May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
Chapter Nine: Boys of Summer
Soon it became apparent that he couldn't just avoid Justin. Every time he told the other boy that he had homework or needed to study, he could see the doubt gaining a firmer hold. He thought Blaine didn't like him, or that he didn't like him that way when Blaine really, really, really, really liked him. That way.
Maybe it was fine. Maybe it was just the surprise of his reaction to the kiss that threw him off so badly. Maybe, if he were prepared for it this time, it would be fine. He could handle it. So when Justin was determinedly avoiding Blaine after Warblers practice, he caught up with the other boy.
"So, I have been studying non stop and I was just thinking that I hadn't even talked to you in days."
"Don't you have a paper to write?" Justin asked darkly.
Blaine sighed. "I deserve that," he acknowledged. "I just get really tense around finals. I have to keep a 4.0, and... But I won't fail everything if we go for coffee or something."
"We could still have that movie night," he suggested hesitantly.
Blaine beamed. "That would be amazing."
Justin had apparently just gotten the DVD of Nine, so they spent most of the movie actually watching the movie, to Blaine's relief. There was one point, however, when Justin slipped his hand into Blaine's. Blaine felt his stomach jolt and a smile somehow managed to steal its way into the edges of his mouth. It was all he could do not to giggle like a little kid. He almost forgot that he should probably curl his fingers to hold Justin's hand back. Warm fuzzies would not leave Blaine's chest alone for the entire movie. By the end, they had somehow ended up with their shoulders touching, and Justin's head was on Blaine's shoulder. He was freaking out a little bit, but in the best possible way.
"That was a really good movie," Blaine said as the credits rolled.
"One of my favorites," Justin agreed.
"I can see why."
Blaine wasn't sure if the silence was uncomfortable or not.
Justin pulled away with a sigh and Blaine felt the loss as the warmth seeped out of his shoulder. "So, did you run off the other day because I'm a bad kisser or something?"
"No!" Blaine replied quickly. "No, I just... You're a really good kisser. It was... good." He shut his eyes, feeling like the most awkward human being in the history of awkward human beings.
Blaine's eyes startled open when he felt Justin's lips on his. He braced himself, knowing what might happen and closed his eyes. It wasn't a full-on make out session, and Blaine wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. When they parted, he was pretty sure his face was flushed and they were both smiling. "That was nice," Blaine murmured distractedly. He was not lying.
Justin smiled. "Yeah," he agreed. "We can't stay too much longer, though. I told Dan we were watching a movie and so he's expecting us out after it's over."
The credits were just reaching the end. "Are you going to the Warblers' beach party this weekend?"
"What beach party?"
"The one they told us about in practice today?" Justin laughed. "Were you even paying attention?"
"I was thinking about you," Blaine grinned sheepishly. "Specifically how to ask you on a date when I was pretty sure you hated me."
"Well, I don't hate you and there is a beach party this weekend."
"Road trip," Justin explained. "We're going to leave early Saturday morning- the seniors are driving, it's an annual end-of-term thing- and we're going to spend the afternoon at the beach."
"Then I am definitely going. Afternoon outside? On a beach? How often does that happen in small town Ohio?"
"At least once a year for the Warblers, apparently."
Blaine laughed and they gathered their things, needing to leave before anyone thought they were doing anything inappropriate. When he got back to the dorm, his roommates were waiting up for him.
"So were you on a date with Justin Frasier?" Jason asked immediately.
Blaine froze. This was going to ruin everything. They wouldn't want to room with him because he was gay. They'd hate him or beat him up or tell everyone and-
"Dude, relax," Jason said. "It's just a question."
"What if I was?"
"Forget I asked," Jason held up his hands. "For the record, no one cares if you're gay. I was just going to ask how it went."
"Oh." The word breathed out of him and he felt like crying in relief. Luckily, he didn't cry as easily as he used to and his eyes remained dry. "Then... It was fun. We watched a movie."
"How much of it did you watch?" Brian teased.
"All of it?" He must have seemed extra clueless or confused because the guys all took a moment to stare at him before cracking up. He shook his head good naturedly. "Thanks, guys."
The road trip was fun. Justin and Blaine were in Wes' car and may have been surreptitiously holding hands for a good portion of the ride. The underclassmen didn't divide completely evenly between cars, so they had the whole backseat to themselves.
It wasn't until they got to the beach that Blaine remembered something very important.
"Care for a swim?" Justin asked.
Blaine hoped his face didn't give too much away. "I forgot a swim suit."
"Just go in with your shorts. They'll dry."
The thought of having to take his shirt off nearly gave Blaine a heart attack. "I think I'll pass. There's all kinds of sand and fish and... fish poo... You go ahead."
Justin was laughing at him now, but at least he was off the hook for swimming. Soon the other boys started a game of volleyball and Blaine was all too happy to join that endeavor. Thankfully, he wasn't the only boy to keep his shirt on for the game. Not so thankfully, a couple of the upperclassmen had some serious bodies to show off and Justin was coming back up the beach without a shirt.
Blaine did not sign up for this. He was not this boy crazy before he'd started hormones. He was definitely, definitely a lot more reasonable and- He was drawn sharply from his thoughts when the volleyball came hurtling toward his face. Quickly, he threw his hands up and hit it back over the net.
The game stopped abruptly when he cried out in pain.
"You alright?" and various similar-sounding questions came his way. He clenched his jaw, trying not to scream. His ribs felt broken or bruised, at least.
"Landed badly on my ankle," Blaine finally gritted out. "I'll walk it off."
It didn't take too much effort to fake a limp as he hunched to the side, trying not to move too much. It hurt to breathe. He was panicking. He couldn't go to a doctor. They'd want to know why he was wearing the ACE bandage. He'd had to have one of the Warblers take him and the doctors would all call him a girl and everyone would find out. He probably couldn't even afford it anyway unless he wanted to stop hormones and he definitely didn't want that. He took a seat, hunched over, trying to be quiet.
Gradually, the pain lessened to a dull ache. Unless he took a deep breath. Then it was a sharp ache. He was used to pain from the bandage, but that was just raw skin from the chafing or a bit of soreness when it slipped down and put extra pressure on his lower rib. This was different. This could be bad.
Justin joined him once it became apparent that Blaine was just sitting alone on the beach and they talked about summer plans. If it struck Justin as odd that Blaine was spending the summer with his brother, he didn't show it. Probably he'd just assumed that Blaine normally lived with his parents and getting to visit his brother was a rare treat. Justin and his parents were going to Quebec for two weeks. Other than that, he was staying in Ohio. Blaine expressed regret that they wouldn't get to see each other again until next semester.
They snuck their hands together again on the ride back, and Blaine was afraid he might have squeezed too hard at one point when they went over a bump and a horrible pain shot through his ribs. Justin gave him a questioning look, and Blaine shot him an apologetic shrug.
The next day, parents came to pick their boys up. As Blaine was walking out to the drop off point, he was pulled aside. "Since I'm not going to see you for the whole summer..."
Blaine smiled, and didn't let Justin finish the sentence. They kissed. It was a little bit heavier than what they'd already done before, but nothing obscene. Still, when Justin finally pulled away, they were both a little breathless. "See you in September?"
Blaine nodded. "I'll count the days."
"How romantic," Justin grinned. He slipped a paper into Blaine's pocket. "My address. If, you know, you feel compelled to write."
Blaine grinned like a maniac. "Of course I will!"
They both walked to the drop off point together, and Cooper was waiting for him with their parents' car. Apparently he'd been staying with them for the weekend. "How are you going to get the car back without them seeing me?" Blaine asked.
"Well, I thought about locking you in the trunk while dad dropped me off, but I think there's a law against that..."
"Okay, so...?"
"I made sure to book a flight when he and mom couldn't take me, so we're going to get a cab to the airport." Cooper turned in the slightly unfamiliar direction of their parents' house. "So, if there's anything you want from the house that you didn't have time to get before... Or, I mean, if you want to pee in their bed or something."
Blaine couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. "I think I'll skip that part." They hit a bump and he was painfully reminded of the incident yesterday. "Could I borrow your credit card? I need to buy something on the internet, and I can afford it I just... don't have a credit card."
"What could you possibly need to buy on the internet?"
So Blaine launched into the unfortunate story of his ribs and their new mortal enemy: beach volleyball. "I did some research when I got back, and apparently everyone but me knew that you shouldn't... bind... with an ACE bandage. So, there are these undershirt things called binders, and they're supposed to be a lot better for you... I guess."
"Blaine, you should go to a doctor."
"It's fine, Cooper. I just need to change what I'm doing. I can pay you back for all of it."
"Where are you getting all this money, Blaine?" Cooper asked. "I've done some research and all the hormones and doctor's visits are kind of pricey."
Blaine knew Cooper couldn't have done too much research or he'd have found out Blaine couldn't possibly have gotten testosterone from a doctor without parental consent. And possibly several years of therapy. Maybe not even before he was eighteen. "I still had a copy of the work permit mom and dad signed," Blaine shrugged. "I got a job at the mall. In the food court."
"Okay," Cooper replied hesitantly. "You don't have to pay me back though, kiddo. I'm perfectly happy to blow a few bucks to keep my brother's ribs in one piece."
"Thanks, Cooper."
Blaine smiled. Things were really looking up.