March 23, 2012, 7:44 p.m.
March 23, 2012, 7:44 p.m.
He slipped his sunglasses on as he walked to first period. The florescent lights were too bright, and Blaine was still nursing a hangover from the dreaded “martini Monday”. He swore on his T-65 X-wing starfighter replica that he would never ever have Brittany mix drinks again. They tasted fantastic but every pomegranate martini seemed to just refill itself before their eyes. Overly attentive bartender Brittany could be scary dangerous.
Blaine sat in his normal seat in his Chemistry class, back row in the middle of a lab table. He lifted his feet up onto the table and sunk into his chair, closing his eyes. Being hungover made it a lot easier to slip into his new personality because when his head was pounding, his scowl and inability-to-give-a-fuck were very real.
He heard two students sit down in the two chairs to his sides. Assuming they were just his lab partners, he kept his eyes shut and wondered if he could pull off sleeping through class. As much as he liked school, he would rather be sleeping in a very quiet, dark room.
An intimidating voice interrupted his thoughts. “Hey I’m Mike Chang, and this is—“
“Noah Puckerman. Puck to those who fear me.”
Blaine shivered but turned it into a yawn, keeping his eyes closed. He knew who they were. Mike was a football player and, supposedly, a great dancer. Blaine would have been fine if it was just Mike, even with the edge in his voice. But Puck? That guy could eat him for breakfast and still be hungry for some freshman. Even if Blaine pretended to be bad, Puck was the real, terrifying deal, and right now both guys did not sound too pleased with Blaine.
“Pleasure,” he responded, still not opening his eyes. He figured that if he just seemed bored that they would go away, like an opossum playing dead to make a predator leave. He wished he had Santana or Brittany around to tell him what to do. This was something they never planned. They spent hours talking about how he should act with Kurt and teachers, but they never ever talked about what he should do when Puck was sitting next to him with the backup of another football player.
“First off, dude…” Puck’s voice paused. Blaine could practically feel the guy sizing him up. Think opossum. Play dead. Leave!
Puck continued, clearly not going with Blaine’s plan, “We need to talk about your role here.”
Blaine almost opened his eyes in shock. He couldn’t believe that this is what they came to talk to him about. Blaine tightened his lips, trying not to laugh. He could not believe that someone like Puck would feel threatened by someone like him. Bad boy Blaine versus Puck the terrible.
“Okaaayyyy,” Blaine said, making sure every syllable was dripping with sarcasm.
Unfazed, Puck lectured, “There is only room for one badass here at McKinley, and that’s me. Puckzilla does not share his throne.”
Blaine shrugged. “That’s fine.” He honestly did not want anything like that.
“What?” said Puck in disbelief.
Blaine gave an annoyed huff. “I don’t care. I don’t want anything to do with having a role here.” Remembering that Puck could punch him in the face, Blaine added, “Plus, I doubt I could take that title from you anyway. You’re kind of a giant.”
Having his ego sufficiently stroked, Puck replied proudly, “Damn straight, little dude.”
There was a short pause, possibly a silent conversation, and finally Mike’s voice was back. He asked in a hard voice, “We saw you messing with Kurt.”
Blaine finally opened his eyes and stared at Mike. This was about Kurt? He lifted his sunglasses onto his head and crossed his arms. Blaine actually found it sweet that they cared enough to stand up for the boy. He decided to get some information out of the boys about what Kurt thought of him.
Blaine raised his eyes and asked, “Messing with him? Really? Is that what he’s saying?”
Mike shrugged, “No. He won’t talk about it.”
Blaine frowned. Why wouldn’t Kurt talk about him? Did he take his flirting too far? He took a deep breath and shrugged, trying to brush off the conversation. “So then I guess I’m not messing with him then.”
Puck challenged, “Uh-uh, you were messin’ with my boy.” Blaine instinctively clenched his teeth at the possessive statement. “We saw you slap his ass yesterday. You can’t just mess with him because he’s gay. That’s not cool.”
Blaine made a show of rolling his eyes like he was exasperated. They were almost adorable, defending Kurt like this. Not that Blaine felt he was something from which Kurt needed to be defended. “And you have never smacked a chick’s ass in your life, Puckerman?”
Blaine mentally punched himself for calling a girl a chick. He felt a bit like a foreign explorer, trying to blend in with the natives, even if the native was Noah Puckerman.
Puck started, “Of course—“
“Then we’re on the same page.” Blaine took out his textbook and set it on his desk, getting ready for class.
Puck leaned closer and growled. “Kurt’s no girl.” Mike nodded firmly, crossing his arms.
Blaine snorted and looked at them pointedly. “I wouldn’t be doing it if he were.”
He could see the cogs working behind their confused faces. Mike’s face finally brightened as if the light bulb actually went off in his head.
“Oh! Well, that’s cool then,” Mike said, sounding a little shocked. He looked over at a confused Puck and explained, “He’s gay.”
Puck’s eyebrows shot up. Then he looked at Blaine, the brows now furrowed in confusion again. “Really?”
Not trusting himself to speak, Blaine gave a curt nod.
Puck barked out a laugh and held out his fist. Blaine tried not to flinch when he saw the fist come up, but he gingerly bumped it with his own knuckles. Mike copied the action, giving him a large smile.
Still chuckling to himself, Puck leaned back in his chair and said, “You’re just lucky that we got to you before Finn.”
It was Blaine’s turn to be confused. He knew Finn Hudson, of course. He was the quarterback and the center of quite a stockpile of dramatic rumors. Remembering that he was supposed to be new, he couldn’t act as if he actually knew who the boy was. Blaine took a moment trying to figure out how he played in all of this. Finding nothing, he just asked, “Finn?”
Puck explained like he was talking about the weather, “Our quarterback. Finn Hudson. Ya know, Kurt’s stepbrother.”
Blaine blinked a few times. “Kurt has a stepbrother?”
It was official. Blaine knew nothing about Kurt.
After spending a chemistry class with Mike and Puck, that was crystal clear. Blaine just remained silent while the boys talked through class, only nodding when needed. He was too shocked.
Blaine walked around the entire day wrapping his head around this fact. It was so obvious now that the dream guy was just some fairytale that he concocted as he watched some chestnut haired boy’s beauty. He had no idea what Kurt was like. Or what he liked. Or apparently that he had a stepbrother!
Blaine never thought he could be so superficial. He liked Kurt just for his looks. He had never talked to Kurt. So Blaine could never ask him about himself. He could have—no, he should have asked Brittany and Santana all about Kurt. They had spent every day together, and the girls never shared anything like that. Then again Blaine never asked.
However, Blaine couldn’t ignore the fact that he felt something for Kurt. Something he never felt for any other boy he had ever seen. No one had ever made him feel all tingly and happy and confused all at the same time.
In the last day, he had learned things about Kurt that he didn’t know. Kurt was not some dainty porcelain flower like Blaine thought he was. No, he was a guy who could shred you with words and a look. And it made him more real, not some fantasy. If possible, it made Blaine like Kurt more.
As he wandered from class to class, he started thinking of this new persona that he just slipped into. Yesterday it was so easy. He had been prepared, training like an athlete for the Olympics. Now he just felt like he was training for a goal he didn’t know about, some unknown golden prize.
Was this really the way to get it?
Like a wire connecting in his head, Blaine started working everything out. New Blaine. He was different. A jerk even. Then there was Old Blaine. Shy and nervous. Every time he talked to Kurt now it was like two people were speaking.
On the way to Home Ec, New Blaine said, “Hey Hummel, do you always strut like that or is this show just for me?”
Old Blaine thought, “Hi Kurt, I just wanted to say how beautiful you look today.”
After watching Kurt bite his lip in concentration over a test for an hour, New Blaine said, “Took a while taking that test, princess. Too busy thinking about me?”
Old Blaine thought, “I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”
As he thought about it, Blaine became determined to back off a bit. Yesterday had been very—well fun. But now Blaine wasn’t sure that bad boy Blaine was someone Kurt would want.
“Umm girls, can I talk to you about something?” Blaine asked as he set their drinks on the coffee table. The girls were working on some sort of project for glee club, and although Blaine didn’t want to be rude, he couldn’t wait any longer.
Santana looked up for her sheet music. “What is it, Ewok? Vadar trashing your teddy bear city?”
Blaine sat down in a chair and fidgeting. “W-well,” he started quietly. His nervousness seemed to get Santana’s attention. She elbowed Brittany to get her attention as well, and the two silently urged him to go on. Blaine took a shaky breath before asking, “Would it be okay if I backed off Kurt for a bit?”
Santana raised her eyebrows. “What?”
Blaine talked to the coffee table, unable to meet their eyes. “I want to….um come on less strongly, I guess. I know you guys worked really hard with me and I totally appreciate that and everything.” Blaine licked his lips. “But I’m not sure this is what Kurt wants.”
Santana started laughing and Blaine looked up at her finally. She reached over and gave the back of his head a light smack. “Of course, this is what he wants. Blaine, this thing you have got going is irresistible. You have the entire school swooning over you.” She fanned her eyes as she fake cried. “It’s like our little gayby is all grown up, Brit. Turning into from a geek into a stud.”
Brittany piped in, “Yeah, Blainers, you’re totally hot. I mean, if I didn’t already make out with you and know you were meant for Kurt, I would totally hit that.”
Blaine gave them a small smile. “Thanks. But I kinda realized that I don’t know anything about Kurt, and I would really like sometime to get to know him a bit better.” When all he received were confused stares back, he suggested, ‘Give me until the end of the week. That’s just three days. I can still flirt with him. It just won’t be as intense.”
Santana stared at him, biting her lips in thought. Then she grinned and patted his knee. “Of course. You can do that.”
It wasn’t until Friday at lunch that Blaine realized that something was wrong. He had been mindlessly picking at a turkey sandwich and taking a few glances at Kurt a few tables away. Every time he met Kurt’s eyes, he looked terrified and looked down again.
Kurt had been resistant at the beginning of the week, even a bit annoyed. But since Blaine eased off a bit, every time he saw Kurt, the boy turned bright red and made for the nearest exit.
Blaine couldn’t understand what he had done. Why would Kurt be uncomfortable now that Blaine was being a bit nicer?
Santana plopped down at his usual table, causing him to jump.
“Damn it, Tana. You scared the shit out of me.” He shifted in the chair so that he was facing Santana more so he wasn’t as tempted to look at Kurt.
Her lips were curled in a devious smile. Blaine knew that smile. “What is it?” he sighed, knowing he might as well get it over with.
She pushed his sandwich to the side and set a gift bag that Blaine hadn’t noticed before in its place.
“Oh, I just brought you a treat,” Santana purred, pulling out the contents of the bag. “You know, out of the goodness of my heart.”
“I wouldn’t call that piece of coal in your chest a heart,” he joked as he grabbed the bag. He was beyond suspicious, but he looked at the contents of the bag: chocolate covered strawberries. It really wasn’t what he was thinking. She knew that he loved strawberries, simple as that. He was actually touched that she remembered and would do something this nice for him. Blaine let out a sigh of relief and smiled at her, “Thanks. That was really nice of you.”
Santana bit her lip, obviously hiding something. She gave the box a little push toward Blaine. “Dig in.”
Blaine eagerly popped open the little white box and nearly died. Four giant strawberries covered in patterns of dark, milk, and white chocolate sat there seductively. Blaine felt his smile grow as he grabbed a milk and white chocolate swirled one. He took a long look at it, examining the patterns in the chocolate and the glistening fruit. He liked to torture himself like this, waiting until his self control broke. He took at large bite, breaking the thin layer of candy and bursting into the fruit. Savoring the taste, Blaine moaned loudly. He took another slow bite, closing his eyes and feeling the juice drip down his lip to his chin. His tongue flicked out to catch it not wanting to lose the flavor. It was heaven.
Blissed out, Blaine opened his eyes, keeping them half lidded as gave Santana a dopey smile. “If I wasn’t gay, I would totally kiss you right now.”
A chair clattered to the ground, and Blaine’s eyes shot toward the sound. Kurt was standing in front of the fallen chair, quickly picking up his belonging and mumbling apologies to his startled friends. Blaine’s eyes followed the tall boy as he sped out of the cafeteria.
Santana was grinning knowingly when Blaine’s eyes found her again.
Blaine glared at his friend, “What did you do?”
Her hand shot to her chest and she gave an exaggerated gasp. “Mr. Anderson, why would you accuse me of such a thing?”
Blaine leaned closer over the table. “I think I made that clear with the whole heart of coal comment earlier. Now what did you do?”
The girl smirked, tugged something blue out of her Cheerios jacket, and slid it across the table.
It was Blaine’s phone.
Blaine quickly grabbed the phone and immediately checked his text messages. “Oh god,” he groaned. There was Kurt as a contact in his phone (although he had never gotten his number) followed by twenty seven text messages. He scrolled through the texts, a blush growing on his face. They were very suggestive texts, scaling from raunchy to explicitly sexual. He let out a whine when he saw that they went all the way back to Wednesday. Blaine looked at the last text sent from his phone.
Gotta surprise for you at lunch. But I would prefer something else in my mouth.
Blaine clenched his teeth and looked up at Santana. Unfazed, she picked at the flakes of chocolate in the box. He couldn’t believe that she would use him like that. He wanted to give Kurt space, get to know him better, not blatantly attacking him with sexts. He told her that.
He felt his jaw tremble with angry as he spoke, “This is some sort of game to you.”
Santana licked the chocolate flakes off her finger and laughed. “Of course, this is a game. I mean you two are so hopeless. I mean, who doesn’t notice when their phone goes missing for three days? You should be a bit more grateful. I make you into all of this, and then you just want to back off. I was just doing you a favor, Blaine. Fancypants got so hot and bothered from those texts that he will throw himself at you. And when you were eating strawberries last weekend, you looked at them like they were porn. The least you could—“
She was cut off as the box of chocolate covered strawberries was pressed into her chest. Blaine pressed and twisted the fruit and chocolate into her uniform, bitterly enjoying her mouth opened in shock. The cafeteria went silent, and he could feel all the students’ eyes on him. He went back over to his chair and grabbed his bag. Leaning in so his mouth was right next to Santana’s ear, Blaine growled bitterly, “Next time you wanna try and do me a favor, maybe you could just stop being such a fuckin’ bitch.”
And then he walked out the door to search for Kurt.
Blaine walked through the empty halls of McKinley, flicking his lighter on and off. It had become a nervous habit for him, and he was really nervous right now. He was waiting for Santana to get out of Cheerio practice so that he could apologize to her. Blaine couldn’t believe he snapped like that, especially at a friend.
He sighed and leaned against the lockers. Blaine was still upset with Santana. Maybe if she had just informed him of her plan or just told him why she would go behind his back like that, Blaine would understand. But now he just felt hurt and betrayed.
It also didn’t help that he couldn’t find Kurt after he ran out of the cafeteria. Blaine felt he needed to explain to Kurt that it wasn’t him and apologize. He didn’t exactly know what he was going to say when he found Kurt, but he felt once he did the words would just come to him. Not that words ever came that easy to Blaine.
“Ugh, stupid, knuckle-dragging morons!”
Blaine’s head shot up. He knew that voice. Blaine pushed himself off the lockers and walked quickly toward the bathroom where it came from.
Blaine opened the door and froze, barely breathing. Kurt was crouched down, angling his head awkward to get the slushie out of his hair. His white shirt was soaked in purple, chunks of dark purple ice were still clinging stubbornly to the fabric.
Blaine could feel his stomach clench at the sight. He had never been slushied before, but it looked awful when the bullies did to other students. But to see Kurt like this… something in Blaine just hurt.
Blaine walked quietly into the bathroom, trying to grab some paper towels as silently as he could to help the other boy. As the paper towel dispenser clicked, Kurt’s eyes darted over to him.
Kurt stood up, his face still dripping with water and purple liquid. Kurt shook his head and laughed humorlessly, “Oh it would be you, wouldn’t it? Honestly, can’t—“ Kurt hissed and clutched his eye.
Blaine quickly walked to Kurt, wetting the paper towels in the still running water. He brought it up to wipe Kurt’s face, but the other boy jerked back. Blaine swallowed. It hurt that Kurt hated him so much.
“Kurt, please just let me help,” Blaine said in a small voice, trying to ignore how helpless he sounded. Kurt froze for a moment and then inched closer to Blaine, half sitting on the sink.
Neither boy said anything as Blaine cleaned Kurt up. He took his time wiping the syrup off Kurt’s face. He had never been this close to Kurt before. Because Kurt’s eyes were still closed and the boy didn’t look displeased, Blaine relaxed and smiled. Occasionally, he gently ran his fingers over Kurt’s face, telling himself he was checking for anything sticky. Kurt’s skin was just as soft as Blaine thought it would be. Blaine washed down his neck causing Kurt’s breath to hitch. He felt Kurt’s body shiver.
Blaine stilled his actions looking at Kurt’s slightly parted lips. Kurt was right there. Blaine was inches from being able to kiss him. Blaine tore his eyes away and began helping to clean Kurt off again.
“I never sent you those texts. Santana stole my phone.” Blaine had never heard his voice that low, but he couldn’t concentrate on that. Under the strong grape smell, he could smell just Kurt. It was intoxicating, becoming stronger as he moved closer. “I really don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me.” Pausing, he realized he was barely centimeters from Kurt’s neck. Feeling like being that close would contradict with his last statement, Blaine forced his face slowly, back up to Kurt’s cheek. Blaine placed a lingering kiss on his cheekbone, actually feeling Kurt’s skin become warm as he blushed.
Blaine pulled back, and Kurt shivered again. Blaine frowned when he realized he was actually shivering from his frozen beverage soaked shirt. He backed away.
“You should probably take off your shirt.”
Kurt’s eyes shot open, and he choked out, “Wait…what?”
“You’re freezing your ass off in that shirt. Come on, you have get it off before you catch a cold.” Blaine moved forward to help unbutton the shirt.
Kurt’s hands caught his, and he shook his head. “I-I can do that.” Kurt licked his lips, nervously. “Go over there and don’t look,” he said, pushing Blaine back gently.
Kurt turned around and slowly took off his shirt, unsticking it from his skin. Blaine tried not to look like Kurt said, not to stare at the beautiful skin being unwrapped before his eyes, but he couldn’t help himself. He could feel his mouth drop as he took in Kurt’s fair skin on his back, now slightly tinted with purple around his shoulders. He always knew Kurt would be slim, but Blaine couldn’t help but gape at the firm muscles that moved in his back as Kurt wiped off the remaining slushie.
Kurt quickly looked over his shoulder and blushed when he saw Blaine staring at him. He murmured, crossing his arms in embarrassment, “I thought I told you not to look.”
Blaine pulled his eyes away, looking in another direction, but he felt like his face was burning red when he realized that he could see more of Kurt in the mirror. His eyes darted up to the ceiling, the safe non-shirtless beautiful boy ceiling.
Kurt sighed, “Just turn around, Anderson.”
Blaine spun around, not taking his eyes off the ceiling. “Sorry.” He tried to distract himself by counting tiles on the ceiling. He felt like such a creeper just standing in the bathroom while his crush was standing behind him shirtless. Should he leave? He groaned. He knew he was making Kurt uncomfortable.
Blaine cleared his throat. “Um…maybe you should go change in a stall or something. Ya know, so you’re not uncomfortable.”
Kurt let out a small “oh” like he hadn’t thought of that, before hurrying off to a stall.
Blaine let out the breath he didn’t even know he had been holding. The way things were going he wasn’t going to survive today without a heart attack.
“Um… Blaine?” Blaine jumped a little and turned in the direction of Kurt’s voice. Kurt was timidly peeking out of the stall, hiding his shirtless body behind the door. “Would you mind grabbing my extra shirt out of my bag?”
Blaine nodded quickly and went to open Kurt’s bag. It was so orderly, all the books placed neatly with the bindings facing up. Blaine smiled for a second when he saw a few issues of Vogue. He had always figured Kurt liked fashion, but it was nice to know he was right about something for once. He carefully looked through the bag and froze when he discovered the problem.
“Hummel?” Kurt made a sound of acknowledgement. “There’s no shirt in here.”
Kurt let out a whining groan. “I forgot that I gave it to Artie this morning.”
Before Blaine even thought about what he was doing, he had unzipped his jacket. The sound must have startled Kurt because he stuck his head further out the door to look at Blaine warily.
“W-what are you doing?” Kurt said, clearly panicking.
Without responding, Blaine confidently looked back at Kurt and took off his jacket, setting it on a sink. He paused a moment, licking his lips in thought. Blaine was nervous taking his shirt off in front of Kurt, but he felt like the other boy needed it more than he did. He grabbed his black shirt behind from his neck and pulled it over his head. He walked over and handed the shirt to Kurt.
Kurt stared in wide-eyed disbelief at the offer.
Blaine mentally scolded himself for being so stupid. Of course, Kurt wouldn’t take his shirt. He maybe helping him, but Kurt still didn’t like him. Blaine made to pull the shirt back.
To his surprise, Kurt grabbed the shirt, handing Blaine his own shirt, and quickly closed the door again. A moment later, he opened the door again, now wearing Blaine’s shirt. Kurt paused in the doorway, fidgeting with the hem. The shirt was simple and hung a little loose on his lithe frame, nothing like Kurt usually wore. Blaine felt his stomach flutter at the sight.
Backing away toward his stuff, Blaine grinned, “I think I like seeing you in my clothes.”
Both boys blushed and stepped away to collect their belongings. Blaine set Kurt’s shirt on his bag before looked at himself in the mirror. He had no other shirt to wear. He glanced down his leather jacket and sighed. It would have to do. He slid it on.
“Um…those are pretty interesting tattoos,” Kurt said, giving Blaine a shy smile. Kurt’s eyes scanned up his torso until they reached his face. Blaine felt his own breath hitch and his eyes widen. Kurt bit his lip, still smiling, and turned back to his bag on the sink. “And thanks for this.” Kurt gave the shirt a small tug, then tilted his chin up confidently and pulled out some hairspray to fix his hair. “Not exactly the most fashionable of clothes, but let’s face it, I look great in everything.”
Chuckling lightly, Blaine zipped up his jacket, being careful of his chest hair. He picked up his bag and swung it onto his back. He couldn’t believe it. Kurt was showing some interest in him. He looked back at Kurt who was busy fixing his hair in the mirror.
Maybe this bad boy thing was working?
Blaine plastered his new trademark smirk on his face and walked to the door. Once there, he spun around and leaned his shoulder against the frame with his arms crossed.
“Hey Hummel,” Blaine called out. Kurt looked over at him in the mirror, smiling. Blaine could feel his chest bubbling with excitement. “I knew I could get you out of those tight clothes.” Kurt’s mouth dropped in shock. Blaine gave him a wink and walked out of the bathroom.
Blaine pulled open his car door, tossing his bag into the passenger seat as he slid in. After he closed the door, Blaine just stared into the parking lot for a moment before smiling widely and chuckling to himself. The chuckle broke out into a girlish giggle as he thought about Kurt smiling at him.
It was working. Santana’s plan was actually working. Blaine felt a little dizzy just thinking about it. For a moment, he thought nothing would go right for him, but it was working.
He reached for his bag to text Santana an apology when he saw it. Kurt’s stained shirt was tangled in the straps of his bag. Blaine frowned for a second, thinking if he should go back to give it to Kurt and ruin his dramatic exit.
Blaine looked at Kurt’s shirt again and a wide smile appeared on his face. He had plan of his own.
Oooooh! Looking forward to more!
Absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need more more more more more more!!!!!!!
I want Blaine to stop listening to santana...and listen to his heart ...then Kurt might just listen to how loud his own heart is screaming for Blaine!
Aaaahhhh omg this chapter was SOOOO fantasticawesomeness. The strawberry scene was the most amusing thing ever. Can't wait for next update!
I love everything about this ever.
Loved this chapter! Yes!But uh-oh: "Things get a bit rough for Blaine next chapter"!
Kurt was wearing Blaine's clothes! I'm swooning right now! Amazing story!!
Eeeee! Kurt in Blaine's clothes! Blaine's pretty good at acting like a badass on his own! And flustered Kurt is adorable.. ~ I hope you update soon! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Fun story! Good writing... I am really enjoying this, please continue.
When When when are you gonna update?????? =((
No!! No!! You can't do this to me!! Things start progressing, and you don't update? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please, do a girl a favor and write! Please!!!