Friends and Family
Chapter 19 Starting To Move On Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 19 Starting To Move On

T - Words: 2,151 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                      Friends and Family

                            Chapter 19 – Starting to Move On


Blaine and Kurt walk into the apartment and it seems way to quiet. Blaine looks at his watch and realizes Emma is probably taking her nap. They look at the couch and see Rachael. They chuckle at the sight of Rachael who looks exhausted and is sound asleep. They hang up their coats on the hook and go sit down in the kitchen not wanting to wake Sleeping Beauty. They sit down and allow themselves a few minutes to let the events of the day to sink in. They look at each other not needing to talk until Blaine says. “Kurt, I don't think we have time to sit down and take a break. We have too much to do to get ready for Elizabeth. She'll be here tomorrow.” Blaine says starting to feel panicked. “Blaine, yes we do have the time to take a break. We won't be good for anyone if we are exhausted and can't think straight. A ten minute break is not going to hurt anything, besides I know what you are trying to do. You are trying to avoid thinking about what happened today to Lindsey. You need to let yourself grieve Blaine and accept what has happened.” Kurt tells Blaine. “You know me too well Kurt.” Blaine says as Kurt reaches over the table and touches Blaine's hand.

The boys sit there a few more minutes when Kurt says. “Blaine, I know this is going to sound terrible but we need to clean out Lindsey's room. We need to turn that room into the girl's room like yesterday. I am thinking we could put Emma's crib in there for Elizabeth and the twin bed that is in there now will be Emma's bed.” Kurt says as he has already been planning the room for the girls. The boys are busy cleaning out the room when Rachael enters the room wondering what is going on. “Hey, what are you doing? Lindsey might want those things. Why are you putting those things in a box?” Rachael says trying to stop the boys. “Rachael, sit down with us please.” Kurt says while motioning for Rachael to sit between them on the bed. Kurt explains to Rachael what happened at the hospital and with tears in her eyes she hugs them both. “I'll help you any way I can.” Rachael says as she wipes the tears from her face. Suddenly, everyone freezes when they hear a voice. “Bwaine, Kur, baby” Emma runs toward them with outstretched arms wanting to be picked up. “Emma, guess what? You are a big sister to a baby girl. Her name is Elizabeth Lindsey.” Kurt says as he picks her up and kisses the top of her head. Blaine takes out his phone and shows Emma a picture of Elizabeth. “Baby, baby” Emma squeals as she jumps down and starts to run around in the room saying. “Baby, baby, wuv” The adults smile and chuckle as they watch Emma express her joy for her little sister. They decide to deal with the news of her Mother later.

Rachael is staying with Emma and working in the girl's room while the boys are at Lindsey's apartment meeting with their friends. After explaining the situation to their friends they get to work and follow the directions told to them by Kurt and Blaine. Finn, Sam, and Joey are busy taking the crib apart. Mercedes and Blaine are boxing up all the baby clothes, diapers, and toys that Lindsey had already bought for the baby. Kurt is packing up Emma's clothes, toys, and things that belong to her. They work diligently and within a few hours the friends are carrying in boxes and furniture into the boy's apartment and have started putting the nursery together. Kurt sees Blaine starting to unpack a box and notices he has tears in his eyes. “Blaine, can you come here for a minute.” Kurt asks. “You need something?” Blaine says as he rubs his eyes removing the evidence. “Yes, I need you to do me a big favor. I need you to go tell Elizabeth goodnight and give her a big hug and a kiss from her Daddies.” Kurt says as he cups Blaine's face with his hands. “Will you do that please? Our little girl needs to be held and loved by her Father.” Kurt tells Blaine. “Kurt is right Blaine.” Rachael says. “But she needs to be held and loved by both of her Fathers. So get your coats and get going.” Rachael says with a knowing smile. “We can finish up, just be back in time to put Emma to bed.” Finn adds. “Thank you guys, you are great friends.” Kurt says as he grabs Blaine's hand and they are quickly off to see their baby girl.

The boys enter the nursery and see that Elizabeth is being rocked by a nurse. “Look who is here Elizabeth. Your Daddy is here to see you.” The nurse says as she gets up and motions for the boys to come and sit in the rocking chairs. Blaine is holding Elizabeth and touches her little face with his finger tips discovering the softness of her skin. “Kurt, she is perfect.” He says as he starts to softly sing her a lullaby. Some of the medical staff stop and listen to Blaine as he sings to his daughter. Kurt joins in and soon the hospital nursery is silent except for the voices of the two Fathers singing a lullaby to their little girl. When the boys finish the lullaby the employees and other visitors quietly applaud. “That was beautiful.” The nurse says as he wipes away a tear. “This is our little girl Blaine.” Kurt says as he rocks Elizabeth back and forth in the rocking chair. It's hard to believe. This morning we didn't have any kids and we were not expecting any in the near future. A few hours later we have two. I don't mean to sound unfeeling about Lindsey but my feelings for our daughter are just taking over. I want to be able to be happy about becoming a Father without having to feel guilty for being happy Blaine. “Does that make sense?” Kurt says feeling a twinge of guilt. “I totally understand Kurt because I am in the same boat. I feel the same way as you, so this is what we are going to do. We are not going to worry about what other people think. We know we are devastated that Lindsey died unexpectedly leaving her two girls behind. But that is what happened and we are following her wishes. She would not want us moping around and being sad in front of the girls. She wants them to live in a loving and happy home and that is what we are going to provide for them no matter what others think. Lindsey would not want her children to be surrounded by Fathers who feel guilty or sad all the time. From now on we are going to be happy about being given such a precious gift and if some people has a problem with our excitement and happiness that is their problem not ours.” Blaine says putting an end to the concern forever. Kurt leans over and gives Blaine a kiss and says. “Thank you” After feeding her, burping her, changing her diaper and rocking her to sleep the boys are getting ready to head home to finish preparing for tomorrow. “We love you Elizabeth Lindsey Hummel Anderson and we will be back here tomorrow morning to pick you up and take you home.” The boys tell their daughter as they kiss her goodnight and leave looking forward to tomorrow.

Back at the apartment Joey, Rachael, Finn, Sam and Mercedes are sitting in the living room after putting the final touches on the nursery. They are watching Emma play with her toys when she grabs her doll and gets up. She walks to Sam holding out her arms wanting to be picked up. “Baby, sister” Emma says smiling at Sam. “Yes, Emma you do have a new sister. Can you say Elizabeth? That's her name E-liz-a-beth.” Sam says as he slowly enunciates each syllable. “Mommy, Mommy” Emma says as she looks at Sam. Everyone looks at Joey in panic not knowing what to say. Joey stands up going to take Emma from Sam when Sam motions that he has it. “Mommy is …. Sam starts but stops when Blaine and Kurt come through the front door with a smile. “Bwaine, Kur “Emma yells as she gets down off Sam's lap and runs into Blaine's arms as he picks her up and gives her a kiss on her cheek. “Hello there little one. How are you doing?” Blaine asks as Kurt hangs up their coats on the hook. Blaine notices the look on Emma's face as well as the strange looks on his friends faces. “What's wrong” He asks Emma. “Mommy, me Mommy” She says with a sad face. Blaine and Kurt hear her clearly, and instantly realize the moment that they were dreading is here. “I think it's time we leave.” Rachael says as the friends all stand and leave quickly giving Emma a kiss goodbye and wishing their best to the boys. “Joey, you can stay if you want.” Blaine whispers. “Thanks Blaine, but I think this conversation needs to be between you three. Call me if you need to but I will be back tomorrow to welcome home Elizabeth.” Joey says and shuts the door as he leaves.

Emma is sitting on Blaine's lap, facing Kurt on the couch when Kurt says. “Emma, Mommy loves you very much.” “Mommy, wuv Mommy” Emma says causing Blaine's and Kurt's hearts to ache. Tears begin to fall from Blaine's eyes. “Sweetie, Mommy is gone. She won't be coming back. Mommy died this morning.” Kurt says forcing the words out even though the huge lump in his throat is making it difficult to talk. “Mommy gone, wuv Mommy” Emma says, not understanding what she is being told. She looks up at Blaine and sees the tear tracks on Blaine's face. “Bwaine cwi, Bwaine sad” Emma says as she wipes his tears. “Emma wuv Bwaine.” She says and hugs him tightly around his neck as he hugs her with all his love. In a few seconds Emma turns and looks at Kurt and says. “Kur ice cweam pwease.” Emma asks so politely it melts his heart. The boys both chuckle as Kurt hugs Emma and Blaine hugs them both. Emma starts to giggle and Blaine and Kurt soon join in. Emma slides down off Blaine's lap and grabs Kurt's hand pulling him up and repeats. “Ice cweam pwease” Can I have whipped cream on mine please? Blaine asks. “Whip cweam pwease.” Emma asks also. “Blaine look what you have started.” Kurt says as the new family heads to the kitchen to ease their sorrow with some ice cream.

Kurt is washing the ice cream off of Emma while Blaine is playing with Emma and her rubber duck in the bath tub. Blaine wraps a towel around her so he can dry her off then puts on her diaper before Kurt dries her hair. Once in her pajamas Kurt holds her tightly until she falls asleep loving his little girl. Blaine opens the door to her bedroom and pulls the blanket down on her bed. Kurt gently lays her down and they both kiss her goodnight. They find themselves watching Emma sleep and they find it hard to explain the feelings they are experiencing. They leave a night light on as they finally leave after making sure the baby monitor is on.

The boys sit down on the couch finally taking a much needed moment to breath. “Blaine, do you realize our future changed today forever. We are now responsible for two human beings that depend on us for everything.” Kurt says as his head lies on Blain's shoulder. “Isn't it a wonderful feeling? It's a mixture of pure joy and intense fear that only a parent can understand.” Blaine says with a smile. “Kurt, I think we need to call our parents and let them know they are now grandparents to two little girls. They are going to be so excited. We can send them some of the pictures we took today.” Blaine says as he takes out his phone and sends a picture to his parents and within seconds his phone is ringing. He puts his phone on speaker so Kurt can hear the excitement in their voices. They repeat the same process with Burt and Carole. The boys finally make it to bed and quickly fall to sleep, exhausted from the roller coaster ride of their life.



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