May 11, 2012, 9:32 a.m.
May 11, 2012, 9:32 a.m.
The tone was heavy in the Hudson-Hummel household as people mulled around it in a typical post funeral daze, everyone talking too quietly, the occasional sniffle being heard, most of the older women puttering around the kitchen just to keep themselves busy. Kurt stood next to Brittany, a glass of something dark in his hand. He didn't know what it was, all he knew what that it smelled heavily of alcohol and that he had been handed it by Finn in passing. The man was watching people coming and going, noting the few missing faces that he had expected to see. He noticed a few guests seem to move quickly, like they were getting out of the way of something. Kurt made a little confused face at the movements until Artie came into view, the man's chair rolling up to where he was standing. "Hey man."
"Hey Artie." Kurt said, leaning down to hug him. "I didn't see you at the service."
"I know, we tried to get here in time, but there was a layover from hell." The other man explained over Brittany's shoulder as she bent down to hug him tightly.
"We?" Kurt asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I came in with Quinn, we both go to Yale, so we figured we might as well fly in together." Artie explained, his tone making it clear that was all they were going to get out of him on the subject of 'we'.
"Oh, where is she?" Brittany asked, looking around for the other woman's blonde hair, not catching what the man's tone might have implied.
"She's over in the living room with Santana." The wheelchair bound man said, motioning to the room in question by jabbing a thumb over his shoulder in the general direction. Brittany just nodded before walking off, looking for Quinn and Santana. "How're you holding up?" Artie asked Kurt as the paler man sat down on a bench that was against the wall of the hallway area that they were currently in, just so that he wouldn't be talking down to Artie.
"I'm...." Kurt trailed off with a sigh, resisting the urge to run his hand through his hair since it was perfectly done and he didn't want to muss it up. "I don't know honestly, it's all really weird. Like I almost don't believe it, like I'm dreaming, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that." Artie nodded just as Sam walked up, placing a hand on the man's shoulder in a hello. "Hey Sam." He said. "Where's Mercedes?"
"Oh, over there talking to Blaine about some music thing." Sam said in a sort of offhanded manner. It wasn't that he didn't still enjoy music, he just hadn't turned it into a life like some of his friend's had, so he usually didn't bother getting into the heated musical debates. At the mention of Blaine, Kurt tensed noticeably, Artie reaching out and giving Sam a whack. "Ow! What was that for... Oh, Kurt, man you know I didn't mean..."
"It's fine Sam, don't worry about it." Kurt assured his friend, it was true, Blaine would always be a sore spot with him, but that didn't mean he expected their friends to take sides.
"Have you seen him yet?" Artie asked, since Kurt had said it was fine to talk about the younger man.
"Sorta, back at the church." Kurt shrugged. "I'm going to go check to make sure Rachel isn't driving Carole crazy." He said, making a slightly hasty exit toward the kitchen in search of his step mother. Only she wasn't there, no one was, expect Blaine. "Oh." He said, stopping dead in his tracks, his gentle surprised exclamation getting the other man's attention.
"Oh, hi." Blaine said, smiling ever so slightly. "Are you hiding too?" He asked.
"Yeah, who are you hiding from?" Kurt asked.
"Tina, she cornered me after Mercedes went to get a drink. What about you?"
"Sam and Artie." Kurt admitted, although he didn't say why he was hiding from them, since the reason was staring him straight in the face. It had been too long since the last time he had seen the younger man, just a little under two years in fact. But he was still a same, his warm honey colored eyes just as inviting as ever, his demeanor proper and polite yet the slightly less put together more unhappy man was visible just beneath the surface. His just slightly plump lips stretching over perfect white teeth in an easy and welcoming smile, stunning as always, which drove Kurt crazy in both good and bad ways. "You need a haircut." Kurt said rather randomly, not really expecting the words he had been thinking to fall from his mouth.
Blaine chuckled, reaching up to cart his fingers through his slightly longer curls at the base of his neck. "Yeah, I know. I guess I've just been too busy." He admitted with a shrug. "It's getting a little out of hand, can't even gel it anymore unless I want to look like I haven't bathed in weeks."
"You always did love your gel." Kurt teased gently.
"Yeah, I did." Blaine smirked in an almost shy manner, his eyes fixed on the floor for a moment before he finally looked back up to meet Kurt's eyes. "How have you been?"
"Okay." Kurt nodded. "Busy, working mostly, and school of course. You?"
"About the same." Blaine said with a little shrug, Kurt just nodding. He had heard from Finn, who had heard from Puck who had heard from Mike, that Blaine was attending CCM, which was a fabulous music school in California with some of the industry's top musical professionals as teachers. They both quickly lapsed into silence, it hanging awkwardly in the kitchen. It hardly felt to Kurt like it had been two years since he had seen Blaine, right after he had graduated, because thing's went to hell pretty quickly after that...
"Hi!" Blaine answered his phone brightly that afternoon when he saw Kurt's number show up on his screen.
"Wanna go for coffee?" Kurt asked, sounding tense but no worse for wear. Blaine assuming it was due to him just getting into town for the summer and not having the chance to really settle yet. After all, the older man had just gotten in the day before, barely in time to make the graduation.
"Uh, yeah sure, just lemme shower first." Blaine said only to get a terse 'okay' in response before the sound of Kurt hanging up was heard. Something about his abruptness made Blaine's stomach twist nervously, the knots only getting worse when he walked into the Lima Bean to see Kurt already sitting at a table, coffee in hand, looking like he hadn't gotten much sleep.
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked as he walked up to the table. "Because I've been fighting off the mother of all hangovers all morning and you look worse than I do." He chuckled, sitting across from the other man.
"Couldn't sleep." Kurt just said.
"Why? Something wrong?" At his question, Kurt just slid his phone across the table for Blaine to take. There was a pictures pulled up, it took the darker haired man a full minute to clue into what he was looking at. Him, in a large ornate looking bed, topless and laying face down with Sebastian laying next to him, the other man's arm tossed over Blaine's bare back, their legs entangled.
"Are you sleeping with him?" Kurt asked, his voice sounding far away to Blaine, almost like he was talking to him through a muffled speaker.
"Are you sleeping with him Blaine? It's a simple question."
"N..no, no, not at all. God no." Blaine said, placing Kurt's phone on the table and pushing it away like it was something vile and at the moment, it kind of was.
"Really, cause it looks like you are."
"Well I'm not." Blaine defended. Sure Sebastian and he were on better terms now, especially since he had be kicked out of Dalton and had started attending McKinley, which of course meant him joining the glee club as well. And true, Sebastian still flirted with Blaine something awful, but it was always one sided and even then Tina usually ran interference since on more than one occasion Sebastian had made Blaine a little uncomfortable. "Where did you even get that?"
"Sugar texted me last night." Kurt admitted.
Blaine rolled his eyes, giving a little annoyed groan. He had a real love/hate relationship with Sugar, on one hand she was funny and kind of reminded him of Rachel when she went on about how self important she was, which filled him with a sense of familiarity. But on the other hand, she called him her 'fairy friend' and was determined to be his apparent fag hag which he so did not need. "Did she also happen to mention that she was the one that had stripped me of my shirt and was wearing it?" Blaine questioned, arching his eyebrows.
"I couldn't care less if she had switched clothes with you, that's not the point here."
"I didn't sleep with him!" Blaine nearly snapped, managing to calm himself quickly when he realized that he had drawn some attention from people sitting at the tables closest to them. "Listen." He said softer, leaning his elbows on the table. "I know what it looks like, but you have to let me explain."
"Please do."
"The graduation party last night was at Sebastian's because his parents are out of town, and I got really really drunk. I didn't mean too, but somewhere between the first drinking game and the fifth, I ended up plastered."
"You think that makes it alright?" Kurt cut in, his face was hard, but his eyes were hurt, horribly, and the tears shining in them were killing Blaine.
"No, would you just let me finish? I just, I dunno, somewhere along the way everyone's car keys were taken away for obvious reasons and I ended up in his bed."
"So you slept with him?"
"Yes, no... I mean, yes I slept with him, but just slept. I passed out in his bed, he wasn't even there when I did." Blaine explained, watching Kurt's face for any sign that he believed him, but it never came. "I'm not lying to you! Kurt, please, I have no reason to lie to you."
"But Sugar does?" Kurt asked.
"Because Sugar's a conniving bitch! Ever since she broke up with Rory last month she's been like Cerberus, snarling and snapping at everybody. It's like she's made it her mission to make everyone miserable because she herself is miserable." Blaine reached across the table to grab at Kurt's hands, glad when he didn't pull away. "I swear, I didn't even know who's bed it was when I stumbled in there. Last night I walked into a closet looking for the bathroom, twice, if it hadn't been for Tina there could have been some very embarrassing explaining this morning as to why someone had peed on the shoes." He smirked, attempting to lighten the situation. Kurt managed a chuckle, smiling gently although it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Please believe me."
"Okay?" Blaine asked, making sure he had heard correctly, only getting a nod in response. A month later, they were broken up.
"You look good." Blaine said to Kurt, snapping the taller man out of his memories.
"Blaine, don't." Was all he said.
"What? I can't complement you anymore?" Blaine asked with a little shrug, Kurt opened his mouth to say something only to hear a little 'oh' from behind him as someone interrupted their conversation. Kurt looked over his shoulder to see Mike standing there, hand on the door frame as he looked from one man to the other. "Sorry, I was just looking for, well, you actually." He motioned to Blaine. "Sue wanted to talk to you about singing something with Rachel, you know, as a sort of farewell."
Kurt looked over at Blaine before giving a little nod, signaling him to go. They had nothing left to talk about anyways, did they?