June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
"Okay then, you sloppy babies! This is how the session is going to unfold - you're going to show your powers and me and curly McGee over here are going to asses each person and find out your strongest and weakest points." Sue shouted at us through a megaphone, which seemed to appear out of nowhere considering I didn't see her bring it in.
"All of you in a line, sorted by gender, height and abilities. Girls first, then boys."
We stood for a moment, not understanding what she was asking. Confused looks were shared and hesitantly, we fumbled around, attempting to put ourselves in the order, clearly failing.
"Seriously? Come on! You think this is hard? Try having hepatitis. That's hard."
Having random things shouted at us wasn't really helping the situation. At all.
We eventually gave up and simply stood in a huddle formation, like lost ducks trying to go to a pond.
"God help us when you useless bunch actually have to go out and save people. Alright, I'll go slowly this time. Girls first over to the left." Sue said in a defeated voice pointing to the left. The girls obeyed.
"Finally! Now in height order and if you have more than one power go to the back."
A little more shuffling and the girls seemed to be in order.
"Boys do the same, but get behind the girls."
A grunted laugh coming from Puck was heard – it was quickly learnt the way Puck's immature mind worked - and Sue turn towards the sound. I slipped into my place behind Blaine and waited for her to unleash the wrath.
Sue walked forward until they were at eye level.
"Think something's funny, squirrel head? Because if you laugh one more time in my lesson, I will rip that sad excuse of a hairstyle from your disproportioned, meaty head. Got it?"
This is the first time I've seen Puck scared and I relished in the sight – whilst trying not to double over in laughter.
"I said, do you get it?"
Puck nodded so fast I was afraid his head was going to fall off.
"Good. Now everyone stay in this order and go sit on that bench." Sue ordered, pointing.
Once sat, Blaine leant over and whispered into my ear, "If this is her on a good day, I would hate to see her on a bad one."
I quickly nodded in agreement - I would definitely hate to feel the wrath of Sue Sylvester on a bad day.
"First in the queue, stand up. Go to the cross," Sue gestured at the marking on the floor in the centre of the room, "state your name and power and show us your supposed 'talent'."
The first person was a very scared looking Rachel. I felt sorry for her; she's already been shouted at once by Sue. Rachel shuffled herself up to the middle, very shakily. I notice her take three deep breaths, closing her eyes. When she reopens them, she looks a lot more steady and calm.
"My name is Rachel Barbara Berry and my power is Duplication."Sue looks up and murmurs something that sounds suspiciously like, 'oh great the hobbit's back'.
"Okay then, Rachel lets see what you got " Mr Schue says with a cheerful smile, the complete opposite of Sue's scowl.
Rachel enthusiastically nods and closes her eyes again, this time for deep concentration. In a matter of seconds, there are dozens of Rachel Berry's popping up. She opens her eyes and grins at what she's accomplished. She then walks over to her water bottle, lying discarded on the floor and closes her eyes once more and touches it. Quick as a blink, there are water bottles identical to the one she's holding scattered around the room. She drops the bottle, shuts her eyes one last time and all of the copies disappear like they were never there in the first place.
Her smile is so wide I'm afraid her face will stay that way for ever. Rachel stands still, obviously waiting for a positive comment, but all she receives is Sue shouting 'NEXT' in her megaphone. She startles, disappointed and moves.
Next up, Quinn, who removed a knife from her pocket and slashed her arm. Half the room winced and looked away and when we turned back, it was completely healed. She asked for a volunteer and Puck, thinking that this was 'so cool', offered and let out an outraged gasp when she cut his arm too – before holding her hand over the cut and an orange glow appeared. No more than five seconds later, the cut was gone.
Tina's turn and like with Rachel, I was fascinated to see my new friend's power – however, Tina's power was one you couldn't really see. She was able to see the future or the past, so for her demonstration, she also asked for a volunteer but recommended that it was either Sue or Mr. Schue so they could see that what she was seeing was true. Sue volunteered and Tina took hold of her wrist and closed her eyes and began describing Sue's home to her in exact detail. This was the first time I had seen Sue look impressed and actually complimented Tina, with a short 'well done'.
Santana was up next and she wasn't joking when she said she was flexible. Like a slinky, she moved around the room, bending in ways that no human could.
Sue was again impressed by this, marking Santana's sheet with a small, not smile, but it was a somewhat slight upturning of the mouth.
Last of the girls was Brittany and to show her talents she started speaking aloud Sue's thoughts. To be honest, it wasn't too pleasant and one comment made Rachel blush horribly. I wouldn't like to repeat what Brittany said, ever again.
So, with dropped jaws, it was time for the boys and first up was Artie, who soared out of his wheelchair and performed tricks in the air.
After Artie was Puck who disappeared and repapered in random spots around the gym.
Mike had things thrown at him, dodging them all whilst keeping perfect balance and being unbelievably agile. Then came Finn and boy, did he look strangle climbing up the walls and hanging off the ceiling. He looked too big and clumsy the whole time but he was surprisingly quick. Now, the multi-powerists. This seemed to be the one everyone had been waiting for, as apparently no other group in the school had one, let alone two, multi-powerists. Blaine, being the shorter one of us, was up first, for which I'm glad. I'm not sure I'd have been able start.
"My name is Blaine Anderson and I'm a multi-powerist. I have the powers of invisibility, speed able to create force fields and super reflexes."
He shifted from foot to foot nervously, waiting. Sue opened her mouth.
"I was wondering when we were going to get to you two. I'm wouldn't say I'm excited to see what you can do but I am more interested then with the others, you may start."
Blaine nods and looks like he's trying to decide how to start. After what seems like a split second decision, he disappears. I am amazed at this – I've never seen it done before and the ease he managed to do it at was outstanding. I lean forward, placing my head in my hands with my elbows resting on my knees, giving Blaine my full attention. After a minute, he reappears at the bottom of the hall. He starts running and soon he's running so fast that it becomes a blur of colour. He stops sharply back on the red cross, throwing his arms out to the side of him, creating a bluish orb around him. I'm guessing this is his force field. I look along the line, taking in everyone else's expressions and they seem to be just as drawn in. I turn my attention back at Blaine where I see Sue throwing things at the orb to try and break it or damage it - but it's strong and just bounces the objects back off it. She throws a pen and in the matter of seconds that it travels through the air, Blaine manages to drop the field and catch the pen using his reflexes.
He stands straight and throws the pen back to Sue, who's looking suitably impressed.
"Very well done Mr Anderson, let's see how the next multi powerist compares to you."
The words leave her mouth and the whole line stares at me, waiting for me to go show them what I can do to see if I can top Blaine, like it's some sort of competition. I stand up from my seat and make my way over to the centre passing Blaine who smiles encouragingly mouthing the words good luck. I stand on the cross and face Sue and Mr Schue, take a deep breath and say my information.
"Off you go" Sue says and with those words I show them who I really am and what I'm capable of.