Believe in Me
Open House Previous Chapter Story
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Believe in Me: Open House

T - Words: 1,480 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Feb 19, 2013 - Updated: Jun 03, 2013
238 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Klaine date next chapter! Review!Also don't forget to check out Ever After!

Open House

It was the night of open house and all the glee kids were in the choir room touching up make up and doing some last minute rehearsals. There was another half an hour until they had to go on stage and perform for all the parents that showed up tonight. Kurt was ecstatic. This was his first glee performance with an actual audience. He was also nervous. Everyone in glee had done this before, even Sam. They all knew better than to screw up a number really badly.

Blaine saw Kurt distress and rolled over to him, ending a conversation he was having with Tina. Kurt looked up from him and tried to smile and look as calm as possible but his shaking legs deceived him. He took his hand and smiled. Kurt smiled back, gently stroking the back of Blaine's hand with his thumb.

"It's okay to be nervous. I mean it's the first time you're performing with us. But just know that we're all here for you. I'm here for you," Blaine reassured. Many other glee kids nodded in agreement but Kurt didn't pay any attention to them; he only saw Blaine. The perfect Blaine that has been showing him the ropes of McKinley and of glee. He has been showing Kurt around school and helping him get used to McKinley. Kurt had to admit that he has purposely come to Blaine "forgetting" where his classes were located so he could spend more time with the boy as he led Blaine around the school. He thinks Blaine has caught on to his false memory blanks, but he hasn't said anything about it. In fact Kurt believes that Blaine eagerly awaits for them now just as much as Kurt has.

It's not just in school either. The boys have been hanging out more often and getting to know each other in basically every minute of their free time. To Kurt it has been heaven getting to know Blaine. He now knows that Blaine has been performing since the age of three; he and Cooper would do impromptu performances in front of their neighbours and parents. Blaine even told Kurt a story about how he once ran around his street in only his underwear singing "Oops I Did It Again". But it wasn't until yesterday that Blaine told Kurt what he wanted to hear since the day they met; Blaine is gay.

Kurt had to restrain himself from jumping for joy when Blaine had admitted that. Although he knew Blaine of all people wouldn't judge him, he didn't want to come out just yet. He wanted to tell his dad before anything else and he's planning on doing that soon. Well, in the near future. Okay, someday. Still, he doesn't want anyone else to know; god knows what will happen when it gets out.

"Kurt, do you want to rehearse one last time?" Blaine shook Kurt out of his reverie. He looked around; everyone was already in the positions except for Blaine and Kurt. He caught Finn's eyes. He had to go soon if Finn's stupid plan was going to work.

"Um actually, can we make this quick? I forgot something in my locker that's important," it was a stupid lie, but it seemed to have done the trick. Finn gave Kurt an approving wink and Blaine nodded and said that was fine. They got to rehearsing, which didn't take very long anyway since the club knew everything like the back of their hand. Kurt left the choir room as quickly as he could after that. Finn gave him a not to subtle thumbs up; and Kurt rolled his eyes. Could he really have a brother that knew nothing of secrecy?

He walked down the hall and entered the art room, where the majority of parents were admiring the art or enjoying the complementary snacks. He noticed Finn's mom and the snack table grabbing a mini-cheesecake. Kurt made a mental note to come back and get one for himself. Then he spotted his dad, he was looking at an abstract piece but Kurt knew that he wasn't really admiring it. His father never really cared for the arts as much as Kurt had. He came up behind his father and let him know of his presence. Burt turned around and gave Blaine a one-armed hug.

"Hey kiddo! I didn't know you guys did so much at this school! Surely not like back when I was in high school," Burt said.

Kurt didn't have the heart to tell his dad that most of the showcased work was done the day before and is certainly not something of an everyday occurrence. So he let him Burt pride himself into thinking he chose a great school for his son. "Well, I just thought I'd say hi, before I have to perform," Kurt said. He saw Finn's mom leaving the room and he scrambled to get her attention before the opportunity passed. He didn't know her name though, so he opted for the next best thing. "Mrs. Hudson!"

She turned around at the sound of her name and Kurt waved to indicate that he called her. She came over looking very confused. His father looked between the woman and his son with the same look. "Excuse me, do I know you?"

"No. But I know your son; we're in glee club together," Kurt replied.

"Oh, that's nice," Mrs. Hudson said. She turned and stuck her hand out to Kurt then to Burt, "Carole Hudson."

"Burt Hummel," he said with a curt nod. Kurt looked at the clock, he go back to the choir room and quick.

'You know you two have dead spouses; you should talk," Kurt said before he ran out of the room. The two adults shrugged but conversed anyways.

Kurt ran into the choir room to be glared at by every glee member.

"Where were you Kurt? You know it's crucial for everyone to perform so I can properly showcase my talents," Rachel hollered. Yup, even after getting to know her, Kurt still wanted to slap Rachel Berry in the face.

"Sorry I couldn't find my book, I think I left it at home," Kurt lied.

Rachel was about to say something else before Blaine cut her off, "It's fine Rachel; he's here now and just in time too. Now let's get to the choir room because the parents are gonna be in the auditorium soon."

The New Directions started to file out of the choir room. Finn caught up with Kurt, behind everyone else but close enough to look like they weren't wandering off, "Did it work okay?" Finn asked.

"I just got them talking before I had to leave. Hopefully they're getting to know each other." Finn stuck out his fist and Kurt met it with his own on autopilot. It's just something you'd expect from Finn now.

They performed. They got applause. Someone actually appreciated their talent for once. The entire glee club was exhilarated, Blaine being on the best of clouds nines. He tried to get everyone to sit down so he could make a speech.

"Guys, I'd say that was one of the best performances this club has had since its revival! We killed it! Great work everyone! Sectionals here we come!" Kurt had never seen Blaine so excited and full of energy. In fact, he had never seen Blaine this happy. He was glad that he did some part of putting a smile on this boy's face.

"Alright guys go home. You did great," Mr. Schuester dismissed, he was also proud of his glee club. All the glee kids filed out, Kurt was about to leave when he saw his father peek into the room.

"Kiddo that was great! You're club is so good, great job!" Burt congratulated but Kurt was only half listening. His attention was caught by seeing Carole just outside the choir room, staring at his father while hugging her son.

"Um, thanks dad."

"No problem bud- oh hello," Kurt turned to see who interrupted his father and saw Blaine looking up expectantly at Kurt.

"Um, Kurt? Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if you would like to go out for coffee with me? My treat?" Blaine asked. He seemed nervous, but if Kurt had basically asked a guy out in front of said guy's dad he'd be nervous too.

"Um," he looked at his dad his approval, which he gave, "Sure, I'd love to Blaine."

"Do you boys have a ride? I could drop you off if you want?"

"Um, no Mr. Hummel that is very kind of you to offer. Thank you," Blaine said. Kurt never heard Blaine speak so formally, which is a true feat because it's Blaine.

"Yeah, thanks dad," Kurt shrugged.

"C'mon guys. Follow me to the car."


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