Of Pleasure and Pain
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,046 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
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Chapter 10

Submission can come in many forms. Sexual gratification is one way in which a Dominant may ask a sub to display their submissiveness, but that is not the only way. It is also possible, and quite likely, that your future Dominant will wish for you to serve Him or Her in other ways. Such as domestic services, financial support or simple companionship. No two Dominants are alike

"Would you stop staring at me?" Sam finally hissed on the other side of the room, turning to face Sebastian dead on.

"What?" the Warbler asked innocently.

"You keep staring at me like you want to eat me." Sam growled. "It's freaking me out, would you just stop already?"

"How about I stop staring and start talking? Hi, I'm Sebastian Smythe." He held out a hand. Sam stared at it in disdain.

"Sam Evans." He replied shortly. "Now get lost."

"You're pretty bitchy for a guy." Sebastian commented, leaning in a little closer to him. Sam leaned away, repulsed.

"Yeah, well, you learn to put up walls where I'm from." Sam snapped, not truly realizing what he'd said until it was out.

"Tell you what," Sebastian said after a moment. "You give me one song and I'll leave you alone."

Sam sighed in frustration. "One song?" Sebastian nodded. "And then you'll leave me alone for good?" another nod. "Fine."

Sebastian grinned his stupid little chipmunk grin and sauntered over to the stereo, hitting a few buttons and sitting on the edge of the stage. Sam rolled his eyes and leaned against the arm of the couch.

"Plenty of room up here." Sebastian smirked.

"I'm fine here." Sam replied blankly. The song started up and he rolled his eyes again, unable to help the tiny smile that crept up on him. He loved this song.

"Looking out, across the nighttime. The city winks a sleepless eye. Hear his voice, uh, shake my window. Sweet seducing sighs." He sang slowly, staring at the ground.

"Get me out, into the nighttime. Four walls won't hold me tonight. If this town is just an apple, then let me take a bite." Sebastian winked at Sam on the last word and the blonde blushed without meaning to.

"If they say why? Why? Tell 'em that it's human nature. Why?" they sang together, Sam peeking out under his eyelashes and Sebastian pretending not to notice.

"Why… does he do me that way?" Sam asked himself, shaking his head a little.

"Reaching out to touch a stranger. Electric eyes are everywhere. See that boy." Sebastian leaned back on his hands and grinned at him. "He knows I'm watching. He likes the way I stare."

Sam pushed himself off the couch, crossing his arms and pacing a little closer to the stage. "If they say why, why why why? Just tell 'em that it's human nature. Why, oh, why? Does he do me that way? If they say why ooh do ooh do why, tell em that it's human nature." Sebastian held out a hand, his smile almost gentle. Sam grinned and grabbed it, letting him hoist him onto the stage.

Sam stood still while Sebastian danced stupidly around him as if trying to make him laugh. It worked. "I like living this way."

"I like loving this way." Sebastian took Sam's hand and held it over his head so Sam spun around a few times, snickering.

"Oh why, oh why? Oh why, oh why? Why? Why? Tell 'em that it's human nature." They sang slowly, Sebastian taking Sam's other hand as the blonde boy stared up into his eyes.

"Why?" they stood still for a moment before Sam threw his arms around his neck, kissing the Warbler fiercely. Sebastian's hands found his waist and he kissed him back firmly.

Sam pulled away slowly, his eyes wide and confused. Sebastian smiled down at him as he blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what had happened. Making a little noise in the back of his throat, he yanked himself away from the Warbler, jumping off the stage and stalking to the couch to grab Kurt, pulling him into the kitchen.

"Kurt, what the hell am I supposed to do?" he hissed urgently. "I can't be getting attached to him; I mean he's not going to be my Dom so I shouldn't be crushing on him right? And I-"

He was cut off by Kurt covering his mouth with a hand. "Sammy, relax. Look I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to freak out but Sebastian's birthday is two days after yours and he's planning on claiming you." Kurt explained quickly.

"Really?" Sam's whole face lit up. He grinned and threw his arms around Kurt's neck. "Oh my god, Kurtie, this is awesome!" he exclaimed, looking at Kurt again before kissing him joyfully. Kurt let out a breathy sigh and kissed him back, arms wrapping around the smaller blonde's waist.

Someone behind them cleared their throat and the two broke apart, spinning to face a slightly amused Sebastian and a very angry looking Blaine. Kurt whimpered slightly and shrunk back. Sam grabbed his hand protectively.

"Kurt?" Blaine prompted.

"I-I – we – you –" Kurt sighed in defeat and hung his head. "I'm in huge trouble, aren't I?"

"Depends on if you have a good excuse." Blaine said calmly.

"I- Sam was scared 'cause he liked Sebastian and I told him what you told me the other day and he got happy and kissed me." Kurt stuttered quickly.

"And you kissed him back?" Blaine asked.

"Yes Master." Kurt whispered, not looking up.

"And why did you do that?" he asked, never breaking his calm exterior. Kurt didn't answer. His breathe sped up nervously.

"W-we used to mess around." Sam filled in after a second. Blaine's eyes danced over him for a moment before he sighed.

"Again, why?"

"We knew we couldn't really have boyfriends…" Kurt mumbled quietly. "But I mean, we're horny teenagers." He chuckled humorlessly. "We were already really good friends, and we figured we could gain some sexual experience as well as taking care of our… needs."

"Please don't get mad at Kurtie." Sam blurted suddenly. "I'm the one who kissed him, be mad at me."

Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Neither of you are in trouble, ok?" the subs both snapped up to look at the Warblers before them. "I just wish you would have told me, instead of having me find out this way." He added, moving forward to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist.

"I'm sorry Master." He mumbled, resting his forehead on Blaine's chest. "I thought you'd get mad at me."

"Well obviously I'm not." Blaine teased. He leaned down and kissed the soft spot under Kurt's ear. "In fact, it's actually kinda hot."

Kurt eyes lit up mischievously and he smiled at Blaine hopefully. "So I can still play with Sammy sometimes?"

Blaine rolled his eyes and chuckled. "If it's alright with his Dom." He confirmed. Almost simultaneously, Kurt and Sam looked at Sebastian.

"Bas?" Sam asked hopefully. Sebastian chuckled.

"Fine by me." he shrugged. The two boys screamed a little and hugged each other tightly. Blaine and Sebastian laughed.

"Y'all better get your asses out here or we coming in after you!" Mercedes suddenly shouted from the other room.

They all looked at each other and burst out laughing, passing through the dining room and back to the living room, Sam grabbing Kurt's hand eagerly as they went. Kurt laughed.

"So is he the one you gave a blowjob to?" Blaine asked suddenly. Sam and Kurt looked at each other before laughing.

"Sort of." He eluded. Blaine gave him a look. "We didn't really want to do that, so we ended up practicing on dildos." He explained bluntly. "One of us would hold it between our legs and the other would practice."

"We did do hand jobs though." Sam added proudly. Kurt rolled his eyes and shoved him in the shoulder.

"Well I gave him one." He added. They settled into the couches again, Sebastian and Blaine side by side and Sam and Kurt curled into each other on the ground. No one seemed to pay much heed to the cuddling boys.

"Dude, I looked up the best games to play at a party." Finn said, snickering a little. Kurt quirked an eyebrow at his drunken brother. "We got truth or dare, never have I, spin the bottle, and something called kiss and guess."

"Oh we should so play kiss and guess!" Sam shouted.

"What is that?"

"You tie someone to a chair and blindfold them, then people kiss them and the tied up one has to guess who it is." He explained quickly.

"Huh." Kurt said, shrugging. "Yeah, sure, why not? Who's getting tied down?"

"You!" nearly everyone shouted. Kurt shook his head sharply and tried to get away when Sam grabbed his arm.

"Oh hell no! You are not tying me up just so you can suck on my face!" he protested.

"Sam." Blaine interrupted. Sam let Kurt go and stepped away instantly. Blaine smiled briefly and took Kurt's hand, pulling him away and cupping his face gently. "What's wrong baby, why are you freaking out?" he asked curiously. "I didn't think being tied to a chair would scare you." He mused.

"It's not the being tied up, it's the blindfold." Kurt mumbled. "When… when I can't see what's going on, it scares me. I know it's stupid and childish I just don't like not knowing what everyone's doing."

"Oh, baby boy, it's ok." Blaine hummed soothingly, tucking Kurt's head under his chin. "You know no one here would do anything to hurt you. But you don't have to do anything sweetie."

"n-no, I mean, everyone seemed so excited about it…" he trailed off. "Will you… can you stay with me? Please?"

Blaine couldn't stop himself from grinning. "Of course baby boy." He said happily, kissing the shorter boy briefly.

Kurt grumbled to himself, but grabbed a chair from the dining room anyway. "Can't believe I'm doing this… You're all insane you know that?" he announced to the room. Everyone just laughed at him. Sam came over and pecked him on the cheek.

"I just want a reason to make out with you." He confessed. Kurt laughed.

Half the guys in the room started whooping and wolf whistling when Blaine pushed Kurt into the chair and tied his wrists behind his back. "Oh shut up!" Kurt yelled at them, grinning despite himself. Their enthusiasm was infectious. And honestly, who wouldn't be a little smug that everyone wanted to make out with you? Blaine kissed his temple softly before tying his Warbler tie around his head. Kurt crossed his legs and grimaced. "I warn you now, anyone does anything stupid and I'll kick you all in the nuts." He threatened. "That includes you Master." He added when the man chuckled behind him.

Blaine grabbed his hand where it rested behind him and squeezed gently. "You ok?" he confirmed. Kurt nodded. There was some mumblings and a few snickers before someone came closer and pressed their lips to Kurt's. Kurt sat there for a moment and twisted his head to the side.

"Tastes like strawberry lip gloss." He commented, making a few people laugh. "Umm, Santana maybe?" he guessed hesitantly.

"Nope, me." Quinn said, chuckling.

"Damn, I thought there was a pregnant cheerleader aftertaste." Kurt joked. There was a loud yelp of protest that Kurt couldn't distinguish before another set of lips pressed to his. They felt dry and cracked, and there was a definite air of power around whoever was kissing him so forcefully. Kurt panted as they pulled away, licking his lips happily. "Oh gaga… please tell me I'm wrong but… Noah?" he guessed. Everyone laughed and he heard Puck shouting "yes! I can even kiss guys awesomely!" Kurt rolled his eyes behind the blindfold.

Someone's mouth pressed to his yet again. These felt extremely soft, a little larger than the others, and very familiar. Kurt opened his mouth invitingly and a tongue danced across his teeth. They finally pulled away and Kurt made a little noise of protest. "Sammy." He guessed confidently, a dreamy little smile crossing his face.

"Damn right!" Sam shouted. Kurt laughed. The game continued for a few more minutes until everyone but Finn, Wes, and Artie had kissed him.

"I won." Kurt announced happily.

"I don't know if I should be impressed or suspicious." Blaine commented as he pulled his tie off Kurt's eyes. He carefully untied his wrists, rubbing them to get the circulation going again.

"Just be proud and don't ask questions. That's how I get by." Kurt advised, shrugging.


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