Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 23
Kurt, please call me. We need to talk about this… I'm sorry.
Look, please just let me know you're ok.
Please Kurt. I'm so fucking worried about you. Come home, please.
And so the messages continued. Kurt sighed shakily and turned his phone off.
"What the hell happened anyway?" Sam asked, passing Kurt a steaming mug of herbal tea. A very wet, red eyed Kurt had shown up at his door fifteen minutes ago, whimpering about Blaine and being in trouble.
"He just… he keeps wanting me to talk to him and I don't… I don't want to talk to him, I can't." Kurt mumbled shakily. Sam sighed and pulled another blanket down from his closet, wrapping it tightly around Kurt before sitting next to him and putting an arm around his shoulder.
"Sam?" a voice called about a half hour later. Kurt tensed and Sam rubbed his shoulders comfortingly.
"In my room!" he called back. A set of footsteps drew closer, and the door opened.
"Blaine's completely freaking out, Kurt is…" Sebastian stopped and eyed the shaking boy, "…here." He sighed and sat at the edge of the bed. "Kurt, what are you doing here? Blaine's going nuts."
"They had a fight." Sam explained softly, fiddling with his blanket. "Please don't make him leave."
Sebastian sighed and rubbed his temples for a moment. "Ok, I'm going to call Blaine and let him know you're alright. I'll see if you can spend the night, kay?"
Kurt nodded, curling into himself a little. Sebastian sighed again and kissed Sam on the forehead before walking out.
"Ok, Blaine said-" the boys slammed Sam's computer shut as Sebastian walked in. "What are you looking at?" he asked suspiciously.
"Nothing!" Sam blurted. Sebastian leveled him a firm look and Sam ducked his head, passing the laptop to him unwillingly. Sebastian set it on the desk and opened it.
"Sub pairs?" he asked incredulously. "Why are you looking at this?"
Sam fell back onto the bed in frustration and waved Kurt forward. Kurt snickered a little and pulled out his phone, showing Sebastian the picture he'd taken of Sam and Puck's wrists side by side. Sebastian looked between the picture and the page and ran his hand through his hair.
"Can we have just one week were nothing weird happens?" he asked himself.
"Trust me Bas, I ask myself that every day." Sam grumbled. The two glanced at each other solemnly for a moment before laughing. Kurt rolled his eyes. "We were actually going to ask if we could invite Puck over, if that's ok with you."
"Sure." Sebastian shrugged. "Kurt, Blaine said to tell you that you can stay as long as you need. You're always welcome here, okay?" Kurt smiled shyly and nodded. "Good." Sebastian grinned and ruffled Kurt's hair, making the brunette protest loudly.
"Hello there." Puck jumped a little when the door opened suddenly. He eyed the slightly taller teen. He was essentially naked from the waist up, only a thin shirt that had Dalton on the right side of the chest and a loose tie hanging off his neck.
"Umm… hi." He mumbled, staring blankly at the man before shaking his head sharply and looking away. "I, uh, I'm here to see Sam?"
"Ah. Puck, right? He's just down that hall." He stepped back just enough so that Puck could step into the house, but not without his shoulder brushing against the taller boy's.
"That guy is kinda creepy." Puck mumbled accusingly when he threw himself next to the boys on Sam's bed.
"Bas isn't creepy." Sam grumbled back. "Look, I've been looking up stuff about matching marks online with Kurt and-"
"What'd you find?" Puck demanded.
"Oh shut up, I'm trying to tell you!" Sam snapped, smacking his leg. "Just check this out." He angled the computer toward Puck.
'Paired subs are rare, but not unheard of. Two submissives with the same markings may never meet, but if they should, a bond forms. Depending on how long the two have known each other, a bond will become stronger. In every reported case of sub pairings, the submissives link so entirely that they cannot be separated. This ends up meaning that they tend to have to same Dominant.'
Puck stopped reading and let out a breath. "Fuck Sam." He mumbled. "Is this shit legit?"
"Yup." Sam mumbled back.
"Well fuck."
Puck stayed the night as well, the three staying up until the wee hours talking. Kurt smiled to himself as he noticed the boys slowly moving closer to each other. It was adorable, actually, the way they acted like they didn't care, but still gravitated toward each other. When he'd woken up, he was wrapped lightly around Sam's back, while the other two were tightly intertwined. He chuckled and wiggled away from them, padding down the hall to get something to eat.
"Morning Kurt." Sebastian mumbled, his eyes barely open as he propped himself up with his elbows on the kitchen table. A mug of steaming coffee was in his hands.
"Good morning." Kurt made himself some tea and sat across Sebastian.
"So how did your little slumber party go?"
"Noah and Sam are cuddling upstairs but still deny that they like each other." Kurt snickered. Sebastian straightened up a little. "With all due respect Sir, are you sure you can handle this? I mean two submissives is a big thing, and Noah is totally inexperienced and new to everything. He's not going to be an easy nut to crack."
Sebastian smiled at Kurt and spun his coffee mug slowly. "I'm glad that you care for them so much Kurt. I realize that two submissives will be a lot to take on, but I truly care for Sam and he seems to care for Noah so I'll gladly take care of him." He paused for a moment. "I realize that he is new to this, and I'm more than willing to go slowly and help him learn, but it's up to him, I'm not going to force anything on him."
The two sat in a comfortable silence until two sets of feet came thumping down the hall. Puck stretched and yawned widely, while Sam pouted behind him.
"Please don't go." The blonde murmured, not realizing they were being watched.
"I gotta." Puck responded, sounding a litter sadder than usual.
"No you don't. You can stay here, with me and Seb… please?" Sam begged, grabbing Puck's hand possessively.
"Sam, we talked about this." Kurt turned away as Sebastian stood up, giving the boys as much privacy as he could. Within ten minutes they returned, Sebastian smirking, Sam grinning, and Puck looking incredibly nervous.
"Want some cereal?" Sam offered as he wandered into the kitchen for his own breakfast.
"Uh, sure." Puck mumbled, picking at his nails. Sam smiled brightly and stretched up to grab an extra bowl. Kurt didn't miss how both Sebastian and Puck stared at the small amount of skin that flashed as his shirt rode up.
"Still sure?" Kurt asked, chuckling.
"Positive." Sebastian murmured, his eyes roaming over the two boys lustily.
"SO!" Puck yelped, shifting under Sebastian's gaze and focusing on Kurt. "Why are you hanging out here?"
"Umm… I had a fight with Master." Kurt mumbled.
"'bout what?" Puck encouraged, digging into the cereal that Sam put in front of him.
"About the fact that he's pretending to love me." Kurt hissed under his breath, stabbing at his own breakfast.
"How could you even say that?" Sebastian snapped instantly. Kurt's eyes flashed up to meet his. "Kurt, Blaine is crazy about you. It's borderline obsession to be honest."
Kurt stayed silent. Sebastian growled under his breath and stood, throwing on his coat and grabbing Kurt by the arm.
"What are you doing?" he protested.
"Showing you that you're being an idiot." Sebastian snapped. "Boys, come on."
Sam scampered along behind them to the car, pulling a whining Puck with him.