The True Power
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The True Power: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,797 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/26 - Created: Jul 29, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2013
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Author's Notes: so here's the chapter a lot of people have been waiting for :)

The common room is bigger than the dorm rooms, but like them, it has a large window on the back wall. There are two couches and three armchairs, a mahogany coffee table and a large TV on the left wall, complete with an entertainment system. On the right side of the room, there are two large bookcases, - one filled with books and the other DVDs and video games - a pool table and behind, a counter with a sink, microwave and small fridge.

Stepping into the room, I also notice the rest of the people living in this dorm. Sitting on one of the couches were two girls. One had a bright cheerful face - she'll fit in here with all the other cheerful people I've met - and had blonde hair and curled up next to her was a Latina-looking girl with dark brunette hair, smiling. However, I could tell by her face that she's got a mean streak. Finally! Someone who might cause some drama in this school and not be cheerful all the time. My gaze then travels to the other couch where an Asian boy with deep black hair sat, talking to a light brown-haired boy, wearing glasses, in a wheelchair.

A loud cheer came from the other side of the room, causing my eyes to drift over there. Two boys were playing pool. One was tall and looked awfully clumsy while the other had a Mohawk and tanned skin. I looked back over the room, and on the armchairs, I saw Rachel talking to an Asian girl with jet black hair, but one blue streak in the left side and an extraordinarily pretty girl with short blonde hair. I must have caught Rachel's eye as she broke away from the conversation and beamed at me. Oh great, more smiling.
She then waved at me and I repeated the action, silently wondering if her hand would fall off from the speed it was moving.

"Who's that?" Blaine said, startling me once again. 
"Seriously?! Do you just go around scaring everyone you see?" I say, slapping him lightly on the arm.
"Ouch! And no, I only manage to scare you!"

I was about to respond with one of my witty comebacks - they come naturally after being at my old school - but I was interrupted by a voice coming from the doorway.
"Hello everyone! Welcome to the Hercules dorm. I am Mr
Schuester and I will be your teacher and coach for your time here at The Bruce Wayne Academy For Heroes."
You would think a shorter version or an acronym for the name of the school would've been used by now. 

"Okay then, everyone gather round in a circle and we'll have an introduction session. State your name, where you're from, a fact about yourself and your power as we move around the circle

Oh no. This is where they will see that I'm different - I'm not even like them - and that I have more than one power. I hope that Rachel and Blaine won't think anything different of me, it would be nice to have at least one person to talk to. And living with Blaine would be hard if he hated me. 
"Come on then! In a circle!"
We arrange ourselves on the floor, Blaine next to me and Rachel next to him and I'm desperately hoping Mr. Schue wont pick me to start. 
"Let's start with you" Mr Schue said pointing to the boy in the wheelchair.

"Hey y'all! My name is Artie
Abrams, I'm from Lima and as y'all could probably tell, I can't walk. Haven't been able to since I was 9 and got into a car accident but it's all cool, I can fly, so I'm not stuck in this chair all the time!"
"Good," Mr Schue nodded, "Next."
Next to Artie was the black haired Asian boy he had been talking to previously.
"My name is Mike Chang and I'm also from Lima. I'm a pretty good dancer and I have superhuman agility."

Next up; the cheerful, blonde girl.
"My name is Brittany S Pierce and I'm from my house but I don't know where that is. My cat, Lord
Tubbington, is addicted to smoking but I'm trying to help him quit. He didn't and that's why I left. Oh and I can read minds."
I sat there with my mouth agape.
Really? A telepath that is so, well, ditzy? I can hear Blaine next to me trying to stifle a laugh and I know I'm not the only one thinking this.
The Latina girl was next. "I'm Santana Lopez and I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent so you better not mess with me. I like to get my
mack on so if anyone's game, just let me know. My power is flexibility, if that makes anything better" she finishes with a wink and yet again I'm lost for words. What on earth have I gotten in to?

The Mohawk boy winks back at Santana and begins. "I'm Noah
Puckerman but everyone calls me Puck or the Puckster. I'm from Lima and I'm a badass so don't screw with me. I'm a teleporter so ladies, locking your doors won't stop me from getting in." 
I am now getting the impression that this school is full of cheerful people and
douche bag idiots.
Tall, clumsy-looking boy's turn. "Okay, me next, cool. I'm Finn Hudson and I'm from Lima, I like to play football and I'm a wall crawler."
I noticed two things; one, everyone from this dorm is from Lima. I mean, Lima's not a huge place and I've never seen these people before and two, a wall crawler? Someone his size can't be a wall crawler! Aren't they supposed to be graceful and agile? I doubt Finn's able to be that.

Next to Finn was the pretty, blonde girl.

"My name is Quinn Fabray, I'm from Lima and I used to be a cheerleader at my old school. I'm a healer."
Of course! A cheerleader! Mow all of the boys are looking at the girl and picturing her in a cheerleading outfit. Except me and Blaine, obviously. 
"My name is Tina Cohen Chang," Said the girl with a blue streak in her hair. "I'm from Lima and I am in no relation to Mike. I make some of my own clothes and my power is seeing the future."
Out of all the powers said so far, that would be one that I would like to add to my list. Rachel's next and I'm really curious to hear what she's able to do. Her face is holding that smile that reaches her eyes. Oh lord, here we go.
"Hello everyone! My name is Rachel Barbara Berry, I am from Lima, Ohio and I love to sing! My voice is exquisite! I also have two gay dads! And my power duplicating myself and objects."
Why must she be able to duplicate herself? One Rachel is annoying enough, I can't imagine what two or more Rachel's would be like! I don't want to be around for that.
Now it was Blaine's turn and once again, I was curious about what power he has. Being more appealing to me than Rachel, I'm actually more curious to know Blaine's power that Rachel's.
"Hey I'm Blaine Anderson and I'm from Westerville," Finally someone who's not from Lima! (Even if Blaine is the only one
I'd care about actually living in Lima) "I'm not going to hide who I am, so, I'm gay and proud of who I am."
Wow. He just told everyone his sexuality without thinking about what the outcome might be. He's got courage.
"And, erm, I'm a multi-powerist and have the powers of Invisibility, super speed, able to create a force field and super reflexes

WHAT?! He's a multi-powerist! I'm not alone! There is finally someone like me in both orientation and power ability! This boosts my confidences and I feel like I can say who I truly am and know that I will still have a friend. I look around at the rest of the group to take in their faces. They all looked amazed and shocked but none of them look angry or disgusted. Maybe this school will be different?
"I see! We have a rare sort in our mix guys, this will be very interesting! And last but certainly not least" Mr Schue said gesturing in my direction. He's going to be surprised when he finds out that there are two multi-
in the group.

"Erm... I'm Kurt Hummel. I'm from Lima, I'm also gay and proud of who I am and erm... I'm a multi-powerist like Blaine. Erm... I can shape shift and form fire, light and ice from my hands. I can also transfer my power from my hands to other people and transfer energy. Oh! And I have super reflexes." 

I look around the group and, just like after Blaine, everyone's faces looked shocked and I was hoping that it was because I was a multi-powerist and not that there were two gay guys. I feel a set of eyes staring at me and turn to find they're Blaine's.
I look towards him and he holds my stare for a moment before dropping it and focusing his attention on Mr Schue, who had began to talk.
"well isn't this interesting? I'm looking forward to seeing your powers in action, especially you two!" he says pointing towards me and Blaine.
"Alright everyone, that's it for today! Head back to your rooms and I shall see you in a couple of days. Good work." 

Everyone stares at me and Blaine for a little longer before getting up and going to their own rooms. That is, everyone except Rachel who comes bounding up to me.
"We're going to talk tomorrow and you're going to tell me everything. And I mean, everything" she says looking between me and Blaine before leaving the room too.
Me and Blaine look at each other once more before leaving. We walk in silence and when we get to our room, neither of us speaks. 
I'm waiting for him to say something as I don't want to be the one to break the silence. Instead of sitting, I go to the bathroom to get ready for bed and when I come out, Blaine has done the same but is now seated on my bed with his head down. When he hears me enter, his head snaps up and he looks at me.
We stare at each other, his brows furrowed in confusion and then he finally speaks.
"I think we need to talk."



End Notes: so that's nearly everyone introduced there i a few more characters to come but not until later on in the fic. i would love to know what everyone thinks of the powersreviews please :D


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Wait what did Kurt say that made people stare at him and Blaine need to talk to him.Love the story thought.

the reason why people were staring at him a Blaine was because they are both Multi-powerists meaning they have more then one power which is rare so even in a story full of superheroes this is different so for two people to be so rare in one group is quite amazing and you will have to wait for the next chapter to find that out. i'm pleased you like the story though :)