What If?
Chapter 7 Sectionals Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 7 Sectionals

T - Words: 2,338 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                              What If?

                    Chapter 7 – Sectionals


Blaine, Blaine, Blaine!” The Warblers shout trying to get Blaine's attention since he has apparently zoned out. “What? I'm sorry I was just thinking about something.” Blaine says as he realizes that it's time for Warbler practice. They rehearse their song list for sectionals over and over until they are confident they have it down pat and are ready for Sectionals. After practice Jeff and Matt ask. “Blaine, do you want to watch a movie with us?” Blaine thinks about it. “Thanks for asking guys but I need to read a couple of chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird for my Literature class. See you tomorrow.” He tells the two boys as he walks up to his dorm room.

He doesn't really need to read any chapters he just wants to be alone so he can think. Ever since he answered the phone call from Rachael even though it really was Kurt, he has been thinking about Kurt and their situation. He wants to talk to Kurt so bad and he is positive that if he called Kurt would answer. “I can't.” He says to himself. “I will get hurt again and I can't go through that pain. I have to keep moving on even though it's hard and I am not happy.” He tells himself. One way Blaine decides to move on is to prevent Kurt or any one that knows Blaine besides his family to contact him. He needs to get that new phone number his Father is allowing immediately. “Tomorrow I will go into town and get a new phone number and that will stop them from calling me.” Blaine decides as he takes the next step to moving on in his mind. “The best solution is to get out of Ohio because I know Kurt will be coming home for the holidays and will try to see me. Maybe I should move to California and live with Cooper now and finish school out there. But this is my senior year and I don't want to have to go any longer because my credits didn't transfer. This is getting so complicated. I only need two more classes. Hey, I wonder if I could test out of those two courses now. Then I would have enough credits to graduate high school before Christmas. This might work and solve my problem. I won't say anything to my folks about testing out of those classes I'll just do it. I'll talk to my academic advisor tomorrow and see if that is possible.” Blaine thinks hoping he has found a solution. 

Blaine calls Cooper and explains his plan because he wants to make sure Cooper will let him come to California and live with him. “Coop, are you sure it is okay with you?” Blaine asks. “Blaine, you are my brother and I miss having you around so I would love to have you come and live with me.” Coop assures him before Blaine hangs up and Blaine lies down feeling good about his decision.

The next day Kurt is at work but his mind is somewhere else. He is trying to decide what he wants to say in his letter to Blaine. “You okay Kurt?” Tony wonders. “I'm fine. I've just made a big mess of my relationship with my boyfriend and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.” Kurt explains. “Come on, follow me. You need a place where you can focus and think straight without being distracted.” Tony says. The two men walk to the top of the building and are standing on the roof. Tony invites Kurt to sit down on one of the lawn chairs that have been placed there. “This is where I come when I need some alone time and need to think clearly. Kurt, I want to tell you something about living in New York City. Living in New York City is like living in a hurricane. It turns and blows at a very high speed. It keeps you off balance and affects your judgment which makes living here such a thrill but also frustrating. You have to learn to balance that whirlwind of this hurricane with the calm of the eye every day. The eye is where the city slows down and you have the time to enjoy the peace and quiet of your everyday life and appreciate the really important things in your daily life. The eye allows you to get yourself reenergized and allows you to see straight again. You have to go into the eye every day because you won't survive in this city very long if you don't. I think you're learning this painful lesson now. This is where I come when I need to sit in the eye of the hurricane for a while to gain my balance. I'm a good listener if you need a sounding board or I can leave you to your own thoughts.” Tony tells Kurt. Tony listens to Kurt as he explains how he got seduced by the romance and excitement of the city and forgot about his real love, the man who makes his life worth living. “Why are you still here Kurt? Go to him before you lose him.” Tony tells him. “I can't right now because of work and school but I'm going home during Christmas break.” Kurt informs Tony. “I hope you are making the right choice and it doesn't come back to bite you Kurt.” Tony warns. “I think it will be alright. Waiting until Christmas gives both of us some time to calm down and clear our heads before we meet and those two weeks give us plenty of time together to straighten out our relationship.” Kurt confidently decides. “Now I need to write that letter. Thanks for your help Tony.” Kurt says feeling better after having some time to think.

After talking to his academic advisor Blaine finds out he can test out of the two required courses he needs to graduate at the end of the semester but he needs to take them soon. Blaine fills out the required paper work and is scheduled to take the two tests in 10 days.

Kurt is sitting on his bed with some paper and a pen as he starts to write a letter to Blaine. He tells Blaine everything he should have been saying for the past few weeks but hadn't because of his actions. Upon completing the letter he takes it to the post office. He kisses the letter and slides it through the mail slot hoping it will get to Blaine and he will read it and together they can start to rebuild their relationship.

It's Saturday morning and at the Lima Auditorium the show choirs are going through their final rehearsals before the competition. The winner gets a place at the Regional competition. Blaine's head is constantly on a swivel looking to see if the New Directions are here yet. He's walking with the Warblers and they go by one of the rehearsal rooms and he sees the New Directions. He hasn't talked to any of the New Directions since the day he left because he has refused their calls. Sam and Tina see the Warbler blazers and rush into the hall and call “Blaine.”  He stops and turns around as the other Warblers pass him, leaving him alone to speak to his former team mates. “Hi, good luck today.” Blaine says politely. “How are you doing?” Tina asks hugging him. “I'm doing okay.” He answers. “It's not the same without you hanging around with us.” Sam says. “You don't need me. I am sure you will do great. You have some wonderful singers.” Blaine tells them. “I'm not talking about the glee club. I'm talking about being friends.” Sam explains. Tears form in Blaine's eyes and he says. “I need to go.” Blaine starts walking away until suddenly he stops and turns around and yells, “Sam, me too.” Sam hears Blaine's words which cause him to smile. He looks at Blaine feeling good now because he knows they are still bro's. He walks back into the New Direction's rehearsal room while Blaine, with tears falling down his face goes to find the Warblers.

The New Directions perform first while the Warblers are seated in the audience to watch their performance. Artie and Kitty do well with their duet and Unique handles the solo without any flows. The New Direction's did everything well but Blaine noticed that their spark was missing. They were just going through the motions and not really enjoying the experience. Blaine felt a twinge of guilt in his stomach. The Warblers leave to get ready for their performance and they cross paths with the New Directions who are going to sit in the audience to watch the other show choirs. They wish each other good luck and congratulations when Kitty is next to Blaine and says. “Fall on your face traitor.” Blaine just shakes his head. Finn sees Blaine and takes an envelope out of his pocket and folds it in half. Blaine extends his hand to Finn to congratulate him on the New Direction's performance. Finn grabs his hand and says strongly. “Read this Blaine.” Finn securely places the envelope into Blaine's hand. Blaine looks at Finn's eyes and can read that this letter is important. Finn says. “Good luck” And he quickly walks away hoping things work out between the boys. Blaine looks at the folded envelope in his hand and sees it is from Kurt. He slides it into his pocket and will deal with it later. Right know he has a performance to complete.

The Warblers take the stage and the music begins. The Warblers are performing like professionals and the audience is clapping and cheering during the Warblers performance. They could see the fun that the Warblers are having, they could feel it. With a standing ovation the Warblers finish their performance and are congratulating each other because they know they just hit a homerun and knocked it out of the park. Blaine looked into the audience and saw Sam, Tina, and Artie cheering loudly but the New Directions were sitting frozen in their seats not believing what they just saw. Blaine knew the Warblers had just taught the New Directions a lesson, that there is no I in the word team.

All the show choirs are on stage as they announce the top three places. Everyone already knows who the winning show choir is. The Judges announces. “In third place the Songbirds.” They were thrilled since this was their first Sectionals ever. “In second place from Lima, Ohio the New Directions. The Warblers clapped politely as Blaine watched sadly as Finn respectfully accepted the trophy though he was disappointed. “In first place from Dalton Academy the Warblers.” The Warblers all jumped and cheered as they told Blaine to go and accept the trophy and the invitation to Regional's. As he accepted the trophy he could see the disappointment on the faces of the New Directions. He felt a twinge of guilt knowing it was his fault.

Kurt picks up his phone because he can't wait any longer and calls Finn. “Hi Kurt” Finn says. “I couldn't wait any longer. How did Sectionals go?” Kurt asks. “It was good. We came in second place. The Warblers beat us but I figured they would. They were the best show choir there.” Finn informed Kurt. “What did the Warblers sing?” Kurt asks. “Don't you mean what did Blaine sing?” Finn teases Kurt. “Kurt, he was great. He was the star of the competition. I recorded it on my phone and I will send it to you so you can see for yourself.” Finn tells Kurt. “Thanks Finn, I really appreciate that. Did you give Blaine my letter?” Kurt asks the question he is dying to hear the answer to. “Yes Kurt, we were passing in the hall and I gave him the envelope and I asked him to read it. I saw him put it in his pocket because they were going on stage to do their performance. Kurt, don't get too excited because he may not read it. Even if he does he may not call. I don't want you to get your hopes up Kurt.” Finn says trying to protect Kurt from getting hurt.

Kurt is sitting on his bed viewing the video that Finn sent of the New Direction and Warbler's performances at Sectionals. He focuses on Blaine who looks so handsome in his Warbler blazer. He was on the top of his game and he shown like the star he is. As Kurt replays the video numerous times he sees something that bothers him, something that no one else would notice. No one else would have been able to pick it up except Kurt because he knows Blaine so well. His eyes didn't sparkle like they usually do and his smile did not fill his face or shine as brightly. Everyone saw a wonderful performer but Kurt saw his boyfriend, hurting and unhappy and he knew it was his fault. Kurt watched the video over and over with tears falling down his face.

Blaine is back in his dorm room changing his clothes when he feels the envelope in his pocket and remembers that Finn gave this to him earlier. He knows it is from Kurt and he wants to open it so bad and read it. As he holds it in his hands his body is having a debate on whether to read it or not. His head is telling him no, but his heart is saying yes. “I can't decide the pros and cons of this now. I need to study for my two exit tests so I can graduate now. Kurt will have to wait for me just like I have waited for him.” Blaine decides and lays the letter on his desk.  


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