What If?
Chapter 18 Dreams Coming True Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 18 Dreams Coming True

T - Words: 3,367 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                               What If?

       Chapter 18 – Dreams Coming True


Blaine had withdrawn from the American Idol competition because he was unable to sing but the fans wouldn't let him leave, which surprised everyone. People kept voting for Blaine every week and he would often get more votes than some of the actual contestants. Some fans even held protests outside the studio because they didn't think it was fair to withdraw because of the accident. It took a few weeks for his ribs to heal enough to where Blaine could sing again and when his ribs had healed enough the American Idol people asked Blaine to return and after a lot of consideration he agreed to return. Blaine performed without missing a beat and made it to the finals without too much difficulty. During the finals Kurt watched nervously as Blaine sang songs that were important to Klaine. Kurt's heart ached as he knew the songs Blaine sang were sung for him. He wished Blaine had asked him to be there but he hadn't. Rachael and Kurt saw Cooper, Sam, and JC sitting in the family area and it hurt Kurt but he put on a happy face. For the final vote Blaine had received a record number of votes and easily won the title of the next American Idol. Blaine's career is taking off and Kurt is watching from the sidelines. Kurt follows Blaine's rise to fame through the internet by reading his web page and watching him on You Tube video clips and watching him on various talk shows. Blaine looked happy but Kurt could see that there was something missing in Blaine's eyes.

Kurt has also been busy following his dreams in New York City. His NYADA dream is quickly coming to an end as Kurt is only a few weeks away from his graduation. He is already being asked to try out for parts in upcoming Broadway plays. At Vogue.com he is no longer an assistant to Tony. He is now the head supervisor to the dressing of the models as well as he is designing some of their outfits. He is even considering starting his own line of clothing. Yes, Kurt was pretty happy. His dreams were flourishing and becoming a reality, except for one. It's hard for Kurt to believe that it has been three years since he saw Blaine after his accident. He has seen him on T.V. and the internet, but that isn't the same as seeing him and talking to him daily. They have exchanged Christmas and Birthday cards and Kurt has received flowers on the opening nights of his NYADA productions. Though the cards were never signed by the sender he knew the red and yellow roses were from Blaine.

“Kurt” Rachael yells as she hurries into the loft dropping her things on the table searching for Kurt so she can share her news with him. “Kurt, where are you?” She shouts as Kurt finally comes out of his area looking concerned. “What's wrong Rachael? I was studying for my finals.” Kurt explains as he walks to the refrigerator to get something to drink. “Kurt, there you are. Sit down because I have some news you are going to be very thrilled to hear.” Rachael says as she is about to explode. “I just found out who the lead is going to be in the new Broadway play Big Dreams.” She says like she is a cat who just caught a mouse. “Everyone in town is talking about this play. They say this is going to be the best musical on Broadway in years. I hear every big name actor in the city is begging to get the lead role of Butler it's such a good part.” Kurt says with envy. “Well I just found out that Butler is going to be played by Blaine Anderson.” Rachael says with a huge smile on her face. “Blaine is coming to New York City!” She yells. “That should make you very ecstatic. Why are you nor jumping up and down and screaming? Blaine is moving to New York. Do you understand what that means?” She asks Kurt confused by his reaction. “I am happy. I am really happy for him Rachael. But I'm not going to get my hopes up. Just because he is in New York City doesn't mean he wants to be with me. Besides Rachael, you are telling me he's moving to New York City. Blaine hasn't said a word about it. If he wanted to be together I think he would have told me.” Kurt says as he stands up and hugs her as he walks back to his area a little heartbroken but a flicker of hope has been lit in Kurt's heart.

“You said I would do what?” Blaine shouts loudly at JC. “You don't think you should have checked with me? I don't get to have a say about this decision! After all it's only my life!” Blaine says upset. “Do you know where Broadway is? Do you know who lives in New York City? I can't do this JC. So call them up right now and tell them I changed my mind.” Blaine says as he walks around the apartment concerned about Kurt. “It's too late Blaine. I gave them your verbal agreement and that is the same as signing a legal contract. You have to do it for at least 6 months. If you back out now your career will take a huge hit and you reputation may not survive it.” JC says as he looks at Cooper with a look in his eye that means I hope our plan doesn't fall through. JC is waiting for Blaine to say something as he can see Blaine is thinking about what to do. “Alright I'll do it. But next time you had better talk to me before you make decisions that affect my life. I should have a voice in these decisions. At least they haven't released the cast names because I need to tell Kurt.” Blaine says as he calms down. “Blaine, it got leaked a few days ago.” JC says as Blaine sits down on the couch and puts his head in his hands. “Crap, he is going to hate me. I should have told him about this, not the news.” Blaine laments. “Just call him Blaine and explain what happened and blame it on JC. Maybe he hasn't even heard about it yet Blaine.” Coop volunteers a possibility. “Coop, we are talking about Kurt. He keeps up with the comings and goings of Broadway and besides he knows the latest scoop about Broadway before the newspapers do.” Blaine says wondering what else could go wrong. “As long as you are upset I might as well tell you two more things. One, rehearsals start in 2 weeks and you are leaving in a week and two, you are scheduled to be on ‘The View' next Wednesday.” JC says as he avoids looking at Blaine. “I'll get back with you later today about flights and details. Listen Blaine, this is going to be great for your career.” JC says as Cooper escorts him out of the apartment. “That was a close call but our plan is still a go.” Cooper says. “We are going to get those two together because they both deserve to be happy and we are going to make sure it happens soon.” Cooper tells JC as he smiles and pats him on the back.

It's Wednesday morning and Blaine is waiting to be introduced on the show The View.

 “Let's hear it for an American Idol who is heading to Broadway as the lead in the much anticipated new musical called ‘Big Dreams' Blaine Anderson. We are glad to have you on ‘The View.' How does it feel to be the lead in this new musical?” Whoopi asks. “I was honored just to be considered but to be offered the part I am speechless. I am looking forward to meeting this challenge and doing the best job possible. I want to make the producers and audience happy with my performance as I make Butler come alive.” Blaine answers with a bright smile. “Let me ask you something personal. Three years ago you can out as gay and introduced us to your ‘friend.' Are you still an item or do you need a ‘friend' because I know there are a lot of people who would be willing to be your friend?” Whoopi asks curiously. “Whoopi, I appreciate your concern about my love life but I try to keep that private. I will say that I do not need a ‘friend' as you say because I have one and he is always in my heart and never forgotten.” Blaine answers as his heart aches as he thinks of Kurt. “Well people that answers that question but I do have one more. Will you sing for us?” She asks. “That, I would love to do.” Blaine says as he stands and walks to the piano and starts to sing ‘All of Me' by John Legend. By the time he finishes he has tears in his eyes because in his heart he was singing it to Kurt. He stands and accepts the cheers and applause as he hugs the four women as he waves goodbye and exits the stage.

Kurt was sitting in the living room in front of the T.V. watching Blaine's appearance on ‘The View' as he finds that his eyes have tears in them. His eyes filled with tears as he listened to ‘All of Me' because he knew Blaine was singing about them. At least he hoped Blaine was singing about them. Kurt begins to think. “Should I call Blaine? I want to talk to him so bad and I know he is in New York City. I might even be able to see him. Maybe I should call Cooper or Sam. Wait a minute Kurt, you made a promise to him and you are going to keep it. Besides Kurt, you have people coming in for your Graduation and they will keep your mind off Blaine. No, nothing will stop me from thinking about Blaine but I will keep the promise.”  Kurt puts his phone down and starts making a list of things he needs to do before his Graduation.

“Nice interview Blaine. Did you enjoy being surrounded by all those women?” Coop jokes with Blaine. “I hated it Coop. Why did they have to ask about my ‘friend' as she called it? They made Kurt sound like he's nobody important and besides my private life is none of their business.” Blaine tells Coop. “Blaine, stop running from the truth. Everyone who loves you and Kurt knows you two belong together and you my brother are responsible for making yourself and Kurt miserable.” Coop tells Blaine directly. “I don't want to talk about this Coop.” Blaine says trying to change the subject. “I know Blaine. You would rather put your head in the sand instead of facing an issue and solving it so you can be happy. You know what Blaine I'm getting tired of these excuses you make up in your head to rationalize your behavior to yourself. What excuse are you going to use after Kurt graduates from NYADA on Sunday. He will have reached his NYADA dream, so what are you going to use now. You know he's graduating on Sunday right?” Coop asks. “Yes, I know. I even got him a gift that I sending to him.” Blaine tells Coop. “What do you meaning you're sending it to him. Why don't you give it to him if he is supposedly your boyfriend? The only gift he wants is you but you're too blind to see it. You know what Blaine, when you finally wake up and see what you are doing Kurt may be gone. He is not going to wait for you forever because someone else is going to come around and see what a catch he is and you will be left to live your life as an old lonely man.” Coop says as he hangs up on Blaine hoping he will come to his senses.

Burt and Carol arrive Saturday morning and are greeted by Kurt and Rachael. They spend a few minutes talking about the happenings in New York City. They decide to walk around New York City and eat lunch in Central Park. They talk about the latest news in Lima as well as Kurt tells them about his plans after Graduation. “I am going to be auditioning for a few roles in a couple weeks as well as some designers are going to help me start up my own clothes line. I am looking forward to making a successful career and starting my future.” Kurt says with a smile.

“Kurt, let's take a walk.” Burt says. They stand and start walking on the cement path. “I can hear you say you are excited about your future but your eyes say something else. Tell me why or wait, maybe I should tell you why. Your future will be empty and worth nothing to you if Blaine isn't there to share it with you.” Burt says. “What do you want me to say? That you are wrong, well you're not. Without Blaine my future will never be complete.” Kurt acknowledges the truth to his Dad. “Have you told him?” Burt asks. “No, I promised him I would give him time.” Kurt answers. “Kurt, when are you going to stand up for yourself and go after what you want? This is your life and you should be in control of it and do what is best for you. Life is too short to be unhappy.” Burt says as he notices a crowd forming further down the path. He sees a man with black curly hair taking pictures with some people. “Kurt, I need to make a pit stop. Why don't you go back and check on the girls and I'll be there in a minute.” Burt says as he starts walking to the bathroom. He watches Kurt head back to the girls and he quickly changes directions and heads to the crowd of girls and the man with black curly hair.

“Excuse me.” He says as he walks into the middle of the group. “I need to talk to you for a couple of minutes if you don't mind Blaine?” He says as Blaine is surprised to see Burt and hugs him like a long lost friend. “How are you doing Mr. Hummel?” Blaine asks. “Mr. Hummel? Have we grown that far apart that you don't feel like you can call me Burt anymore?” Burt asks. “I figured you'd hate me because of the way I have treated Kurt. I'm sorry Burt.” Blaine apologizes. “That's better and I am doing well. I can see you are doing pretty well yourself with your music career and now you are taking on Broadway but you're not very happy. Your eyes and smile are not the happy ones I used to see a few years ago when you practically lived at my house. I'm here visiting Kurt because he is graduating from NYADA tomorrow. In case you are wondering he is still deeply in love with you and I know he would love it if you attended the ceremony. He's here in the park if you would like to see him now instead.” Burt tells Blaine. Worried that Kurt might see him Blaine begins to panic. “Burt, it's great to see you again and I'm glad you are doing well but I need to leave.” Blaine explains. “When are you going to stop running away kid? Aren't you tired of being unhappy? I'm tired of seeing you two so miserable. He's graduating at 1 o'clock tomorrow and we would love to have you attend and celebrate with us. But it's your choice. I hope you make the right one. I guess I had better let you get back to your fans because they want to meet you. For your information your number one fan would like to meet you too if you can find some time for him. Take it easy Blaine and I hope to see you soon.” Burt says as he walks back to talk with Kurt and the girls. Blaine spends a few minutes talking and taking pictures with his fans before he and Sam leave the park not noticed by Kurt.

Kurt wakes up excited about his Graduation today. Rachael and Kurt meet Burt and Carol for brunch before they head to NYADA. The Graduation ceremony begins and nobody notices a man wearing a hat and sunglasses entering the auditorium and he sits down in the back. The graduates are required to perform something as part of the Graduation Ceremony. Kurt decides to sing ‘Come What May' from Moulin Rouge. He had hoped that Blaine would show up and remember their song. When he finished he was given a standing ovation. After all the performances the Graduates stood and walked on to the stage to receive their diplomas as their names were called. After receiving his diploma he heard his family and friends cheering for him. He looked out into the auditorium and saw a man standing up in the back all by himself clapping and cheering loudly. “Is that Blaine?” Kurt wonders as he tries to see but can't because it is too dark. He keeps turning around trying to see the person. The ceremony ends and the lights are turned on as the graduates find their family and friends. Kurt is heading to the back of the auditorium when all of a sudden there is screaming.  “Blaine Anderson, oh my God that is Blaine Anderson!” Girls are yelling and people are rushing to the area where Blaine Anderson is. Kurt is trying to make his way there but is being pushed away. Finally security guards reach the area and they are escorting Blaine out of the auditorium. “No, Blaine, Blaine” Kurt yells trying to get Blaine's attention. Before he gets to Blaine, security has taken him away to a safe location. Kurt decides to find his family and hugs his Dad tightly. “He was here Dad but I didn't get a chance to see him or talk to him.” Kurt tells Burt as he puts his arm around Kurt's shoulder and they begin to walk out.

 “Excuse me. Are you Kurt Hummel?” A security guard asks. “Yes, I am Kurt Hummel.” Kurt says as he pays attention to what the security guard is going to say. “I was asked to give you this.” He says as he hands a wrapped box to Kurt. “Who asked you to give this to me?” Kurt asks. “Blaine Anderson, we barely got him out of here and into a taxi. He wouldn't leave NYADA unless I agreed to deliver this to you.” He says as walks out of the auditorium.

Kurt is sitting on his bed tired from a long and exciting day. Burt and Carol had gone back to their hotel room and Rachael was out with some friends so Kurt decided it was time to open the box from Blaine. He slowly took the wrapping off the box and lifted the cover. Inside he saw a ticket to opening night of ‘Big Dreams' in a seat reserved for guests of the performers. He then took out the note that Blaine had written by hand. Tears formed in his eyes as he read the note.


Dear Kurt,

Your presence is cordially requested by your boyfriend this Tuesday at my place for     


Sam will pick you up at 11 o'clock and bring you here for lunch before we attend the

highly anticipated Opening Night of Big Dreams and after party.

You may need a few outfits so come prepared.

Hoping I will see you Tuesday.




Kurt takes out his phone and texts a message to Blaine.


Yes you will. Love you too.


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