Life Goes On
Chapter 10 Making Changes Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 10 Making Changes

T - Words: 3,499 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                 Life Goes On

               Chapter 10 – Making Changes

A few weeks have passed and Blaine is back to feeling his normal self and performing at The Train Station again. Ever since Kurt told him about his promotion at Blaine has been thinking about their future. Kurt is going to be very busy with play rehearsal and working at fulltime that Blaine realizes he will be the main one caring for the girls, their home, and meeting Kurt's needs for the foreseeable future. Blaine has come to the conclusion that he has to make a choice and it will change his life. If Kurt can make enough money for the family to live on comfortably then he will become a house husband and devote all his time to making sure his family is safe, happy, and taken care of. “I will give up my dreams for my family's sake,” Blaine thinks to himself. Now he has to find time to break the news to Kurt about his decision, except when does Kurt have any time to talk.

Blaine was putting the girls to bed when Kurt finally arrived home. Kurt read a story to the girls before bedtime while Blaine cleaned up the bathroom and then warmed up Kurt's dinner. They both kissed the girls goodnight and walked to the kitchen table to talk.

“The lasagna tastes wonderful Blaine.” Kurt compliments Blaine. “Thanks, I had to become a better cook so the girls would be healthy since I'm preparing all their meals now,” Blaine remarks. “Blaine, I really appreciate what you are doing for the girls and keeping dinner warm for me,” Kurt says before he takes another bite. “I'm glad you appreciate it. At least I am good at something,” Blaine says but Kurt doesn't hear the complete remark as he is checking texts on his phone. Blaine watches Kurt eat a few more bites of his dinner when he finally says, “Kurt, I want to talk to you about a decision I have made that I think is the best choice for our family.” Kurt swallows and says, “This sounds pretty serious. You have me worried a little bit.” Kurt puts his fork down and gives Blaine all his attention. “Kurt, ever since you told me about your promotion I have been thinking about how your new job is going to affect our family. Lately, you have been very busy getting ready for the fashion show and we haven't seen very much of you. I think after the fashion show you are still going to be very busy because you will be rehearsing for the lead in the Broadway musical and working at fulltime in your new position. You are not going to have time to help out with the girls and around the apartment. You are going to be rehearsing and then working 6 out of 7 days leaving at 9:00 a.m. and getting home at 8:00 p.m. on a good day. I'm performing 5 out of 7 nights a week leaving at 6 o'clock and getting back after midnight. Do you see a problem with our schedules?” Blaine asks. Kurt nods his head up and down acknowledging he sees the problem. “Why don't we look into hiring a nanny to fill in when we are not around?” Kurt suggests. “We could, but when Lindsey asked us to raise her children like our own daughters if she wasn't able to, I don't think she wanted her girls raised by a nanny. She wanted us to raise the girls and be a part of their lives so I believe the best solution to this situation is for me to stop performing and I will become a house husband. I want to raise our daughters and take care of them like we agreed to. I will also be able to care for our home as well as be there for you when you need me. If I calculated correctly I think we should be able to live off the income you would be bringing home from both jobs.” Kurt looks at Blaine as he is processing what Blaine just implied and suggested. “Blaine, you love to perform and your dream is to sing professionally and this decision sounds like you are giving up on your dream. I don't want you to give up your dreams while I continue to pursue mine. Does this decision have anything to do with Jasper and your audition?” Kurt wonders. “Kurt, my most important dream is to love, support, and provide for our daughters and my husband. If I keep performing I won't be around for the girls or you and I don't want that. My family is too important to me,” Blaine explains. “Wow, that makes me sound like I don't put my family first and my family is not my top priority,” Kurt says feeling like a jerk. “You can't resign Kurt because you make the most money. We can't live on what I make from The Train Station and I didn't mean to imply that your family is not important to you,” Blaine says as Kurt contemplates his reasoning. “Blaine, I am going to be totally honest with you. I don't like you giving up on your dream because your feelings got hurt by some jerk that can't see how talented you are. But, I am going to support your decision under the following conditions. You will still sing, play music, and write songs and when things settle down for us and the girls are older you will pursue your dream of performing. I also want you to schedule gigs every so often so you can stay on top of your performance skills. Blaine, I love you with all my heart and I don't want this change to cause us to grow apart. I know lately I haven't been here for you and the girls like I should be. But you and the girls mean the world to me and I love you more than anything else. Nothing is more important to me than you and the girls, you have to know that right.” Kurt says as he holds Blaine's hands and looks into his eyes. “I will accept your conditions and support, and Kurt I do know you love us,” Blaine says as he stands and walks towards Kurt who stands. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt and then kisses him passionately on his lips. Blaine ends the kiss and whispers in Kurt's ear, “I would be happy to allow you to prove your love to me Mr. Hummel-Anderson if you are interested.” Kurt hugs Blaine tightly and says, “You go ahead and check on the girls and I'll meet you in the bedroom after I clean up these dishes.” Kurt watches Blaine happily walk down the hall and thinks to himself, “Blaine my love, I know what you are doing. You are giving up on your dreams because that jerk caused you to lose your confidence, but I am going to make sure you keep your dreams alive because I love you too much Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” Kurt turns out the light and with a smile on his face quickly heads to their bedroom to prove how much he loves Blaine.

The next day Blaine gives his two week notice to the manager of The Train Station. The manager was very disappointed to hear Blaine would be leaving and begged him to stay. He was even willing to give him a raise but Blaine stuck to his guns and his performing days at The Train Station would be coming to an end in two weeks.

Fourteen days flew by since Blaine had turned in his letter of resignation and tonight was his final performance. Kurt, the girls, Joey, Sally, friends and fans of Blaine's had filled The Train Station to support Blaine. “Before I finish this evening I want to thank my friends and fans for coming tonight and supporting me all these years. I want to thank my beautiful girls Emma and Elizabeth for making my life wonderful. I love you very much. Finally, I want to thank my husband Kurt. Thank you for supporting me, putting up with my craziness, but most of all for just loving me. This song is I was for you.

Before for I met you I was alright...”

Blaine sang the song with all his heart knowing this was the end of his dream. Blaine, his family and friends, all had tears in their eyes because they knew the significance of this song to Blaine and Kurt. Blaine played the last note and let it linger into the air. He quickly got up and jumped off the stage and ran over to Kurt. Blaine melted into his loving husband's arms as tears flowed from Blaine's eyes. Kurt whispers into Blaine's ear, “This isn't the end Blaine. I won't let you give up on your dreams.” Blaine tightens his grip around Kurt.

Blaine and the girls quickly get into a routine that is working well for them. After getting Emma to school Blaine and Elizabeth spend time playing in the park, reading a book or drawing some pictures before taking a nap. In the afternoon before making dinner Blaine focuses on Emma and doing things she wants to do after she gets her homework done. Kurt has been busy with last minute prep for the fashion show putting in long hours double checking every detail. They haven't seen him a lot lately but hopefully that will change soon, once the fashion show is over.

Finally the night of the fashion show arrives and Joey and Sally agree to watch the girls so Blaine could be Kurt's escort. The girls are eating dinner when Kurt shouts, “Come on Blaine, we need to get going.” Blaine comes running out of the bedroom and poses as he stands in front of his family waiting for their approval. “Wow!” Everyone shouts as Blaine does a spin in his beautiful navy blue suit that Kurt had chosen for him. “Pwitty,” Elizabeth giggles with a smile. Kurt stares at Blaine mesmerized and speechless. Kurt finally comes back to reality and says, “You look great Mr. Hummel-Anderson. Come on we need to get going, the cab is downstairs.” After kissing the girls goodnight and reminding them to be good the husbands head out the door anticipating on having a magical evening together.

They arrive at the venue with time to spare and Kurt goes backstage to make sure everything is running according to plan. Blaine walks around the venue meeting people while he waits for Kurt to return. After a while they announce to the people to find their seats the show would be starting soon. There was no sign of Kurt and Blaine didn't know where they were supposed to sit so he just stood by the side of the auditorium staying out of the way of people as they found their seats. They lights were turned down and the show started. Cheers and applause could be heard after each outfit was shown. At the conclusion of the show people stood and applauded their approval of the show when suddenly Stephanie came out onto the runway pulling Kurt behind her. Stephanie thanked everyone for coming and then introduced Kurt Hummel to the audience and bragged about all the hard work he had done to make this such a successful show. When Stephanie and Kurt left the runway the lights were turned back on and people began to exit the auditorium and head towards the entrance for some refreshments. Blaine followed the crowd figuring that Kurt would eventually come out to mingle with the people. He finally saw Kurt standing with a group of people smiling and laughing while drinking some champagne. Blaine stood by the wall just watching Kurt from afar as he moved from group to group completely enthralled in what they were saying. Blaine had been standing by the wall for quite a while when Kurt finally saw him and waved. Blaine waved back and just stayed frozen in his spot. A man walks up to Blaine who noticed he had been staring at Kurt and says, “I hear he is married so you might as well move on to someone else.” The man moves on before Blaine can say anything. Blaine looks at his watch realizing it is getting late when Kurt finally comes up to him. “Hi Blaine, hasn't this been a wonderful evening?” Kurt says as he hugs Blaine. “You did a great job Kurt. I heard people saying they thought the show was fantastic and wondering who is Kurt Hummel,” Blaine shares. “Listen to this, Stephanie wants me to attend her after show party to meet some famous fashion experts so let's go Blaine her limo is waiting for us.” Kurt tells Blaine as he starts pulling him towards the door. “Wait Kurt,” Blaine says as he stops moving. “Kurt, I am so proud of you but it is late and the girls will be up before too long so you go and enjoy yourself, you have earned this recognition. I need to go home so Joey and Sally can leave and I need to get some sleep before the girls rise,” Blaine explains. “But Blaine, I want you to come with me. I want to celebrate with you,” Kurt is saying. “Why?” Blaine asks wondering why since they haven't been together all night long, but before Kurt can answer an assistant to Stephanie interrupts, “Kurt, hurry up Stephanie is waiting in the limo.” Blaine looks at Kurt and says, “Go Kurt, have a good time and I will see you at home.” Blaine kisses Kurt on his cheek and starts to walk towards the door as the assistant starts pulling Kurt to the waiting limo.

As Kurt gets near the limo the assistant says, “You are so lucky to have such a hot friend. I hope you are getting some great benefits from him if you know what I mean.” Kurt stops in his tracks and looks at the assistant with disdain. “Why would you say that?” Kurt asks smugly. “He's been staring at you all night long practically drooling with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. How could you have not noticed?” The assistant asks as he opens up the limousine's back door. Kurt felt like his emotions had just been drenched with a huge bucket of ice water and the joy of this evening turned into severe guilt. Kurt finally realizes he had ignored Blaine all night long. No wonder he wants to go home and couldn't get out of here fast enough. He had treated Blaine like a complete stranger instead of his precious and wonderful husband. Kurt leans into the limo and says, “Stephanie I will not be going to the party with you and I will see you sometime next week and, don't call me.” Kurt backs up and starts heading towards the venue. “You're going to go after that friend of yours aren't you?” The assistant says in a jealous tone. “You're a lucky dog! Go get him!” The assistant yells. “Yes, I am lucky and for your information that friend is my husband!” Kurt says proudly as he starts running trying to find Blaine. Kurt goes out the door that Blaine had gone through earlier and is running down the sidewalk trying to catch up with his husband. He runs down a few blocks when he finally sees a familiar man with black curly hair sitting on a bench with his head in his hands.

Kurt starts to slow down and stops when he is a few steps away. He takes in a few deep breathes as he tries to catch his breath before he quietly walks up to the bench and asks, “Can I buy you a medium drip? I know of a nice coffee shop just down the street.” Kurt extends his hand hoping that Blaine will accept it. Blaine looks up with moist eyes and looks at Kurt for a few seconds deciding what to do. Slowly a forgiving smile appears on Blaine's face and he grabs Kurt's hand and replies. “I would love to.”

They walk silently to the coffee shop hand in hand. Once there Kurt get's their coffees and two cronuts to share while Blaine finds a table. Kurt walks over to the table and sits down and gives Blaine his cup of coffee and cronut. Blaine takes a bite of his cronut and mumbles. “Mmm, I love cronuts and then smashes the rest of it into his mouth. “Blaine,” Kurt reprimands. “If you choke I am not going to give you mouth to mouth.” Blaine slowly chews up the remaining cronut enjoying it immensely. “Mmm good, are you sure you don't want to give me mouth to mouth?” Blaine asks Kurt as he licks his lips. “Not here Mr. Hummel-Anderson,” Kurt answers leaving it open for a future possibility. “I love the sound of that, Hummel-Anderson. Tonight everyone just called you Kurt Hummel.” Blaine said as he lowered his head and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I didn't know it bothered you when people called me Hummel only,” Kurt replies. “I don't want to sound childish or jealous or hurt your feelings but it does bother me Kurt. I want people to know you are married to me and that you are mine and that you are proud of that fact.” Blaine says as he looks at disappointedly at Kurt. “Blaine, I am yours and only yours, and I am very proud to be able to say that, don't ever doubt that.” Kurt says strongly as he grabs Blaine's hand and holds it tightly. I don't Kurt.” Blaine says, but Kurt watches Blaine's eyes and they are telling Kurt something different. “Blaine, your eyes are giving you away. Please be honest with me.” Kurt begs wanting Blaine to be truthful. “Tonight, I watched you from afar as you enjoyed yourself basking in the success of the show, mingling with these fashion experts, being talked about by people and you loved it,” Blaine says. “I did enjoy it. I had worked very hard and it was a very successful show. Why shouldn't I enjoy this evening?” Kurt asks proudly not going to feel guilty. “You should have enjoyed this evening Kurt. You have been spending numerous hours for weeks working for tonight's fashion show. You're happy and you should be happy sharing your success and joy with your friends in the fashion world and that is great. But why didn't you want to take a few minutes to share your happiness and success with the people you say you love and are the most important to you. We would have loved to share in your success but we were nowhere to be seen. It makes me feel that your career is the most important thing in your life. Is your career more important than your children and husband Kurt? It feels like it is and you have chosen your work over us, your family.” Kurt sits there stunned by Blaine's comments. “Listen Kurt, I didn't want to put a damper on your night. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm sorry. You probably wish you had gone to Stephanie's party now. We should go home, it's late and I promised to take the girls to the park tomorrow and you have to go to the office and pack up your things so you can move into your new office on Monday. Blaine stands and waits for Kurt to move. Kurt, trying to comprehend what Blaine just said slowly stands. Blaine grabs Kurt's hand and they silently walk out of the coffee shop heading home.

Joey and Sally head home after taking a few minutes to hear about the successful fashion show. Blaine and Kurt thank them again for watching the girls as they walk out the door. Blaine goes and checks on the girls while Kurt locks up and turns out the lights. Both of them meet in their bedroom and change into their pajamas before sliding into bed. Kurt grabs a hold of Blaine around his waist and pulls him close. He puts his head on Blaine's shoulder so he is near his ear and whispers, “I love you Blaine and the girls. You guys mean more to me than anything else in this world. You have to believe that and I am so sorry for the way I treated you tonight and the way I have treated my family lately. My family deserves better from me and I promise you will be getting the best me from now on.” Blaine stays silent as his eyes fill with tears hoping for the best but concerned about the future of his family.



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