May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
Chapter Fourteen: New Friends
TPD: Never Been Kissed
"I need advice."
"There's this guy- a bully, and he's one of those homophobes who's actually gay themselves but can't admit it."
"Is he bullying you?"
"No," Blaine replied. "A friend of mine. At a different school. I actually first came to the LGBT group because I wanted to help find a way to stop stuff like this."
"Bullying or self-hating homophobes?"
"Well... Bullying. But both, actually. I can't imagine how awful it must be to hate something and know that you're that way, so you're like... Trying to change it about yourself, but you can't. I'd probably lash out at anyone who didn't seem to be being eaten alive by it, too."
"And that's why you might be the perfect candidate to help this boy. You can see it from his perspective. Homophobia is just another form of ignorance," Jeremiah said. "But you can't tell a homophobe that. You can't convince anyone of anything by calling them ignorant. You have to understand them, have to approach with compassion. Otherwise, you'll just make things worse."
"So what should I do?"
"There's no right answer. Be there for your friend. If you can, offer to be there for this bully. Maybe he just needs some compassion."
Blaine nodded, deep in thought. He could do that. They could help this guy. All he needed was to know that it was okay to be how he was, that it's okay that he couldn't change. That he wasn't some kind of abomination. "Has anyone ever told you that you're brilliant?" Blaine asked.
"Only everyone ever," Jeremiah quipped.
"Well, everyone ever is right," Blaine replied. "Thank you."
Jeremiah smiled at him and Blaine couldn't help the smile he shot back as his insides started rising into his throat. "Well, I'm going to be late to work if we don't finish these coffees while we walk, and I think you will be, too."
"Too true," Blaine agreed and rose.
They were halfway down the block to the mall and hadn't spoken much when Blaine suddenly said, "Do you want to go see a movie this weekend?"
"What movie?"
"Well, Harry Potter comes out this weekend," Blaine remarked nonchalantly. "Or something else."
"No, I was actually planning on seeing Harry Potter anyway. Not a midnight premiere, I'm not that enthusiastic, but on the weekend, sure."
"Awesome," Blaine said. "I'll text you when they post the movie times, yeah?"
"Sounds good," Jeremiah said. They'd reached the food court and he turned and started walking backward. "Have a good shift!"
Blaine waved. "You, too!"
He tried really hard not to stare when Jeremiah turned around, but ultimately failed. Jeremiah was dangerously close to crush territory.
Aside from one customer who insisted there wasn't enough protein powder in his drink, Blaine had a good shift. He was still fully prepared to shower and collapse into his bed that night. There was a brief delay when he decided to text Kurt, to ask him about the bully. They'd face him tomorrow. Blaine went to sleep feeling like the day had been extremely productive.
"Homophobia is just another form of ignorance," he repeated to Kurt over lunch the next afternoon. "He just needs to understand that he can't change himself and... that's okay. But I guess it's going to take a little more than two guys telling him that."
"Yeah," Kurt agreed, and Blaine wished he could make the other boy smile. He looked so... down.
"Hey," Blaine said, not sure what was going to follow, but hoping it was good. "I know he took your first kiss, but he can't take anything else. You're going to have a first love and a first... well, everything else, and that'll more than make up for it."
A small smile played its way onto Kurt's face and Blaine felt his own mirror the expression. "Thanks. It's just... I have all these ridiculous romantic notions about everything and-"
"Romance is not ridiculous," Blaine interrupted. He tried not to picture himself giving flowers or something to Jeremiah. "I wish I were better at it though."
They both laughed softly. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" Kurt asked.
"Going to a movie with a friend," Blaine replied. "Why?"
"There's this production of The Sound of Music happening a couple districts over and my dad said I could go... if I found a buddy."
"Is he busy that night?" Blaine asked.
"Sort of," Kurt replied. "He's also really not into all this musical stuff, so I didn't want to make him go."
"I could definitely make a Sunday matinee," Blaine suggested.
"Great," Kurt replied. "Do you want to do lunch before we catch the bus?"
"Definitely," Blaine agreed. "Breadstix?"
Blaine grinned. Today was going perfectly. He got a text as soon as he walked into his dorm from Jeremiah. He'd been watching something and a trailer for the movie had come on, and had just texted to say he was excited to hang out.
Blaine was on top of the world.