Chapter 22: Kangaroo Court Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Landslide: Chapter 22: Kangaroo Court

T - Words: 1,120 - Last Updated: May 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 33/? - Created: May 30, 2013 - Updated: May 30, 2013
124 0 0 0 0

Chapter Twenty-Two: Kangaroo Court
TPD: Original Song
A/N: ...what's Glee without a little RetCon? SH TRENT HAS BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME

"Blackbird" had been stuck in his head all day. Well, Kurt had been stuck in his head all day. "Blackbird" was just the underscoring. If he was honest, Blaine had had Kurt stuck in his head since the day he'd tried to help his friend learn how to be sexy. Since it seemed apparent that maybe Kurt wouldn't want to hop right into bed with him and find out... he was wrong. Blaine was probably kidding himself. Eventually, they would both want that and Kurt would find out, but Blaine was hoping feverishly that maybe, just maybe, Kurt would love him enough by then that it wouldn't matter.

So he talked to Wes.

"Blaine, man, I think you should go for it," Wes said. "The worst he can do is say no, and trust me- he's not going to do that. We've all been agonizing through this from the sidelines. You two clearly have had a thing for each other since he got here. Not since he transferred here. Since he showed up that day to 'spy' on us."

"I haven't-"

"You have. Apparently all it took was a beautiful heart-felt solo for you to figure it out."

"That's it!"


Blaine grinned. "Wes, you're a genius!"

"I know, but what did I do?"

"I'm getting there," Blaine said. "Can we call an emergency meeting of the Warblers?"


"What do you think are the chances of everyone agreeing to Kurt and me singing a duet? Maybe for Regionals?"

Wes grinned. "Probably pretty good. Kurt's really acclimated to the group, and his voice is just..."

"Beautiful," Blaine replied, the memory of that Beatles solo fuzzing out the present conversation.

"So I'll let everyone know? How about lunch period?"

"Don't let Kurt know."


Blaine gestured helplessly. "I just... If people are against it, I'd rather not get his hopes up, you know?"

No one was against it. In fact, by the time the meeting was over, they'd all decided to convince Kurt that it was a spur-of-the-moment decision at practice that day. Blaine barely kept it together as they all made comically praiseful comments about his voice and Kurt still seemed unaware that it was all a farce. He caught Wes' eye as Kurt mouthed to have his name put on the audition list.

Blaine's favorite part was the surprised and pleased look on Kurt's face when everyone's hands went up. So now all that remained was for Blaine to screw his courage to the sticking place and just...

Oh, god. He was going to vomit. He was absolutely going to vomit. He gave Kurt a time for the next day to rehearse and had to get out of there.

"You okay, Blaine?"

Blaine turned around. "Hey, Trent."

"You look a little green."

"No, I'm... awesome."

"You sure?"

Blaine shook his head. "But it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it."

"I know we haven't hung out all that much, but I still consider you a friend, okay? We practically joined the Warblers together. That makes us like... I dunno. But I'm pretty good at listening, and I'm also good at not blabbing other people's business everywhere."

Trent had been another mid-semester add like Kurt. Well, Trent had been replacing a sophomore who'd overextended himself and had to drop some things. It was true that they hadn't hung out a lot, and Blaine assumed the rest was true as well. Trent never had anything negative to say about anyone.

"I'm probably just in love with Kurt or something," Blaine mumbled.

Trent's immediate response was to light up with a big smile. "That's great! Are you going to tell him?"

"I guess," Blaine shrugged. "The thought kind of makes me want to vomit or lock myself in my room."

"Don't do that," Trent shook his head. "It's probably dumb to tell you he's obviously going to say yes because it's impossible to predict anyone's actions, and telling you the worst he can do is say no is also pretty- I mean rejection sucks, right? Sorry, this isn't as helpful as I meant it to be. But, what I mean is... How do you feel right now?"

"Nauseous. Nervous. Like I'm about to spontaneously combust, maybe."

Trent nodded. "Exactly. And until you tell him, you're going to continue to feel that way. After you tell him, you're either going to feel on top of the world or beneath the sea, but either way... It's got to be better than holding on to a secret that's never going away. Which the sting of rejection always does. So."

Blaine smiled a little. "You should probably add 'great at giving advice' to that skill set."

"Maybe I will," Trent acknowledged. "So?"

"I'll tell him."

Blaine spent the next twenty-four hours talking to himself and trying to figure out just what he was going to say. Kurt liked romance, so it had to be something sweeping and... God, he felt like he'd been looking for the right words forever. He wished he knew when he would figure out what they were. Why couldn't he just schedule a time, and they'd show up? They'd knock on his door, and he'd open it, invite them into his dorm, say "Oh, hey, right words. There you are. I've been looking for you forever."

He was never going to figure this out.

Finally, it was time to meet Kurt and rehearse their number, and he'd picked the perfect one, and he was 100% certain he was going to chicken out of telling Kurt anything, but then Kurt asked.

Trent was right. He couldn't live with this secret forever. And Kurt was right here. Kurt was asking. Blaine felt like he'd been waiting forever just for Kurt to ask him. And there he was.

Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.

Before he could lose the courage, the feeling that it was the right thing to do, Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt and Kurt kissed back, and they were still kissing, and then Blaine felt Kurt's hand on his face, and everything was... perfect. This was perfect. This was the best feeling and he couldn't even be bothered to wonder if it had felt this perfect with Justin and if Kurt would break his heart too because this was where he belonged. This was home.

Maybe he was feeling too much too fast, but he had been waiting forever after all, hadn't he?

He had no objections to spending the rest of their practice session using their lips for something other than singing.


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