Of Pleasure and Pain
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 16

E - Words: 1,451 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
899 0 0 0 2

Author's Notes: Everything from this point on was betaed by the amazing PojaTheDinosaur. I love her <3Warnings for nongraphic death, really just a memory but don't want to scare anyone, and a small sexual scene at the end. Yeah there's gonna be some of those so if it's not your thing just skip over ;)

Chapter 16

A Dominant may not demand sex in the first two months, however consensual sexual activity is allowed.

"I'm not arguing this Sam."

"Kurt, I'm not stealing your bed from you!"

"You're not stealing it; I'm giving it to you."

"I can just sleep on the couch!"

"Well, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch!"

"Oh for the love of god!" Blaine interrupted them. "Just both sleep in the bed, okay?" The two turned to face him and then glanced at each other, nervously.

"Seriously?" Kurt asked.

"That's interesting." Sam commented. Blaine eyed the anxious pair.

"Why?" He asked, raising one triangular eyebrow.

"Well, I figured that you'd get suspicious if we were in the same bed." Sam shrugged. Blaine chuckled and shook his head.

"Do whatever you want, just be sure to include me." he winked, making Kurt blush.

Sam nudged Kurt and waggled his eyebrows. Causing Kurt to throw his hands up and let out a loud 'ugh!' before tramping down the stairs. Blaine and Sam glanced at each other before busting out laughing and following him.


"No!" Kurt screeched, fisting his hands in the comforter. "No, please! Stop!"

Sam jolted awake beside him, looking around in terror before glancing down at his friend. Kurt's eyes stayed closed, his eyebrows furrowed and a look of fear on his face.

"Kurt," he tried shaking the boy's shoulder. The other boy screamed again, and threw out a hand sharply. Sam shouted in pain when the hand collided with his injured cheek. He scrambled out of the bed and through the bathroom to Blaine's room, where he shook the taller boy apprehensively.

Blaine rolled over and groaned, opening his eyes blearily. "Yeah?" he asked groggily.

"It- its Kurt, he's freaking out." Sam stuttered. Blaine was out of his bed and through the door in a flash, leaning over the trembling boy. Sam followed anxiously.

"Mom! Stop, I'm sorry!" Kurt shrieked as Blaine's arms wrapped around him. The curly haired man held him tightly to keep him from thrashing and started talking rapidly in his ear, trying to coax him awake. It took a few minutes, but Kurt's eyes finally flew open. Almost instantly, he hid himself in Blaine's chest and started sobbing.

Blaine rubbed his back soothingly and shushed him, speaking softly to him.

"Hey, hey, you're ok. It's okay baby, you're safe. I've got you." He murmured.

"My fault," Kurt whimpered, not seeming to hear what Blaine was saying. "It's my fault, I'm sorry." His breath started picking up again and he began to struggle against Blaine's tight arms.

"Sam, get the prescription bottle off the bathroom counter please." Blaine said, holding Kurt closely and trying to stay calm. Sam scrambled to get the bottle and passed it to Blaine. He popped the lid off and got a tiny green pill out.

"What's wrong with him?" Sam asked, unable to hide the fear that crept into his voice.

"Panic attack." Blaine said shortly. Kurt's breath hitched a few times before he loosened up a little more, leaning back into Blaine and shaking as the tears cascaded down his face. "Welcome back sweetie." Blaine said softly, kissing Kurt's forehead. Kurt let out a little noise that sounded almost like a broken chuckle.

"Is he okay?" Sam asked nervously from the other side of the room. Blaine nodded and waved him forward. The blonde man sat on the bed and curled into himself. Kurt reached out and took his hand.

"What was all that about?" Blaine asked, stroking the countertenor's hair softly.

"I'm sorry Master." Kurt mumbled.

"Stop saying that." Blaine whispered, pressing a kiss under his ear. "Have you had nightmares before?"

"Yeah. A lot, actually. They went away for a while but since I came here it just…" he trailed off and scrubbed his eyes.

"Why wouldn't you tell me that? What are they about?"

"Wasn't important." Kurt mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"I keep telling you, everything's important. What are your nightmares about?" he asked again.

"My mum." Kurt mumbled, his voice trembling. "The night she died." He wiped his eyes again and stayed quiet for a while. No one spoke until he sniffled. "It was my fault."

"No." Sam insisted instantly.

"Don't you ever say that!" Blaine growled protectively.

"It was, if I hadn't been such a baby she would've…" Kurt started to rant, his breath speeding up. Blaine shushed him and let him take a few deep breaths.

"Start from the beginning." He suggested, rubbing his thumb against the paler boy's cheek.

Kurt took a shaky breath. "I was spending the night at a friend's house, it was like two in the morning, and it was raining really heavily. I got… I got scared because of the thunder, and I called my mom to come and get me. We– we were driving home and this other car came r-right in front of us. My mum swerved off the road to avoid being hit by it, but we crashed into a tree…" he choked off and tried to keep his breathing calm. "I woke up, and she was being covered with a tarp and there were ambulances everywhere." He closed his eyes and pressed his face into Blaine's chest.

"You acted the way anyone your age would. It's in no way, shape, or form, you're fault." Blaine emphasized. "If anyone is to blame it's whoever was driving the other car."

Kurt stayed silent. Blaine continued to rub his back as Sam moved a little closer, leaning into Kurt comfortingly. Eventually his breath slowed and evened out. Blaine stayed with them that night, and, for the first night in weeks; Kurt slept soundly.


"I'm sorry about last night Master." Kurt mumbled the next morning. Blaine kissed his forehead and smiled.

"It's okay. You're more than entitled to have some nightmares, although I wish for your sake that they would stop." Kurt sat up slowly and looked around.

"Where's Sam?" he asked.

"Visiting his family; he didn't want them to worry about him." Blaine explained. Kurt smiled slyly at him and settled onto his back again. Blaine rolled his eyes but leaned over Kurt anyway. He pressed his lips to Kurt's making the younger boy whimper almost instantly. The two kissed heatedly for a few minutes, until Blaine pulled away. Kurt protested weakly, and tried to hold onto him.

"I wanna try something new." Blaine explained softly, pressing little kisses against Kurt's jaw. "Will you let me?" Kurt nodded rapidly.

Blaine kissed him with need and want. One hand rested on Kurt's lower back, the other on the back of Kurt's head, pressing his mouth to his. Kurt melted into him. Blaine's kisses soon turned forceful and possessive, sending a shiver down Kurt's spine.

He ran his fingers along Kurt's wrists, up his arms, over his shoulders and down his back. He rested them on Kurt's waist and then slowly slid his right hand down between Kurt's legs, gently massaging him.

Kurt gasped and threw his head back, a desperate moan escaping his lips. He felt Blaine's fingers at his zipper, and he chewed his bottom lip nervously, but didn't try to move.

"Ma-Master… what… what are you going to do to me?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Blaine leaned in close and started whispering in his ear. "I just want to see your cock Kurt. I've been dying to see it. I know it is as beautiful as you are." Kurt felt Blaine remove his member from his pants. He watched as Blaine wrapped his hands around it gently and started stroking up and down. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered. "Fuck… you're so big Kurt. So big and thick. I bet your cock can fill my mouth."

Blaine slid to the floor and swallowed Kurt's cock. Kurt gasped and threw his head back almost violently.

"Master! Hn, shit, please!" he whimpered, trying to keep himself still and failing miserably.

Blaine moaned and increased his speed.

"Master, I- I'm gonna..."

Blaine just sucked harder, moving up and down faster. Kurt couldn't speak anymore. The arousal wave was too high and he was drowning. He screamed out as his hips shot upward. Kurt felt the force as his cum rushed from his body and down Blaine's throat. Blaine moaned and swallowed.

Kurt collapsed against the blankets and panted heavily. Blaine cleaned him off, until his touch was almost painful, before climbing up the bed and lying next to him, pulling the boy close. Kurt made a little noise of content and rolled over in his arms, sighing happily.

"So that's what a blowjob feels like." He mumbled, still glowing with post-orgasmic bliss. Blaine chuckled.


The rest of the weekend was eventful to say the least. Blaine spent most of his time on his knees in front of Kurt. The boy had honestly lost track of how many times his Master had touched him. The most embarrassing one was when Sam walked in on them. He had just laughed and walked away, but was still teasing him about it.


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