Of Pleasure and Pain
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 19

E - Words: 1,867 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
866 0 0 0 2

Chapter 19

Assault on a submissive that is not your own will not land you on the AUD list, but most likely will get you jail time.

Fingers wound into his hair tightly and pushed his head forward, causing his forehead to slam into the concrete wall. Kurt screamed in pain as he collapsed.

"What the fuck did you do?" a voice screamed above him. Kurt opened his eyes blearily to find a somewhat fuzzy Karofsky towering over him. "What did you do?" he demanded again. "I let you out of my sight for one fucking minute and my sub runs off with you."

Kurt found himself getting angry, despite the pounding pain in his head. "He didn't run off with me, he ran away because you were abusing him." He spat. That earned him a few sharp kicks in the stomach.

"He deserved what he got." Dave sneered. The attack continued until someone shouted that people were coming. The group dispersed instantly, but no one came to help him. Kurt forced himself to his feet, stumbling over to his Navigator, pain running through his body with each step he climbed inside, drove toward Dalton.

No one was at the reception office, so no one saw the injured boy as he tried to limp his way toward the choir room.

Master. Have to find Master.

He was all of two feet away from the door when his legs gave out. The back of his head hit the wall as he fell, and he felt himself losing consciousness.

"I'm sorry Master." He whispered as his world went black.

*break* (yeah looks stupid but nothing else would show up)

"We need to figure out what we're doing for sectionals guys!" Wes announced. "Blaine, any ideas?"

Blaine stood and faced the group of Warblers. "I was thinking about a mash up of the legend that is Katy Perry". A few warblers rolled their eyes at this, "Part of Me, and Firework." There was a loud buzz as everyone began talking amongst themselves about the idea.

"Master, can I go get something to eat?" Jeff asked in a bored tone. Nick laughed and handed him a five dollar bill, requesting a chocolate bar. Jeff nodded and clambered off the couch, jogging out into the hall…

And tripping over Kurt's limp form.

Jeff screamed.


A blood curling scream echoed through the room and Nick was on his feet in an instant, flying out the room with a cry of "Jeff!". The Warblers looked at each other for a moment before following. They found Nick holding Jeff close, the boy trembling like a leaf. Blaine's face went chalk white as he fell to his knees beside Kurt.


Kurt's eyes fluttered open slowly. He was met with a sight he never thought he'd see, and certainly didn't want to see. Blaine's eyes were red and puffy, tears still leaking out of them. He looked so broken.

The second thing he noticed was that he was on the hard floor, his head resting in Blaine's lap. A small sob to his right alerted him that Sam was there too, keeping his hand in a death grip. Beside him was Sebastian, and beside them Nick and Jeff.

"Why's everybody so down?" he asked jokingly, his voice rough and gravelly, contrasting with his words. All eyes snapped to him.

Jeff was the first to speak. "I'm so sorry Kurt, this is all my fault, I should have told. I knew I shouldn't have let you talk me into keeping it a secret, I should have told as soon as I found out." He ranted, sobbing.

"Jeff." Nick said quietly. "You know who did this." It wasn't a question. Jeff nodded, a look of shame crossing his face. "Who?" Nick demanded softly.

"Dave Karofsky." All three subs answered at the same time, spitting the name like a curse.

"You're old Dom?" Sebastian asked, horrified. Sam just nodded. Kurt hesitantly glanced up at Blaine and groaned when he saw the silent fury in his eyes.

"I know that look. I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Huge trouble." Blaine confirmed shortly. "But for now let's get you home."


"Ugh… this is going straight to my hips." Kurt complained as Blaine unloaded the McDonalds from the bag.

"Well you'll have plenty of time to work it off." Blaine said dryly. Kurt quieted down immediately, ducking his head in embarrassment.

They ate in an uncomfortable silence, Kurt sending covert glances at Blaine every now and then, but Blaine kept his eyes on his food. When they finally finished, Blaine leaned back for a moment, sighing heavily.

"I'm very disappointed in you Kurt." He started. Kurt bit his lower lip, but didn't speak. "I've told you more times than I can count that you are not to lie to me."

"I didn't technically lie…" Kurt mumbled.

"Lying by omission is still lying, and you know that." Blaine said sharply. "Clearly I can't trust you to tell me important things like someone trying to, oh I don't know, kill you." Kurt froze. "Oh yeah, I know all about that. And I had to find out from Sam." Kurt looked away. "From now on, you won't go anywhere without getting my permission in advance." He paused for a moment. "And you're not going back to that school."

"What? No, you can't do that!" Kurt protested.

"I can, and I will. You're transferring to Dalton, where I can keep an eye on you. I won't have you running around risking your life because you're too proud to tell me what's wrong." Blaine snapped, his voice growing hard.

"Please Master. … Let me stay until sectionals at least, please." Kurt begged desperately. Blaine closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "Please." Kurt tried again.

"I'll think about it." Blaine accepted. Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. The two sat in a somewhat awkward silence before Blaine announced he was going to go to bed early. Kurt bid him goodnight and curled into the corner of the couch.

About an hour later, he sighed and pulled himself off the bed, clambering up the stairs. He paused at the top however, and slipped into Blaine's room instead of his own, sliding under his master's blankets and curling into him. Blaine wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer in his sleep, making a little noise of content.


Kurt awoke first the next morning. He eased himself out of Blaine's arms and went downstairs, busying himself with making breakfast in bed for his Master. When he returned, however, Blaine was still asleep. Kurt bit his lip and smirked evilly to himself. He wanted Blaine happy, and he'd wanted to try this particular act for a while now.

Might as well kill two birds with one stone. He thought to himself.

Kurt slid under the blankets again, pulling Blaine's sleep pants down carefully and hesitantly opening his mouth, closing his lips around the head of his Master's cock. He was surprised to taste the pre-come but, he didn't let go. He slowly slid his mouth down, taking in as much as he could and then slid up again. He did this a few more times, listening to Blaine's reaction. The elder started moaning in his sleep, his head rolling side to side, little beads of sweat where starting to appear on his forehead.

Kurt was now moving up and down smoothly. To his surprise, he was actually enjoying this. He liked listening to Blaine moaning as a result of something he was doing. Blaine was growing harder and Kurt guessed that he was close to coming. His eyes flew open and he groaned loudly at the sight that met him. His hands wound through Kurt's hair, the brunette leaning into the touch. He looked up at Blaine through his eyelashes and smiled around his dick.

"Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine cursed, pulling the boy off harshly by his hair. Kurt moved off obediently, whimpering as Blaine's cum hit his face. Blaine released him and his head fell back. "Best. Wake-up. Ever." He decided, panting. Kurt licked his lips hesitantly, humming at the taste that he was met with. Blaine moaned at the sight.

"I made you breakfast." Kurt informed, resting his head on Blaine's thigh. Blaine hummed in appreciation and sat up a little straighter. Kurt scrambled to pass him the little tray he'd set up. "Can I – um, - can I go wash my face off?" Kurt asked hesitantly. Blaine chuckled and pulled Kurt down by his neck, kissing his cum covered lips before sending him off with a light push.

"Have you… have you thought at all about me transferring?" Kurt asked nervously later that afternoon, leaning against Blaine's legs.

"I've talked to Sebastian about it." Blaine answered casually. "He actually told me he's been considering transferring Sam."

The chorus of Defying Gravity interrupted them, and Kurt groaned before digging in his pocket to pull out his phone. He looked up at Blaine, silently asking permission; to which he received a nod of consent.

"Hey 'Cedes." He sighed.

"Baby, are you ok?" she demanded instantly. "You straight up disappeared Friday, what happened?"

"Just this thing with Karofsky, I'm fine now, don't worry."

"Fine? Sam said you were practically in the hospital!"

"Look, it was nothing. He was pissed at me because of what happened with Sam last week and him and a few footballers beat me up. I'm okay."

"Fine." She sighed in defeat. "So how has Blaine been taking all of this?"

"Horribly. Absolutely horribly. He's just… mad." Kurt huffed. Blaine raised one triangular eyebrow.

"It's understandable. I mean it's his job to make sure you're safe." Mercedes said, before sighing again.

"So how badly did Rachel bitch out yesterday?" Kurt asked, if only to change the subject.

"Oh! That's actually what I called about. Well besides the Karofsky thing."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well we told Mr. Shue we liked your and Sam's idea and he actually went with it! You guys are leading at sectionals!" Mercedes shrieked happily. Kurt dropped his phone and started screaming. He vaguely registered Blaine asking what was wrong, but ignored him to scramble for his phone again.

"I got to go, I need to call Sam." He said quickly before hanging up and dialing rapidly.

"They picked our song!" he screamed before Sam could say anything. They both started screaming again, not even caring that people thought they were insane.

"Kurt!" Blaine finally called. Kurt spun to round to look at Blaine's stony face and his smile dropped.

"Umm, I have to go." He said awkwardly before hanging up. He turned to Blaine and ducked his head nervously. "sorry." he mumbled.

"They picked Sam and yours song?" Blaine asked casually. Kurt nodded. Blaine sighed heavily. "Well I guess I have to let you stay now." He grumbled. Kurt squealed and launched himself at Blaine.

"Thank you!"


He knew it was stupid. It was stupid, and wrong, and idiotic, and he should just go home. But he couldn't. He had to know. He had to know just how far Blaine would go. He was already pissed as all hell at Kurt for the Karofsky thing. After what happened with the football players, he had started wondering. What if Blaine was like that? Even when Jeff saw those bruises, he jumped right to the idea that Blaine had done it. He had to know.

"Mercedes!" he called. "Do you want to go to the mall after school?"


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