Friends and Family
Chapter 26 The Wedding Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 26 The Wedding

T - Words: 2,694 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I do not own any rights to the songs in this chapter.

                        Friends and Family

                              Chapter 26 – The Wedding


It's 2 o'clock and the final pre-wedding music has finished. Mike Chang pushes a button on the music system and an instrumental version of “Come What May” begins and the ceremony begins. Santana dressed in a red dress with a yellow flower in her hair begins to slowly walk across the top floor heading towards the staircase with Emma who is wearing a yellow dress with a red ribbon in her hair. Emma drops red and yellow rose petals from her basket. When she gets to the staircase Santana picks up Emma and carries her slowly down the stairs helping Emma toss the rose petals to each side. They stop at the bottom and stand to the side. Puck dressed in a black suit and a white shirt wearing a red bow tie with a red boutonniere starts walking the same path as Santana next, carrying Elizabeth who is in a red dress with a yellow head band and a red bag that holds the rings tied to her wrist. Puck is holding Elizabeth by her waist facing forward as she leans against his chest. They stop at the bottom and stand on the opposite side of Santana and Emma. Joey, wearing the same kind of black suit but he has a yellow bow tie and boutonniere and Tina wearing a yellow dress continue the procession down the stair case. The music starts over and the doors from the hall open. Sam and Cooper walk through the doors and stand at the bottom of the staircase as Rachael and Finn start coming down the staircase and stop four steps before the bottom on the stair case and move to the side leaving a space between them. Blaine dressed in his black suit and white shirt with a yellow bowtie and a red and yellow boutonniere and Kurt's gift tucked safely in his pocket walks through the doors and sings:

Never knew that I could feel this way

Like I've never seen the sky before

Want to vanish inside your kiss

Seasons may change winter to spring

But I love you until the end of time.

Come what may, come what may

I will love you until my dying day.


Kurt wearing the same as Blaine with a red bowtie and red and yellow boutonniere with the puzzle piece pinned to his lapel starts walking to the stair case followed by Burt and Carol as he sings:

          Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste

It all revolves around you

Kirk starts slowly walking down the stair case as they both sing.

          And there's no mountain to high

          No river too wide

          Sing out this song and I‘ll be there by your side

          Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide

          But I love

          Until the end of time

Come what may, come what may

I will love you until my dying day

The boys complete their song and tears can be seen in their eyes as well as the guests.

Kurt stops and stands between Finn and Rachael with his parents standing on the step behind him as the Officiate walks in and stands at the bottom of the stair case off to the side. Blaine is standing between Sam and Cooper with his parents behind him.

          The Officiate says. “I have never witnessed an opening procession so powerful for a Union Ceremony than the beautiful one we just saw. After taking a deep breath he says. “Let's begin, we are here to witness and celebrate with Blaine and Kurt the joining of two lives into one. Who presents Blaine Anderson?” He asks. “We do his parents.” Tom and Angela say proudly. “Who presents Kurt Hummel?” He asks looking at Kurt. “I do his Father.” Burt says loud and clear. “Blaine, will you please stand next to Kurt.” He asks. Blaine walks up the stairs until he is on the same step as Kurt. They smile at each other as they join hands and look back at the Officiate. “Blaine and Kurt have chosen to recite their own vows. Kurt you may begin” He says. Kurt takes Blaine's hands and looks into his eyes and says.

          My dear Blaine, you make me feel so loved and I feel at home when I am with. Today I stand here with you on the same staircase where we met. On the same staircase where we became engaged and now this staircase is where we will be joined and become one. I vow to be your life partner until my dying day. I vow to catch you before you fall when life knocks you down. I vow to support and stand beside you as you strive to make your dreams come true. I vow to listen to your worries and concerns and help ease your mind. I vow to make you laugh and bring joy to your life. I vow to help you raise our children into responsible adults. But more importantly I vow to love you with all my heart. To love the person you are and the person you will become as we grow and become old together. You are perfect to me, you are perfect for me. I am so looking forward to the many years ahead as I share my life with you.” Kurt vows with all his heart.”

          “You can begin Blaine.” The Officiate says. Blaine's eyes have tears as he takes a deep breath and looks lovingly at Kurt and begins to speak.

          “Kurt, you move me. You moved me after you sang “Blackbird” years ago. You moved me when you agreed to be my husband. You moved me when you so lovingly accepted Emma and Elizabeth into our lives without a question. You move me today Kurt with your vows. Kurt you are my missing puzzle piece and make my life complete. I promise you Kurt to help you in any way you need to make your goals become a reality. I promise to give you the space you need to fly and experience all the wonders this world has to offer.  I promise to be your safe haven, the place where I will wrap you up tightly in my arms and protect you during a storm. I promise to love you with all my heart and if there are tears may they be tears of joy. Kurt you are the love of my life and our life together will be wonderful because we will be living it together as one.”

          “Okay” The Officiate says as people are wiping their eyes. They take a deep breath and the ceremony continues. “Do you Kurt Elizabeth Hummel take Blaine Devon Anderson to be your husband for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health until death do you part?” The Officiate asks. “I do” Kurt answers looking at Blaine. “Do you Blaine Devon Anderson take Kurt Elizabeth Hummel to be your husband for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The Officiate asks. “I do” Blaine says clearly. “The rings” The Officiate asks for. Santana takes the bag from Elizabeth's wrist and gives the bag to Emma telling her to give it to Blaine. Santana holds her hand as she walks up the few steps with the bag and gives it to Blaine. Emma then grabs a hold of Blaine's leg not letting go. Santana leaves her and heads back to her place. Blaine gives Rachael the bag and she takes out the rings. She gives Kurt Blaine's ring and he says. “Blaine, take this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity.” Kurt slides the ring on to Blaine's third finger on his left hand with a smile. Rachael hands Blaine Kurt's ring and he says. “Kurt, take this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity.” As he slides the ring on to Kurt's third finger on his left hand adding it to the ring already there. The Officiate concludes by saying. “Kurt and Blaine you may now kiss your better half.” The boys kiss passionately as the guests applaud causing Emma to hold Blaine's leg tighter because she is surprised from the unexpected noise. When it calms down the Officiate says. “It is my pleasure now to introduce to you Mr. and Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” The guests applaud and cheer as the boys hug and swayed back and forth. Blaine lets go of Kurt and picks up Emma while Kurt motions to Puck to give him Elizabeth. They stand there a few minutes smiling happily with their children in their loving arms. They walk down the stairs and stop at the bottom of the staircase to receive good wishes from their family and friends before they head to the reception in the hall.

          The boys take their girls and dart into Kurt's changing room for a few minutes to be by themselves. “We did it Kurt, we are married and you are mine forever.” He says as he kisses Kurt and his girls. “I can't believe how happy I am right now. I don't want this day to ever end Blaine.” Kurt tells Blaine as he kisses Blaine and the girls. “Okay, we need to check diapers and head to the reception.” Blaine reminds Kurt. Don't forget to bring Elizabeth's formula and we will get it warmed up.” Kurt says as his Fatherly instincts take over.

          In the hall that the reception is taking place in Sam takes the mike and says. “Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce to you Blaine and Kurt Hummel-Anderson.” The boys enter as their guests clap. They begin eating and soon are kissing often when they hear the clinking of glasses. They finish their meal as soon they are dancing their first dance to “You Are the Sunshine of My Life.” They were joined on the dance floor by their girls and soon the wedding party. Emma is giggling the whole time she is dancing with her Fathers and Elizabeth has a wonderful smile on her face. Their many friends start sing songs that the boys love or have sung together as people are dancing and having a great time as the day continues turning into night. They finally cut the chocolate and white wedding cake and give each other a piece being very polite as they do. Blaine and Kurt laugh at Emma as she eats some cake and uses her fingers to scrape off the frosting. She gets some of the frosting in her mouth while the rest is on her face.

Kurt is talking to Burt and Carol when he hears Blaine's voice coming over the speakers while he is standing on stage. I want to thank everyone for coming but before we call it a night I want to do something for my husband. As most of you know a few years ago Puck told Kurt to come and spy on the Warblers. I was passing this boy who had stopped on the staircase and he said “excuse me.” He said he was a new student and he didn't know what was going on. I introduced myself and he told me he was Kurt Hummel. I told him the Warblers were going to perform in the commons and the Warblers were treated like rock stars here at Dalton. I took his hand in my and we ran down the hall into this large room. I excused myself and for the first time he heard me sing. Behind Blaine a curtain opens and Wes is carrying a Dalton blazer and helps Blaine put it on as the Warblers take their positions dressed in their Dalton blazers. They start making sounds when Blaine starts to sing and the Warblers follow along as they did years ago, there steps in unison.


You think I'm pretty without any make up on

            You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong

            I know you get me so I let my walls come down, down

Before you met me I was alright but things were kinda heavy you brought me to life

Now every February you'll be my Valentine, Valentine


Let's go all the way tonight, no regret just love

We can dance, until we die, you and I, we'll be young forever

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream the way you turn me on

I can't sleep, let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back


My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real so take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back


We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach

Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets

I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece, I'm complete


Let's go all the way tonight, no regrets just love

We can dance, until we die, you and I, we'll be young forever

Cause, you make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream the way you turn me on

I can't sleep let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back


My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real so take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look

I'm a get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight

You make me, feel like a teenage dream the way you turn me on

I can't sleep, let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back


My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real so don't ever look back, no

I'm a get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight


The guests show their appreciation with thunderous applause as Kurt with tears in his eyes and a huge smile on his face runs on to the stage and hugs Blaine tightly. “I love you Blaine. You are my teenage dream.” Kurt tells Blaine. Kurt stands in front of the mike as the guests quiet down to hear what Kurt has to say. “Now you know why I married him. I now you are all jealous because I am the lucky one who gets to take him home.” Kurt kids with the guests. “We want to say goodbye because we will be leaving in a few minutes after hearing that song.” Kurt states with a twinkle in his eye. We want to thank our family and friends for making this the most perfect day that Blaine and I could have ever imagine. We will remember this day for the rest of our lives. Next Tuesday we will make this marriage legal in New York but in our minds today will always be the day we were married. We are grateful you could be here for it.  Thank you.” Kurt finishes and they exit the stage during the applause to find their parents wanting to make sure the girls are set. “We will see you guys tomorrow around noon.” They tell Blaine's parents. They walk quickly towards the exit between two lines of guests blowing bubbles. They get into the back seat of the car and are driven to a special spot for the night.

“Mr. Blaine Devon Hummel-Anderson I love you.” Kurt says as he kisses Blaine. “Mr. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel-Anderson I love you.” Blaine says as he kisses Kurt.


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