Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Chapter 11
They all sat in a circle again at Finn's insistence, saying they had to play truth or dare. Kurt was just going along with his inebriated brother's ideas now, rather than try to argue with him.
"Ok, birthday boy goes first!" Nick announced. Kurt sipped on his drink thoughtfully before turning to the man beside him and grinning.
"Master, truth or dare?" he asked innocently.
"Why do I get the feeling I should be scared?" he mumbled to himself before saying "truth."
"Who is your most embarrassing crush?" Kurt asked, snickering a little. Blaine rolled his eyes.
"Seriously? Amateur question babe. If you must know, Zuko."
"Who the hell is Zuko?" Nick asked.
"A guy from an anime show." Blaine shrugged. "Hmmm…" he scanned over the circle searching for a victim. "Santana," he grinned, "truth or dare?"
"Dare curly." She replied cockily.
"I dare you…" he paused for dramatic effect, "to make out with Sebastian."
Sebastian started stuttering out a protest, but Santana grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slammed their lips together. They stayed that way for a moment before Santana shoved him away and wiped her lips.
"Puckerman, truth or dare?"
"Do you even have to ask? Dare!"
"Yo porcelain, do me a favor and teach Puck here how to do the Single Ladies dance."
Kurt squealed in excitement and grabbed Puck by the hand, the mohawked boy following after him with a groan. "Outfits and all!" Santana sang after them.
"You're cruel, you know that?" Blaine asked, laughing.
"Hey, I'm doing this for you too Curls." Santana smirked knowingly. Blaine looked confused but didn't say anything. Voices started echoing down from the stairs.
"Noah would you just…!"
"Would you stop calling me Noah? It's Puck! P-U-C-K! If I can spell if you can say it!"
"I'll call you Jennifer Hudson if I want, now strip!"
"Forget it; I am not wearing that thing!"
"You have to wear it for all of three minutes Noah!"
"Not gonna happen!"
"I swear to god I will tear your clothes off if I have to."
"As if Blaine would let you do that."
"MASTER! Can I force Noah to strip?"
"Fine by me!" Blaine called back, laughing along with everyone else.
"Thanks! Told you."
"Whatever man, I'm not wearing that."
"Didn't want to have to do this…"
"Gah! Jesus fuck- get offa me!"
"Now are you gonna put it on or do I have to dress you too?"
"Fuck. Thought submissives were supposed to be weak."
"Annoying myth. Now put it on while I find you some shoes."
"Why the hell do you have these?"
"They were a surprise for someone, shut up!"
"Uh-huh. Would that someone be Blaine?"
"Fuck off!"
"Come on Kurt, you can't be serious! I'll break my damn leg!"
"No you won't, now hold still."
"…this is incredibly uncomfortable."
"How do you think I feel? I don't want my face anywhere near your crotch!"
"Not my fault you have tiny feet."
"Not my fault you picked dare, now come on!"
With that there was a clambering down the stairs. Kurt came out casually in his little leotard-sequined-whatever-it-was, but Puck seemed to be in hiding.
"Oh just get it over with Noah!" Kurt huffed, crossing his arms. He glanced down and noticed that Blaine was eyeing his outfit curiously. "He paid me twenty bucks to do it with him." Kurt explained, shrugging.
"I'm more wondering why you have these on hand."
"Long story. NOAH!" he grabbed the boy off the stair and threw him into the middle of the circle unceremoniously. He stalked over to the little iPod player connected to the surround sound and hit play. "Just do it." He grumbled when Puck made a face.
They did their little dance, Puck stumbling every other second. Kurt's movements where smooth and practiced, every little thing oozing an innocent sexuality. He smiled shamelessly at Blaine the whole time. Once they were done, Puck tore back upstairs and out of his little outfit, coming back with his normal clothes on. Kurt just shrugged and settled down beside Blaine, leotard, heels and all. Blaine made a little noise in the back of his throat and pulled the boy onto his lap, attacking his creamy neck eagerly. Kurt let out a shivering breath and craned his neck out to give him better access.
"Kurt… Kurt. Kurt! … KURT!" Kurt made an annoyed sound and glanced up, glaring at Puck while Blaine continued to attack his neck. Puck rolled his eyes and asked, "Truth or dare?"
Kurt grumbled and tried to push Blaine off him, answering with "truth." An evil smile crossed Puck's face.
"Who in this room have you had a crush on?"
"Ugh. Just present or ever?" Kurt asked grimly, still trying to pry Blaine off his neck.
"No way man, all of them." Puck challenged.
"You suck." Kurt commented lightly. Blaine straightened up a little to listen. "Ugh, ok. Previously would be Finn, Mike for all of two days, David Martinez, and the dentist one, Carl or whoever he was." Kurt listed, ticking off his fingers. "Currently would be Sam, Sebastian, maybe Jeff, you," he teased, snickering, "and, of course, Master." He finished.
Everyone looked at him, a little shocked for a moment, before Kurt turned to Nick and asked, "Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to… drink a bottle of ketchup." Kurt said randomly. Nick laughed and went to the kitchen. The game continued for a bit, neither Blaine nor Kurt paying much attention.
Most of their friends had passed out a half hour later. Nick, Jeff, Sam, Sebastian, Blaine, and Kurt were all still awake, and buzzed as hell.
"D-dude, we should totally prank call Berry!" Jeff suggested loudly.
"Oh my god yes!" Kurt cheered. They glanced at each other for a second before turning back to their Doms, a pleading expression on their faces. Nick and Blaine looked to each other and laughed, nodding in consent. Jeff scrambled for Blaine's home phone, passing it to Sam who dialed and shushed the others.
"Whoever this is, please wait until morning. It's far too late for telephone calls." her crackly voice came out from the speaker.
Sam lowered his voice to try to sound creepier. "I want you so bad."
Everyone covered their mouths to keep from laughing.
"What? Who is this?"
"I wish I could see your tits…" Sam continued, completely ignoring her. Kurt bit on his hand to keep from laughing.
"What the HELL?"
Sam acted confused. "Why are you acting like this?"
"Umm, who do you think I am?"
"Isn't this a sex line?"
"But you're part of the Nude Erections."
They heard a sigh from the speaker before her voice came again.
"No, it's the New Directions not the… the Nude Erections. We're a glee club."
Kurt grinned as Sam continued. "Oh come on! Can you at least help me get rid of this boner?" She hung up instantly. The teens looked at each other and busted out laughing.
Sam and Kurt leaned into each other, still giggling. Kurt was surprised when Sam pressed down and kissed him gently. Kurt whimpered and kissed him back, letting Sam push back on his shoulders until he was lying on the thick carpet. His tongue reached out to touch Sam's, a broken moan escaping when Sam bucked down into him. A throat clearing beside them made the two finally break apart, turning to find three amused Doms and a somewhat annoyed looking Jeff.
"How come they get laid and I don't?" he asked playfully. Nick gave him a noogie.
"I know we said you could play but you could at least let us join in." Sebastian teased. Sam blushed.
"Nope. Kurtie's all mine." He said teasingly. Kurt snickered under him.
"Well 'Kurtie' should come out if he wants his birthday present." Blaine teased back. Kurt glanced over at him curiously.
"I already got it. My collar." He said in confusion.
"That was one of them. I wasn't sure you wanted to open your other one in front of your friends." Blaine explained nonchalantly. Kurt started trying to squirm out from under Sam, who complained but rolled off anyway. Kurt scrambled over to sit in front of Blaine, who pulled a box out from under the couch and set it in front of him.
Kurt squealed in excitement and pulled the tape off the plain cardboard box. Sam and Jeff leaned over his shoulders to peer into the box with him. He lifted up the top slowly and froze. Nestled inside, was a bright pink dildo, a length of chain that matched his collar that looked like a leash, and what looked to be several butt plugs, starting with a small one less than an inch in diameter, to one that Kurt thought would tear him in half.
He glanced between the contents of the box and Blaine, not entirely sure what to say.
"Umm… thank you Master. I think." He mumbled after a moment. Blaine chuckled.
"This one you can use whenever you want." He explained, tapping the pink toy. "The others I'll explain later." Jeff made an 'oooh' noise behind him and Kurt smacked him.
"You're just jealous." Kurt teased.
"I know I am." Sam mumbled, eyeing the leash. Kurt laughed and nudged him.
"I'm sure Sebastian will get you something." He assured. Sam and Sebastian smirked at each other knowingly. "So what should we do now?" he asked, eyeing his unconscious friends.
All five of them shot him a look and he blushed. "Besides that. God why does everyone want to fuck me?" he mumbled, more to himself than anyone.
"Because you're sexy." Sam and Blaine replied at the same time. They glanced at each other and laughed.
"Damn right I am." Kurt mumbled. That made everyone laugh harder.
Blaine let his eyes drift open slowly, a heavy weight on his chest. He glanced down to see Kurt curled into his chest, an arm reached out to wrap around Sam, who in turn was wrapped around Kurt and Sebastian. Blaine's eyes fell shut again peacefully, content to listen to the heartbeat of his angel. Kurt whimpered beside him and bucked his hips unconsciously. Blaine snickered and kissed his neck gently. That seemed to calm him, and he curled into him and Sam tightly.