Sept. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
What If?
Chapter 9 – Hearing from Burt
and Running Away
Burt is sitting in his recliner with his phone in his hand. He knows he needs to call Kurt but he isn't sure what to tell him. He had talked to Blaine earlier and Blaine had asked Burt not to share their conversation with anyone. After talking with Blaine he is sure of two things. One, Blaine loves Kurt with all his heart and would do anything for him. Two, he is hurting so badly he is too scared to face his problems so he is trying to avoid them. Burt is concerned about him because he can't remember ever seeing Blaine so down on himself and unhappy. Burt looks at his phone and says. “It's time to call Kurt and get this done.”
Kurt is lying on his bed with his phone in his hand waiting for his Dad to call after talking to Blaine. He can't decide if it is good news or bad news that he hasn't called yet when his phone rings and he answers it immediately and asks excitedly. “Did you talk to him Dad?” Burt takes a deep breath and begins to answer Kurt. “Yes, I talked to him Kurt. I want you to just listen while I explain what happened. Can you do that kid?” Burt wonders. “Okay Dad I'll listen while you talk.” Kurt says as he begins to listen to Burt intently. “You need to know that Blaine asked me not to share our conversation with anyone so I am going to abide by his request. I will not tell you what he said. I will tell you what I observed and what I think is going on with Blaine.” Burt tells Kurt. “I understand Dad.” Kurt says as Burt begins. “I knocked on his dorm room and he was surprised to see me. He was polite and he invited me in and I told him you had called me upset and why. I asked him to be honest with me and during our conversation I believe he totally was. We talked for quite a while but I noticed right away that he looked tired and he isn't very happy. Kurt, I never saw the spark in his eyes that is so obvious when he is happy or the smile he has that brightens up a room. Before I left I asked him what I should tell you because he knew I would be talking to you and he told me to tell you this. “Tell him I want him to be happy and to follow his dreams and make me proud because I will be watching him.” Kurt's head falls to his chest and he declares. “I've lost him haven't I Dad. Tell me the truth.” Kurt asks. “Kurt, I honestly don't believe that you have lost him. He is still head over heels in love with you and that hasn't changed. From what I observed he loves you so much that it makes the pain worse and it is going to take a while for him to heal. I think he is doing what is best for him to hold on and not fall apart. I think that is why he doesn't want to talk to anyone other than his parents and brother, which is why he cut himself off from people by disconnecting his phone and e-mail. He believes he is doing what is best for you by letting you follow your dreams and staying out of your life. He has seen how excited you are with your job and school. I can tell he really wants to talk to you but he is afraid of being hurt again. Kurt you know he has been hurt a lot in his young life and I think it has finally taken a toll on him and this situation with you was the last straw.” Burt tells Kurt. “Do you know if he read the letter that Finn gave him from me?” Kurt asks. “I noticed the letter on his desk and it didn't look like it had been opened.” He answers Kurt. “How does he look?” Kurt asks concerned about Blaine's health. “He looks like Blaine except I think he looks tired and sad. He might have lost a pound or two. He hardly smiled and a couple of times he was ready to cry because his eyes were filled with tears and his eyes seemed darker. Kurt, I suggest as soon as you get here for your Christmas break you take my car and go talk to Blaine.” Burt recommends strongly. “Okay Dad I will. I'll be home in a few days and the first thing I'm going to do is fix this mess. I have to.” Kurt says. He thanks his Dad and reminds him to pick him up at the airport and then ends the call. Kurt lies on his bed remembering the steps that he took that got him to this sad spot.
It's December 19th and Blaine is sitting with his parents at the dining room table enjoying dinner together. “I think it is was good idea for Dalton to release their students for Christmas break a day earlier since they are calling for a possible snow storm for tomorrow. Besides it gives us an extra day to be together since your Father and I will be leaving for the cruise with our friends soon.” Susan says as she eats her salad. “Mother and Father I need to tell you something and it is good news I think. I have graduated from high school. I don't need to go back to Dalton in January.” Blaine blurts out causing his parents to stop eating and stare at him. “Blaine what are you talking about?” His Father asks. “I only had two classes left to take to meet the graduation requirement for high school. So I decided to try to test out of them. I took two tests a few weeks again and I passed them both meaning I have been given credit for the two classes and I now have met the required number of credits needed to graduate. I have graduated from high school.” Blaine says excitedly hoping his parents will feel the same way and not figure out the truth. “Congratulations Blaine we are so proud of you.” His Mother says as she stands and hugs her son. John stands and hugs his son also except he has a worried look on his face. “Well I need to get these dishes to the kitchen because I have some work to do tonight.” Susan says as he kisses Blaine again and heads to the kitchen. “You did this for a reason Blaine. When is the other shoe going to drop?” He asks Blaine as he sits down waiting for an answer. Blaine looks down at his plate and knows his Father isn't going to accept his white lie. “This is all because of Kurt. Am I right?” He asks. Blaine's eyes fill with tears and he nods yes. “He will be here for Christmas and he will want to see me. I can't see him because I would lose my resolve and go back to him and then he will leave me again. I can't handle that so I decided I wouldn't be here. I am moving to California to live with Coop. We have already talked about it and I am leaving on the 21st. I'm moving in with Coop and I will find a job and then in the fall I will attend USC.” Blaine explains to his Father. “Blaine you are eighteen and I can't stop you from going, but one of these days you are going to have to stand up and face the man you are running from. I hope you stop this running before it's too late and you haven't wasted years of happiness because you won't take a chance on Kurt again.” John says and then stands to leave. “Blaine, I love you with all my heart. I am proud that you have graduated from high school and I will miss you deeply when you leave. But it concerns me to see you so unhappy and letting fear control your life. You need to have more faith in yourself and in Kurt. Just so you know I am here to help you or I can be a good listener if you ever need someone to talk to.” He says as he leaves Blaine alone to think about his decisions.
It's the morning of the 21st and there are two suitcases sitting by the front door waiting for the taxi to arrive. Blaine and his parents are eating breakfast together for the last time before Blaine leaves to start living his future. “You guys will have a great time with your friends on the cruise over the holidays. You have been looking forward to it for months.” Blaine says as he breaks the silence and the sadness that they are all feeling this morning. “Blaine, you could still come with us.” His Mother suggests. “Blaine, you can still choose to stay here and get a job and then go to USC in the fall.” His Father takes one last shot at getting Blaine to stop running. “I can't. I promised Coop and he would be disappointed in me and he has made plans for the holidays I already. I can't disappoint another member of my family.” Blaine says as he stares at his food. They hear a car honking signaling that the taxi is here. Blaine opens the front door and gives the taxi driver his bags. He turns around and hugs his parent's. “Goodbye son, and keep safe. We are so proud of you and love you.” His Mother says. John grabs Blaine and hugs him tightly as he whispers. “I love you Blaine and if you ever need anything remember I am here for you.” Blaine gets into the taxi and turns to wave goodbye to his parents and his childhood.
Blaine arrives in sunny California and sees Copper waiting for him at the gate. He sees Blaine and hugs him tightly happy to see his brother. “Welcome to L.A. Blaine.” Coop yells prepared to be there for Blaine.
Sitting in the plane headed for Lima, Ohio Kurt is looking at his watch wanting to get into the air and get to Lima. He is ready to start his plan into motion. Burt will pick him up and then he will drop Burt off at home and then he will drive to the Anderson residence and wait there until he sees Blaine. Kurt did not let Blaine know he was coming because he was afraid that if Blaine knew he was coming he would take off trying to avoid seeing Kurt. “This situation is going to be fixed today.” Kurt thought as he let a smile cross his face. The plane finally takes off and after a quick nap Kurt wakes up to the announcement that they are landing in Ohio. Burt sees Kurt come down the tunnel and says. “Hi Kurt, it is good to see you.” After a big hug they head to the parking lot and are headed to the Hummel/Hudson house. They pull into the driveway and Kurt takes his bag up to his room and grabs the keys from his Dad and is pulling out of the driveway heading to the Anderson residence. Kurt imagines on the drive over what it is going to be like to see Blaine and get this relationship back on track. Kurt pulls into the Anderson driveway and quickly gets out of the car and walks up to the front door and rings the bell. The door opens and he sees Mr. Anderson looking at him with a strange but not a surprised look and he says. “Hi Kurt, why don't you come on in, I think we need to talk.”