Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
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Friends and Family
Chapter 3 – Lindsey's Story
It's Saturday morning and Kurt and Blaine are cuddling in bed not wanting to get up. “Kurt, tell me about the wedding plans. How are they coming?” Blaine asks with his head on Kurt's chest listening to his heart beat. “Is it time to decide on our last name yet?” Blaine wonders as he is trying to get an answer. “Nope, I'll let you know when.” Kurt says with a smirk on his face. “Let me think about the wedding plans. They're coming along quite nicely actually. We have the location chosen and reserved. The invitations have been chosen but we need to finalize the list and get their addresses verified. We need to decide on the menu and music.” Kurt informs Blaine. “Speaking of the music I think we need to decide on who we want to sing. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings so how about on open mike theme so everyone can sing.” Blaine suggests. “We are not having a karaoke bar reception Blaine.” Kurt says putting his foot down on that. “Okay, what about a DJ?” Blaine asks. “Blaine we have all these wonderful singers who want to sing for us. I think we should let them.” Kurt concludes. “Okay, I have an idea. You pick two friends and I will pick two friends and they will do the singing.” Blaine says to Kurt. “I'll take Rachael and Finn.” Kurt says. “I'll take Sam and Tina.” Blaine says. “So what are we going to say to Santana, Artie, and the Warblers?” Blaine asks Kurt. “I've got it.” Blaine says excitedly. “We will divide everyone into three groups. Each group will be allowed to sing two songs. They can decide on the songs and who sings what. And that my love solves the problem. You are welcome.” Blaine says confidently. “I knew there was a reason I agreed to marry you.” Kurt says with a smile. “Now that you have solved that problem tell me about your dinner last night with Lindsey and Emma. Did they like it? Kurt asks wanting to hear how it went?
“Oh Kurt, you think we had it bad growing up. Let me tell you what Lindsey told me about herself last night. I was cleaning up the kitchen and she was sitting at the table. She started talking and she ended up telling me about her life. When she was little her parents were killed in a car accident. She lived with her Grandparents, but that was not a good situation because they didn't care for her Father so they weren't very loving to her. When she was eighteen she met this low life who promised her the world and the life she thought she wanted. But instead she got an abuser. She ended up getting pregnant and had Emma. He took off like the loser he is. She doesn't know where he is and she doesn't want him in their lives. She then met this nice guy who was in the Army. Unfortunately he was killed in a bomb explosion in Iraq. A week after his death Lindsey found out she was pregnant. So now she is trying to work, raise a daughter, and prepare for a new baby.” Blaine tells Kurt, as they are both sympathetic to the hardship Lindsey had to live through. “So I have decided I want to help Lindsey out the best I can.” Blaine explains to Kurt. “I want to help also. What can I do?” Kurt asks. “I think Lindsey needs some down time so I want to take Emma for a few hours each week so she can relax, run errands, or sleep without worrying about Emma.” Blaine says as a way to help Lindsey. “That would be great.” In fact it will give us an opportunity for us to practice for when we have our own kids.” Kurt says smiling, thinking about their future. “You've thought about having kids and having a family?” Blaine asks. “Yup” Kurt answers. “You know what Kurt, me too, me too.” Blaine says as he kisses Kurt, loving him with all his heart.
Blaine calls Lindsey and asks her if she would like a day to simply relax, run errands, or just sleep without having to care for Emma because he and Kurt would be happy to watch her for the day. Lindsey agreed and come Saturday Lindsey was carrying Emma in her arms as she opened the door to see Blaine and Kurt standing there freshly dressed with smiles on their faces. “Your babysitters are here reporting for duty.” Blaine says as he salutes to Lindsey. “Lindsey this is Kurt and Kurt this is Lindsey and this lovely lady is Emma.” Blaine says as the two greet each other and then they all walk inside. “Are you guys sure you want to do this?” Lindsey asks giving them a way out. “Lindsey, give me Emma and you get yourself ready to enjoy a day just for you. We have your number if we need to ask you something. We are going to take her to the park and to our place. We will have her back before for her bedtime.” Blaine says trying to make Lindsey less nervous. “Okay, here is her schedule, food, toys, diaper bag, and a key to the apartment.” She shows the boys. “Alright Emma, you be a good girl for Blaine and Kurt I will see you later.” She says kissing Emma then out the door she goes. “Emma, are you ready to go out too and have a fun day? Blaine asks as he puts her coat on and sits her in the stroller. “Are you ready Kurt? Blaine asks. “I think so. We have everything we need.” Kurt says as he puts the baby bag on the stroller and out the door they roll.