Chapter 1 Story
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puckermens: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,340 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Mar 09, 2013 - Updated: Mar 09, 2013
350 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: everything in italics is Kurt's thoughts

There are four different types of groups at McKinley high. You have the nerds, the skanks, the populars and the ones that everyone is pretty sure should be in juvy, they call themselves the "puckermens" after the biggest 'badboy' of them all, Noah Puckerman.

The skanks have multi coloured hair, tattoos and multiple piercings all over their bodies. The Puckermens wear leather jackets, ripped jeans, thinking they own the place and riding around on motorbikes. The two groups do not mix, there is an unspoken rule that they leave eachother alone.

It just so happened that Kurt Hummel was a skank and his soul mate a Puckermen, but neither of them knew that yet.

Kurt Hummel lived with a group of friends in Lima Adjacent, well friends as in "I couldn't afford to live on my own" people from his school including his best friends Santana and Quinn. Kurt had chestnut brown hair with light blue streaks in the fringe, facial piercings and a tattoo of wings on his collarbone. You'd think all he wears is black skinny jeans and ripped shirts but no, Kurt Hummel was known as quite the fashion icon in the halls of McKinley. No one knew how on earth he could afford any of his clothes but at the same time no one did know much about him. Except quinn and santanna, those three were joined at the hip. They were seen as the mysteriously sexy trio. Gracing McKinley as the hottest people in school.

That was until the new kid arrived.

Kurt had arrived late to class as usual,
"so nice of you to finally join us" the teacher said sarcastically. Kurt shot a look at him and mumbled something about how he should be grateful he even considered turning up under his breath, dragging his feet across the floor towards his seat he slumped down ready to fall asleep on his desk.
"Right class, this week you're all going to be working on a proj-" the teachers voice droned on in the background.
He was cut off by the door swinging open and hitting the desk loudly on the other side. A middle sized boy with black gelled hair and olive skin stood in the doorway, he wore a black leather jacket, a tight vest top and skin TIGHT jeans.

Kurt lifted his head a little seeing the most perfectly shaped hips ever and sat up right to get a better view, his eyes were skimming up and down the boy and stopped at his jeans that were extremely tight in all the right places. 'Fuck....' Kurt thought when he could feel his own jeans getting tighter, 'how can I be turned on already...who even is he' Kurt was fidgeting in his seat trying not to make it obvious.

"...oh yes, you must be the new boy, take the seat at the back and just listen for the rest of the lesson."
The teacher told the boy and pointed to the empty seat right next to Kurt.

'For fucks sake' Kurt thought as the boy made his way over and looked Kurt straight in the eyes before sitting down. Kurt looked down at the bulge in his jeans and quickly took one of the books off the desk and put it on his lap to cover up.

While Kurt was still trying (and failing) at sorting his jeans out the new boy had noticed and leaned in to Kurt, inches apart he whispered into Kurt's ear,
"having a bit of trouble there?"
Kurt's eyes shot up and a shiver ran through his body at the low sexy voice in his ear. The other boy winked and looked down to Kurt's lap and back up to his eyes smirking at how flustered Kurt was. Kurt was so embarrassed and turned on at the same time that he couldn't speak, he just continued to stare at the boy in front of him, shocked that he was even more gorgeous up front. Kurt cursed himself inside for not even being able to form a sentence, he was never like this, he never got nervous talking to someone it was always the other way around, everyone was nervous of talking to him.
"I could always help you with that babe"
The boy had turned so he was facing Kurt glancing from his eyes to his lap leaning in even closer than before reaching over as if he was planning on getting Kurt off right there and then, but the bell suddenly rang and the boy sighed
"looks like we'll just have to do it some other time, bye babe" Kurt sat there for a few minutes, what the hell just happened, that new boy that he didn't even know practically just offered him sex. Kurt was used to people wanting to get into his pants but never had someone had the nerve to speak straight to him especially someone he didn't know, unless of course he was at scandals but still!
Kurt all but ran through the halls to the nearest toilet he seriously needed to get some looser pants.

"hey Kurt!" Quinn and Santana called from behind, walking up to Kurt and linking their arms either side of him. They all turned the corner and walked down the hallway catching everyone's attention as they all moved out of the way for them. Down the other end of the corridor the infamous Puck and his girl Zizes were pushing people out of the way along with that new kid that seemed to get everyone's attention. Kurt caught the boy's eyes from the other side of the corridor and couldn't seem to look away until they had passed each other, he even looked back to get a sight of the boys ass but when his eyes travelled back up the boy had seen where he was looking and was smirking

"Kurt, whats wrong with you today?" Santana asked
"n-nothing." Kurt cursed himself for stuttering "come on girls, I need a cigarette" Kurt sighed as they walked towards their battered sofa outside.

Kurt was spread out along the sofa and Quinn was sitting at the end with her legs resting on Kurt's, sharing a cigarette.
"Hey, have you guys seen the new guy? I mean do you know who he is?" Kurt asked the other Skanks.
"erm I think he's one of Pucks cousins or something, no one really knows his real name but apparently everyone calls him bee. Why?" Quinn looked over to Kurt questionably.
"oh okay, I was just wondering" Kurt shrugged trying not to make a big deal.
"don't go getting any ideas Kurt, we don't talk to his type remember!"
"Quinn! I wasn't going to! God."
He took a long drag of his cigarette and put it out on the sofa edge before slouching off in the other direction towards the parking lot.
Kurt never stayed for the last two lessons, he didn't see the point besides he had better things to do than spend 2 hours of his life in a room with Ohio's biggest losers.

He was fumbling with the car keys trying to get them out of his bag when he heard someone wolf whistle behind him, he turned his head and looked over his shoulder, the new boy was leaning against a motorbike looking Kurt up and down, smoking and puffing out smoke in Kurt's direction, running a hand through his barely loose curls.
Kurt sighed in disgust, not even fooling himself with how fake it sounded. He turned back to his car and opened the door, getting in and starting the engine, risking a look back at the boy still stood there. They made eye contact again and the boy winked just before Kurt could look away.

As much as Kurt was trying to tell himself to not get involved with 'Bee' he still wanted to know more about him, and he wouldn't just let someone make him get a hard on in the middle of a lesson and get away with it.

This should be fun

End Notes: reviews would be nice ;) should update this fic every 2 days


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this fic is going to be so hot! ;) love it

blaines personality is sexy haha, this is great. Please update soon :)

Aww thankyou, next chapter should be up tomorrow

that would be great thankyou! i'll contact you about it? :)

Mmmmm, skank Kurt AND badboy Blaine? This is going to be delicious. There were a few spelling and grammar errors though. I mean, they're overlookable, but I'd be happy to beta read, if you want.

wow i like it! hope to see an update soon! :)