Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Friends and Family
Chapter 23 – Heading to Ohio
Weeks have passed since Lindsey's death. She is remembered by the boys every time they look at their daughters. They think of Lindsey and thank her for the girls. The girls are a wonderful addition to their lives but the biggest moment in the boy's lives this year is going to be their wedding. After years of being engaged they are finally getting married. They understand that gay marriage is still not legal in Ohio but the boys know there is only one place they want to be when they are joined together as one. The unofficial wedding will be at Dalton Academy (though it will be official as far as the boys are concerned) and the legal marriage will take place in New York City before they leave on their honeymoon.
The girls are doing and adapting well to their new family. Emma still calls for her Mother every now and then, but it has become less. Elizabeth is growing like a weed and is doing more every day. Blaine and Kurt have worked hard at being the parents their girls deserve. The boys have totally enjoyed this time with their daughters even though they are getting less sleep than normal. “I can't believe we are heading to Ohio today. We are getting so close to being married. I can hardly wait.” Kurt says as he finishes packing his suitcase. “I never realized how hard it is to travel with babies. It seems like I am packing every piece of clothing they have. I am packing more things for them than I packed for me when I moved to New York.” Blaine comments as he closes another suitcase. “Blaine we have an hour before we leave to the airport. Are all the suitcases by the front door? I don't see the girl's luggage.” Kurt says as he walks toward the girl's bedroom seeing Blaine packing the last of the girl's things in their suitcase. “I hope this is everything they need. If not we will have to buy it.” Blaine says as he zips the suitcase closed and carries it to the front door. The boys double check to make sure they have turned off the lights, unplugged the coffee maker, have their wallets. They check the baby bag and make sure it has enough diapers, clothes, toys, and formula to make it to Ohio as they help Emma put her sweater on and place Elizabeth into her car seat. The doorbell rings and Kurt opens it to see the cab driver with a cart. He carefully puts their luggage on the cart and takes it downstairs and puts it into the taxi. Kurt has Emma and Blaine is carrying the car seat with Elizabeth as they head out the door knowing they will return as a married couple. “Are you ready Mr. Hummel?” Blaine asks. “I've been ready for a while now Mr. Anderson.” Kurt tells Blaine as he locks the door and they head for the elevator as well as their future together.
Kurt took out his phone and texted Finn from the taxi. He is asking them to meet him at the airport drop-off area since they were going to need some help with the luggage. After meeting they quickly get the luggage on a cart and head to the check in area and are happy to drop off their luggage. The head to security and see Joey standing in line. They pass thru security without a problem and finally get to Gate 6 where they see their plane waiting to be boarded. Kurt goes to the attendant and gets their boarding passes for his family. Rachael takes Elizabeth from Blaine and starts to walk around the waiting area and hums a lullaby to her. Joey is running around with Emma so she will be tired out during the flight. “I'm exhausted Kurt and we haven't even got on the plane yet.” Blaine says as he puts his head on Kurt's shoulder. “You rest Blaine because once we get to my house they are all yours because I will be busy preparing for the wedding.” Kurt informs Blaine. “I'm not worried Mr. Hummel because I know for a fact that there's some Grandparents who will be happy to help me with the girls as well as some aunts and uncles.” Blaine says with a smirk as the attendant announces that it is time to board the plane if you have children. “That's us.” Blaine says as they stand and see Joey and Rachael bringing them the girls so they can board. The boys are ready with a bottle and a drinking cup in their hands to help the girls with their ears during takeoff. Finn, Rachael, and Joey finally board and sit down behind the young family and within minutes the plane takes off heading to Ohio. Elizabeth is drinking her bottle of formula while looking up at Kurt with her blue eyes and Blaine is holding Emma who is zonked out from running around the airport with Joey. “Kurt, what do we need to do before the wedding? I don't want you to be stressed out all week.” Blaine asks Kurt as he rubs circles on Emma's stomach. We need to check out Dalton and decide where everyone is going to stand during the ceremony and make sure the hall is ready for the reception. We need to check in with the florist and caterer. Lay out our suits and the girls outfits and make sure we have everything we need. In our spare time we need to plan and decorate for the pool party for our get together with our friends. Other than that I don't think we have anything we need to do.” Kurt says joking with Blaine. “Okay that sounds like we are going to be very busy so I guess I'll just see you at the wedding Kurt.” Blaine kids with Kurt as he leans over and kisses him on his lips. The attendant announces that we will be landing in Columbus in a few minutes. The boys smile at each other, buckle up, and prepare the girls for landing.
The group is waiting for their luggage when they begin hearing the names of Kurt, Blaine and Finn being called out by their parents. The four parents rush to the group extending hugs and kisses to the group. “We are so happy you made it.” Angela says as she takes Emma from Blaine's arms. Carol is quick to take Elizabeth so the boys are able to grab their luggage as it comes down the carousel. “Is that all of it?” Blaine asks as he counts the number of bags. “That's it Blaine. I'll get a cart.” Kurt says but sees Joey beat him to it and is bringing a cart. With the cart loaded down with luggage the group final heads towards the exit. They walk to the cars that will take them to the Hudson/Hummel home. After filling the trunks with luggage and the inside with people they are headed towards Lima. They arrive safely and the girls head inside with the babies while the guys bring in the luggage. With the luggage put in the correct room they sit down in the living room and catch up on the latest news. They discuss the week's schedule and what needs to be done before the wedding. The Grandparents as expected informed the boys that they have the week off so they are free to help them out in whatever capacity they need, including watching the girls if they need to run errands. Kurt and Blaine look at each other with smirks on their faces because they know they will not have to worry about taking care of the girls while in Ohio. “Kurt, what are your plans for sleeping arrangements while you are here?” Burt asks. “We are staying here until Friday. Then we are moving to Blaine's for the rest of the time so we are close to Dalton before the ceremony.” Kurt explains to everyone. Carol walks into the living room and tells them that dinner is ready. They enjoy a wonderful meal with stories and talk about the wedding and babies when Rachael says. “I hate to do this but I need to head home. I am sure my Dads are home now. This has been a lovely meal and I will see you all very soon.” Finn stands and gets the keys to Burt's car while Rachael grabs her things. “I'll be back later.” Finn says as they head out the front door on their way to Rachael's house. “Kurt, I think it is time get the girls ready for bed.” Blaine tells Kurt as they get up and head to Kurt's room to get the girl's stuff before they go into the bathroom. Burt and Carol are almost finished cleaning up the kitchen when Joey walks into the living room to talk to the Andersons. “Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, I hope that me being here doesn't cause you any discomfort. If it does I will do my best to give you your space and stay out of your way. This is supposed to be a happy time for you and I don't want anything to make you sad.” Angela stands up and walks to Joey and puts her hands on his face and says. “Joey, we don't hold you responsible for what your Father did many years ago. You are Blaine's brother and he has told us about you. We are looking forward to knowing you better because it seems to us that you are going to be a very important person in our son's life. All we ask is that you don't hurt him. He has experienced enough pain in his life.” Angela says as she gives him a hug and Tom shows his support when he touches his shoulder. Standing in the hall Blaine has a big smile on his face seeing his parents accept Joey into their family.
Tom and Angel say their goodbyes to all the people staying at the Hudson/Hummel household and head home. After watching a movie together Carol and Kurt head upstairs saying. “See you guys in the morning.” Joey heads to the guest room while the boys head up to Kurt's old room where the girls are sleeping. After cleaning up the boys quietly get into bed and Kurt says. “Blaine, this bed feels so good to be in after this long day.” Kurt says as he spoons with Blaine. “I am so tired I will be asleep very soon. Tomorrow we will go to Dalton. Who do we need to see at Dalton? Blaine, Blaine” Not getting an answer Kurt sits up to look at Blaine and sees that he is sound asleep and heard nothing. He kisses him on his temple and cuddles up next to Blaine and falls asleep with a smile on his face.