Chapter 16: Transferred Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Landslide: Chapter 16: Transferred

T - Words: 1,375 - Last Updated: May 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 33/? - Created: May 30, 2013 - Updated: May 30, 2013
124 0 0 0 0

Chapter Sixteen: Transferred
TPD: Furt

Blaine stared at the salad in front of him.

"Your room is just how you left it."

He didn't want to be here. At least it wasn't Breadstix or somewhere he might run into someone, or somewhere he had good memories that this situation would certainly ruin.

"Oh," he replied.

Blaine wanted so badly to insist he wasn't going to dress like a girl or to stare at them angrily, daring them to challenge his masculinity, defying their connection to him as parents. But instead he just felt small and lost. They were his parents, and they were here, and he wanted them to tell him they loved him. He wanted that so badly. He didn't want them to say "Your room is how you left it." He wanted them to say "We're so glad to have you back." Anything. Anything that said that they cared about him at all or wanted him around or even just respected him enough to call him son.

"Cooper was telling us you've been going to boarding school."

"Yeah," Blaine replied without managing to look up yet.

"Well, do you want to continue? We can look into cost."

Blaine clenched his jaw. They were already planning on how to get rid of him. "Yeah, maybe," he agreed. "People like me there. They respect me."

He hadn't planned for it to be accusing, but as soon as it left his mouth, he'd realized he wanted it to be. Except it wasn't. He was ready to do anything short of go back to pretending to convince them to keep him. To remind them that they loved him and that he hadn't changed. He was still the same person. God, why did he want these people who had been so awful to him?

"Well, I hear Crawford Country Day has a good singing program."

Blaine wanted to throw up. "I've got friends at Dalton," he said.

"Dalton is practically next door. That works out perfectly."

"No, I mean, I have friends at Dalton because I go to Dalton," Blaine mumbled.

"Don't be ridiculous. Dalton is an all-boys school."

He was going to throw up. "Yes," Blaine agreed. "It is."

"Maybe we should just transfer you to a different public school."


By the time they finally left the restaurant, Blaine had eaten maybe two bites in spite of his determination to focus entirely on his food. It was odd being in the car with his parents. He'd forgotten what that felt like. Of course, he could remember that it didn't feel this awkward and hadn't been this painful. They talked about his future in the front seat as though he had no choice in the matter. Talked about how there had to be some kind of vocal corrective surgery to undo the "damage" he'd done to his voice or some kind of procedure to "fix" his chest.

He finally did throw up when he got back to his dorm. He'd barely had a chance to start crying when his phone started ringing. He sniffled and wiped furiously at his eyes. "Hey, Jeremiah! How's it going?"

"Good," Jeremiah replied. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great," Blaine told him with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

"Awesome, because I finally have a day off work Sunday and wondered if you still wanted to see HP?"

"Definitely!" What were those butterflies doing in his stomach? Were they trying to make him vomit all over again?

"Good. A group of us are meeting for the four o'clock showing at the mall and probably getting dinner after."

"Sounds awesome," Blaine agreed, trying not to show that some of his enthusiasm was ebbing. He'd wanted Jeremiah to himself. Like a date. Except not a date because Jeremiah wasn't asking him on a date. But it might've felt like a date. With no kissing. Which would have been fine because he really liked Jeremiah and could wait. Maybe Blaine would have to make the first move? No. Blaine was definitely not brave enough for that. Besides, what could he even do? Who even said Jeremiah was interested in him that way? No, they would definitely have to hang out more before Blaine could determine whether or not it was worth putting himself out there.

"See you then!"


So, he was going to see Jeremiah on Sunday. Well, and Jeremiah's friends, but he'd still see Jeremiah. Now if only he could stop thinking about his parents. What if they took him out of Dalton? What was going to happen to him now that they appeared to be showing an interest in keeping him? Even if he thought he would, he couldn't just run away. They might call the police and have them out looking for him. Besides, he wanted them back so badly. There was no way he was going to Crawford. He'd rather go to public school. Maybe-

He was dialing Kurt's phone number before he even finished the thought. "Blaine. Hi."

Was Kurt pleased or just surprised to hear from him?

"Hey," Blaine greeted. "How are things?"

"Good," Kurt replied. "How about you?"

"Good," Blaine agreed. "I was just wondering-" and then he remembered that he could just ask Kurt how his school was. It was awful. "How are things with that football player?"


Blaine waited. "Oh?"

"Well, I confronted him," Kurt replied.

"Good!" Blaine grinned. "That's great!"

"Actually, it sort of... made things worse. My dad and Carole and I were just talking and... I'm probably going to transfer schools."

Blaine felt his stomach drop. How bad had it gotten? And it was all Blaine's fault. He'd encouraged Kurt to stand up to this bully and it had gotten worse. It had gotten so bad that he was transferring. "Are you okay?" he asked immediately. "Did he hurt you?"

"He threatened to," Kurt said. "Otherwise, no. A few 'accidental' bumps in the hall, but mostly just... intimidation."

"I'm so sorry, Kurt."

"Me, too."

"This is all my fault."


"If I hadn't told you to stand up to-"

"Don't be ridiculous," Kurt interrupted him. "Karofsky is a Neanderthal and things were always going to end up here somehow. You're the person who tried to help. Maybe if some of my friends had stuck up for me- god, don't tell anyone I said that. I'm not trying to..."

"Don't worry about it."

"Thanks. It's just been... a horrible week."

"I'm glad you're getting away from it," Blaine told Kurt. "Do you know where you're being transferred?"

"Actually, that's what was being discussed. Dad and Carole are sending me to Dalton. Think you can show me around?"

"Please," Blaine scoffed. "Show you around? I'll probably talk the Warblers into creating a new spot for you in the group."

He could hear Kurt's smile through the phone. "I guess I made the right choice then."

"Yeah," Blaine said and his smile faded. Kurt was coming to Dalton. What would happen when his parents pulled Blaine out next year? "Are you staying in the dorms, or...?"

"It's a bit of a drive," Kurt said. "We haven't finalized anything, but I'll probably stay during the week."

"Good," Blaine said. "Then we will most certainly have to have movie nights or something."

"Thanks. Really, Blaine. I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel."

"I can imagine," Blaine replied. "When are you transferring?"

"Tomorrow, actually. My dad talked to the principal today, convinced him it couldn't wait until next semester. So... tomorrow."

"Wow. That's fast."

"Yeah, but I'm glad."

"Me, too. It's good you don't have to... be in that situation anymore." But Blaine would be next year. Even if school was okay, his parents were going to be awful. And if school wasn't okay, then nothing would be. He'd go from one placed full of bullies to another. "Hey, I've got to work on some homework, but I guess I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay! See you then."

Blaine hung up the phone and decided to stop thinking about it. There was nothing he could do about the situation with his parents, so he might as well just stop. He'd go to sleep and things would look better in the morning.


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