Friends and Family
Chapter 15 Celebrations Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 15 Celebrations

T - Words: 2,072 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 15 – Celebrations


Christmas music is playing and four stockings are hanging with the names of Kurt, Blaine, Lindsey and Emma by the fireplace. The tree is beautifully decorated with lovely ornaments hanging from a large pine tree as the colorful lights twinkle. All four roommates sing songs, drink eggnog and eat cookies while Emma keeps looking at the wrapped presents under the tree. “Pwesents” Emma says as she points to the tree jumping up and down. “This has been a perfect evening with you guys but I'm afraid I'm going to call it a night.” Lindsey says as she yawns again. “Emma it's time for you to go to bed so Santa can come.” Lindsey tells her. Blaine carries Lindsey back to her bed while Kurt and Emma set out milk and cookies for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph. Blaine joins them as they begin to write a note to Santa. “Okay Emma, you have to help us do something very important. We need to write a note to Santa. Let's start sweetie.” Kurt tells her. “Santa, Santa” Emma says excitedly. “That's right. Let's start with Dear Santa.” Kurt says as he writes. “Here are some cookies and milk.” He continues. “Milk, Santa” Emma says as she giggles. “Love Emma” Kurt concludes. “Santa, Santa, wuv” Emma shouts. “Okay little one, you need to calm down a little so let's go rock for a while and hopefully you will fall asleep. Blaine sings Christmas Carols to Emma as they rock and she quickly falls asleep in Blaine's arms. Kurt checks to make sure she is asleep then picks her up and carries Emma to their room and gently lays her down and covers her up. He goes back into the living room and is surprised to see a romantic candle lit room waiting for him. Blaine is lying by the fire with two glasses of wine. Kurt joins him. He looks at the clock and whispers Merry Christmas.

Kurt had gotten up early to make everyone's favorite sweet rolls. Blaine got up next and brought Lindsey out so she could see Emma's face when she saw the tree. With a warm drink in their hands the three are talking about the fun they had last night. They hear little feet pitter pattering out of the bedroom followed by a loud scream. Awwwww! Mommy, Mommy, Santa came, pwesents” She ran to the tree with her face lit up with surprise and excitement as her hand covers her mouth while touching the presents. She looks at the adults who are watching her with huge smiles on their faces and can barely hold in their laughter. Blaine was glad he had his camera in his hands so he could capture this moment in time. Blaine finally goes to Emma and picks her up saying. “Good morning little one, Merry Christmas. Let's get you changed and then we'll open presents.” “Pwesents” Emma says filled with excitement. When everyone was ready the roommates opened their gifts. Emma quickly opens her gifts and squeals when she sees her new doll, puzzles, blocks and clothes. She loves playing with the bows as she sticks them to her head. They all agree that this has been a wonderful Christmas. Kurt and Blaine look at each other both thinking about the day they will be celebrating Christmas with their children squealing and laughing. “Emma, are you ready for breakfast?” Kurt asks. The next thing they hear is Emma shouting. “Pancakes pwease!” The adults look at each other and Kurt says. “I guess we are having pancakes.” Emma takes Kurt's hand and leads him into the kitchen singing “Pancakes, pancakes.” Blaine looks at Lindsey and says with a chuckle. “She is definitely your daughter.” “Yes she is. She is my precious daughter.” Lindsey says with pride and a heart filled with love.

The next few days go by quickly as the excitement for the New Year increases each day. They decided to invite Sam and Mercedes and Finn and Rachael along with Joey over for the evening to celebrate the New Year and watch the crystal ball fall together. The evening of the 31st finally arrives and Emma is dressed in her PJ's because everyone knows she won't make it to midnight. “KURT! I need your help!” Lindsey yells from her room. “What's wrong?” Kurt says worried as he enters her room. “Blue or red sweater?” Lindsey asks concerned. Kurt laughs as he says. “I'd go with blue. Are you nervous about tonight Lindsey?” Kurt asks with a teasing smile. “It's only Joey, you see him practically every day.” “I know just like it's only Blaine. I see you are dressed up quite nicely tonight Kurt.” Lindsey teases Kurt. “Okay, you got me. I can relate.” Kurt says as the doorbell rings. “That might be him. I'll go see.” Kurt says as he leaves with a smirk on his face.

A few minutes later Joey walks into Lindsey's room with a bouquet of a variety of flowers. He hands them to Lindsey along with a kiss on her cheek as he sits down on the bed. “How beautiful Joey. You shouldn't have,but I am glad you did.” Lindsey says with a smile. I just wanted to brighten up your room like you have brightened up my life.” Joey says smiling as he looks at Lindsey mesmerized by her eyes. “Hey, where is Emma because I have a smaller bouquet for her?” Joey says. “Emma, please come here Joey needs to see you.” She calls. “Mommy, Mommy, Joey” Emma says as she climbs onto her bed and crawls to her Mother. “Emma, I got these for you.” Joey says as he hands Emma her flowers. Emma smells the flowers and giggles. “Fwowers, pwitty” Emma shouts as she stands and goes to Joey and kisses him on the cheek and says. “Tank you Joey.” Emma quickly slides off the bed and starts running out of the room looking for the boys yelling. “ Bwaine fwowers, Kur fwowers” “If you are ready I would be happy to escort you to this lovely get together and if I didn't say it earlier I should have because you look beautiful Lindsey.” Joey says as he gently kisses Lindsey on her lips. “Kissy, Mommy” Emma laughs while standing in the doorway.

The friends are having a wonderful evening telling stories, dancing and singing along with the music. “The New Year will be here in a few minutes. What do you hope the New Year brings? Kurt asks Blaine as they dance around the floor in their own little world not noticing the others. “This year I see a magical wedding to the most beautiful person in the world. I hope that this year sees you and me growing closer together and more in love every day. And for the cherry on top, I am thinking maybe and I mean maybe that we might begin the steps to starting our own family.” Blaine says with a smile on his face. “What about your wishes for the New Year?” Blaine asks Kurt. “I'll take yours and add that this year is filled with joy and laughter, good health, and no days with tears of sadness.” Kurt answers. “I think this year is going to be wonderful as long as we go through it together and we can share it with our family and friends.” Blaine says as he looks around at his friends feeling blessed and then he kisses Kurt grateful for his soul mate. All the couples are watching the television as the ball begins to fall and bring in the New Year. At the stroke of midnight the couples shout Happy New Year and then kiss their loved one passionately, then wish Happy New Year to their friends. Emma is curled up in the chair sound asleep. Blaine and Kurt quietly walk over to her and gently kiss her cheek wishing her a Happy New Year. Lindsey looks at Joey and says as she holds her baby bump. “It's the New Year so that means the countdown can officially begin until the birth of the baby.” Lindsey tells Joey. “I think it's going to be a wonderful year for you Lindsey and me, I do believe. Joey says as he kisses Lindsey again. The evening draws to a close as Sam, Mercedes, Finn and Rachael give their thanks and best wishes as they head out. Joey carries Lindsey back to her room while the boys pick up a few things before they put Emma to bed. Everyone hoping that the New Year brings a year filled with joy, laughter, and dreams coming true.

The wintery days are passing uneventfully. The boys are happy finalizing plans as their wedding day gets closer. Lindsey is doing well under the watchful eyes of Blaine and Kurt as she closely follows her Doctor's orders. Her baby bump continues to grow bigger with everyone's excitement increasing as the due date nears. Joey can always be found at her side giving her additional support that she really appreciates. Emma is growing like a weed and continues to learn and do new things daily, always keeping everyone entertained.

Before they realize it, Valentine's Day is here. Joey surprises Lindsey with a romantic dinner that they shared even though Lindsey is now lying flat in bed with her head elevated because it is easier on her heart as the baby continues to grow as expected. Joey gives Lindsey a lovely wrapped box. She carefully takes off the wrapping and opens the box to see a heart necklace with a diamond. “It's beautiful Joey! Thank you.” She says with a smile as she takes it out of the box and Joey puts it on her. “Lindsey you make me very happy. Lindsey I love you.” Joey says for the first time. “I love you too Joey.” Lindsey says as they lean closer towards each other until their lips touch and they kiss. “Mommy kiss Joey.” Emma announces as she walks into the room after eating her dinner and hugs and kisses her Mom. “Emma I got you something because you are very special to me.” Joey says as he hands her a box. With a huge smile of amazement on her face she takes the box from Joey and carefully opens it up and squeals with excitement as she takes out a soft pink stuffed puppy. “Puppy Mommy, puppy, Tank you Joey!” Emma shouts with joy. “You are very welcome Emma.” Joey says as he picks her up and she kisses him on the cheek saying. “Kiss, kiss

Kurt and Blaine are sharing a lovely dinner at The Train Station as they look into each other's eyes lovingly. “I am so thankful that you came to spy on the Warblers. I will forever be indebted to Puck.” Blaine tells Kurt. “I am lucky that you were walking by me on the stairs that day and time and stopped when I said excuse me.” Kurt said smiling happily. “I am so looking forward to the day we will become one. So Mr. Hummel I suggest we decide right now on our last name. Are we going as Hummel-Anderson or Anderson-Hummel?” Blaine asks trying to get Kurt to make a decision. “Okay, I have a possible solution to the problem. You want Anderson-Hummel and I want Hummel-Anderson so I suggest we write both names down on a piece of paper, put them both in a box and then let Emma pick the winner. What do you think?” Kurt asks. “Okay, we can do that as long as you promise me that you will not be mad when she picks Anderson-Hummel.” Blaine jokes as he gets up to go perform. “This song I am dedicating to the love of my life on this Valentine's Day. This song is the first song he ever heard me sing and every time I sing it I instantly go back to the day he changed by life forever. Kurt this is for you.” You think I'm pretty……..

“Emma, pick a paper out of the box.” Kurt tells Emma. Blaine watches as she gives the paper to Lindsey. Lindsey opens the folded paper and reads it. Then she turns the name towards the boys so they can see. There last name will be ……


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