June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
It's been a week since the incident, or what I'm now calling 'the night of pain'. The reason for calling it that is pretty obvious; the amount of pain I was in that night was unbelievable. Yeah sure, I almost got beaten to death but that was fixed in a matter of minutes. The most painful thing that night was my fight with Blaine. It was awful and, naturally, I completely overreacted. Yet I still stand by that Blaine was at fault too. I'm sitting in the common room with Rachel and Tina, clad in our pyjamas and up at the ridiculous time of 8am (especially as its Saturday morning). We're only up at this time is because Blaine woke us, brought us to the common room and then sat down in silence for almost five minutes before running out the room. His excuse was that he forgot he had a meeting he needed to attend. We all shrugged it off – it wasn't the first time this had happened this week. But it's Blaine; he's strange and mysterious so we just let him be. Instead, we're contemplating what to do with our day and eating some breakfast.
Phase two of my plan is a go, the rest unfolds today. I've waited exactly one week and now I know that it's time. Kurt and I are friends again and for that, I am so happy. But, I want to tell him how I feel and make sure he knows he isn't alone, even if he may think it sometimes. And that's why I woke him, Rachel and Tina – it was all part of my plan. The good thing is the girls have no idea what's happening, yet, so they won't give anything away. Even though I love her, Rachel could not keep a secret if her life depended on it. I march them down to the common room, all in our pyjamas and ignore the groans and complaints as well as the questions of 'What the hell?' and 'Who gets up this early on a Saturday?!"
Of course my reply, being the excited, cheery person I am annoys them further; "Because it's a beautiful morning and we shouldn't stay in bed and waste it!"
Man do I sound obnoxious right now. Five minutes later and I'm rushing out of the room, murmuring some rubbish about a meeting I need to go to.
I run out the room and down the corridor to my dorm, where the clothes I spent all week picking out are laid. I had made the decision of wearing a beige and black striped long sleeved Henley shirt, accompanied with dark blue skinny jeans and black converse.
Once ready, I enter the bathroom, attempting to sort my birds-nest hair out. I only use a touch of gel (the way Kurt likes it). Satisfied, I move to the full length mirror to see my reflection and notice how nervous I look - I didn't even realize.
Oh god what if this all goes wrong?! What if he's changed his mind, he doesn't want me anymore? I take a deep breath, knowing I need to calm down. When I'm breathing normally, I knew I was ready so I grabbed the tape from my desk and left the room, heading to Principal Figgins office. Part three of my plan was in action and I wasn't even finished with part two.Kurt:
We'd just finished breakfast as three envelopes came into sight, having being slid under the door. Rachel, Tina and I stared in confusion.
"Um, what are those?" Rachel said pointing to the floor.
"I honestly don't know… but I think one of you should go check." Tina replied, bending her legs up to her chest.
"You two are such babies! They're only envelopes; they aren't going to kill us." I shake my head. I figured none of them were going to move, so with a sigh I got up.
"Careful, Kurt!" Tina shouted as I got closer.
"There might be explosives, like in the movies!" Rachel added, going, of course, to the most dramatic possibility.
I bend down and see we each have one with our names on. The sudden realization that they could be from Karofsky and his friends hit me and I started to feel on edge. They hadn't bothered me since he incident. Actually they looked quite scared and I can't help but wonder, why?
I lay the envelopes onto the table in front of us. We all look down in silence.
"Well, are we going to open them?"
The girl looked up at me in shock, as if I had just suggested that we commit a serious crime.
"Kurt, are you crazy?!" Rachel's eyes are wide, "they were pushed under door; how did they know we were in here? What if it's a bomb or… or a threatening letter or worse?"
I look at both of them, Tina nodding in agreement to Rachel. They really were crazy. I mean, I really wanted to know what was in mine.
"You two are such drama queens! Sometimes, you're even worse than Blaine. I'm opening mine, so feel free to just keep looking at yours."
I pick up the envelope determinedly, tearing it open.
I flinch when Kurt pulls the contents out of his envelope because really, it could be a bomb. It happens all the time in movies and my life is like a movie, what with all my powers and the school I attend!
I see that the only thing in his envelope is a piece of paper and when Kurt starts to read it, I figure that there mustn't be anything dangerous inside. I look at Tina who nods and we open our own.
I unfold the paper and see that it's a letter. I skim to the bottom and look up in confusion after seeing Blaine's name, signing the letter off. I mouth, 'Blaine?' at Tina, who nods. I shrug. The letter reads:
First of all, you can not tell Kurt about ANY of this. You have to keep quiet.
So, the reason I'm writing this letter is because I have a plan to show Kurt how much he means to me. And, I need yours and Tina's help. This morning, when I left you in the common room after dragging you down so early (sorry about that), I left to go complete task 2 of this plan. This is task 3 and I need your help for task 4 and 5. For task 4, I've rented the school's cinema. It's for you three to use, for the day, and it's full of snacks and candies so don't worry about anything. It's showing two of Kurt's favourite things; The Lion King and I managed to get my hands on a recording of Wicked! You can't tell him this is me. For the fifth part of this, I need you to get him to the courtyard at 4:30pm and sit at the picnic table at the front, next to where the steps are. Make sure he's there. I won't be with you today and I’ve made up an excuse of why so Kurt won’t be suspicious as long as you play along. Please help me do this, he means a lot to me.
When I look up Kurt still reading his letter. I lift my letter up to Tina and she peers at it, mouthing 'same'. I fold my letter up and stuff it into my pyjama pocket, just sitting and watching Kurt until he's finished reading. I'm excited and so, so happy that Blaine is finally making a move. I know how much Kurt likes him and could just tell that the feelings were shared.
I stare down at the letter in disbelief. I'm so sure I made up the words in my head that I read it again:
I know you feel alone right now but I just want you to know that you aren't. You have friends who adore and love you. You also have me. You inspire me, Kurt and I don't know what I would do without you. You show me that I can be strong and I know I can live with a messed up life, knowing that you'll be there, supporting me.
To show you just how much people care for you and want to make you happy, I have organised a surprise for you and your friends. You have full access to the school's cinema today. Dress up nice (even though you always do) and go enjoy yourself. Know that there's someone who likes you, a lot and cares for you deeply.
Love, your secret admirer.
Tears gather in my eyes and I look up to see the girls showing each other their letters so I know I can wipe them away without being caught. Even though the words are there, printed on paper in front of me, I find it hard to believe them.
Who is this person? They obviously know me, so they have to be from this school, but whom? I fold my letter up and back into the envelope before looking up and seeing Rachel
and Tina staring at me, all excited smiles. I grin back. Whoever it may be, having the cinema will be amazing.
"Well! I know what we're going to do today."
Rachel started bouncing around in her seat and I had to laugh at how adorable she looked.
We separate, going to get ready for our day out. When we re-meet at the dorm crossroads, Blaine runs down the corridor.
"Oh! Hey guys" he says, completely out of breath, resting his hands on his knees.
"Hey, are you alright?" I ask, wondering what he had been doing to make him so tired.
"Yes! Um, yeah, I'm fine. I just came to find you to tell you that, I will be… busy until later today."
If I'd turned my head just a fraction, I would've caught the knowing looks passed between Rachel and Tina.
"Busy doing what?" I'm curious.
"Coach needs me to do some, um, training. She lost some of my records so she's taking me to the old training centre… so she can replace the files."
"That's too bad, Blaine. Kurt has a secret admirer who's rented the ENTIRE cinema for us. All day." Rachel says still bouncing. I try to shush her, I really didn't want to tell Blaine about this 'secret admirer' but there she goes once again, opening her big mouth.
"Is that so?" Blaine voice is coy. He's got his breath back and straightens up. Wow. He looks really good today.
"I'm bummed that I have to miss it, but hey, Kurties got himself an admirer!" he nudges my arm.
I roll my eyes and we part, saying our goodbyes.
"Oh my god, that was amazing. Who did that?! He must know how much I love the lion king, what my favourite snacks are and where on earth, did they get that copy of Wicked?!"
This had been one of the best afternoon of my life. My 'secret admirer' did a really good job.
"Do you guys fancy going to get some early dinner?" I ask, heading in the direction of the canteen.
"NO!" both Tina and Rachel shout. Odd. They're both wearing creepy smiles and Rachel was still bouncing with excitement, even though the surprise has come and gone. Something is going on. I just know it.
"I mean, um, no… not yet! Lets head to the courtyard. I overheard Finn and Mike yesterday, something about going down there to play some football? Tina and I both said that we really, REALLY want to go watch!"
I'm still confused about their strange behaviour, but shrug and follow. Fresh air would be good.
The courtyard was surprisingly busy for this time of day but I thought nothing of it and went to sit down at one of the unoccupied tables at the back.
I was stopped halfway by Tina.
"Not there, they normally play up at the front."
I sigh and go with them. The things I do for these girls. We sit at the table opposite the steps and starting to look around, I notice Finn and Mike aren't there. I wasn't suspicious, until I turned and saw Rachel and Tina both staring at me.
"Okay, what the hell is going on? Finn and Mike aren't here! Something's up an- ..."
"Shhhhhh!" Rachel says to me.
And I will not be shushed by Rachel Berry.
"Rachel did you really just shush me I mea-" she interrupts me again,
"Kurt will you just shut up and look!"
She points to the top of the steps where a band has appeared and music starts to play. I see a figure at the top of the stairs that I recognise and then it finally hits me what's going on.
Darn you and your cliffhangers! I really wanna read the next one.. so hurry up