Friends and Family
Chapter 7 A Tough Day Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 7 A Tough Day

T - Words: 1,407 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
186 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I am not a medical professional. I did a little bit of research. Do not take any medical information mentioned in this chapter as fact.

                      Friends and Family

                           Chapter 7 – A Tough Day

Blaine is reading a newspaper while Lindsey is resting after her tests. Dr. Jackson comes into the room to talk to Lindsey about her test results. Blaine stands to leave when Lindsey says. “Please stay, by the look on her face this does not look like good news.” Blaine sits down in the chair next to Lindsey. “What did you find out Dr. Jackson?” She asks as she grabs Blaine's hand for support. “Lindsey, yes you have the flu. Fluids and some medicine will help with that. What concerns me the most was the extreme tiredness that you were experiencing for no apparent reason and the sound of your heart beat. Lindsey, the tests show your heart is not working efficiently. This is causing your heart to work harder than it should. What you have is called cardiomyopathy which is the abnormal thickening of the ventricles. This thickening makes it difficult to pump your blood effectively through your body. This can lead to heart failure.” Dr. Jackson says as Lindsey squeezes Blaine's hand. “Why, what caused this to happen?” Lindsey asks with tears in her eyes. “We don't know for sure but some of the causes are genetic, pregnancy, drug abuse or an infection of the heart to name a few. This is the treatment that I recommend for now. I am placing you on complete bed rest for the duration of your pregnancy. You may get up to go to the bathroom, shower, and attend doctor appointments. I don't want you doing anything that causes your heart rate to increase or to work harder. You are not to lift anything heavier than five pounds. “What about lifting Emma?” Lindsey asks. “Someone will have to hand her to you and you can hold her, but no lifting. Treatment for your condition is going to be less aggressive than normal because of your pregnancy. As a Doctor I am required to inform you of this option. You could abort this pregnancy even though you are five months along because your life is at risk.” Dr. Jackson informs Lindsey. “No, an abortion is not an option so don't ever mention it again.” She says sternly. “We can discuss delivery later to your due date but a c-section is most likely the best option.” Dr. Jackson informs Lindsey who is still in a state of shock. “Dr. Jackson, could I die anytime without warning? Could my heart just stop beating?” Lindsey asks with fear in her voice. “Yes” Dr. Jackson says. She says more but Lindsey isn't hearing anything. All she can  think about now is her babies.

“Kurt I hear Emma. I think she is awake.” Rachael says as she goes to get Emma off of Kurt's bed. She sees tears in Emma's eyes as she brings her out into the living room. “What happened?” Kurt asks Rachael. “I don't know. She was crying when I picked her up. Kurt, does she feel warm to you?” Rachael asks Kurt. He touches Emma's forehead and agrees that she does feel warm. “Oh no, maybe she caught Lindsey's flu.” Kurt wonders. “Let's take her temperature.” Rachael suggests. “I don't have a baby thermometer.” Kurt says. “I'll go to the drug store and pick one up. I'll be right back.” Rachael says as she quickly leaves the apartment. Emma starts crying so Kurt rocks her back and forth while humming a lullaby, hoping it calms her. After a few minutes Kurt realizes why she was crying as she throws up all over her clothes and Kurt's shirt. “Oh Emma you really are sick.” Kurt says as he heads to the bathroom to clean them both up.

The doorbell rings and Kurt figures it is Rachael retuning from the drug store. With Emma in her diaper only Kurt carries her to the door to let Rachael in. “That was fast Rachael.” He says as he opens the door, but is shocked when he sees Jack Hill standing outside the apartment. “What do you want?” Kurt asks sternly. “I came to talk to Blaine.” He says. “He's not here. He doesn't want to talk to you or see you. Why can't you accept that decision and leave him alone?” Kurt says as Rachael comes back and says. “Excuse me,” as she steps by Jack Hill and goes into the apartment. “Goodbye” Kurt says as he shuts the door loudly. “Tell Blaine I'll be back. I need to talk to him.” Jack Hill says as he hears the click of the door being locked. “Who was that because you were quite rude?” Rachael asks. “That Rachael is a terrible person named Jack Hill.” Kurt answers. “What did he do?” Rachael asks. “Rachael I don't care about him right now but I do care about Emma. She threw up when you were gone. I think she caught the flu from her Mother. What's in the bag? Kurt asks. “Oh, I got a baby thermometer and some medicine that the pharmacist recommended. I asked him what to do with a sick baby who might have the flu and he said to give her this medicine because it will help to lower her temp. He also said to make sure she drinks plenty of liquids because you don't want her to become dehydrated.” Rachael says as she relays the information. “Thanks Rachael, you are going to be a good Mother someday.” Kurt replies.

The Doctor has left and Lindsey is just lying in bed staring at the wall trying to accept and understand what Dr. Jackson told her. “Lindsey what are you thinking?” Blaine asks concerned about his friend. “You can talk to me. I am a pretty good listener.” He suggests. “I'm thinking that my babies are going to grow up without their Mom. I'm thinking that I will not get to see them graduate, get married, or see and talk to my grandchildren. I'm wondering, what I did to deserve this hand being dealt to me.” She says with moist eyes. “Lindsey, I have one question for you. If you had known when you were little that you would have to deal with this condition, would you have done anything different? Lindsey spends a few minutes to seriously think about the answer. “If my parents hadn't been killed I wouldn't be as strong as I am now. If I hadn't met that loser I wouldn't have my precious Emma. If I hadn't met this baby's Father I wouldn't know what it feels like to be loved and I wouldn't have this baby.” Lindsey concludes and says. “Blaine thank you, I have to look at this world through eyes that show me what I have, not what I don't. I'm going to look forward and appreciate all the things I have and will have. I'm going to live everyday like it could be my last. I'm going to enjoy being a Mother and spending time with my friends.” She says as she holds out her arms to hug Blaine. She holds Blaine closely and says. Thank you, my friend who watches over me like a guardian angel.

Bells are going ding, ding, ding throughout the hospital. A person is heard announcing. Visiting hours have concluded. You are welcome to return tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Blaine hugs Lindsey and tells her to get some rest and he'll be back tomorrow. “Blaine, please give Emma a hug and kiss for me and tell her I love her.” Lindsey asks Blaine. “I will.” He says as he leaves the room. Outside the door he stops and wipes away the tears in his eyes.

Blaine calls Kurt when he gets outside. “Hey Kurt, I just want to let you know that I'm heading home now.” He says. “How is Lindsey?” Kurt asks. “I'll tell you when I get home.” Blaine says trying to keep his emotions in check. “Blaine before you come home you need to go by Lindsey's place and pick up some more of Emma's things like clothes, diapers, and toys.” Kurt says. “Sure, is there something wrong?” Blaine asks. “I'll tell you all about it when you get here.” Kurt tells Blaine. “Okay, see you in a few. Kurt, I love you.” Blaine says feeling grateful for his fiancé. “Love you too.” Kurt says. In unison they say. “Until the end of time.”  



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