Friends and Family
Chapter 6 Being a Friend Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 6 Being a Friend

T - Words: 1,356 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                         Friends and Family

                               Chapter 6 – Being a Friend


Blaine is walking towards Kurt, his soul mate who is standing in front of him looking as handsome as ever. He has waited for years for this day. “Do you take Kurt Elizabeth Hummel as your lawful husband?” The officiate asks Blaine. “I…” “Owwwww” Blaine yells, while his eyes open wide. He feels a small hand smacking his face over and over. “Emma there is a better way to get my attention sweet heart.” Blaine says as he tickles Emma's stomach causing her to giggle which wakes up Kurt. “Hey, hey, hey what's going on?” Well look who is awake ready to start her day?” Kurt says as he picks up Emma.  He holds her above his head cooing at her. She's laughing so sweetly that Kurt laughs too, until Emma starts drooling on his face. He sits up quickly saying. “Do you serve towels with your drool?” He gets a tissue and wipes his face and Emma's mouth. “Come on Kurt, we have to get up because somebody needs a diaper change and some breakfast, or else we will have an unhappy little girl on our hands. After complaining, Kurt gets up. He takes the diaper detail while Blaine starts making pancakes. Emma grabs her pancake pieces and pushes them into her mouth. Kurt has her drink some milk between every few bites. “Kurt, she is definitely going to need a bath before she gets dressed.” Blaine says as he watches Emma get syrup all over herself. “I'm going to call Lindsey to find out how she is feeling this morning. Can you handle Emma?” Blaine asks Kurt who nods yes. Blaine walks into the living room to call Lindsey.   

Lindsey hears the phone ringing and picks it up seeing it is Blaine calling. “Hi Blaine,” She says as she sits up a little. “How are you feeling?” Blaine asks concerned about his friend.”Honestly, I feel terrible. I still have a fever, my stomach is still upset and I am really, really tired.” She says. “Okay, what is the name of your doctor? I'm going to call and make an appointment for you.” Blaine tells her. “Dr. Anna Jackson” Lindsey informs Blaine. “Listen, I'll be over in a little bit. You can go back to sleep but before you do drink some water. You need to stay hydrated.” Blaine says before he hangs up to call Dr. Jackson.

After talking to the Doctor's office Blaine says. “Kurt, I'm going over to Lindsey's and take her to see her doctor. Dr. Jackson wants to see her as soon as I can get her there. Will you be okay taking care of Emma for a while?” Blaine asks as he pushes Emma's blonde hair out of her face. “Go, go we will be fine won't we Emma. Now you get going so Lindsey can start feeling better.” Kurt says as Emma says “drink” trying to grab her cup.

Blaine is opening the door to Dr. Jackson's office while Lindsey walks through it and goes to a chair and sits down. Blaine tells the receptionist that Lindsey is here to see the doctor. “How is Emma?” Lindsey asks Blaine as they wait for Lindsey's name to be called. “She's fine. She was headed for a bath after eating pancakes when I left. She ended up getting syrup all over herself.” Blaine tells Lindsey who smiles. A nurse calls Lindsey Green. She follows the nurse to an exam room while Blaine stays in the waiting area.

“Lindsey, after examining you I have some concerns.” The Doctor says. “You are dehydrated and that is not good for the baby. You also said you are extremely tired and have been lately. After listening to your heart I detected a sound that didn't sound normal. So with that being said, I want to admit you to the hospital so we can get some fluids into you as well as run a few tests to check out the sound I heard when I listened to your heart. Do you have someone here with you?” Dr. Jackson asks. “Yes, Blaine Anderson, he is in the waiting area.” Lindsey says with concern. A nurse asks Blaine to follow her to the exam room. With Lindsey's permission the Doctor explains Lindsey's condition to Blaine. She asks if he can take her to the hospital. Within minutes they are headed to the hospital. Lindsey's head is resting on Blaine's shoulder as they sit at admissions, waiting to be assigned a room in the hospital. Both concerned and hoping for the best but worried about what might be.

Kurt had given Emma her bath and got her dressed. She was playing with her toys when they heard a knock at the door. “Rachael, what a surprise, come on in.” Kurt says after giving her a hug. “Kurt, do you need to tell me something?” Rachael asks as she sees Emma running toward Kurt with her arms outstretched. Kurt picks Emma up and says. “Rachael I would like to introduce you to Emma Green. She is the daughter of Lindsey Green who works with Blaine at The Train Station.” Kurt says explaining who Emma is. “She is really cute Kurt.” Rachael says as she pinches Emma's cheeks. “I was going to ask you to help me rehearse my scene for my theater class but I see you are busy so I won't bother you.” She says as she makes faces at Emma. “If you can wait a few minutes I could help you because Emma is going to be taking a nap pretty soon.” Kurt asks Rachael as he starts rocking Emma. “Okay, I would love to hang around if you don't mind.” Rachael tells Kurt as she sees Emma starting to yawn.

Lindsey is in her hospital bed with tears in her eyes when Blaine is allowed in. He walks over to Lindsey and holds her in his arms as he sits down on the side of the bed. “Lindsey, it will be okay. You'll get some fluids in you and they'll find out why you are so tired. The Doctor will fix it and you will be as good as new and back on your feet before you know it.” Blaine says trying to reassure her. “You don't need to worry about Emma because Kurt and I will be happy to take care of her until you are able.” Blaine tells Lindsey trying to ease her concerns. “I'm just worried about the future. I'm worried about my future, Emma's future, and this baby's future.” Lindsey says. “Listen to me.” Blaine tells Lindsey. “If you spend all your energy worrying about the future, you are not going to have any time to enjoy the present. The future will take care of itself soon enough. You don't have to rush it here.” Blaine says as he hugs Lindsey. “Blaine you are a good friend. Thank you.” She says, as an orderly walks into the room telling them he is here to take Lindsey for her tests. After she leaves Blaine goes outside to check in with Kurt and update him on Lindsey's condition.

Kurt hears his phone ringing, picks it up, and answers it before it wakes Emma. “Hi Blaine, how is Lindsey?” Kurt asks. Blaine tells Kurt what happened at the Doctor's office and Lindsey's concerns. “Yes, we will take care of Emma until she can. That is not a problem. She needs to spend her energy getting better.” Kurt tells Blaine. “You tell Lindsey, Emma is doing fine and we are thinking about her and are looking forward to her coming home.” Kurt replies. “You make sure Lindsey is okay and I will look after Emma. See you later.” Kurt says as he turns around and looks at Rachael worried about his new friend. “What's wrong?” Rachael asks Kurt. He decides to tell Rachael about Lindsey's life and her current health condition. “You guys are great friends to be doing this for her.” Rachael says as she gives Kurt a hug.



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