Hey Soul Singer
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hey Soul Singer: Chapter 19

T - Words: 1,499 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: May 23, 2015 - Updated: May 23, 2015
141 0 0 0 0

 Chapter 19

The following day, after Blaine had had his plaster cast put on, Burt allowed his son to drive Blaine back to Westerville and stay for the rest of the day so long as some school work was done while he was there. Blaine managed to fall asleep in the front seat of Kurt's car halfway through the journey, so Kurt had to spend the rest of the trip trying to focus on the road and not on Blaine's face as he slept. They eventually pulled up outside the Anderson household and as they did, the front door was flung open by a woman that Kurt instantly knew must be Blaine's mother as they shared the same dark unruly hair that Kurt hadn't let Blaine tame that morning.

“Hi boys. I'm Pam, B's mom. You must be Kurt, I have heard so much about you!” Kurt was shocked by this as he and Blaine had only really been in a relationship since the previous day. He turned to look at Blaine as he was hopping into the house, who had hung his head slightly to hide the blush that was colouring his cheeks.

“I may have gushed about you a little when I first showed you round the Academy.” Blaine mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear after they had sat down on the sofa.

“And every day since!” Pam added which made both boys blush, but Kurt responded by entwining their fingers and bringing Blaine's hand to his lips and brushing the knuckles against his lips lightly. Pam cooed at display of affection and linked her arm through Kurt's before dragging him off the couch and into the kitchen away from Blaine. Once her son was out of earshot, Pam wrapped Kurt into a hug without any warning.

“Uh, what was that for?” Kurt asked once he had been released from Pam's embrace.

“It was for looking after my B yesterday when I couldn't, and for being an amazing friend to him even before you two got your act together and realised you were meant for each other. Saying that, if you hurt him I will not be responsible for my actions.” Pam said with a smile.

“I can't promise that I won't hurt him because people fight all of the time, but I promise that I will always try to make things better because I can't even begin to imagine spending my life with anyone else.” Pam's eyes had misted over at Kurt's response and she caught Kurt in another hug.

“Well, in that case I guess we will have to become best friends if you hope to stick around. If I remember rightly, B said that you have quite the eye for fashion, but I could tell that from your amazing outfit!” Kurt blushed, but he always took compliments about his outfits as very few people at McKinley ever seemed to notice and not many of the boys at Dalton had seen him in his everyday clothes.

“Thank you. After singing and acting on stage, fashion is my favourite pastime. I just wish more people were like you and could appreciate my style. I swear, one of the girls at my old school must have had an entire wardrobe dedicated to hideous animal jumpers and knee length socks!” Pam shuddered at the mere thought of something so horrible and she and Kurt burst into spontaneous laughter.


Blaine was sat abandoned in the living room. He felt completely helpless and was getting slightly jealous of his mother, of all people, for taking Kurt away from him for so long, when they had really only just got together. As he heard his boyfriend and mother laughing in the kitchen, Blaine's mind hatched a plan to steal Kurt away so he could spend time with his new boyfriend. Blaine managed to stand up with the help of his crutches, and hop into the kitchen where he saw Pam and Kurt sitting at the island counter talking about the latest Vogue edition.

“Kurt?” Blaine said in a whine. “Can you escape from mom's evil lair and help me get up stairs so I can get more comfortable and maybe do some work?” He even decided to use his puppy dog eyes for added effect.

“Don't make that face B. I didn't mean to steal your man away from you, so of course you can have him back. Maybe you could invite some of the Warblers over, so they can bring you any work you left at Dalton and you can all have a study session, then maybe watch a film or something?” Blaine and Kurt decided that they would take Pam up on that idea, and started to head up the stairs so Blaine could get comfortable before his house was overrun by manic Warblers.

“You are such a geek.” Kurt said as they hobbled up the stairs. Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt softly as they reached the landing at the top of the stairs before leading his boyfriend to his room.

Around half an hour later, Kurt had gone downstairs to get everyone some snacks from the kitchen and Jeff burst into Blaine's room before throwing himself on the empty side of his friend's bed. Nick and Trent walked into the room seconds later.

“Blaine! What the hell happened to you?” Jeff asked as he saw the plaster on Blaine's leg for the first time.

“Oh, god B! What happened?” Trent asked as he walked up to the desk chair and pulled it over to sit by Blaine's bed.

“Jeeze, Blaine what did you do this time?” Nick asked as he hovered besides Jeff to one side of the injured boy.

“Guys, if you just shut up for one second, I can actually tell you what happened.” Blaine launched into his story and watched as the Warbler's faces became warped with horror and worry. Kurt walked back into his boyfriend's room halfway through the story but stayed by the door so the others wouldn't see him. After Blaine had finished his story of being heroically rescued by an extraordinarily handsome hero, Kurt stepped into view.

“Then, after he had been all plastered up, I drove him here and we are now going to do some homework to please my dad.” The boys, who could, jumped up and wrapped Kurt in a huge group hug. They didn't need to say anything to express their gratitude and soon all five boys settled around Blaine's room to do some work. Kurt had made himself comfortable next to Blaine on the bed, and none of the other Warbler's seemed to notice the two hands that were clutching onto each other under the mountain of textbooks.

After an hour had passed, Kurt realised that he needed to be setting off soon, in order to get home before his dad started to worry. He left after a quick high-five from the Warblers as well as a quick hug and a quick, almost unnoticeable kiss on the cheek from Blaine. As he pottered down the stairs, ne shouted one final goodbye to the boys he left behind and received a loud reply from the first floor. He popped his head into the kitchen to say goodbye to Pam, who gave him another hug, her phone number and then told him to drive safely.

By the time, Kurt had arrived home, he had received multiple texts from Blaine, a few from the other Warblers and even one from Pam. He read the messages from Blaine first.

Hey, I miss you already. See you tomorrow. x – BA

Oh wait. I can't go to school for at least 2 weeks so can you bring me all my work after school so I can see you? x – BA

Did that sound creepy? I just really want to see you at least once a day. xxx – BA

Kurt? Why aren't you replying? xx – BA

Kuuurt? xx – BA

Oh, I just checked the time and you probably aren't home yet… Text me when you get back? xxxx – BA

Kurt couldn't help but laugh at the texts and his heart warmed at the increasing numbers of x's at the end of each message. He had no idea how Blaine had managed to get past the carefully constructed walls that Kurt had built around his heart, but somehow he had, and Kurt was immensely thankful for that. He waited until he had sat down on his bed and put his headphones in, to block out the sounds of whatever videogame Finn was playing, before replying.

Just got back and of course I will bring you your work. I want to see you every day too. xx – KH

The texting continued late into the night and only stopped when Blaine fell asleep and couldn't reply.


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