Friends and Family
Chapter 27 Making it Legal Previous Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 27 Making it Legal

T - Words: 2,726 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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Author's Notes:

This is the last chapter for Friends and Family. I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to know if you would like to me to continue the story of the Hummel-Andersons.

Thanks for reading.

                         Friends and Family

                               Chapter 27 – Making It Legal

 “Good morning Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” Kurt says to Blaine as he opens his eyes after a few hours of sleep after a night of passion with Kurt. “Good morning to you Mr. Hummel-Anderson” Blaine says. “What time is it?” He asks Kurt. “Time to get up and take a shower before Cooper picks us up in front of the hotel.” Kurt mentions. “Okay, but last one in the shower has to buy breakfast.” Blaine says as he races out of bed heading to the bathroom when he is tackled by Kurt. Blaine lands on the floor and Kurt gets up quickly getting to the shower first. “You're buying Blaine so I think I will be having steak and eggs this morning.” Kurt teases Blaine who finally makes it to the shower. “You will pay for tackling me Kurt. Just you wait, at the most unexpected time you will pay.” Blaine says as he put shampoo in his hands and washes Kurt's hair. After eating breakfast the boys pack up their belongings and check out. They are standing in front of the hotel when Cooper and Joey arrive to pick up the boys. “Hey Cooper, hi Joey.” Blaine says as they climb into the backseat of the car. “Hi guys, I thought Cooper would like some company on the ride over.” Joey shared. “How are the girls?” Kurt asks. “They were fine when we left. Mother was rocking Elizabeth and reading her a story while Father was playing Hide-N-Seek with Emma.” Cooper says. “Our Father was playing Hide-N-Seek?” Blaine asks as he laughs. “I guess you're different when you are a Grandfather.” Cooper observes. “They will probably be ready for naps by time we get there?” Kurt says. “That will work out great because we can get everything packed up before dinner.” Blaine decides.

After getting back to the Anderson's house the boys quickly start packing up after greeting Tom and Angela. The boys had decided earlier to box up all their clothes and gifts they have received and ship them back to New York. They would each take a carry on filled with a few basic needs and things for the girls on to the plane. Thrilled they wouldn't have to deal with baggage claim and could get home sooner. “Bwinae, Kurt” Emma yelled and ran to the boys happy to see them. “Miss you” She says as Blaine picks her up and the boys hug and kiss her. “We missed you too little one.” Blaine tells her. After they finished packing, dinner was ready and everyone enjoyed a lovely dinner. During the evening they talked about the Union Ceremony and looked at the numerous pictures taken. Cooper had everyone in tears as he shared stories about growing up in the Anderson household. Soon it was time for the girls to be bathed and put to bed. They spent the rest of the evening having an enjoyable time with Blaine's family when the boys excuse themselves and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. They were exhausted from the busy weekend and it didn't take long until they were in bed and sound asleep.

Monday morning around 9 o'clock Burt, Carol, Finn and Rachael arrived at the Anderson residence. The friends are all heading back to New York on the same plane. The baggage was put into the trunks and everyone made one last check to make sure they had everything they needed. They had a few minutes before leaving so the family listened to the boys as they explain their plans for Tuesday and when they were going to make their union legal. They look at the clock and see it is time to leave and head for the airport. The cars are loaded and they are off. They arrive to the airport safely and quickly make it thru security and get their boarding passes. They start to say their goodbyes because the boys know they will be boarding soon. “Thanks for everything. I love you.” The boys tell their parents as they get on the plane with tears in everyone's eyes. The visit to Lima has ended as the plane heads east to New York City.

The Hummel-Anderson family returns safely to their apartment. They feed the girls and get them ready for bed before the loving family watches “The Little Mermaid” together. The boys sing along with the songs as the girls eyes are getting heavy. By time the movie ends the girls are sound asleep and the boys quietly put them to bed with a loving kiss.

“Kurt, remember when my Father wanted to talk to me the day of the party?” Blaine asks. “Yea, we were at the pool and about to get some food.” Kurt recalls. “He wanted to let me know about the letter he was giving the bank. I told you that my Grandfather set up a trust fund for me when I was little before he died. I do not have access to it until I am 30 years old unless my Father approves of the withdraw request. Kurt the letter he is sending to the bank says he pre-approves any withdraw requests I make from now on. In other words I have access to my trust fund now.” Blaine explains. “Wow” Kurt says in shock. “What does that exactly mean because we haven't exactly talked about our financial situation?” Kurt questions. “It means that we don't have to stress over paying our bills each month, but I promised my Father that I wouldn't abuse the trust he is showing me.” Blaine says. “I am very happy for you and I totally agree with your promise Blaine. It does take a big worry off our shoulders knowing we have a little nest egg to fall back on if we need it.” Kurt acknowledges.

Tuesday morning arrives and Emma lets Kurt know it's time to wake up as she quietly walks into the boy's room and looks closely at Kurt. He is sleeping so she carefully pushes his right eyelid up so she can see Kurt's eye and Kurt can see her as she says. “Kurt, up pwease.”  “Good morning Emma.” He says as he lifts her up and puts her in the middle. “Hi Emma” Blaine says he tickles her causing her to giggle and make the sound that he loves to hear. “I guess we are all awake now.” Kurt says as Elizabeth can be heard starting to cry. The boys get up and change diapers before they make breakfast and warm a bottle. After breakfast Kurt picks out the girls outfits while Blaine showers and cleans up. Blaine puts on in his royal blue suit with Kurt's gift tucked into his suit coat pocket. Kurt showers and gets cleaned up while Blaine dresses the girls in their outfits. The doorbell rings and Blaine opens the door and lets Joey in.  Joey will be going with them to city hall and be a witness to the wedding. Kurt finishes getting dressed by putting the puzzle piece pin on his lapel. He walks out and smiles widely as he sees Blaine and the girls looking beautiful. “Looking good Kurt,” Blaine mentions with a twinkle in his eye. Joey takes a picture of the family before they head out with the baby bag to get a taxi.

They are scheduled to see the judge at 11 o'clock. They arrive early and have 30 minutes to spare so they sit down on a bench outside the judge's room. The elevator doors open and Finn and Rachael exit and smile brightly as they see the boys. “Hi guys.” Finn says as he hugs Kurt and Blaine. “Are you ready?” Rachael asks. “We've been ready.” Kurt remarks. The elevator rings again but no one notices until Blaine looks down the hall and yells. “Oh my God, what are you doing here?” A man says. “Last I heard my son is getting married today. I would never miss that.” Tom says as he hugs his son and Kurt. “It is so wonderful that you are here. We didn't expect you to come after Saturday.” Kurt says as he welcomes the hugs and kisses from Burt and Carol. “We have looked forward to this day since the day you were born Blaine.” Angela says with a tear in her eye. “I couldn't miss this big moment in your life Squirt.” Cooper says as he hugs his brother. An official comes out and calls. “Anderson and Hummel” The family starts heading towards the judge's office when they hear. “Wait, wait for us.” A group yells causing the family to turn around. Running down the corridor is Sam, Mercedes, Tina, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Wes, Trent and Artie. “Oh my God” Blaine says as he looks at Kurt and they both start to cry. “We couldn't miss the marriage of Klaine. We've seen this relationship develop from the beginning, go through its ups and downs, and now we just had to be here for the finish.” The friends say. “We are so blessed to have friends like you.” Kurt says. “Okay let's do this.” Blaine says as everyone goes into the judge's chambers and stands around the couple so they can see this wonderful moment. The judge looks at the boys and they nod showing the judge they are ready. Kurt and Blaine face each other holding each other's hands and the judge begins. “We gather here today to join these two men in matrimony. Do you Kurt Elizabeth Hummel take Blaine Devon Anderson to be your lawfully wed husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health forsaking all others until death do you part.” Kurt answers. “I do.” The judge continues. “Do you Blaine Devon Anderson take Kurt Elizabeth Hummel to be your lawfully wed husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health forsaking all others until death do you part?” Blaine answers. “I do.” “Do you have rings?” The judge asks. The boys look at each other and laugh as they quickly take off their rings and hand them to each other. Kurt takes Blaine's left hand and repeats what the judge had just said. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion to you.” Kurt slides Blaine's ring onto his finger. Blaine takes Kurt's left hand and repeats. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion to you.” Blaine slides Kurt's ring onto his finger. The judge finishes by saying. “By the power invested to me by the state of New York I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your spouse.” The boys kiss as the group shouts and cheers. Kurt and Blaine have tears running down their faces with smiles so wide their cheeks hurt. “Let me introduce to you Mr. and Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” The judge announces. Blaine and Kurt turn so they can hug all their family and friends. After a few minutes the judge asks for some signatures so he can complete the wedding certificate. Kurt signs the certificate followed by Blaine. “I now need the witnesses to sign now.” The judge says. The boys look around when Puck announces. “We are all signing.” And that's what they did. The wedding certificate was filled with everyone's name. When the last person signs Tom announces that everyone is invited to lunch at a nearby restaurant. Blaine and Kurt grab the girls and they all head out to celebrate the marriage of Klaine.

Blaine and Kurt's family and friends are enjoying a wonderful lunch filled with laughter when Finn stands and holds a glass of champagne and says. “I would like to make a toast. Kurt and Blaine you two have a rare kind of love that we can only hope for. May your life together be filled with many years of joy and happiness and may your struggles be small and few, to Kurt and Blaine.” The group cheers and clinks their glasses together before they take a sip. Blaine eyes start to get wide as he sees Cooper stand up and says. “I need to say a few words about my brother and his husband. Squirt don't worry it won't be too painful. My little brother has had to deal with a lot in his young life, more than he should have. But he never let it stop him from being who he is. He was traveling his life path alone, surviving despite everything he went through, when he met a kid who was on a similar path. Together they walked down the same path and they became stronger and their future became brighter as they fell in love. They faced struggles in their relationship but their love got them through to where we are today witnessing the legal marriage of Blaine and Kurt. We wish you both all the best and are looking forward to being at your 50th wedding anniversary bash. Let's raise our glasses in honor of Blaine and Kurt.” Cooper finishes as Blaine hugs his brother and says. “Thanks, I love you.”

Burt, Carol, Tom, and Angela stand and they get everyone's attention. “We know that you are waiting until later to go on your honeymoon and we don't think that is proper.” Burt says and Carol continues. “We have talked to both of your employers and they have both agreed to give you time off until Monday.” Angela begins to say. “We have rented out a house in the Hamptons for you two can enjoy some time alone as a newly married couple.” Tom finishes by telling the boys. “You don't have to worry about child care because we are going to take care of the girls until you return Sunday night.” Blaine and Kurt are shocked to hear the news. “I can't believe you guys did that.” Blaine says. Kurt whisper something to Blaine and Blaine shouts “Yes, that would be perfect I agree. Go ahead and make the announcement. “Kurt and Blaine stand. “Thank you everyone. You guys have made our wedding day something we will never forget. You have reminded us again how lucky we are to have a family and friends like you. You guys make our life so much better, so we would like to do something for you.” Blaine says as he gives the floor to Kurt. “Blaine and I appreciate your honeymoon gift very much.” Kurt says to his parent's and in-laws. “We have had so much fun these last few days we don't want it to end. So if you don't mind, Blaine and I would like to invite everyone to the house in the Hamptons you rented out and continue this party for the rest of the week.” Kurt says as he and Blaine look around at their family and friends. “Are you sure?” Burt asks. “We are positive.” Blaine says. “Okay, we are moving this celebration to the Hamptons. I will give everyone the address and we will meet there.” Tom says as the group cheers. They finish their lunch and they head to the Hamptons.

By early evening everyone has made their way to the house in the Hamptons. After claiming bedrooms and changing into beach wear they discover that the refrigerator is stocked and pantry is filled with goodies. They decide to have a cookout down on the beach. The fire is roaring as Burt the grilling expert starts taking orders. The group is eating, laughing, and having the best time. They don't notice a young family looking out of the glass door as they are waiting for Elizabeth's bottle to warm up. “Blaine, our lives at this very moment could not be better. We don't need wealth or a lot of material things. All we need is each other, our children, and those people out their celebrating our wedding.” Kurt tells Blaine as they hold their children tightly. They look out on the sight of their family and friends enjoying themselves, and knowing their life is perfect and they couldn't ask for anything more.



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