Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter. The next few chapters will not take so long I promise.
Life Goes On
Chapter 17- A Night of Surprises
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months as their lives went on uneventful. Elizabeth has totally recovered from her accident and in fact, is constantly asking to go to the park so she can go down the slide again. Going down the slide was always her first choice of park activities and Blaine and Kurt always obliged. Emma is completing her first year of kindergarten and getting excited about summer vacation that will include visiting Grandpa Burt and Grandma Carol in Lima. Kurt has been such a huge success in Happenings that he had to cut back his hours at Vogue.com. Stephanie wasn't thrilled about fewer hours but she understood and was very excited for Kurt, so she happily excepted as many hours that Kurt could give her. After hearing about Kurt's concern for providing financially security for his family since he was the only one bringing in money Blaine started playing at The Train Station again but only on Friday nights. It wasn't a lot of money but it is enough to help ease Kurt's fears so all was good.
This Friday is special though because it's Blaine's birthday. Unbeknownst to Blaine, Kurt had taken the day off from doing the show so he and the girls could bake Blaine his favorite birthday cake. The three were busy mixing the batter for the cake while Blaine was out visiting Joey. After the cake mixture was put into the oven the girls went into their bedroom and shut the door so they could make their special birthday card for Blaine in secret while Kurt cleaned up the kitchen. When they finished Kurt helped them practice their surprise for Blaine when they heard keys being put into the lock. They stopped singing and ran to greet Blaine at the front door. “Happy Birthday!” the girls shouted and wrapped their arms around his neck since he bent down to hug them saying, “Thank you girls. You have made this a great birthday.” Blaine says as he hugs and kisses them lovingly. An hour later they sat down at the table and ate dinner. After dinner Kurt carries the birthday cake into the dining area and the girls join him in singing the Happy Birthday song to Blaine. Blaine blows out the candles. He cuts his cake and shares the birthday cake with his family while he looks at the beautiful Birthday card the girls gave him. Blaine glances at the clock and realizes he needs to head out to The Train Station or he will be late. He kisses the girls goodbye and gives them a hug. Kurt walks him to the door and kisses him goodbye. After closing the door he hurries back to the girls. “Okay girls get changed into your outfits because we have to get going so we can surprise Papa.” Kurt says excitedly looking forward for this evening's surprise.
Kurt and the girls are finally standing in front of The Train Station. Getting there later than planned because the taxi they were riding got stuck in the Friday night traffic. As Kurt opens the door the girls walk inside and they can hear Blaine singing already and the crowd cheering him on. They find the table in back that their friends are sitting at and drop their jackets off before sneaking to the back of the stage and hide behind the curtain. “We need to be very quiet girls and wait until Daddy finishes.” Kurt whispers into their ears. Blaine finishes his last song of the set and begins to thank the audience for coming when he hears. “Excuse us ladies and gentlemen.” Blaine recognizes that voice in an instant and turns his head to see Kurt with a mike in his hand followed by the girls walking towards him with huge smiles on their faces. “Um, Kurt, what are you doing?” Blaine asks confused. “Well Blaine, we are crashing your set.” Kurt says as he and the girls stop next to Blaine. “Emma and Elizabeth have something they want to sing to you. Today is your birthday and you are very special to us. Our daughters have prepared a special song for you on this special day to let you know how much they love you so please have a seat.” Kurt says as he motions for Blaine to sit down on the chair in the middle of the stage. Kurt takes the boombox from Emma and places it on the piano as the girls go and stand in front of Blaine. Kurt gives Emma the microphone and then he pushes the play button and the music starts and the girls begin to sing. (Oh My Papa – Find it on you tube - Jim Nabors – changed a few of the lyrics to fit story)
Oh my Papa to us you are so wonderful.
Oh my Papa to us you are so good.
No one could be so gentle and so loveable.
Oh my Papa you always understand.
Great are the days when he takes us on his knee
and with a smile you turn our tears to laughter.
Oh my Papa so funny, so adorable.
Always the clown, so funny in his way.
Oh my Papa to us he is so wonderful
Deep in our hearts we love you so today.
Blaine's face is covered with tears and a smile so wide that it hurts. He stands and bends down until his right knee touches the floor. He extends his arms and his daughters run into his strong arms. He hugs them tightly while people in the audience are wiping tears from their eyes and Blaine says. “Thank you girls very much. That was a beautiful song and you did a fantastic job. I love you girls so much.” Blaine picks up his daughters and walks over toward Kurt who wraps his arms around his beloved family. They slowly walk off the stage to the cheers of the crowd. Kurt helps Blaine set the girls back on the floor. “Why are you crying Papa?” Elizabeth asks confused. “They are happy tears sweetie happy tears because you gave me such a wonderful gift.” Blaine explains as he wipes his eyes.
Kurt and Blaine walk the girls back to their table where they share some cake and ice cream with family and friends before Blaine heads back to the stage for his second set. Everyone is having a great time singing along with Blaine and the girls were a sight to be seen dancing to the beat until their feet hurt. By the time Blaine finished the set the girls were so tuckered out they were falling fast asleep in Kurt's and Joey's arms. After the set Blaine walks over to the table and says to Kurt. “It looks like they enjoyed themselves. Let me put my things away in the backroom and then I will help you get the girls home.” Blaine kisses Kurt's cheek tenderly and heads to the backroom.
In the backroom Blaine was putting the sound equipment away and packing up his things when a man knocks on the door and says, “Excuse me. I'm looking for Blaine Anderson. The bartender said I would find him back here.” Blaine looks at the man and says. “I'm Blaine Anderson. How can I help you?” The man enters the backroom and says with excitement. “Great, I'm glad to meet you Blaine Anderson.” Extending his hand to Blaine he continues. “My name is Thomas Capler and I really enjoyed your performance this evening. In fact I was so moved by your first set that I cancelled a meeting I was suppose to attend so I could hang around for your second set. I am very impressed with your singing ability, song selection, and I really love your interaction with the audience. You are so natural up there and not every performer has that trait. Let me get to the point. Blaine, I work for T.C. Entertainment and I have been searching the country for someone to open for Phil Collins' European Summer Concert Tour that I am producing. I have been looking for someone for months and I think you are the perfect fit. If you are interested and have a few minutes to talk I would like to discuss a deal and offer you the gig.” Blaine can't believe what he just heard. His brain is spinning but his body is frozen in time like a statue as he stares at the man without blinking until he finally says confused, “Okay” as he motions for the man to sit down at the table. Thomas Capler explains everything as Blaine listens politely absorbing the information he is being told. “I am very interested in this opportunity but I need to discuss this with my husband before I can give you a definite answer. I hope you understand and can give me the time I need.” Blaine explains. Capler agrees to Blaine's request and as they stand Thomas Capler says, “I really want you for this tour Blaine. In fact I will even sweeten the offer by paying all the expenses for your husband and daughters to travel with you on tour. But I need to know your answer by Wednesday.” Thomas hands Blaine his business card, shakes his hand, and turns to leave saying, “I hope to hear some good news from you soon Blaine.” He leaves the room and Blaine remains standing by the table still in shock not believing what just happened when he is startled by Joey yelling from the door entrance. “Blaine, what are you doing? Kurt is ready to leave and wants to know what is taking you so long.”