June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
I make my way up the steps and noticing the lack of students around me, I guess that I'm later than I should be.
With no student flow to follow, I stop by an information board outside some large double doors to try and work out where I need to go. A moment of browsing and I feel someone bump into the back of me.
I turn around, ready to see which super-powered idiot managed to not pay attention to their path and crash into me. My eyes move down to see a short, brunette girl dressed in a jumper (that, judging by the horse on the front, looks like it was made for a 5 year old). My eyes lower to take in the rest of her outfit; a black pleated skirt combined with white knee high socks and black kitten heels.
This girl was in need of a serious makeover.
Apart from her clothes, the girl's face was wearing a dazed look and somehow she seemed to look excited and apologetic at the same time. I go to turn back around and back to my own business when her high pitched voice stops me.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going! It's just this place, it's so big and I was kind of lost in the moment.“
Normally, when someone with this girl's fashion taste and high-pitched voice, you could tell it meant she talked a lot. Me, I would just shoot one word answers and walk away but something about her was endearing, making me think that, huh, maybe we could be friends.
So, going against all my natural instincts, I reply.
"It's fine! I know what you mean about this place, I haven't even got into the building yet and I'm already lost."
I was saying nothing exciting or funny, yet a smile lit up on the girl's face. Though, I'm sure even if something went horribly wrong, she'd still keep the smile. Maybe as a reminder that everything would be alright - It must be nice to have that kind of positive attitude all the time.
"Me too! I have no idea where to go. OH, I've just had the best idea! If it's okay with you, I was wondering if maybe I could tag along with you? I mean, your the first person I've talked to since I got here and I don't know anyone here and even if you do, maybe it would be better if we get lost with someone rather than alone. You know what I mean?"
Well, I was right about this girl being a talker. I don't think she even stopped for breath during her little speech, but she did have a point - It would be better to be lost with someone. Maybe then we'd be friends?
I haven't really had a friend, not in a long time. Everyone back home thought I was a strange, weird freak and didn't even attempt to talk to me. It might be nice to have a change - have some friends or at least a friend.
I'm going to try at least because that's what my dad would want me to do. I can imagine him saying to me, "There ain't no harm in trying bud." I swear he has a collection of self help and inspiring quotes books hidden.
"...That would actually be great, I don't know anyone either."
And if I thought she couldn't get anymore happy, I was so wrong. Now, she was jumping up and down, clapping.
I thought I was gay but this girl just screamed CAMP. Then again, who am I to judge?
"YAY! My first friend! Oh, I'm Rachel by the way, Rachel Barbara Berry."
Her enthusiasm humours me so I didn't stop myself giggling when I replied,
"I'm Kurt Hummel. I think we should go inside and see where we're supposed to go"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Kurt and I think that's a good idea! I don't want to be shoved into the last dorm room they have! I'd be roomed with some truly awful girls! That would definitely not be good,“
With that being said, we re-organised ourselves, picked up our luggage and headed into the building; our new school and home for the next two years.
We find signs with arrows saying 'registration' and follow them, with Rachel asking questions all the way along.
"So, where do you come from Kurt?"
"I'm from Lima, Ohio."
"No way! That's so funny! Me too! I wonder if we've ever met before? Or we might've been in the same school?!"
Once again, 'god this girl can talk' is what springs to mind and just when I think she's going to pause, more questions are coming my way.
"So what school did you go to?"
Her eyes are wide from the excitement of a new school and meeting a new friend that she has lots to learn about.
"I went to Jefferson High."
"Oh, I was going to go there but then I ended up at McKinley! It was great and all but I had a feeling there was something better for me, you know? And then I found out about this place and I asked my dads if...WOW"
This was the first time she's been quiet since we met and I was left wondering what had caused her sudden silence.
I followed her gaze towards the ceiling of the hall we had just entered.
Above us was a glass dome roof, covered in black outlined patterns. It was beautiful and I could understand why Rachel had gone silent suddenly.
I scanned the rest of the room and took it all in, also noting the registration desk in the middle and a little group of people disappearing down one of the many corridors attached to the circular hall - If people were only just registering, I knew we weren't too late.
"I think this is where we get registered!"
I tell Rachel, waking her out of the daze. We walk up to the desk and are greeted by an overly cheerful woman, whose expression matched Rachel's. Is everyone here going to be this cheerful?! If they are, it's going to become very annoying and very tiring, very quickly.
I focus my attention back to the women so I could get the information I needed.
"Hey there guys! I'm Sally! Welcome to The Bruce Wayne Academy For Heroes, I will be helping you with your registration and room assignments today. First of all I need to know your names. You first, sweetie.“
I'm so completely phased by her overly-happy demeanour, I don't notice her gesturing towards me, clearly waiting for me to speak.
"Sorry, I just zoned out a bit, I'm Kurt Hummel."
"That's quite alright! Nice to meet you Kurt and welcome!" She gestured to Rachel, "Who might you be?"
I can't help thinking Sally may not be so cheerful once she gets Rachel talking.
"I'm Rachel Barbara Berry, first year." She says with a smile that reaches all the way to her eyes.
I still don't understand how the simplest of things, such as giving someone your name can make someone so happy and seem so exciting but according to Rachel everything in the world is amazing and wonderful.
Sally rolls over in her chair to a basket where a few files rest. Probably of the students left arrive, I think.
For once, Rachel is quiet and all you can hear echoing around the hall, is the woman whispering 'Hummel' and 'Berry' over and over again as she looks through the remaining files.
"Aha! Here we are, Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry, First years."
She hands us both our files and explains what's in them; "Okay, in here we have your dorm area - there are 20 dorm areas in total and each is named after a Greek god or goddess - you two are both in the Hercules Dorm, so that will be the corridor to the left. Then, you can follow the signs until you find it! Also in your packs, you have your student key passes which will allow you to get into your dorms, any rooms and allow you to get your meals. Your timetable is in the pack as well, but school doesn't officially start for another week. Now, you have been allocated with roommates and Rachel, you are sharing a room with two other girls instead of one, due to high numbers of students. There will be a greet and meet in your dorm common room at 7:30 so make sure you attend. If you need any other information or help, there will always be someone here so just come and ask! Once again I welcome you and hope you enjoy your time here.“
We say thank you and goodbye and head down the hallway that Sally said would lead us to the 'Hercules Dorm'. The walk is relatively quiet as we pass other students, also looking for their dorms, and the only time we speak is when we spot a sign, pointing us in a certain direction.
After a short journey, we come to an open door with a plaque beside it that says 'Hercules Unit'.
We share a nervous glance and step in. We walk down the corridor until we come to break - we would need to go our separate ways.
"Well, this is it," Rachel says. "Good luck on meeting your roommate and I will see you at 7:30!"
"Yeah, you too."
One final nod to each other and Rachel takes off towards her room, leaving me alone and even more nervous than before.
I walk down the short hall and come to the last door which reads the number '5'.
I stare at it, hoping to calm but instead I just become more nervous.
"Here we go." I say to myself and with one more deep breath, I take the handle and open the door to my new room.