June 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 8
Kurt had never been more impatient in all his life. He had been counting down the hours until his Warbler audition all day, and he only had one lesson to go. On a more positive note, he was sat between Nick and Jeff for this lesson so they were distracting him to make the time go faster.
“So did Blaine call you a few nights ago? He said he was going to ask you about your audition.” Nick said with a grin.
“Uh no, but he did text me and said the two of you said hello.” Kurt was a little confused about the sudden mention of the Warbler lead soloist, but went along with it to pass the time.
“Oh, well he seemed very anxious to call you when Nick and I were in his room with Trent. We just haven't been able to get you on your own until now to ask about it.” Jeff smirked at Nick when Kurt became more and more flustered.
“Did he? He did want to make sure that I wasn't stressing about finding a song to audition with, but I told him I was fine so he didn't call. And I told him to say hi back.” Kurt tried to focus on his work to get his mind of the dreamy Warbler, but the other two boys would not drop the subject.
“Did you tell him what you are going to be singing? If you did he hasn't given anything away and it's been really frustrating,” the blond asked.
“No I didn't tell him and I'm not going to tell either of you two. It's a surprise and you will find out in,” Kurt checked the large clock on the wall “half an hour.” The boys hear a loud cough from the front of the classroom and looked up to see the teacher staring at them. The boys had the sense to look guilty and turn their heads back towards the book they were supposed to be taking notes from. Kurt jumped a little when a small piece of paper fluttered down onto his book. It had a note from Nick on it.
He really likes you, you know. And we are pretty sure that you like him too.
Kurt turned bright red and tried to cover it by burying his head in his book for the rest of the lesson. After giving Nick a filthy look filled with friendly hatred.