Hey Soul Singer
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hey Soul Singer: Chapter 18

T - Words: 1,070 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: May 23, 2015 - Updated: May 23, 2015
136 0 0 0 0

Chapter 18

Kurt had expected Blaine to be back at Dalton half an hour ago, but he still hadn't got a phone call. He was beginning to get frantic and had gone back to pacing around the house with his phone in his hand. His dad was still at the auto shop so Carole was the only other person in the house, as Finn was at Puck's for a gaming marathon with the other New Direction boys.

“I'm so worried Carole. What if the bad weather caused him to crash or something and I don't know about it?” Kurt was about to send Blaine another text when his phone rang. Kurt almost sighed in relief but looked down at the device to see that it was his father's number lighting up the screen. Kurt hit the accept call button.

“Dad, what's the matter. You don't usually call from work.” Burt barely let his son finish before he began talking.

“I don't want to worry you but you need to meet me at the shop so we can go out to a car.” Kurt was confused because he hadn't ever been called out before and there would be other guys working at the shop already.

“Why would that worry me? Actually, do I have to go because Blaine hasn't phoned me yet to tell me that he got back to Westerville safely?” Kurt asked.

“This is about Blaine, he–” Kurt had dropped his phone and was out of the house before Burt could elaborate any further. As she heard the door slam shut, Carole peeked around the corner of the living room to see Kurt's phone still lit on the table. She picked it up and held it to her ear after seeing that Burt was still on the line.

“Burt honey, what's going on? Kurt has just run out of the house and left his phone here.” Carole listened in despair as she was told everything that Burt knew about Blaine's situation. Her hand flew to her mouth when Burt told her that Blaine was injured and after they hung up, she sat down heavily on the sofa and prayed that her boys and Blaine would be alright. She decided she was going to have to do some serious baking to help her calm down and was wondering what sorts of treats Blaine liked as she found her treasured family recipe book.


Blaine had woken up as he felt the rain land on his nose as it fell through a large gap in the buckling car roof. He came to fully and remembered what had happened before he had blacked out. All he could feel was the rain on his face and an agonising pain in his leg and foot when he tried to shift into a more comfortable position. He had not felt pain like this since the incident at his last school and it brought back a series of uncomfortable memories that he wished he could forget. It took all of his remaining energy to reach out and grab his phone from his coat pocket where he had discarded it on the passenger seat to get it to dry slightly. Luckily the phone hadn't been water damaged and Blaine managed to scroll through the call log to find the number that he had called the previous day.

“This is Burt, how can I help?”

“Burt, it's me Blaine.” His voice was barely audible over the rain and Burt could instantly tell that something was very wrong.

“What is it kid? Are you still at the house?” he asked.

“No, I was on my way back to Dalton when some tree branches fell on the car and I think I got knocked out for a second when my head hit the wheel.” Blaine pulled his phone away from his ear while Burt gasped in horror to check the time. “Actually, I must have been out for a couple of hours because it is a lot later than I thought it was. Kurt is going to be freaking out because I haven't called him.” Blaine added as an afterthought.

“Ok, you stay on this line and I will get one of the guys to keep talking to you while I find you. You haven't told Kurt?” Burt asked while he was looking for his keys.

“You are the first person I have called and I don't want to worry him.” Blaine replied quietly then cried out as he tried to move his leg.

“Are you hurt?” Blaine felt the tears rolling down his face and mixing with the rain that was falling from the curls in his hair.

“I think something is wrong with my ankle, but apart from that I'm alright.” Burt hastily grabbed another mechanic and told him to keep talking to Blaine as he called Kurt.

Blaine could hear Burt phoning Kurt from his mobile as the new voice introduced themselves. After a few minutes he could hear Kurt charging around the auto shop. Kurt grabbed the phone and started talking to Blaine.

“Blaine? Are you there?” he asked with obvious concern in his voice. It sounded like he had been crying again.

“I'm here Kurt, but I am in a little bit of trouble.” Blaine replied.

“I know, I know. I am going to come and find you ok? Dad wants me to stay here and talk to you but I would rather come and get you. Is that ok or do you want me to stay and talk to you?” Blaine was touched by the emotion in Kurt's voice and began to realise just how much he cared about the boy, as well as how much he wanted to be with Kurt as soon as possible.

“Can you come get me?” Blaine asked in a small voice before he heard Kurt practically throw the phone back to the other mechanic and race out of the door closely followed by Burt.

The boy in the car started to shiver as the cold rain had begun to seep through his clothing and the car had stopped running so the heating wasn't on. Blaine knew that he needed to be found soon or risk hypothermia. Luckily, Blaine hadn't driven too far before the accident, so it was only half an hour before his rescuers arrived.


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