Friends and Family
Chapter 4 Babysitting Emma Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 4 Babysitting Emma

T - Words: 1,803 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 4 – Babysitting Emma

Lindsey is feeling pretty good today and since she has the day to herself she is not going to let anything spoil it. She starts her day off by going to Macy's looking for some maternity clothes. She spends hours trying on pants, tops and a few dresses. After buying a few of the items Lindsey heads to an ice cream shop because she's having a craving that should be indulged. As she sat there eating a banana split with extra cherries, she couldn't believe how nice it felt to be able to slow down, take a breath, and take a moment for herself and not feel guilty about it. A smile appears on her face along with a chuckle as she relaxes, eats her banana split, and thanks Blaine for forcing her take this time for herself.

Blaine and Kurt are leaving Lindsey's building with Emma headed to Central Park. It is a beautiful day for a visit to the park because the sun is shining, the temperature is comfortable, and the boys feel good that they are able to help Lindsey this way. As they enter the park they see an oak tree and decide that would be the perfect location for their picnic. They spread out a blanket and take Emma out of her stroller. They place some of her toys on the blanket and watch her as she starts playing. “She is awfully cute.” Kurt tells Blaine as he rolls a ball to Emma. She pushes it off the blanket. They watch as Emma stands up and runs to the ball. “Look at her go.” Blaine says amazed. Suddenly, she points her finger and says “Dowggie, dowggie” and starts walking towards the large dog being walked by its owner. Before the boys can do anything Emma is running towards the dog. “Kurt she's running to the dog. Catch her. Catch her!” Blaine shouts as he is surprised how fast she is. Kurt gets up quickly and runs after her. “Gotcha Emma.” Kurt says as he catches Emma under her arms and swings her through the air. Emma giggles sweetly causing Kurt to laugh. “Were you going to see the doggie?” He asks, as Emma points to the dog walking down the sidewalk with its owner. “I never realized a baby was that fast.” Blaine says as Kurt returns with Emma and sits her down with her toys. “You watch her Kurt and I will get lunch ready.” Blaine says as he opens the baby bag. “Let's see what your Mom packed you for lunch. I see some spaghetti, chocolate pudding, and apple juice.” Blaine says as he takes it out and pours the juice into her training cup. Blaine gets Emma's lunch ready and then he takes out their lunch. “Alright Emma, it's time for lunch.” Blaine says as Kurt puts a bib on Emma. They start feeding Emma her spaghetti. She spits some out and the boys take turns spooning it back in. Kurt hands Emma her cup with juice and she takes a few sips. “This is a perfect day.” Kurt says as he takes a bite of his sandwich. “I agree.” Blaine says. “Can you imagine in a few years if we are lucky we will be here with our children. Having a picnic and playing with our son or daughter.” Blaine says as he gives Emma a spoon of pudding. “I can't wait.” Kurt responds as Emma's pudding covered hand touches his face leaving a chocolate mark. “Or maybe I can.” Kurt says as they both start laughing. “She loves pudding Kurt, look at her go.” Blaine notices as she swallows the pudding quickly. Finally finished Blaine takes out a wet wipe and cleans Emma's face and hands, making sure to get all the food off. “Alright, does someone need to be changed? Blaine asks. “Yes, I think someone does.” Blaine decides and changes her diaper. “Okay young lady, I think you are ready to go.” Blaine says as he stands Emma up. She walks over to Kurt while Blaine puts the stuff away.  “Emma, do you want to swing?” Kurt asks Emma. “I guess that is a yes.” Blaine says. As Emma starts to squeal and a big smile fills her face. The boys walk Emma or chase Emma to the swings. The boys take turns pushing Emma in the swing. She is having so much fun on the swing with the wind blowing through her hair that her laughs can be heard all over the park. People who are nearby start laughing also. Kurt takes out his phone and takes a picture to show Lindsey later. After pushing Emma for what feels like forever she is finally showing signs of getting tired as she yawns a few times. According to the schedule Lindsey gave them she usually takes a nap about this time. Blaine lifts her up out of the swing and Emma just relaxes into his arms as she lays her head on his shoulder slowly falling asleep. Kurt takes a picture of the precious sight. They return to the blanket and carefully sit back down. Blaine starts singing a lullaby to her as he rocks back and forth with Emma. “Are her eyes closed? Is she asleep?” Blaine asks Kurt. He stands to look at Emma's face and says. “She is sound asleep.” Kurt tells Blaine so he slowly places her down on the blanket and covers her up with a throw to keep her warm. Kurt and Blaine lean against the oak tree holding each other and smiling as they talk about how wonderful this day is.  

Lindsey finished her ice cream and decided she would walk the streets of New York for a while enjoying the lovely fall day. As she was walking she noticed a smell that started her stomach growling. A hot dog was now something she needed. She saw the sidewalk vendor that was responsible for the hot dog aroma she smelled. She stopped and purchased a hot dog and covered it with mustard, ketchup, and relish. She took a big bite and it tasted like heaven. Needless to say she enjoys every bite. As she continues on her journey she looks in a store window and sees a doll that reminds her of Emma. The doll has big brown eyes and wavy blonde hair. She went inside and bought the doll, a gift for Emma.

After Emma woke up they packed up their things and walked back to their apartment. Kurt found a picture book in Emma's baby bag. He started showing her the pictures. They practiced saying the names of the pictures. Kurt showed Emma a picture and she said “kittie.” Then she said “doggie” followed by “birdie, bunny, and flower.” They did this until they had gone through all the pictures in the book. After finishing the book Kurt put Emma down on the floor so she could explore the apartment. The boys kept their eyes on Emma not wanting her to get into anything she shouldn't. The afternoon races by with everybody laughing and having a wonderful time. Soon Kurt was busy fixing dinner while Blaine was washing Emma up. They would be ready for dinner after they put some pillows on the chair that Emma would be sitting on. Blaine and Kurt sit on each side of her to make sure she does not fall. Kurt had cut up her roast beef into small pieces. She picked up the meat with her fingers and put it in her mouth. Blaine helped her slide mashed potatoes and gravy onto her spoon and it into her mouth over and over since she apparently loves mashed potatoes. Dinner was soon over, Emma was cleaned up, and the kitchen was spotless, unfortunately it only left a few minutes to have playtime with Emma. All too soon it was time to pack up everything and head back to Lindsey's apartment.

Lindsey had arrived back home in the middle of the afternoon, very happy but getting tired. She decided to go lie down for a while before the boys returned with Emma. She started reading a book but was a sleep before she finished the first page.

Blaine took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the apartment door. They went into the apartment to find it very quiet and a light on in the living room but no sign of Lindsey. Kurt was taking Emma's coat off while Blaine went to see if Lindsey was home. He looked in her bedroom and found her sleeping. He took the book out of her hand and covered her up. He closed the door as he went back to tell Kurt he found Lindsey.

“Let's give Emma her bath and ready for bed.” Blaine suggests. He shows Kurt where the bathroom is and he starts filling the tub with water while Blaine unpacks Emma's things and gets out her pajamas. While getting her pajamas Blaine realizes something and rushes to the bathroom while saying, “Kurt, Kurt do not put Emma…. “You were saying.” Kurt says as Blaine sees a soaked Kurt. “I wanted to warn you about Emma and water, sorry.” Blaine says as he starts laughing.   

After drying himself off with a towel Kurt finishes giving Emma her bath. He diapered her and put her in pink pajamas. He takes her to the living room and starts rocking her as he sings her a lullaby until she has fallen asleep. “Hey guys.” Lindsey whispers as she walks into the living room. “How did things go?” She asks. “It was great. We had a wonderful time and she was a perfect young lady.” Blaine tells Lindsey. “How was your day?” Blaine asks Lindsey. “You were right Blaine. I needed a day to just relax and be with myself.” She tells Blaine. They look over at Kurt and Emma and smile feeling love in their hearts. Kurt and Emma are both sound asleep exhausted from a long day of fun. “Well I guess we had better put our kids to bed.” Blaine jokes and they both laugh at the sight. Blaine walks over to Kurt and gently nudges him while saying. “Kurt, wake up. It's time to go.” Blaine carefully takes Emma from Kurt's arms and gives her to Lindsey. Lindsey goes and puts Emma in her crib while the boys gather their coats and get ready to leave. “Thanks guys for all you did for me and Emma today. I really appreciate it.” Lindsey says. “We should thank you Lindsey. I think we enjoyed it the most.” Blaine says. Leaving the apartment Blaine turns around and says. “We'll do this again soon.”  


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