Friends and Family
Chapter 2 Helping a Friend Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 2 Helping a Friend

T - Words: 1,964 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                      Friends and Family

                            Chapter 2 – Helping a Friend


“Thank you. I'll be back in 15 minutes.” Blaine says to the patrons at the Train Station, an Italian restaurant that he has been performing at three nights a week for the past four months. He walks into the break room and sees Lindsey sitting at a table drinking a cup of tea. “Hi Blaine,” Lindsey says. “You sound pretty good tonight. The people really like what you are singing.”She tells him. “Thanks Lindsey, that is nice of you to say.” Blaine replies. “How has is your day going?” Blaine asks. “Pretty long, Emma didn't take a nap so I didn't get a nap so right now I am tired. I'm glad I will be done in an hour and I can get off my feet for awhile.” She says. “You need to take care of yourself. Your baby needs you to take care of yourself. When are you expecting?” Blaine asks. “Around March 23rd if the doctor calculated correctly.” Lindsey says. “Well my break is over. Have a great set and I'll see you in a few days.” Lindsey says. “Take care of yourself.” Blaine reminds her. A few minutes later, Blaine leaves the break room and is back on stage singing his last set of songs.

Blaine gets home and finds Kurt still up. “Hey there,” Blaine says when he gets back to the apartment. “I didn't expect to find you still up. What's going on?” Blaine asks. “I thought it would be fun to have a holiday party so I was planning it in my head. We could invite our friends over to celebrate the holidays before we scatter all over the country to be with our families.” Kurt explains. “So I was making a guest list, a possible menu, and deciding on a date. I looked at your schedule and I think December 4th will work for the date. Here is guest list and a possible menu that I want you to look at and tell me what you think.” Kurt says as he sets them down on the table. “It sounds great Kurt, but can I tell you tomorrow? I'm a little tired and I would rather use the energy I have left planning our own party for tonight. I am an excellent party planner if you'll give me a chance to show you.” Blaine says with a twinkle in his eyes. “I'll be the judge of that.” Kurt responds as they turn out the lights and quickly head to their bedroom.

The next morning Blaine was sitting at the table looking at the guest list for the holiday party. “Looks good,” He says to himself then decides to add one more name. He adds Lindsey Green to the list. “Who is Lindsey Green?” Kurt asks. “She works at the Train Station. She is a single mother with a 15 month old girl at home and is expecting another child in March. I talked to her yesterday and she was tired so I thought she would enjoy a little pick me up.” Blaine explains. “Aren't you sweet?” Kurt says as he gives Blaine a peck on his cheek. “I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you, always worrying about others. “The food looks tasty too. I think we are a go for the party. Just let me know what I need to do.” Blaine says as he notices the snow starting to fall.

Blaine stands looking out the window watching the first snow fall when he says. “I guess this is the beginning of winter. It looks lovely though.” Blaine says as he sits down on the couch. He is joined by Kurt who brought him a hot cup of coffee. They cuddle as they watch the snow fall enjoying the view. “Blaine is there anything better than this. I mean being together, feeling safe and warm, and totally in love. What did we do to be so lucky?” Kurt wonders. “Kurt, let's enjoy this time and appreciate what we have because not everyone is as fortunate.” Blaine says as he leans over and gives Kurt a very passionate kiss.

 A few days later, Blaine makes his way to the Train Station to pick up his paycheck. He sees Lindsey busy waiting on people. “Hey Lindsey, how is it going? Are you taking care of yourself? Blaine asks. She gives Blaine a look that can only mean she is exhausted. “Lindsey, when do you get off today? Blaine inquires. “Around 6:00 p.m. if my tables are cleared.” She answers. “I'll see you then. I'm going to make dinner for you and Emma.” Blaine says as he is walking out.

“Kurt” Blaine yells out as he enters the apartment. “I'm in the living room.” Kurt announces. “Kurt, I won't be here for dinner tonight.” Blaine informs Kurt. “You found a better date than me?” Kurt questions jokingly. “Never” Blaine says as he gives Kurt a quick kiss. “Do you remember me telling you about Lindsey, she is a  single Mom, pregnant and very tired? I saw her at the Train Station earlier and she looks exhausted so I told her I was going to make dinner for her and her daughter tonight. I want to help her out for a few hours so she can get some rest.” Blaine explains. “That is so nice of you Blaine. In fact, if you don't mind I would like to whip something up for your dinner. All you will have to do is warm it up.” Kurt decides. “How thoughtful of you to do that Kurt, you are amazing.” Blaine says proud of his fiancé. “Except I don't know what her daughter Emma likes to eat.” Blaine says. “Don't worry I got it covered.” Kurt says as he heads to the kitchen and starts cooking.

Blaine walks into the Train Station loaded down with dinner. He sets the bags down and looks for Lindsey. He finds Lindsey in the break room clocking out. “Ready?” Blaine asks as Lindsey turns around. “Yes I am, but you didn't have to do this Blaine.” She says. “Hey, I am the lucky one who gets to spend the evening with two lovely girls. So let's go and pick up Emma because I know you are hungry.” Blaine tells Lindsey as he picks up the bags containing their dinner. After picking up Emma they enter Lindsey's apartment. It is relatively small but very homey and you can feel the love that fills it. Blaine takes dinner to the kitchen while Lindsey takes Emma's coat off and gets her settled with her toys in the living room. “Okay” Blaine says. “Lindsey I want you to go change into something very comfortable and take your shoes off so your feet can breathe. I'll watch Emma, now go” Blaine says as he motions for Lindsey to leave. Blaine has set the table and the food is warming so he goes to be with Emma. “Hi Emma” Blaine says as he picks her up. He notices right away that Emma has a beautiful smile and giggles a lot. He holds her high above his head with his arms stretched straight. He     flies her through the air. Emma is laughing so hard it becomes contagious causing Blaine to start laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes. Blaine doesn't notice that Lindsey is back and watching him interact with her daughter. She covers her mouth so her laughing would not be heard. “You can fly one more time before I have to get dinner out.” Blaine says to her and then realizes that it is one time too many as Emma spits up and it lands on Blaine's face. “I'm so sorry.” Lindsey says as she rushes in with a towel to give to Blaine while she takes Emma. “So this is what it is like to care for a baby.” Blaine says as he looks at Lindsey seriously, until they both start laughing hysterically. “Come on, dinner is ready.” Blaine says inviting the girls to sit down for dinner. “For Emma I have some chopped up spaghetti and green beans.” Blaine says. “Her favorites, how did you know?” Lindsey says. For us I have salad, roast beef with augratin potatoes, mixed vegetables, and for dessert strawberry cheesecake.” Blaine says as he places their plates in front of them. “This is wonderful Blaine.” Lindsey says as she starts to eat and feed Emma at the same time. “This taste marvelous, I didn't know you are such a good cook.” She says. “To be honest with you, I didn't cook dinner. Kurt is the chef in our relationship. When I told him I was going to make dinner for you he decided he wanted to cook it. But I will relay your complements to him.” Blaine says happy that Lindsey likes it. Blaine laughs at Emma as she eats then spits it out with her tongue causing Lindsey to spoon it back in as she finally swallows. They both laugh at Emma when she has her first taste of cheesecake. She wasn't thrilled with it at first making a face that says. “What is this?” But she keeps licking her mouth and finally changes her mind and starts gobbling in up. Dinner is finished and Blaine refuses to let Lindsey help clean up so she sits at the table and just talks to Blaine telling him her life story. After the dishes and kitchen are cleaned up Blaine tells Lindsey to go lie down and put her feet up. He's going to get Emma ready for bed if she didn't mind. Lindsey agrees though she feels like she was taking advantage of Blaine. “Come on Emma, the rubber ducky is waiting for you.” He says as picks her up and heads to the bathroom while Lindsey relaxes. Blaine checks the water temperature making sure it is not too hot. He carefully places Emma in the tub of water and immediately water is flying all over the place and it soaks Blaine to the skin and water is dripping from his face. “Blaine I forgot to tell you that…” Lindsey starts to say as she stands in the doorway wanting to warn Blaine about Emma and water. “But I see you found out.” She finishes and starts to laugh handing Blaine another towel. “Sorry” Lindsey apologizes before she turns around and leaves. “I can still hear you laughing.” He yells at Lindsey while wiping the water off his face. Blaine finally has Emma clean, diapered, and in her pajamas. He is smiling because he is so proud of himself, though the bathroom is a mess. He carries Emma to the living room and sits down in the rocking chair and starts rocking Emma. Her eyes are heavy and she is about to fall asleep when Blaine starts singing a lullaby to her. Within minutes they are both fast asleep. Blaine wakes up to the sound of baby noises in his ear. He carefully stands up and takes Emma to the nursery and places her down in her crib. He covers her up, gives her a kiss goodnight, and turns around and walks out of the room leaving the door ajar. He goes to check on Lindsey and finds her asleep in her bed. He goes in and covers her up and makes sure the baby monitor is on. He goes to the bathroom and cleans up after the hurricane that went thru here. Finally, he turns out the lights and locks the door as he leaves. He stands outside the door smiling, looking forward to the day he and Kurt have their own little family.


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