Friends and Family
Chapter 1 Catching Up Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 1 Catching Up

T - Words: 1,041 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 1 – Catching Up

Blaine hears the morning alarm ringing and turns over so he can shut it off. He looks at Kurt who is beginning to wake. “Rise and shine sleepy head.” Blaine tells Kurt. “No, I'm still tired.” Kurt complains. “You wouldn't be tired if you came to bed earlier.” Blaine mentions. “Then our wedding would never get planned. We only have a few months before our wedding and there is still a lot to do.” Kurt says. “But you have been planning it for two years now.” Blaine says. “It will be worth all the effort we have put into it because our wedding will be perfect.” Kurt tells Blaine. “Personally, I can't wait until we become the Anderson-Hummels.” Blaine says with pride. “You mean Hummel-Andersons.” Kurt corrects him. “Kurt we need to make a decision on what our last name will be.” Blaine tells Kurt. “We will but not today. Come on, get up and get dressed Joey is expecting us.” Kurt says as he pushes Blaine out of bed. “Okay, okay but soon.” Blaine says giving up the fight for today. They showered, shaved, and got dressed in record time and are out the door heading towards Joey's apartment.

Joey opens the door and the boys enter. “It's nice of you to invite us over for lunch.” Blaine says. “I want to tell you a couple of things. Let's sit down. The fixings for the sandwiches are on the table.” Joey tells them. After making their sandwiches the boys were ready to listen. “Yesterday I saw Dr. Potter.” Joey says and the boys stop eating and focus totally on Joey. I am still in remission. That makes two years now. I only need three more years until I reach my goal of five years.” Joey says. “You will.” Blaine says giving him a high five. “The second thing I need to tell you is about Jack Hill. He sent me a text the other day. It has been years since I heard from him so I read it. He asked me to call him because he had a question he needed to ask me. He has been working in Los Angeles at a talent agency called Reaching for the Stars. This agency wants to branch out into New York. He wanted to know if it would be acceptable if he moves to New York City and accepts the position offered to him. He said he would do whatever I thought was best. So I am asking you before I send him an answer.” Joey explains to them. Blaine stops eating and rubs his face with his hands trying to figure out what to say as he looks at Joey's eyes and says. If this only affected me I would tell him to stay in L.A. I like having a country between us. But he is your Dad and I know I would hate not talking to or seeing my Dad so it will be okay for him to move to New York if that is what you would like. I would prefer not to see him or be around him if at all possible. In other words I think we can work something out if he comes.” A small smile appears on Joey's face as he says. “You are something else. I hope I am as considerate to other people as you are. Okay enough about me. Tell me how are the wedding plans coming?” Joey asks. “No, don't get him started.” Blaine advises. Kurt interrupts. “Let me tell you all about it Joey.” Kurt says and he does for about an hour.

It's a Saturday afternoon and Kurt and Blaine are in Central Park sitting on a blanket waiting for the gang to arrive. Every six months or so the New Direction friends meet somewhere vowing to stay in contact with each other. Today it is in Central Park for a picnic luncheon. “I don't see anyone Blaine.” Kurt says. “They'll be here Kurt relax besides it wouldn't be terrible if it was just us.” Blaine says with a wink. Soon they hear a guitar being strummed and singing. The New Directions have arrived. When they finished singing they hugged and sat down to enjoy each other's company. “Sam, I have been seeing you in a lot of magazines.” Quinn says. Puck asks Quinn.”Why are you looking at him when you have me?” Puck starts flexing his muscles. You know Quinn your story would make a great movie.” Artie suggests. “ I see you are going back on tour again.” Santana says to Mercedes as she begins to eat. “Yea, my manager keeps me busy. Hey Santana you should come with us on tour. You are very good.” Mercedes says as she looks at Santana. “I am good, but what can I say.” Santana says with flair. “Yes you are.” Brittany says with a twinkle in her eye. “Rachael what is going to happen on your show next season?” Tina asks her favorite T.V. star. “Sorry Tina, my lips are sealed.” Rachael teases. “What is the latest news out of Hollywood?” Sam asks. “Nothing too exciting is happening.” Rachael says. The afternoon passes quickly as the friends catch up on the latest news and enjoy each other's company. It's time to leave and Puck starts singing Loser Like Me. They all join in as always. “Okay before when leave we need to set the place and time of our next get together.” Mercedes reminds everyone. The group yells out suggestions like Miami, Boston, L.A. “Wait a second!” Kurt says determined. “I have spent two years planning our next get together. We will be meeting in Lima, Ohio on June 22nd at Blaine's house.” Sam shouts. “Pool party at Blaine's alright. “Very funny Sam.” We know Kurt it's your wedding to Blainey Days.” Tina says as she still looks lovingly at Blaine. “Now that we have settled that issue it is time for a Show Circle.” Puck says as they all get into a circle with their right hands in the middle touching each other and yelling. “Amazing!” They say their goodbyes and begin counting the days until they meet again.


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