What If?
Chapter 1 Needs a Push Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 1 Needs a Push

T - Words: 1,873 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                                What If?

                             Chapter 1 - Needs a Push


Kurt graduated from high school a few months ago and his dream to move to New York City has been put on hold and placed on the back burner since he didn't get accepted into NYADA. While he waits a few months before reapplying to NYADA Kurt decides to enroll at Lima Community College and take some basic courses to get them out of the way.

He also gets a job at the Lima Bean, (though he hates it) so he can start saving for his future in New York. Kurt hates to see Blaine come into the Lima Bean because he doesn't like his boyfriend seeing him as a loser who works at the Lima Bean. Kurt hates the sympathetic looks he gets from Blaine when he leaves with his coffee because Blaine senses the uncomfortable feeling in the air also when Kurt is working.

Blaine is excited about starting his senior year at McKinley High. He knows it is going to be strange since Kurt and most of his friends have moved on to college or life after high school. Blaine knows he is basically alone now at McKinley after transferring from Dalton Academy last year to be near Kurt. But he feels alright about it because he has the glee club to get him through and they are the reigning Show Choir National Champions so they will be the popular kids on campus. Blaine is at school, since his senior year began yesterday and he is surprised to see Kurt wandering around the halls of McKinley. He is going over to talk to Kurt when he notices some students looking at Kurt with strange looks on their faces and pointing at him while they ask each other. “Why is he here? Didn't he graduate last year? He must be desperate if the high point of his day is coming back to his high school the year after he graduated.” Blaine feels bad for Kurt, he knows what Kurt is trying to do. He's trying to get himself ready for New York next year, but he also knows that Kurt is not happy because he is still in Lima. Blaine decides he needs to have a talk with Kurt before he wastes a year in Lima being miserable. After talking to Kurt for a few minutes before his English class Blaine spends the rest of the day thinking about Kurt. Blaine walks into the choir room for glee club practice when he sees Kurt organizing the sheet music on the floor and realizes he has to help Kurt move on. “Kurt, if you're not busy why don't we have dinner together tonight?” Blaine suggests. “Okay, that sounds like a plan.” Kurt replies. “I'll pick you up at 6 o'clock and dress casual.” Blaine explains to Kurt as he goes and sits down next to Artie and they begin to warm up by singing scales as Kurt finishes organizing the sheet music.

It is 6 o'clock and Kurt is coming out of the house looking sharp as he gets into the passenger side of Blaine's car. Blaine pulls out of the driveway and heads to some place, but Kurt doesn't know where. Blaine drives to a park and says. “We're here so let's get out.” Blaine informs Kurt as he gets out of the car and takes out a blanket and a wooden picnic basket from the backseat of the car that Kurt had not noticed. The two boys walk towards a large oak tree and Blaine stops underneath it. He spreads out the red plaid blanket and places the picnic basket on it before he motions for Kurt to sit down with him sitting criss-crossed on the blanket. “This is a wonderful surprise because picnics are one of my most favorite things to do.” Kurt says while Blaine takes out some baked chicken, cheese and crackers, fruit, and raw vegetables. He then takes out some plates, utensils, napkins and two bottles of water as Kurt watches him empty the basket. “This looks delicious which is good because I am very hungry.” Kurt says as his mouth starts to water. “That's good because I brought plenty.” Blaine says with a smile on his face as he wants to enjoy every minute of this time together with Kurt before it ends. Kurt takes a plate and puts some of everything on it. He starts to eat and says. “Mmmm this tastes so good Blaine.” After they finish eating and sharing their news of the day Kurt notices a look on Blaine's face that worries him. “Okay Blaine, spill it. Why are we having this lovely picnic on a Wednesday night? I can see it on your face Blaine. Something is bothering you so start talking.” Kurt orders as he sets down his plate and gives Blaine his full attention.

“Kurt you know I love you right?” Blaine says as Kurt answers. “Yes” As he shakes his head up and down. “Kurt, you need to leave. You need to go to New York and follow your dream. You are not happy here, no matter how many times you tell me you are. When you are unhappy I can't be happy. Going to New York will make you happy so you need to do it. If you are honest with yourself Kurt you will agree with me.” Blain explains. “But what am I supposed to do there? NYADA didn't accept me.” Kurt reminds Blaine. “You can do the same thing you are doing here. Get a job and go to the community college and take some basic courses. At least you are in New York and starting to live your dream. You will be happy and I'll be happy for you.” Blaine tells Kurt who asks. “What about us Blaine? You know what people say about long distant relationships. They don't last.” Kurt laments. “We will have to stay together thru technology.  We will talk on the phone, text, and skype. It is going to be hard not doubt about that, but if we are important enough to each other we can work it out.” Blaine explains to Kurt. “You really think I should go to New York?” Kurt asks Blaine looking for reassurance. “Kurt, your dream is to live in New York City and be a performer on Broadway. You have to take your first step on the road towards your dream sometime Kurt. You will get to experience New York for a few months before you reapply to NYADA. I think you should go even though I will miss seeing you, touching you, and smelling you.” Blaine says as he has moved closer to Kurt and is kissing his neck while holding his head. They hold each other lovingly for awhile before they notice it is getting dark. The boys begin to put their plates and food back into the basket and pick up their things before they head back to the car.

Blaine drives Kurt home in silence as he ponders what to do. Blaine pulls into the driveway and turns the car off when Kurt says. “Blaine, I think you are right. As much as I will miss you I need to go to New York. I can't believe you gave this gift to me. You gave me the push I needed so I could move on. How did I ever get such an understanding and supportive boyfriend as you? Once you graduate you will come and join me in New York City and we will start our future together.” Kurt tells Blaine looking forward to the day they are together. The boys kiss goodbye as Kurt heads into his house to talk with his Dad. Blaine puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway and heads home with tears in his eyes and a pain in his heart.

Kurt sees Carol and his Dad sitting in the living room watching the television. He walks in and asks. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”  Burt turns the television off and they give Kurt their attention. “I want to talk to you about a discussion Blaine and I had and the decision I have made.” After Kurt tells them about his discussion with Blaine and explains his decision Burt says. “Kurt, I know this is your decision and it is a big decision in your life. I want you to know that I will support you no matter what you decide and the truth is I agree with Blaine.” Kurt stands and hugs his Dad and says. “I love you Dad.” “I love you too Kurt.” Burt says lovingly. “Well I guess that is it. I am moving to New York and I will leave in a week. I can't believe it. I'm going to do this. I need to call Rachael and tell her I'm coming.” Kurt says as he runs upstairs happier than he has been in months. Burt hugs Carol will a tear in his eye and a pain in his heart knowing that his life is changing and will never be the same.

The week passes too quickly and Kurt, Blaine, and Burt find themselves standing at an airport gate with moist eyes. They have announced that boarding is allowed for Kurt's flight. Kurt hugs his Dad and tells him to take care of himself and that he loves him as tears fall from their eyes. The time is here. The moment they are not looking forward to. “Take New York by storm Kurt. We will make this work. I love you.” Blaine says as they hug but never say that word. “I love you too Blaine. Stay safe and I will call you when I get there. Well I had better get going, Rachael is picking me up and she would be mad if I missed the flight.” Kurt says as he finds it harder to leave than he thought it would. “This is the last call for boarding Flight 123 to New York.” They hear through the speaker. With tears in his eyes he kisses Blaine one last time and hugs his Dad. He turns and runs to the runway not looking back. Kurt gets on the plane that will fly him to New York and his dream.

As soon as Kurt is out of sight Burt notices a heartbroken kid standing frozen in time, staring at the runway Kurt just ran down, his face is covered with tears. Burt goes over to Blaine and wraps his arms around him. “It will be alright Anderson.” Burt says trying to help Blaine through this separation as he rubs his back while Blaine holds on to Burt with all his might and sobs onto his shoulder. Blaine doesn't notice the tears in Burt's eyes too.

The plane arrives and Rachael sees Kurt as he walks through the tunnel. “Welcome to New York City Kurt, the place where dreams come alive.” Rachael says as they head to the baggage claim area. She gets to see Kurt taking his first steps towards making his New York City dream come true.


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