Project Hummel
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Project Hummel: Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,845 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Jan 22, 2012 - Updated: Jun 10, 2012
229 0 0 0 0

Blaine knew he was putting off the inevitable. He had re-read Jesse’s text a couple of times before his finger hit the delete button. He knew Jesse wasn’t just going to leave it, not with what was at stake. Even if he told Jesse that he didn’t want the money and that the deal was off, he doubted Jesse would take too kindly to that. He was in too far now; Blaine had more to lose than money.

It was two weeks later when Kurt called and invited him to a charity event the theatre was hosting. Blaine had been to a few black tie events, always with Quinn and always to scope out new clients so the idea of going to another didn’t faze him. In fact, he was looking forward to it. It would be for pleasure, not for work, so he could relax and have fun.

It also meant that he got to spend more time with Kurt. The newspapers weren’t kidding when they called Kurt a rising star a few months ago. The show was sold out most evenings and getting fuller by the day for the matinees. It helped that December had arrived, which meant more tourists and families visiting for the upcoming holiday season.

Blaine was finding himself overcome with feelings for Kurt. He felt proud over his performances (which still took Blaine’s breath away every time he went), proud to know him and proud to be his boyfriend. He was starting to feel genuinely happy to be around Kurt, his stomach flipping pleasantly whenever they spoke on the phone, text or met up. He obviously appreciated Kurt’s body and was finding himself excited to discover new places that made Kurt whimper and gasp underneath him. Like the spot under his earlobe that caused Kurt to dig his fingernails into Blaine’s arm during a heavy make out session.

No matter how much he tried to sweep his feelings under the rug, Blaine was sure of one thing. He was falling for Kurt. He hadn’t meant to, what made this guy different from all of the rest? Apart from the fact that Kurt actually cared about Blaine as a person and was the sweetest, nicest and most humble person he had met.

While Kurt was at the theatre, Blaine found himself returning to Central Park with his guitar. He had been feeling inspired recently and decided to try out a few new songs on the tourists and other visitors to the park. Without his other job to keep him occupied (and flush with money), Blaine needed something to keep his wallet green.

“There’s something about your smile, something about the way you look at me. Let me hold you safe, let me hold you close. Stay by my side.”

“Hey, Anderson.”

Blaine blinked in surprise, before grinning. He rested his guitar up against the tree behind him and stepped forwards to pull Quinn into a hug.

“What – what are you doing here?” He asked, pulled back to study her features. He noted that her hair no longer had any traces of pink in it and that bangs had been cut in.

Quinn raised her eyebrows accusingly. “What are you doing here?” she repeated, one hand on her hip as she waited for an explanation. “I spoke to Jesse. He says you haven’t killed Hummel yet. What gives? Are you getting slow in your old age?” She pinched his cheek, speaking in a coo-y voice that made Blaine scrunch up his face in annoyance.

“Please don’t,” he said, backing away as she made kisses noises at him. “It’s taking – uh – longer than expected,” he lied, looking down at his open guitar case rather than at Quinn. He counted the notes, wondering if this would be enough to take Kurt out for dinner later, his treat.

“Bull,” Quinn said bluntly.

Blaine looked up, opening his mouth and then closing it again. “No really, he’s…” he searched for anything she would buy. “Prudish.”

Quinn nodded slowly, her eyes uncertain, brows furrowed as she stared at Blaine as though trying to read his thoughts. Blaine swallowed hard and waited for her reply. She shrugged and said, “Sucks when that happens.” Blaine breathed a sigh of relief. “One out of ten times the person is a time waster, plays for the other team, a prude, religious, asexual or, and this is rare, not attracted to us.”

Blaine laughed softly. “We are hot.”

“You know it,” Quinn said, winking. She smiled fondly at him, waving her hand casually. “Sorry this is taking up so much of your time, do you want another job to keep you going while you work on Hummel? I hate to see you busking again.”

Blaine shook his head. “It’s fine.” He bent down to scoop the money he’d made into his pocket before putting his guitar in the case. “I better get going.”

Blaine thought he saw something flash across her face, hurt and disappointment, before it was gone and she was smiling at him. “Well don’t forget about me -”

“- I couldn’t,” he interrupted.

Quinn smiled almost sadly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. “Let me know when the job is done. I’ve missed you, B.”

Blaine returned the smile, his heart suddenly heavy. “I’ve missed you too.”

As he walked away it occurred to him, if he didn’t kill Kurt, would Quinn still talk to him? A sudden thought washed over him, numbing his fingers and making him feel sick with dread. Would he be Quinn’s next mark?


Busking in the park was hardly a full time job. Kurt had told him as much over coffee one morning before he was due at the theatre. Blaine and Kurt had taken to meeting daily at Daisys for coffee before Kurt was due in for work.

Blaine couldn’t very well tell Kurt what his real job was. It was on the third morning when Kurt found Blaine eyeing up a ‘Help Wanted’ sign in the window. It was only a waiter’s job, but Kurt seemed thrilled at the prospect of Blaine getting back on this feet.

Not wanting their entire relationship to be a lie, Blaine had told Kurt that he had been a waiter at a caf�, but due to the economic climate he had been let go. Blaine just happened to forget to tell Kurt that this all happened a couple of years ago and that he’d been killing people for money instead. He had got the job, taking shifts in the afternoons and evenings when Kurt was at the theatre. They had the same evenings off and Kurt would often do the sandwich run at lunchtime for the cast to catch a glimpse of Blaine.


The evening of the charity night arrived the following week. Kurt wore a black tailored tux that Blaine couldn’t help raking his eyes over appreciatively. And if the way Kurt’s eyes widened and his cheeks flushed pink were any indication, Kurt approved of Blaine’s tux also.

Blaine was introduced to the director and all of Kurt’s cast mates. Being with Kurt in ‘his world’ was like seeing a new side to him. He spoke confidently and animatedly to his cast mates – friends – and they all welcomed Blaine into their little family. It was a little alien to Blaine, the unquestioned acceptance. The last place he felt this accepted was at Dalton, singing with the Warblers. Sure Quinn made him feel good, but it was nothing compared to how Kurt made him feel. Kurt made him feel worthwhile. Like he wasn’t a failure or some stupid kid who didn’t know what he wanted.

He met Thelma Lane, who played Christine opposite Kurt. It seemed that she was just an interested in meeting him as he was meeting her.

“You must be the amazing Blaine,” Thelma said, holding her hand out to shake Blaine’s. She was a short woman, with a long mass of dark curls that covered her shoulders and huge blue eyes that you couldn’t help be drawn into.

Blaine shook it, smiling. “Blaine Anderson. Hello. You play Christine, right?”

“That’s right. Thelma Lane,” she confirmed. “Kurt said you were gorgeous and he wasn’t kidding.”

“Laney!” Kurt gasped, his hand flying up to cover his face. A steady red blush was burning his skin.

Blaine laughed, grinning broadly at Kurt with soft, fond eyes. “Gorgeous, eh?”

“Shut up,” Kurt muttered, giving Thelma’s arm a quick smack. “I’ll deal with you later.”

Thelma shrugged, laughing. “It was really nice to meet you, Blaine. Kurt, I’ll catch up with you later? I see Dominic eyeing the appetisers.”

“Dominic’s her boyfriend. He works in lighting,” Kurt explained when she had left to join him.

Blaine felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out, his face fell when he saw ‘Jesse St James Incoming…’ He looked up at Kurt, whose face was mildly curious. “I better get this,” he said before smiling at Kurt apologetically and making a bee line for the corridor so he could hear.

“Hello?” Blaine said.

“You didn’t reply to my text,” Jesse said, sounding irritated.

When Jesse didn’t continue, Blaine said, “Yeah, things have been… busy.”

“So you’ve progressed?” Jesse asked, sounding hopeful. Out of all of his past clients, Jesse had to be the clingiest, the most desperate one of all. Sometimes Blaine wondered for his sanity and what would push him over the edge.

Blaine made a small noise at the back of his throat before saying, “Yes.” He wasn’t lying.

He heard Jesse let out a breath of relief. “So how much longer do you think you’ll need? I need to get to rehearsals. I’ve already learnt all of my lines, but I really need to be impressive if I’m going to win a Tony next year.”

Blaine frowned, biting down on his bottom lip to hold back a laugh and was grateful that Jesse couldn’t see him. Yeah, this was a man who was truly losing the plot. Blaine wondered what telling him that he was re-thinking the job and falling for Kurt would do.

“I’ll let you know,” Blaine said vaguely.

“Make sure that you do!” Jesse replied curtly.

Blaine hummed in reply before hanging up, sighing as he put his phone away. When he went back into the main hall, he scanned the room for Kurt. He spotted him talking to a tall man with slicked back dark hair. There was something odd familiar about him, but Blaine couldn’t put his finger on it.

When he approached them, he grinned at Kurt who smiled brightly back, waving his hand to beckon him over.

“Speaking of which, here he is now. This is my boyfriend-“

“- Blaine.”

“You two know each other?” Kurt asked, blinking in surprise. He looked between the two men who were looking at each other with contempt. Blaine’s lips were in a thin line, his jaw set and his eyes dark. The other man simply looked like he had stepped in something unpleasant, his nose wrinkling.

“William Anderson,” the man said. Kurt made a move to shake his hand but Blaine quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him. Not that it mattered; Mr Anderson didn’t raise his arm.

“Anderson,” Kurt said slowly, the pieces fitting together slowly. “That makes you Blaine’s -”

“- Father,” Blaine finished. His voice was hard and he straightened up, extending his neck as he watched for his father’s reaction.

He hadn’t told Kurt about his father and from the way Kurt was looking at him, he expected that he would have to when they got away.

“So, you and this man,” Mr Anderson said conversationally.

“Me and Kurt,” Blaine corrected.

“I didn’t realise you lived in New York,” Mr Anderson said, absently picking a piece of lint from his suit and flicking it into the air.

“Yes, I have since I was eighteen. I had no where else to go and I thought New York was at good as any,” Blaine said, his voice low and bitter.

Mr Anderson barely reacted to this. “It’s expensive to live here,” he said. It wasn’t a question.

“It is,” Blaine agreed. He took hold of Kurt’s hand, earning a surprised noise from Kurt and a disgruntled glare from his father, who looked around the room as though Blaine had stripped naked and started to dance. “Don’t look so worried, this isn’t Ohio, people aren’t going to shame you for having a gay son.”

“That may be, but you don’t have to be so, so -”

“So, what?” Blaine asked, tightening his grip on Kurt’s hand.

Mr Anderson wet his lips. “Blatant.”

Blaine barked out a laugh, staring at his father like he’d grown a second head. “Are you fucking serious?”

“Blaine,” Mr Anderson warned, his eyes flashing dangerously.

“Can I interject?” Kurt asked quickly, stepping between the two Andersons. Mr Anderson, who had been praising Kurt on his rise in the theatre world minutes ago, was now looking at Kurt with the same distaste he kept reserved for his son. Kurt took a breath and said, “I like who I am. I didn’t always, but I do. I must have introduced Blaine as my boyfriend to half of the guests here. I couldn’t be more proud to with him and I couldn’t be more in – I couldn’t be happier. I can imagine how things are where you live in Ohio, believe me, I’m from Lima, but here no one cares if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual or whatever! As long as we make each other happy, what is the harm?”

Mr Anderson studied Kurt for a moment, his mouth forming a barely visible line. When Kurt moved closer to Blaine, wrapping his arm around his waist, Mr Anderson’s entire body stiffened.

“I’ve had enough of his nonsense,” Mr Anderson muttered, his eyes trailing between the pair before he walked away, not bothering to look back.

“That makes two of us,” Blaine mumbled, eyes falling to the ground. He felt tired. He always did after speaking to his father.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked, his voice full of concern. Blaine looked up, his throat suddenly dry at the sight of Kurt, eyes soft and watery, his lip jutted out. Kurt rubbed his thumb over the back of Blaine’s hand soothingly.

“I’m okay,” Blaine said. When Kurt raised his eyebrows imploringly, Blaine felt his chest tighten before saying, “Seriously, it’s nothing new. He’s always been –“

“- a dick?” Kurt offered.

Blaine laughed softly, his eyes falling closed as his head bowed in amusement. He looked up and said, “Yeah, a dick. He’s a Republican Senator so having a gay son was never going to have him jumping for joy.” Kurt’s face fell, his expression full of understanding. Blaine wet his lips and continued, “I was caught with another Senator’s son in the back seat of my car and needless to say our families weren’t throwing us a parade when they found out.”

“You weren’t out?” Kurt asked quietly.

Blaine shook his head. “No. Even if I had sat both of my parents down and told them, I would have expected the same reaction. It’s not acceptable to be gay, let alone be gay and an Anderson. I was send to private school, the same one my father went to, and forbidden from seeing James again. I think my father thought his precious Dalton Academy would squash the gay out of me. The idea that anyone could be gay there was… absurd.

“But there were gay students, other than you,” Kurt said, picking up on where the story was going.

“Of course. A school that size couldn’t have a hundred percent straight student ratio,” Blaine said. “I managed to hide in plain sight until a few months after my eighteenth birthday. After my father – and the media – found out about me and Jackson, my father kicked me out of the house. I’ve been living in New York ever since.”

Blaine felt drained and an odd prickle ran up his arms. He had never told anyone that story before, not even Quinn. He felt like he could open up to Kurt and he knew in his heart that Kurt wouldn’t judge him for his past. This was proved when Kurt, whose eyes were a little red, moved in close to brush his lips against his. Kurt’s hand moved to cup Blaine’s cheek and Blaine placed his own hand over Kurt’s, feeling the warmth of his skin.

Kurt pulled back ever so slightly; Blaine could feel his hot breath on his face. “My apartment is only a few blocks away,” Blaine whispered, eyes locking with Kurt in a silent plea. Kurt nodded, taking Blaine’s hand and leading him out of the room.


Kurt hadn’t seen where Blaine lived and for the first time, this made Blaine feel a little uneasy. Kurt’s apartment was homely, with bright colours, nick-knacks and a bedroom that Blaine could happily live in the rest of his life. The bed alone anchored him to the room.

If Kurt was unimpressed with the lack of furnishing, or the bland colour scheme or the fact that Blaine had left a half eaten pizza open on the sofa, he didn’t say anything.

The moment Blaine shut the door; Kurt’s hands were on him. Blaine allowed himself to be pushed against the front door, Kurt’s hands roaming under his jacket, stoking circles into his back through his shirt. Their mouths connected in a sweet kiss, open mouthed and gentle. Kurt dipped his tongue into Blaine’s mouth, running it along his bottom lip as Blaine moaned softly.

Kurt’s hands moved up, pushing the jacket off of Blaine’s shoulders and onto the floor. Blaine followed his lead, slipping Kurt’s own jacket off and discarding it with his own.

Kurt undid Blaine’s tie, dropping it to the ground before he started unbuttoning his shirt, placing tiny kisses to his chest as the skin was exposed. When Kurt reached his navel, he ran his tongue around his belly button, sucking a wet spot into his stomach as the muscles fluttered under his lips. Blaine’s hand found Kurt’s hair and he carded his fingers through the chestnut tresses, fingers tightening when he felt Kurt palm his cock through his pants.

“Where’s your bedroom?” Kurt asked, his voice low.

Blaine swallowed thickly, grabbing Kurt’s arm to lead him to it. Blaine sat on the bed, shuffling back so he could stretch out. He propped himself up on his arms, watching Kurt with lustful eyes as he unbuttoned his own shirt. His eyes raked over Kurt’s chest and he bit down on his bottom lip, making a small noise of appreciation.

“Take off your pants,” Blaine instructed. Kurt nodded; wetting his lips as he quickly stripped himself of everything except his dark blue boxers, his erection pressing against the fabric. Blaine felt his cock twitch at the sight as he hastily removed his own pants and socks, throwing them off the side of the bed.

Kurt crawled onto the bed, straddling Blaine’s thighs. He leaned down to capture Blaine’s lips in another kiss, both hands grabbing his face as the kiss became desperate, their tongues rolling together. Blaine’s fingers brushed over Kurt’s chest, his thumb rubbing against one of his hardening nipples, making Kurt gasp.

Blaine sat up and grabbed Kurt’s hips, his fingers digging into the pale skin as he pulled him closer so their chests were flush together. Blaine dragged his lips away from Kurt’s mouth, trailing up his jaw line as Kurt lifted his head to give him better access. Blaine licked a strip up the long column of Kurt’s neck, blowing cool air on the wet skin and smiling as Kurt shuddered.

Blaine sucked Kurt’s pulse point, his teeth nipping at the skin as Kurt whimpered, his eyes falling close and his hips pressing forwards. Blaine could feel the hard line of his erection pushed up against his stomach. Blaine reached round and cupped Kurt’s ass, squeezing firmly as Kurt pressed forwards again.

Blaine fell down against the mattress, his legs spreading to allow Kurt to nestle between them. Their hips locked together, the feeling of Kurt’s cock against his own sending waves of pleasure up Blaine’s spine and making him groan at the friction. As Kurt began to rock his hips against Blaine’s, Blaine threw his head back, moaning brokenly. Kurt peppered his neck with kisses, his fingers playing with the hem of Blaine’s boxers.

He was achingly hard and even with the smooth thrusts of Kurt’s cock against his own, Blaine needed more. He wanted to feel everything.

Kurt,” he said, his voice hoarse. Kurt looked down at him and Blaine’s breath hitched in his throat. Kurt already looked a wreck, with his pupils blown out and his lips red and kiss swollen. His hair was flopped over his forehead where Blaine had been running his fingers through it earlier. “Fuck, Kurt. I want, I want.”

“Tell me what you want, baby,” Kurt murmured, nipping at the corner of Blaine’s bottom lip.

Blaine’s eyes fluttered open and closed and his head was swimming. The endearment shouldn’t make him feel like he was drowning, but paired with the way Kurt was looking at him, with such trust, lust and something else Blaine couldn’t read, Blaine found himself gasping for air. “I want to be inside of you,” he admitted, his eyes searching Kurt for any doubt, finding none.

Kurt wetted his lips, nodding, before he dragged his lips over Blaine’s. Kurt allowed Blaine to roll him onto the bed beside him so they were side by side. Blaine leant down and licked over his nipple, flicking the hard nub a few times with the tip of his tongue. Blaine rolled over and reached into his bedside table for lube and a condom, dropping the items between them.

Kurt pulled down his boxers and spread his legs eagerly, lying flat on his back. His eyes locked with Blaine’s as Blaine ran his fingers over Kurt’s thighs, causing him to buck up, sighing deeply at the gentle caress. Kurt’s stomach muscles fluttered as Blaine’s fingers danced across the skin, Kurt whining for more.

Blaine grasped Kurt’s cock, flushed dark and straining, in his hand. He started pumping it slowing, watching as Kurt fisted the bedspread, his eyes falling closed and his lips parting. “You’re so beautiful like this, Kurt,” Blaine whispered, not caring if Kurt heard him or not. If he did, he didn’t have the chance to answer as Blaine chose that moment to sink his mouth down on Kurt. Blaine continued to stroke him, his tongue circling the head of Kurt’s cock, lapping up the pre-come as he dipped the tip into the slit.

Blaine sucked hard, his cheeks hollowing as he took him deeper. Kurt was panting in between broken sobs, his back trying to arch off the bed. Blaine used his free hand to hold him down, breathing out of his nose as he took more of Kurt, swallowing around the head.

He withdrew his mouth with a wet pop. Kurt whined at the loss of contact, lifting his head to see why Blaine had stopped. Blaine opened the bottle of lube, coating a few of his fingers before tossing the bottle back on the bed. Kurt’s breathing increased as Blaine gentle rubbed his index finger against Kurt’s waiting entrance. Kurt was making tiny humming noises and Blaine noticed that his toes were curling in anticipation.

As Blaine pressed his finger through the ring of muscle up to his first knuckle, Kurt whimpered. Fuck, he was so tight. The thought of him being this tight was making Blaine’s cock ache for any kind of friction. He desperately wanted to stroke himself, to relieve some of the tension, but Blaine knew it would feel so much better if he waited until he was inside of Kurt.

Blaine was up to his third knuckle and was slowly moving his finger in and out when Kurt started to tremble, his body silently begging for more. Blaine pulled out almost completely, pressed two of his fingers together before pushing back in.

Blaine,” Kurt sobbed. “Please.”

“Not yet,” Blaine said, crooking his fingers and making Kurt cry out, his back arching off the bed, as Blaine’s fingers brushed against his sensitive spot. Blaine soon added a third finger and once he felt Kurt’s body relax around him, he withdrew them.

Kurt whimpered, reaching out to Blaine’s thigh as though worried he wasn’t there. Blaine tore open the condom wrapper, rolling it down his own length, gasping as his cock was finally being touched. He coated himself in lube, wiping his hand on his bedspread before moving towards Kurt, settling between his legs.

Blaine leant down to kiss him, feeling Kurt nip at his bottom lip as his tongue slid in. Blaine was on all fours, their bodies not touching. Somehow the act of not touching was making Blaine’s body ache for Kurt more so than when they were touching. His entire body was humming, desperate to feel all of Kurt. The kiss became needy, their teeth clashing and their tongues fighting for dominance.

Grasping himself, Blaine breached Kurt’s entrance, pushing in slowly. Once he was fully in, his balls resting against Kurt’s ass, he stilled, allowing Kurt to adjust to the stretch. Blaine broke the kiss, pulling back to look at Kurt. His cheeks and chest were flushed red, his lips kiss-swollen and moist and his eyes dark and hungry.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Blaine said, his breath hitching as he exhaled deeply. Kurt opened his mouth, whether to say anything, Blaine didn’t know. He simply opened it, let out a small breathless sound and grinned. Kurt’s hands found Blaine’s waist and he nodded.

Blaine took this as a sign to move. He started slowly, pulling out half way before pushing back in. He was tight as he expected, the slow drag of his cock causing him to throb inside of him. He wanted to fuck Kurt right into the mattress, have him so sore he would be limping for days. He wanted to leave bite marks, bruises and have Kurt blush at the mere sight of him.

But not now.

Now he wanted to make Kurt feel good. He wanted to fuck him slowly and purposely, feel Kurt writher and moan underneath him as he took him apart bit by bit. He wanted to show Kurt how much he cared about him in one act.

Blaine nibbled at Kurt’s jaw line, pressing wet kisses to his neck and shoulder. Kurt shivered, tiny broken noises escaping him. Kurt shifted his body so he could wrap his legs around Blaine’s waist, bringing him closer. Kurt dug his heels into Blaine, his fingernails scratching down his back.

“F-faster, p-please,” Kurt begged, pushing his hips up to meet Blaine’s.

Blaine picked up the pace, his hips grinding down hard with each thrust until Kurt was reaching a shaking hand between them so he could stroke his neglected cock.

“Fuck, so close,” Blaine grunted, pushing up onto his knees so he could move faster. He was barely pulling out before he was slamming back in, and from the way Kurt was jerking and twisting beneath him, his eyes squeezed shut as he babbled Blaine’s name mixed, Blaine guessed that he was repeatedly hitting his prostate.

Kurt threw his head back as he came, crying out, “Yes, fuck, yes yes, Blaine. Ohhh!” His come painting strips along their stomachs and over his hand. Blaine could feel him pulsating around his cock, which only spurred him on harder, faster.

Kurt whimpered, the oversensitivity making him twitch beneath Blaine, who was relentlessly fucking him into the mattress. Kurt reached up to brush a stray curl from his sweaty forehead, smiling goofily at him, looking so fucking perfect and spent that it tipped Blaine over the edge.

ohfuckKurtyes,” Blaine groaned, words tumbling together. He stilled, pressed deep into Kurt as he came hard, stars exploding behind his eyes. He pulled out gingerly, collapsing beside Kurt. He handed Kurt a box of tissues (“Tissues on the nightstand, really, Blaine?” asked Kurt with a knowing smile) as he pulled off the condom, tying the end and tossing it in the location of the bin.

When they were clean, Blaine looked over at Kurt, biting on his lip nervously as he asked, “Do you want – do you want to stay the night?”

Kurt smiled widely at him, nodding. Despite their relationship being physical for almost three weeks now, Blaine hadn’t opted to spend the entire night with Kurt. His feelings for Kurt mixed with his original intensions making him feel anxious and sick. It was always in the back of his mind, gnawing away at him. You have to kill him. If you don’t Jesse will most likely have you killed. It’s him or you. You’ve barely known him two months, what are you doing?

As Kurt snuggled against Blaine, using his chest as a pillow, their legs tangled together, Blaine knew in his heart that he would need to tell Jesse the job was off. There was no way he could harm Kurt, let alone kill him.

He could hear Kurt’s breathing, slow and soft, his hot breath ghosting over his chest. Blaine held Kurt tight, wrapping his arms around him protectively. No one was going to hurt him. “Kurt?” he asked, looking down at the man in his arms for any sign that he was still awake. When Kurt’s eyes didn’t open and he made no indication that he’d heard Blaine speak, Blaine whispered, barely audible, words that he had never spoken and never thought he’d have any use for.

“I love you.”


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