May 7, 2012, 9:42 p.m.
May 7, 2012, 9:42 p.m.
The moment he was through the door, Blaine was singing. Of course Blaine was singing.
"Blaine, I mean this in the nicest, most loving way possible," Kurt glanced up from his flashcards, "Shut. Up."
Blaine broke his song off mid-line, glancing around at the other occupants of the room. Other than Finn, who just looked confused, they all glared back at him. He held up both hands in surrender, "Sorry, didn't know music could piss off so many glee club members."
"Music does not piss us off," Lauren glared at him, an open History book in her lap, "Your music when we're studying, pisses us off. So if you want that fancy Dalton blazer to remain in one piece, you best be picking up a book and shutting your mouth before I shut it for you."
"That's an awful thing to say." Blaine looked to Kurt in shock. Kurt shrugged and turned his attention back to his flashcards.
Blaine glanced around the room one more time before settling himself in beside Kurt on the bed. He pulled a physics book out and flipped open to a page. He glanced over it but quickly lost interest. He flipped through a few more pages before glancing up; everyone had managed to refocus after his interruption. Well, Puck was staring at Lauren's chest, but the others had refocused—even Finn was doing his best to study; holding a math book out in front of him with a frown, tilting it from side to side as he tried to discern the meaning in the content of the pages.
Finally he turned his attention to Kurt. He was leaned against the wall, his eyes closed and his lips silently mouthing the answer to the card that currently had the good fortune to be resting on his lap. Blaine plucked it off his legs and flipped it over to read it.
When Kurt snatched it back, Blaine only grinned, holding up his physics book in hopes that Kurt would be a little happier if he saw they were studying the same thing.
To Blaine's delight, a smile graced Kurt's face. He split the pile of cards and handed half to Blaine.
Blaine shuffled through them, pausing only briefly on each one before dropping it down beside him.
Kurt scowled at him; he was only four deep into his own stack of cards. He glanced around the room before whispering, "You are not done with those already."
"Try me." Blaine grinned, sliding the pile toward Kurt.
Rachel threw them a sharp look.
Kurt pulled out a notebook and dropped it into Blaine's lap. He held up the first flashcard, quirking an eyebrow.
Blaine scribbled down the answer.
Kurt glanced down at it, rolled his eyes, and dropped the card down to flash another.
Blaine scrawled out a quick diagram and held it up for Kurt to see with a grin.
Kurt tried again and again, growing increasingly irritated as Blaine filled up the page with his blocky script. When Blaine had to look up toward the ceiling, his features thoughtful, Kurt thought he finally had him—nope; he'd just needed a moment to do the math in his head.
Kurt threw the whole pile on the floor; startling Puck from whatever daydream he had succumbed to—his eyes still carefully trained on Lauren, but now he was caught. She cracked him over the head with her textbook, "Study Spanish not my breasts!"
"Ow, Jesus!" Puck rubbed his head and glowered at Kurt, "It's his fault; he distracted me."
"It's his fault." Kurt quipped coolly, pointing at Blaine.
"Me?" Blaine held up both hands when Lauren's icy glare turned toward him, "I didn't even do anything this time! I was studying!"
"You were being cheeky." Kurt sniffed.
"I was not, you told me to answer your stupid flash card, so I did." Blaine cried out indignantly.
"Hey guys, as long as we're like talking and stuff now, I have a question. What's a rad—a ray—a… it's like radius, but it's a different word." Finn turned his math book around for them to see, pointing to the word.
"Radii. It's the same thing as radius but there's more than one." Blaine supplied, pointing at the circle diagrams on the bottom of the page, "See?"
"You're doing it again." Kurt grumbled.
"Doing what?" Blaine looked around at the others, "Will someone please tell me what I did?"
Finn shrugged helplessly, "He just gets pissy sometimes; I don't think you did anything, man."
Blaine smiled graciously, "Thank you, Finn. See, Kurt, I didn't do anything."
"Really, you're going to use a guy who thought pi was a food example in his math book up until five minutes ago as your source for credibility?" Kurt quirked an eyebrow at Blaine.
"Hey! Woah! Easy, I'm just trying to be nice to your boyfriend!" Finn looked to Rachel for support.
"He's right, Kurt; you're being bitchy," Rachel patted Finn's knee from where she sat on the floor, "Be nice."
"I am being nice; I let you all swarm my bedroom like it was your own personal study lounge, didn't I?" Kurt inspected his fingernails.
Lauren and Puck were engaged in an argument regarding which head Puck actually thought with.
Rachel listened to them for a moment before jumping to her feet and clapping her hands together, "Okay, safe to say study party's over for now!"
Lauren paused momentarily in her verbal abuse to glance at Rachel, "Who says it's over?"
"Me; As pleasant as I find the banter and bizarre group dynamic, I've had enough for one day," Kurt waved a hand toward the door, "Out. Now."
Puck complied quickly, shoving his things in his bag and mumbling a quick 'call-you-later' to Finn. He had hoped to escape Lauren's wrath, but she was following him down the stairs, her tirade audible up until the front door slammed shut behind them.
"Finn, let's go get a snack in the kitchen." Rachel suggested, neatly stacking her books on Finn's lap.
Finn's entire demeanor brightened. The offer of both an end to studying and the incentive of food was enticing enough that he didn't even bother throwing her an irritated frown for assuming he would be carrying her books.
Rachel clicked the door shut behind them, but not before pausing to smile back at the rooms two remaining occupants, "Make good choices!"
Blaine blinked after her before turning his attention to Kurt, "Thanks for throwing me under the bus with Lauren. I think she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you; threats of physical harm and glaring are practically her way of welcoming you into the group." Kurt waved a dismissive hand, already turning his attention back to his physics notes.
"Any reason you're being more of a diva than Mariah Carrey this afternoon?" Blaine rifled through the pile of papers beside Kurt.
"If I have to study for one more test, I am going to tear out my hair." Kurt replied; he glanced at Blaine out of the corner of his eye, "Don't you dare even think about throwing those notes; I will not think it's in the least bit cute, and I have them in a certain order."
Blaine quickly replaced the stack beside Kurt, opting not to mention he had indeed messed with the ordering of the pages, "But you love your hair."
"So you should understand my level of frustration." Kurt replied; distracted as he thumbed through his textbook.
"If you rip out your hair you'll still have to study," Blaine leaned back against the wall to watch Kurt, "And you'll be bald."
"Bite me." Kurt snapped.
With the mood Kurt was in, he really shouldn't have done it, but Blaine couldn't help himself. He spotted the exposed patch of skin between his neck and shoulder—it was practically marked with a big red X; begging for him to do it—he leaned forward and nipped him quickly.
Kurt jumped; his face momentarily startled as he twisted sideways to look at Blaine. His expression quickly moved from shocked to irritated, "Seriously? You went there?"
Blaine had retreated quickly to the head of the bed, knowing his little bite would be greeted with fury and possibly a textbook aimed at his head. He smiled, "Just trying to alleviate some stress—your neck is really tense by the way."
"I'm aware," Kurt rolled his eyes, "I want to be able to spend time with you, Blaine, but I don't have your photographic memory skills so please distract yourself with something other than me for a few minutes—I really need to get this done."
"Okay, okay." Blaine conceded; Kurt's bitchiness was endearing, but he didn't want bitchiness to turn to full-fledged pissed off. He rifled through his bag until he found his laptop. English papers weren't helped much by a good memory and he had been putting it off for a week. He settled himself back against the headboard to write.
After nearly an hour of total silence, Kurt was feeling better. He glanced at Blaine—his hands still resting on the keyboard, his head tipped back against the headboard and his eyes closed. Kurt felt a little guilty about being so harsh with him. He turned his attention to Blaine's feet draped across his lap—a small breech in space during their study time that Kurt had allowed. He moved his textbook off of Blaine's shins; squeezed his foot, "Are you asleep or are you deep in thought?"
Blaine opened his eyes and smiled at him lazily, "Neither; headache."
"I told you your computer screen was too bright." Kurt pushed Blaine's feet off his lap and crawled up to join him at the head of the bed, "You're straining your eyes."
"I turned it down!" Blaine protested.
"Maybe it's the strain of actually having to apply yourself," Kurt snuggled himself into Blaine's side and turned the computer screen so he could see what Blaine had accomplished with his paper, "Challenging, isn't it?"
"Terrible," Blaine agreed. He slipped an arm around Kurt; rubbed circles in his neck.
Kurt moaned, "Oh God, you have no idea how good that feels."
"I think I've got a decent idea," Blaine smiled; he slipped his fingers under the collar of Kurt's shirt, "Seriously, you need to relax a little—your whole neck is a knotted mess."
"Mmm," Kurt sighed, tipped his chin down so Blaine could reach more of his tense muscles, "or I could keep working hard just so I can have you do this."
Blaine pushed Kurt up and shifted himself until he was sitting behind him, "I'd do it anyway if you'd give up the studying."
"One more week and it won't be an issue," Kurt's voice was almost slurred.
"Two weeks until I'm done." Blaine grumbled; he worked his way down Kurt's back, following the soft line of his spine.
"You don't have to slave away at studying though," Kurt replied, leaning back into the pressure of Blaine's hands until his head was resting on his shoulder; he smiled up at him, "And if you do, I promise to come over everyday and endlessly harass you."
"I look forward to it," Blaine had reached the base of his spine; he traced the edge of Kurt's hips and pressed his fingers into his abdomen gently when his hands had found their way to Kurt's front, "Only if you can promise lots and lots of study breaks, though."
Oh. Kurt knew where that tone of voice led. When he pressed his mouth to Blaine's neck, Blaine was already unbuttoning Kurt's jeans.
"Hey, I think I left my—" Finn was through the door faster than either of the room's other occupants could even register the turn of the knob, "Oh! Jeez, sorry—I – um, sorry, sorry; sorry!"
Kurt moved away from Blaine so quickly he nearly fell off the bed, "Finn! Knock!"
"Right, sorry- I, um—" Finn stumbled backwards, bumped into the doorframe, and then the door was slamming behind him.
"Oops." Blaine shrugged, apparently unfettered by the interruption. He glanced down to the floor where Finn's forgotten textbook was residing, "Should we bring it down to him?"
Kurt rebuttoned his jeans, "Give it a few minutes for the awkwardness to wear off."
"I'm not sure this is even awkward anymore," Blaine smiled, "that's the third time he's walked in on us."
"Fourth," Kurt corrected, "last week; remember?"
"That was technically our fault," Blaine shrugged.
Kurt slipped off the bed to retrieve the book, "I guess you're right… and it's not like he's really seen anything terrible."
"Terrible?" Blaine dropped his legs down off the edge of the bed, "That's not exactly the vocab I would choose to describe us."
"Oh?" Kurt quirked an eyebrow; he cradled the book in his arms, but remained where he was, "what words would you choose then?"
Blaine smirked, "Sexy, steamy, hot, kinky on occasion—"
Kurt caught his elbow when he stumbled, "Clumsy?"
Blaine looked startled; he had planned on making his way over to Kurt and pulling him back to the bed. Instead, the moment he'd pushed himself up off the bed, he'd tripped. He used Kurt's shoulder to find his balance; keeping his weight off his left foot. He laughed, "My foot's asleep."
"I can see that." Kurt smiled a little; keeping a hand on Blaine's arm to ensure he remained standing, "Why don't you sit down for a minute and give it a chance to get some blood flowing."
Blaine obediently sat back down on the end of the bed. He tapped his heel into the carpet a few times, "I didn't even realize it was asleep."
"You were distracted," Kurt replied with a wink. He retrieved the book he'd dropped to catch a hold of Blaine.
"So this is your fault." Blaine raised an eyebrow.
"No, I can't be blamed for you having such a one track mind," Kurt waved the book in front of him, "Think you can manage going downstairs to return this thing?"
Blaine used his leg to snag Kurt around the waist and pull him close to the end of the bed, "Maybe."
Kurt leaned in; kissed him once and pivoted on his heel toward the door, "A worthy attempt, Mr. Anderson, but I have the ability to keep my wits about me."
"We'll see about that," Blaine smirked, "Give me some time; I am going to figure something out and then we'll see who has the one track mind."
"Good luck with that," Kurt opted to keep it to himself that almost anything and everything Blaine did could distract him from even the most consuming task. He'd simply perfected the art of escaping the situation before his will power was completely lost. Blaine might be sexy; alluring… okay, so he was positively desirable in every way, but Kurt was determined to win out. He couldn't help it if his competitive side was teasing Blaine's sexual frustrations, "You're doing great so far; tripping over your own feet is a huge turn on."
Blaine pushed himself awkwardly off the bed; tested his weight on both feet; he grinned triumphantly at Kurt and bounced on his toes a few times in show.
"Bravo, you've out maneuvered even the most graceful of infants." Kurt turned toward the door but only to turn right back around when he heard an awkward thump.
Blaine looked up at him helplessly from where he sat on the floor, "it's asleep again."
"It was fine five seconds ago," Kurt crossed the room to frown down at him.
"Well, now it's not," Blaine grimaced; held out a hand, "help me up?"
Kurt held out his free hand, "That seems kind of strange, Blaine; you were just standing up fine and then—"
Kurt let out a shriek when Blaine pulled him down on top of him, but the sound was muffled by Blaine's mouth.
Kurt tried to pull away from the kiss, "Oh, you lying little—"
Blaine pressed his mouth back against Kurt's; rolled him until he was trapped between Blaine's body and the carpet.
Pinned underneath him that way, Kurt had no hope for escape. He tried half heartedly to smack Blaine over the back with the textbook he was still clinging to, but it was no use. Blaine caught his wrist; held it to the floor.
He trailed kisses up his jaw and bit the edge of Kurt's ear. When Kurt moaned, he laughed quietly into his ear, "I win."
"You do not," Kurt tried to protest; he raised his free hand to push at Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine pinned his other wrist to the floor just as easily as he had the first; traced the edge of his ear with his tongue, "You sure about that?"
"Blaine, we need to—I have to—" Kurt couldn't keep his thoughts straight. What had he been doing before he was pinned to the floor of his own bedroom? Why the hell did he care?
"Yes?" Blaine's breath was hot against the side of his face.
"Um…" Kurt struggled to cling to a thought that didn't involve Blaine, "Nothing."
Suddenly Blaine was up on his feet, striding toward the door, "Oh that's right, you wanted to return Finn's book to him."
Kurt blinked a few times, glowering and blushing and trying to reorient himself, "You are a terrible, deceitful human being, you know that?"
"I've been called worse," Blaine offered a hand.
Kurt glared at his palm, "If you ever fall down the stairs and break your neck or something I will not believe for one second you're hurt."
"Not my fault that I'm a brilliant actor and lover," Blaine smiled, "Come on; you don't want Finn to have too much time to think about this, do you?"
Kurt remained on the floor for another minute before begrudgingly taking Blaine's hand and pulling himself up and following him to the door.
"Hey, what was it you were saying about being able to keep your wits about you?" Blaine turned to smile at him innocently.
"Oh, you—" Kurt made to throw Finn's book at the other boy, but he was already gone down the steps. Kurt followed in quick pursuit, but nearly collided with Blaine on the first landing.
"I surrender," Blaine raised both hands in defeat.
"For such a dainty little thing, you sure are slow on your feet," Kurt replied coolly.
"I am not dainty and I am not slow; I tripped and if I remember correctly, if I fall and break something I'm just going to be left for dead, so I opted to surrender." Blaine shrugged.
"Hmm, so you're my prisoner now," Kurt smiled; drummed his fingers on the cover of the textbook, "what to do; what to do?"
"Would you mind sparing your prisoner some Advil?" Blaine smiled grimly, "My head is killing me."
Kurt caught Blaine's hand in his free one to drag him toward the kitchen, "You're lucky I'm nice."
"You're so very, very nice." Blaine stopped abruptly and twisted Kurt around to kiss him, "I would not want to be any one else's prisoner except yours."
Kurt let go of the book to wrap his hand around Blaine's neck… what was it they were supposed to be doing again?