Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Friends and Family
Chapter 11 – The Meeting
Kurt has diapered, fed, bathed, and dressed Emma before anyone else was up. At the moment he is taking Lindsey her breakfast followed by Emma waddling behind him. They peak into the room and see Lindsey awake watching the morning news. “Good morning.” Lindsey says excitedly as Emma climbs on to her bed and gives her a hug and a kiss. Kurt puts the tray carrying her breakfast down on her lap. “Emma, you look like you are ready to start your day. Did you eat your breakfast?” Lindsey asks Emma. “Pancakes good,” She says with a big smile as she looks at her Mom's plate and grabs a piece of toast off of her tray. “I'll leave you two alone to enjoy breakfast. Just holler if you need something.” Kurt says as he heads out of the room. “Kurt, I don't mean to be nosey and butting in where I don't belong, but is there something wrong with Blaine? I thought I heard him last night. Was he crying?” Is there anything I can do to help?” Lindsey asks concerned. “He is going through some family issues that are difficult for him to deal with. I know he wouldn't want you to worry about him. He will be fine once it is resolved hopefully today. I am sure he will be in to talk to you later after he gets up. It was a late night for him.” Kurt explains. “Thanks for telling me. I would be happy to help if I can.” Lindsey tells Kurt.
Kurt takes a cup of coffee into the bedroom for Blaine and finds him staring at the ceiling. “A penny for your thoughts my dear or will a cup of coffee suffice.” Kurt asks. “A cup of coffee will be wonderful. Thanks.” He tells Kurt. “How are you feeling?” Kurt asks. “I'm not as tired and my headache is gone so I guess I am better. I'm sorry about last night. You would think that as an adult I would be able to man up and deal with things without falling apart.” Blaine says as he puts himself down. “Now stop berating yourself Mister. Besides your issues are not like deciding what color of shirt to wear, though if you asked me none would be my answer.” Kurt jokes with a smirk on his face. Kurt goes and sits on the bed next to Blaine and says. “I'm sorry that he won't leave you alone. I don't know what to do to make him stop unless you get a restraining order put he hasn't done anything to harm you or threaten you so I don't know if that is an option. Maybe your idea to talk to him is the best way to go. Find out what he needs from you.”Kurt suggests. “I promise I'll be there with you and if he says one thing that irritates you we are out of there.” Kurt tells Blaine. “You are probably right because I can't put up with these games any more Kurt. I don't want to live my life constantly looking around afraid he might pop out at any time. I am too tired to keep fighting them.” Blaine says. “Blaine, I took a back seat and kept quiet while I watched as you dealt with the Hills. Not any more, I'm going to get involved starting today. Let me see what I can do about this situation.” Kurt tells Blaine. “Okay” Blaine replies as he hugs Kurt feeling loved. Blaine gets up and heads to the bathroom while Kurt takes out his phone and texts Joey. “Meet me same time and same place.” Joey replies “Okay”
“Hey Lindsey” Blaine says as he walks into her room to check on her and Emma. She can be a bundle of energy so if you need a break don't be afraid to say something.” Blaine tells Lindsey. “She's fine right now, besides it is about time for her nap. Those eyes are getting a little heavy. I want to know how you are doing. You seem a little down. I'm a good listener if you need one. I would like to help you the way you are helping me.” Lindsey says. “It's a long and complicated story that I am trying to deal with, but unfortunately not very successfully at the moment. I want you to know that it has nothing to do with you or you guys staying here. I enjoy you and Emma being around. It takes my mind off my problems. I promise I won't let my problems affect you and Emma. Blaine says. “I'll take care of me but you take care of yourself. Just remember if you need a shoulder I'm here, because I can't go anywhere.” Lindsey says with a chuckle. “You are a good friend. I just wish some of my so called friends supported me like you. Anyway, I'm not going to worry about something I have no control over. I do have a question for you. What do you think about bringing Emma's crib mattress over here? That way Emma will have her own bed to sleep on.” Blaine asks. “I think that makes great sense.” Lindsey says as Emma's eyes are about closed as she lies in Lindsey's arms. “Why don't you let me take her and I will put her down for her afternoon nap.” Blaine suggests.”A nap sounds pretty good right now.” Lindsey says as she hands Emma to Blaine. “I'll check in on you before I head over to your place.” Blaine explains. “You're not going now?” She asks. “No, Kurt has some errands he needs to run for work or school. He'll be back in a while. Well come on little one.” Blaine says as he carries Emma to his bed for her nap. While the girls are napping Blaine figures he will work on his set list but soon he too lies down on the couch and is sound asleep.
“Kurt, I was surprised to hear from you. What's up?” Joey asks as Kurt pulls out the chair and sits down. “I don't have a lot of time and I'm not here for a friendly conversation. Joey, I need you to be honest with me.” Kurt tells Joey. “This sounds serious Kurt.” Joey observes. “Do you want a relationship with Blaine or would you rather sever the ties right now and be done with each other.” Kurt asks bluntly. “Wow, let's get right to the point.” Joey says surprised. “Yes, I would like to have a relationship with Blaine but he told me last night that he was done. So I guess he is the one who doesn't want a relationship with me.” Joey answers snidely. “Have you spoken to your Father today? Did he tell you about what happened last night at The Train Station?” Kurt asks. “No, when he came in last night he was sort of out of it.” Joey says reluctantly. “He got drunk and has a hangover doesn't he.” Kurt guesses. “Yes, but he is an adult. I can't tell him what to do.” Joey says. “Let me tell you what he did.” Kurt tells Joey as he starts retelling the events of the night at The Train Station. “No wonder he was upset when he called me last night.” Joey says as he rubs his face in his hands. “I have told my Father to leave him alone, but he says he needs to talk to him about something. He hasn't told me what though.” Joey says. “I mentioned to Blaine this morning he might have to talk to him, but when he does I'm going to be there.” He tells Joey. “The truth, what really hurt Blaine last night was the fact you didn't warn him Joey. He thought you understood about how he feels about Jack Hill. He thought you had his back. He thought he meant something to you. It hurt him deeply when he realized his half brother didn't care about him enough to call and warn him about the possibility of Jack Hill showing up at The Train Station.” Kurt lectured Joey. “Did you know he was meeting with you today to tell you it would be alright if you talked about your Father in front of him? You are so important to him he wasn't going to let Jack Hill come between you. He was even going to make the effort to meet with Jack Hill one time to let him say what he needed to say to him.” Kurt informs Joey. “He accepted you as his brother and volunteered to donate bone marrow to you when he found out it might lengthen your life and he asked for one favor in return. He didn't want to hear from or see Jack Hill. He has a very good reason why, if you had cared enough to ask him about it. But apparently you guys can't or won't abide by this single request. But your friendship is so important to him he is now willing to drop that request. What did Blaine do that is so wrong and not acceptable to you?” Kurt asks. “I am an adult and I don't like having to walk around on egg shells when I talk to Blaine making sure I don't mention his name. Jack Hill is my Father. The truth is Jack Hill is his Father whether he likes it or not. I think he needs to grow up and me a man, as long as we are being honest.” Joey says as Kurt starts to fume. “I should get up and leave after that statement but I am going to say one more thing.” Kurt says looking directly at Joey. “Jack Hill has not been a Father to either of you. That is the truth you need to accept. Stop hoping that one day he will turn into the Father you've always wanted because it's never going to happen. He doesn't have a fatherly bone in his body. He is only concerned about one thing, Jack Hill. He only cares about what is best for Jack Hill and to hell with other people and what they think. He doesn't care about the damage he causes because he never takes responsibility for his actions. It's never his fault. If you want him in your life so be it, but it will cost you a brother. A brother who will be there for you through thick and thin and give you the love you have been searching for. You decide Joey. Kurt stops to take a breath. “I am going to try one more time to help you understand why Blaine feels the way he does about Jack Hill and save your relationship. Do you love you Mom?” Kurt asks. “Yes, she is the world to me.” Joey says proudly. “Imagine some man takes your Mom into a back alley and threatens to kill her with a knife pointed at her throat. Imagine the fear your Mother would be experiencing at that time. Imagine this man raping her and then severely assaulting her. In your head you can see this happening to your Mom and the images are so real and vivid it is frightening. Now add to this nightmare that you were conceived during this rape and assault. It causes you to feel so dirty you fear that you will never be clean again. You feel guilty that you are alive and you begin to believe that you shouldn't have been born, because you are a bad mistake. You feel uneasy every time your Mom looks at you because you remind her of him, because you have some of his features. As this nightmare continues you are told you have a brother you never knew. You are secretly tested and told you need to donate your bone marrow to a brother you just learned of immediately to increase his survival chances from cancer. Now add to the nightmare the effort of helping a friend who is pregnant and has a 15 month old through some health issue as well as the daily ups and downs of a normal life. How long do you think you would need to accept all that and get yourself back to normal if ever? For him it's been about 7 months. Personally, I don't think I could have done it as well as he has. In fact I think he has dealt with this situation amazingly well. Unfortunately, he thinks he hasn't. I can totally understand why he doesn't want to see or hear from Jack Hill. I don't think he is asking too much from his family and friends so he can feel comfortable and safe.” Kurt tells Joey hoping he understands. “I've been such a jerk Kurt. I didn't understand until now how this has affected him. Actually I never thought to look at this situation through his eyes to better understand his feelings. Why didn't he explain this to me earlier? I would have understood better his request.” Joey wonders. “Joey he finally told me last night and that was because I asked him to. Something you need to know about Blaine. He comes across as this strong person who you admire because he can deal with any situation and not be flustered. He wants to help you deal with your problems. The truth is he is a very sensitive person who takes everything to heart and he doesn't like to show this to others. He is so afraid of disappointing people he will sacrifice his own feelings for the sake of another persons. His feelings can be hurt easily by others. He takes things very personally when his feelings are involved. He knows the sacrifices he has made and when others don't seem to appreciate the effort it bothers him deeply.” Kurt tells Joey as a way for Joey to better understand Blaine. “How is he Kurt?” Joey asks truly concerned about Blaine. “Last night destroyed him. I have never seen him so hurt. It was like a boxer getting sucker punched by a man you don't want in your life followed by a right cross squarely on the chin by you when he found out you knew.” Kurt says as he starts to stand. “What can I do to help him Kurt?” Joey asks. “That is something only you can answer. Whatever you decide to do Joey, make sure you are being honest with yourself and it is something that you can live with and be able to follow through on. Don't hurt him again. He deserves to at least hear the truth from you.” Kurt says as he leaves the café while Joey still sits at the table trying to answer that question.