The Theft
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The Theft: Part 2

E - Words: 1,476 - Last Updated: Nov 02, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Sep 02, 2011 - Updated: Nov 02, 2011
529 0 1 0 0

The tears came first. Kurt stood there, against the wall, not breathing at all. The tears fell with a sort of mechanism usually reserved for production lines. Some of them found their way into his open mouth. Then came a few shallow breaths and finally, he inhaled deeply. Kurt furiously wiped away at his tears and began pacing the room,

“What the hell?” he felt the words fall from his lips but he was hardly paying attention. His mind was on overdrive, “What even? What the hell just? I bit him but what the hell? What. The. Hell.”

‘I imagined it. I was freaked out because I couldn’t breathe and my brain was lacking oxygen so for a second it looked like Blaine’s eyes went black’, Kurt thought, trying to make sense of what had just happened, ‘but if it was my imagination why did he just leave like that? He’s hiding something from me. What. The. Hell.’

The more Kurt thought about it, the less afraid and angrier he became. Blaine owed him an explanation. He took his phone out of his pocket but didn’t call immediately. The image of Blaine’s darkened eyes flashed in his mind’s eye and he felt fear and nerves dance around in his stomach. He pushed them away and dialed Blaine’s number. It rang once. Twice. He heard a buzzing sound from his night stand and his heart sank. Blaine had left his phone.

He cussed under his breath starting to feel a little desperate. He picked up Blaine’s phone and dismissed his own missed call. Two smiling boys with their arms wrapped around each other looked up at him from Blaine’s wallpaper. His eyes filled with tears again but he wouldn’t let them spill. The lump in his throat felt enormous as he sat on the edge of his bed. He held his head in his hands and willed himself to calm down and figure out what to do.

Blaine wouldn’t be home yet, he reasoned. He’d only left a few minutes ago so he couldn’t call him there. Besides, it was past nine and it would be rude to call his home that late. What he really wanted to do was get in his car and go to Blaine and demand an explanation. But it was starting to get late and, truth be told, he was still really freaked out.

He took a deep breath and started to set about his nighttime routine, telling himself that it would bring him some comfort. In reality, he was just distracted by the questions chasing themselves around in his head more than his own doubts and insecurities. He was worried about Blaine. He picked up his own phone again and set an alarm. He left a message on Blaine’s facebook too for good measure but he knew Blaine wasn’t going to see it.

‘Ugh, and I can’t call or text him to see if he got home okay because he left his stupid phone’ he thought angrily as he tried to settle himself down to sleep with both phones on his nightstand. He tried to sleep so he could be ready to face everything tomorrow but he just couldn’t. He simply lay there with his eyes shut wondering what the hell would become of them. Nerves snaking around in his stomach, he tormented himself thinking that maybe this could end them.

When the alarm went off, and he opened his eyes, Kurt felt like he’d blinked and suddenly it was daylight again. His limbs felt heavy and his eyes swollen. He dressed quickly, thinking, ‘oh whatever, all my clothes are fabulous anyway’ and let his hair do whatever it wanted. His skin though. That took time. As he suspected, Blaine had bruised him. It was very light and barely there but he had to take the time to cover it up lest his father see and reach the wrong conclusion.

He skipped breakfast and left quickly, but not before dropping a kiss on his father’s head as Burt drank his morning coffee. Kurt gave him a flimsy excuse about a morning sale at Neiman Marcus and got in his Navigator, directing it toward Elida and the Anderson residence.

He drove in silence. Kurt felt jittery. He looked down at his and Blaine’s phones nestled in the cup holders and pressed the accelerator a bit past the legal speed limit. He was scared. A few tears streaked down his face but he cleaned them off and willed them away. He didn’t want to be afraid of Blaine but he couldn’t help it when he remembered what he looked like with his eyes all black and blood on his mouth. Then he remembered the first time Blaine told Kurt he loved him with a goofy smile. He put more pressure on the accelerator, ‘fuck it—I’m already breaking the speed limit. Might as well do it right.’

When he pulled up to the imposing Anderson houme, he parked his car in its usual spot and sprang out quickly. He fixed his shirt and ran the doorbell. He bit his lip and looked down at his shoes while he waited, forcing himself to abstain from pressing the doorbell repeatedly.

After what seemed like an eternity, he heard the doorknob twist and the door opened. There was Blaine, in an old Dalton jersey and lounge pants with messy hair and a five o’ clock shadow. Blaine looked as tired as Kurt felt. His eyebrows were raised in a concerned and remorseful expression. He looked every bit like the boy Kurt loved and nothing like the thing in his bedroom the former night. Kurt let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding.

Blaine stepped aside and let Kurt in wordlessly. He led Kurt into the kitchen. He gestured at the kitchen table, inviting him to sit. Kurt sat on one of the tall wooden chairs at the kitchen island and rested his crossed arms against the cool granite counter top.

“Do you want coffee?” asked Blaine with his back to Kurt, his voice low and raspy. He was fiddling with the fancy espresso machine as he spoke.

“Blaine” Kurt said firmly, willing him to turn around and face him. Blaine stopped moving but didn’t face him. After a beat he kept preparing the coffee, shoulders tensed. Kurt sighed,

“We need to talk”. He was trying to sound both firm and supportive.

Blaine stopped what he was doing once more, turned his head a bit and said, “I know”.

He carried on making his coffee. It smelled strong and delicious and Kurt found himself relaxing the tiniest bit surrounded by the familiar aroma. A few minutes later, Blaine set down two cups of coffee, some steamed milk and sugar before Kurt. Blaine went around the island and sat on the chair next to Kurt but didn’t face him. Blaine stirred milk and sugar into his coffee and Kurt followed his lead but didn’t drink it. Kurt knew the expression on Blaine’s face. He could almost hear Blaine’s thoughts, ‘keep it together Anderson, keep it together’.

Kurt watched Blaine intently as he took a sip from his coffee. Kurt shifted on the chair, facing him. Blaine set the mug down and finally turned to Kurt, sandwiching Kurt’s knees between his own. It was a familiar gesture and Kurt relaxed a bit more. Blaine stared at his hands on his lap. Kurt couldn’t take it anymore,

“So… elephant in the room. Let’s talk about it.”

Blaine smiled a little into his hands and looked up at Kurt. His smile fell instantly when he spotted the marks he’d left there. Blaine frowned and stretched his hand out to caress Kurt lightly, “Did I do that?”

Kurt responded by leaning in to the touch, showing Blaine that he trusted him. Kurt needed to be honest if they were going to get anywhere. He nodded without breaking eye contact.

Blaine took his hand back and frowned even harder, “I am so sorry, Kurt. Kurt I…”

Blaine covered his face with his hands and inhaled sharply. He let his hands drop a little and exhaled shakily. Kurt took both hands gently in his own. Blaine’s hazel-green eyes shone bright with unshed tears.

“Kurt, I… I don’t know what’s happening to me” Blaine said, his voice breaking toward the end. He voice fell to a whisper when he added, “I’m so scared right now”.

Kurt’s heart nearly broke at the sight of Blaine falling apart like this. Blaine was the composed one with the reassuring smile and the ready advice. Blaine was buttoned blazers and perfectly tamed curls. This boy in front of Kurt was fragile and scared and lost and needed to be held.

So Kurt did just that. He put his arms around Blaine’s shoulders and brought him in close. Blaine clutched at him like a lifeline and let his tears fall onto Kurt’s shoulder.

End Notes: This chapter is more like my usual writing and rhythm. The first one... it's a thing. A thing I decided to build on because I told myself that if it got exactly five likes on tumblr, I'd keep writing it. And it did. It also got two reviews here. So, now I'm promising myself that if I can get to eight likes and one new review, Chapter 3 is on. That's what fic writers run on, don'tcha know? Oh and this one's for P, my heterosexual life partner/fallback fiancée (totallyfiretrucked on tumblr).AND LAST! Every two parts here is one Chapter on if you prefer that interface. (Personally, I like S&C better except on Kindle but SH! Don't tell ff I said that)


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