Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 22
"And now from McKinley High, the New Directions!" A piano started up. Kurt took a deep breath before pulling the curtains apart and stepping forward.
"Oh. How about a round of applause? Hey. Standin' ovation? Oooh oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah. You look so dumb right now." He began to walk down the stairs slowly, keeping his eyes down. "Standing outside my house." He gripped the microphone tightly "Trying to apologize, you're so ugly when you cry, please. Just cut it out. And don't tell me you're sorry, cause you're not." His voice grew stronger, his pace picking up with the music. "Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught. But you put on quite a show," he paused, glancing down at the row which was hoarded by Warblers, who had come to watch them perform and scope out the competition. "Really had me going." He sang in a broken sounding voice, shaking his head before turning away and continuing. "But now it's time to go. The curtain's finally closing. That was quite the show. Very entertainin'. But it's over now. Go on and take a bow."
He stepped up onto the stage slowly, pacing as he continued. The faint outlines of his group could be seen behind the blue curtain blocking them off. "Grab your clothes and get gone. You better hurry up. Before the sprinklers come on. Talking 'bout boy, I love, you're the one. This just looks like a re-run, please. What else is on? And don't tell me your sorry cause you're not." He stared accusingly at Blaine as he sang, shaking his head as if disappointed."Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught. But you put on quite a show, really had me going. But now it's time to go. The curtain's finally closing. That was quite the show. Very entertainin'. But it's over now. Go on and take a bow." The curtain raised slowly, the other members swaying behind him as his voice grew stronger and louder.
"Oh and the award for the best liar goes to you. For making me believe that you could be faithful to me, let's hear your speech ooh!
"But you put on quite a show, really had me going. Now it's time to go. The curtain's finally closing. That was quite the show. Very entertainin'. But it's over now. Go on and take a bow."
"But it's over now…" he finished, panting slightly. The crowd cheered for a moment before Sam moved forward, causing them to quiet down. Kurt gripped his hand momentarily before stepping back and joining the others.
"Sky's are crying. I am watching. Catching teardrops in my hands. Only silence as it's ending. Like we never had a chance. Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me?" he looked up slowly as he continued, his hands curling into defiant fists. "You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Go and and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper!"
He stepped back and rejoined the others, stepping in a rhythm with them. "As the smoke clears. I awaken, and untangle you from me. Would it make you feel better, to watch me while I bleed? All my windows still are broken." He stumbled, but Kurt caught him and pulled him back up, smirking as if they'd planned it. "But I'm standing on my feet. You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper. Go run, run, run. I'm gonna stay right here. Watch you disappear. Yeah, go run, run, run; yeah it's a long way down. But I'm closer to the clouds up here..."
His voice lowered to a softer tone, and he wrapped his arms around himself momentarily. "You can break everything I am. You can take everything I have. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper, oh-oh!" his eyes snapped up again, the look on his face fierce."Go on and try to tear me down! I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper! Like a skyscraper! Like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper…" he drew in a deep breath and grinned as the crowd broke out cheering again. He grabbed Kurt's hand, who grabbed Finn's, who took Quinn's, until they were one solid line. Together they raised their hands and bowed, grinned at each other as the announcer ushered them offstage.
"Wow. Our judges definitely have their work cut out for them."
"Oral Intensity!" the group screamed and rushed forward to get their trophy. Kurt, Sam, and surprisingly Puck, linked hands and held their breath.
"And now, you're sectionals winners are…" they opened the envelope. The whole auditorium seemed to tense. "From McKinley High, the New Directions!"
The screams were enough to shake the rafters of the building. The teens rushed forward and shook the judge's hands before taking the trophy and hoisting it over their heads. Finn and Matt ducked under Kurt and lifted him in the air, Mike and Puck doing the same to Sam. Kurt shrieked and demanded to be put down, but laughed anyway.
"You are all nuts!" he insisted.
"Don't care," was all Finn said before laughing again. Kurt looked down and saw Blaine standing at the edge of the stage, grinning proudly.
His smiled faded.
"I keep telling you, I'm fine." Kurt insisted, yet again. Blaine huffed and collapsed against his seat.
"You're not, and if you keep lying to me you're going to be punished." He growled.
Kurt slammed on his brakes and turned to Blaine. "I don't need your help, just leave me alone!" he seethed.
"I knew something was wrong."
"Yes, okay! Something's wrong and I'm fucking pissed but I don't need you to help me!"
"I'm not letting this go Kurt. Either safeword or tell me what the hell is wrong with you." He demanded.
Kurt threw his door open and jumped out of his seat, turning and screaming, "red" before slamming the door and running back down the road. Only when he'd lost sight of the car did he let his tears fall.