything. Blaine grinned back and rolled his eyes. "I told you guys not to come."
They all ranted at him about the 'ritual' of guys' night and dragged him into the living room. A pair of blue-green eyes peered out at the from behind the arched doorway. As soon as Blaine noticed him however, Kurt ducked back out of view. Blaine chuckled to himself and walked over the the dining room, waving off his friends when they tried to follow him.
He wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and kissed under his ear. "You know, you're allowed to meet them. You don't have to hide out in here." Kurt chewed his lip and leaned his forehead on Blaine's chest. "Hey, look at me." he hesitated, but glanced up at the warbler through his lashes. "I'm not going to make you do anything. Just come out if you want to ok?"
"Ok Master." Kurt whispered, his arms going around Blaine's waist. Blaine kissed the top of his head and trailed his fingers over the collar that contrasted so beautifully with his porcelain skin. A pleasant shiver ran down Kurt's spine.
"Blaine! Get your ass out here or I'll destroy your Spice Girls collection!" someone hollered, completely ruining their moment. Kurt grinned and laughed a little.
"Go protect your CDs." He chuckled, nudging against Blaine's chest. Blaine leaned in and stole a chaste, breathtaking kiss before sauntering back into the living room.
Kurt sat at the table again, staring blankly at the pages in front of him. He knew what to do, at least in theory, his brain just felt fried. He opted instead to listen to the conversation floating in from the main room.
"-was that in there?" someone asked. He heard Blaine laugh.
"None of your business Nick."
"Ooooh Blainers has a hot date!" the one named Nick teased. There was a scuffling sound and someone yelped in pain, multiple voices laughing.
Kurt smiled to himself and shook his head, forcing himself to focus on his work.
About half an hour went by and Kurt managed to finish his science. Gaga only knew how much Kurt hated science. He folded his arms over the table and rested his chin on them, letting his eyes drift shut. He let out a soft breath and let his muscles relax.
Then his stomach growled loudly.
Kurt rolled his eyes and wandered through the swinging door to the kitchen, looking around. It was already five thirty, and he hadn't eaten since breakfast this morning.
He didn't want to go snooping around the kitchen without permission, so he went back into the dining room and through the little archway, before pausing and biting his lip. Rule number two. He had to crawl when they had visitors. Without really thinking about it, Kurt fell lightly to his knees and leaned forward to brace himself on his hands. Luckily the carpet was thick and soft enough that it didn't hurt his knees.
It took him a few moments to get situated moving around, but he crawled into the living room, keeping his eyes down and not looking at Blaine's friends as he moved to sit gracefully in front of Blaine. He couldn't help but notice that there was another boy with a collar sitting on the floor in front of someone, a leash running from his collar to the other boy's hand.
Kurt was distracted from his thoughts as Blaine's fingers wound through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. Kurt let out a little noise of content and leaned into the touch. Blaine found that one little spot just above his ear and pleasant shudders ran up and down Kurt's spine, an unwarranted whimper escaping his lips. Blaine chuckled.
"Hey you. I didn't think you'd be coming out any time soon." Blaine hummed quietly, still petting Kurt's hair. "Did you finish your homework?"
"Mostly." Kurt mumbled, his brain feeling like it would turn to mush from Blaine's soft touches. "I have to rehearse something for glee club but that can wait." He wrapped his arms around Blaine's calf and rested his forehead on his knee.
"Aw, Blainers, you got yourself a sub!" one of the boys on the couch exclaimed. "He's so cute!"
"I told you not to call me that." Blaine groaned, before smiling down at Kurt. "And yes, he's adorable."
Kurt felt like a new puppy someone was showing their friends. Then again, that was probably all he really was. A pet.
"Yeah babe?"
"'m hungry."
Blaine laughed. "Would you like me to get you something to eat?"
"Yes please!" Kurt replied, tilting his head upward and giving Blaine the best puppy dog look he knew. Blaine just shook his head, still chuckling, and got up. Kurt untangled himself from Blaine's legs and leaned back against the couch.
"You're really lucky, you know that?" Kurt snapped around to look at the boy kneeling a few feet away from him. He tilted his head and quirked an eyebrow. "Blaine's a great guy."
Kurt smiled and nodded a little. He wasn't really sure is he was allowed to talk to any of them freely. Blaine came back into the room and set a PB&J sandwich in front of Kurt before settling into the couch again. Kurt laughed to himself quietly, murmuring a thank you and sinking his teeth into the soft bread, leaning into Blaine's legs again without thinking. This made him curious.
Kurt had always thought crawling and kneeling would be uncomfortable and humiliating, but there was something… something right about resting his head on his Master's knees, his arms wrapped around the jean-clad calf. Why he was suddenly so comfortable with things that he thought would be embarrassing?
"Ugh I'm so effing bored!" one of the boys on the couch exclaimed. Blaine reached over and smacked him.
"If you guys are bored then why did you invade my house?"
"Because we're bored and it's guy's night!" Nick and the two others on the couch shouted. Blaine just rolled his eyes.
"Whatever Sebastian."
"I know!" the Dom holding the other sub's leash exclaimed. Kurt recognized the voice as Nick. "Dude, let's go to the mall! Catch a movie or something."
Kurt perked up instantly at the mention of shopping. Blaine noticed and grinned down at him. "Sure." He responded, never taking his eyes off of Kurt's lit up expression. "Sounds like fun."
The sub kneeling in front of Nick rolled his eyes a little at Kurt, who was squirming excitedly and trying to stifle his squeals. He tilted his head up and tapped on Nick's knee. Nick nodded for him to speak. "May I please come with you Master?" he asked politely. Kurt quirked his head curiously. Nick smiled and leaned down to kiss the boy's forehead, saying "of course you can Jeff."
Sebastian, Blaine, Nick, and the one whose name Kurt didn't know, all scrambled off the couch, shoving each other playfully. Jeff crawled after Nick, smirking and trying to keep his leash from getting tangled.
Kurt just sat there, not entirely sure what to do. Blaine glanced back at him. "You coming or not babe?" Kurt grinned and scrambled over to him. "Come on, you don't have to crawl in public." Blaine smiled warmly, pulling Kurt to his feet.
"So you're saying I can get anything I want?" Kurt asked.
"Anything you want." Blaine confirmed.
"Regardless of price?"
"Regardless of price." Blaine laughed. Kurt rested a hand on his hip and gave his Master a disbelieving look.
"You do know who you're talking to, right?"
Blaine chuckled. "I have a feeling I'm going to find out soon."
Blaine planned to meet back up with his friends at eight for the movie. Kurt couldn't get over the fact that Jeff was not only still crawling, but had a ball gag on. If Blaine ever tried to do that to him, Kurt would probably throw a bitch fit.
Kurt didn't know how much money Blaine had spent on him so far. He learned after the first few stores not to protest him spending money on him. They were currently looking at jewelry, Blaine trying to coax Kurt into getting his ear pierced.
"Come on baby, it'd be sexy." Blaine hummed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's upper body. His thumb brushed over Kurt's nipple and the smaller boy gasped sharply, his head flying back to hit Blaine's chest. Little whimpers escaped as Kurt writhed, trying to form a sentence properly.
"n-no… mmm… 's gonna hurt." He finally managed to mumble out, his head rolling side to side as his teeth dug into his lip. Blaine's fingers immediately reached up and tugged his lip out from between his teeth.
"You're going to ruin those luscious lips if you keep that up, and that won't please me." Kurt let out a shaking breath and whimpered. Blaine's method of courting was outright mean, using the boy's body against him, but at the same time Kurt couldn't get enough. His submissive nature made him crave the touches, he wanted to fall to his knees and obey. But at the same time, his mind was at war with his body. He didn't know Blaine; he didn't know anything about him. He wanted to get to know the man better. God, they hadn't even really kissed yet, and he still craved his Master's touch.
"I'll make you a deal." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear, holding the trembling boy closer and moving his hands to rest on his hips. "You do this, and we'll do whatever you want tomorrow. Anything you feel like doing."
Kurt started to chew his lip again, but stopped when Blaine pinched him in warning. He raised his arm to wrap around Blaine's neck and dropped his head back. His breathing was shallow and needy and god it was turning Blaine on. Kurt felt his Master hardening against his ass as he struggled to talk properly.
"If… if it's not too much can- can we renovate my room?"
Fuck. Me. Kurt had an inadvertent sluttish pout in his voice, while still managing to sound innocent. Blaine practically moaned. This boy didn't seem to know how intoxicating his inexperience was.
"Do you not like your room?" Blaine managed to ask, barely concealing the tremble in his voice. Kurt ducked his head and spoke into Blaine's chest, his voice subservient and a little nervous.
"No- no! I mean, yeah it's – nice I was just thinking like a paint job or maybe a desk. Just… just something to make it mine."
Blaine smiled. The fact that this perfect creature wanted to make himself at home warmed his heart. He wasn't trying to pull away or pretend it wasn't happening like some subs Blaine had heard of.
"Of course. I want you to be happy with me."
Kurt smiled a little and twisted around in his Dominant's arms, wrapping his own around the taller man's neck.
"I think… I think I will be." He said cautiously. Blaine's smile was radiant.
"So… do we have a deal?" he asked, burying his nose into the crook of Kurt's neck. Kurt just giggled a little and nodded.
Twenty minutes later, Kurt's ear had gained a little gold loop and a throbbing pain. He leaned into Blaine further and mumbled stupid insults that didn't make much sense. Blaine just chuckled and steered them into a video gaming store.
Blaine veered straight for the Xbox games and Kurt found himself wandering off to the other side of the store. He quirked his head to the side and picked up a case that looked interesting. He skimmed over the description as a strong pair of arms wrapped around his waist.
"Find something interesting beautiful?"
Kurt blushed deeply at the name and turned, smiling shyly. "Nah, just looking."
"You really shouldn't lie to me you know." Blaine said casually. Kurt froze. He started stuttering nervously and Blaine leaned down to kiss him on the nose. "I can tell you really like whatever it is you where looking at. Why didn't you just say you wanted it?"
Kurt shrugged awkwardly. "You've spent enough on me."
Blaine held Kurt by the chin and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'd buy you the whole damn world if I could. Some clothes and video games aren't that big a deal."
Kurt smiled wryly and rolled his eyes a little. "You know one day I'm going to find out where all this cash is coming from." He informed his Master casually as he turned to look at the other games. Blaine leaned in next to him and grabbed the system for the games Kurt was looking at.
"Trust me, you don't wanna know."
"Oh but I do" Kurt smirked.
Blaine sighed and wound his arms tighter around Kurt. "My parents are kinda rich." He mumbled. Kurt lifted an eyebrow curiously. "My dad invented pop tarts." Blaine said. He laughed at the look of utter shock on Kurt's face.
"Well." He finally managed to say. "Good for him." Blaine just laughed.
"Do you have everything you want?" Kurt nodded. He trailed after and forced himself not to say anything when he saw the total. "Come on; let's put this stuff away and head to the theatre."
The two trudged out to the car, laden down with bags, and tossed them in the backseat and trunk of Blaine's little hybrid. An arm wrapped around Kurt's shoulder as they took their time walking back. Kurt leaned into the embrace slightly and Blaine smiled.
"Go get some popcorn, ok babe?" Blaine said softly once they got to the cinema. Kurt saw Blaine shoot Nick a look and chewed his lip again. What was going on? "It's ok sweetheart. And stop doing that." He added, tugging his lip out from between his teeth again. He gave Kurt his wallet and smiled lovingly. Kurt leaned up and kissed his Master briefly, scampering off immediately as a blush crept up his neck. Blaine merely laughed.
My dad invented pop tarts." LOL Best line EVER!
Haha, yeah, lawyer dad just seemed really played out, and honestly i was tired when i wrote this part... *shrug* just needed some reason for them to have no money stress cause that addded onto everything else would destroy me XD