March 12, 2012, 6:59 p.m.
March 12, 2012, 6:59 p.m.
Kurt hardly had any time to look up from his French homework and read Blaine’s message before there was a new one, the familiar sound filling his earphones and interrupting his Adele playlist.
Blaine Anderson: Woah, what are you doing here? You’re never here when I get home cause of school…Are you sick?!
He laughed as he read it over, shaking his head. Some part of him warmed at the thought that Blaine had jumped to the conclusion that something was wrong just by noticing that Kurt was home. Heaven forbid maybe there was some holiday today, or a teacher workday, as was the case. He sighed, putting down his pencil and replied to Blaine’s eager message.
Kurt Hummel: No, no. I’m not sick. Teacher work day. I’m home alone because Finn is out with Rachel and my dad and Carole are working.
Getting up from his bed, he put his laptop down on his desk and stretched, before dropping down onto his hair as soon as he heard the ping again.
Blaine Anderson: Oh, cool! I’m home alone too. I always am right after school, unless I have Warbler practice.
Kurt Hummel: Must get lonely.
They kept talking, and for a while Kurt had slipped into their calm, usual routine of talking back and forth, asking about each other’s day. He loved the fact that no matter how long they spoke, they never seemed to run out of things to say to each other. With Blaine, everything was effortless, everything was perfectly normal and simple. Everything was right.
It had seemed like any other normal day, until Blaine, after a few minutes of talking, replied and completely dropped the topic. (which Kurt resented, because they had been discussing favorite songs from The Sound of Music, and he never liked to lose an opportunity to explain why Edelweiss was one of the most amazing songs ever.)
Blaine Anderson: Hey…Kurt, I had an idea?
He raised an eyebrow at that, but sighed. Not out of frustration, but out of fondness, trying to figure out the way Blaine looked like confused or pondering. Did he make that stupid, yet adorable face Finn made? Or was it more like a simple wrinkle on his brow, right between his eyes? The thought of it made his heart race, and Kurt shook his thoughts away.
Kurt Hummel: Do tell.
It took Blaine a moment to reply, and that worried Kurt. Blaine never took more than a second to reply, and when he did he almost always apologized and explained where he had been. However, the message he read as soon as the familiar ‘ping’ rang into his ears, made his cheeks blush violently.
Blaine Anderson: You think maybe you want to call? Like, video chat, over here, over Skype.
Kurt stared at the message, and his eyes went wide. There was no way out of this. If he said no or made up some excuse, Blaine would hate him. Blaine would think Kurt hated him or was avoiding him or wanted him gone. But what if he said yes, and Blaine absolutely hated him anyway because he was hideous. Not that Kurt thought he was hideous, but he was nervous of somehow not meeting up to Blaine’s standards. Blaine, who every once in a while would spam soccer players and write in the tags that they were ‘so hot’. Kurt wasn’t athletic. He was thin and skinny and not made to play soccer.
He got up and looked at himself in the mirror, trying to see if his outfit fit the occasion. Kurt sighed though, knowing that his simple white v neck long sleeve shirt and dark jeans was exactly what he would wear on days when he knew he was going to be staying around the house. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to go into his closet and find a more suitable outfit for the first time Blaine saw him…
Taking a deep breath, he looked at the mirror for a moment later, before running his fingers through his hair and thanking his own skills that it was still perfectly coiffed up.
“You can do this,” he whispered to himself, before closing his eyes and sitting back down on his desk chair.
Kurt Hummel: Yeah, I mean. We’re both home alone. Why not? It’ll kill time?
Blaine Anderson: Awesome, okay, give me a second!
Kurt took a breath again, trying to calm down his racing heart, before he heard the sound of a phone ringing escape his speakers. ‘Blaine Anderson is calling’ flashed over his scene, and it took every ounce of courage he had in him to click ‘answer’.
Within minutes, his screen transformed to show two tiny windows, although one was bigger than the other. The bigger one expanded and got lighter, adjusting itself to Kurt’s computer as a room he recognized somewhat from photos on Tumblr popped into view. The walls looked green from where he was, and he noticed the way it was filled with book shelves, his mind wondering if Blaine had even read all of his books. The room looked smaller than his own, but he smiled at the way Blaine’s bed was unmade, and the tv in the corner that was on mute but obviously showing some sort of soccer game. So that was Blaine’s room…
But he turned his attention to the boy sitting in the middle of the image, the curly haired boy who’s hair was slicked back with gel, the glare from the dimming sun over in Rome making it seem almost wet. His eyes, which Kurt wondered what color they were exactly (something told him that no little webcam would ever do them justice) shown darkly in the light. He was sitting up in his hair, although he could tell that he was sitting cross legged with one knee against his chest. Blaine’s smile was the widest he had ever seen on the dark haired boy, and he couldn’t help but smile although he was blushing slightly because some part of him knew that smile was for, and because of him.
“What are you wearing?” Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow as he stopped laughing, cocking his head to the side. His eyes wandered down his torso, or what he could make out of it at least. He wore a dark blue blazer with red piping, a navy and red striped tie, with a white button down. Kurt tried not to notice the way Blaine had undone the top few buttons, but licked his lips as he glanced back up at his face.
“It’s my uniform!” he answered, laughing. “I’m usually in my pajama’s by the time you see a picture of me. But this is what I look like all day!”
His voice was unbelievable. It was sooth and perfect, quiet and calm when it needed to be and happy when it had to be. His expressions were all so genuine, and Kurt found himself taking a moment to gather his thoughts enough to answer.
Shaking his head, he smirked before saying, feigning composure, “It’s very…dapper.”
Blaine chuckled at that, ducking his head down for a moment out of what Kurt could only guess was embarrassment. He wished he could see the blush on his cheek, or if there was any blush at all. He wished he could see the twinkle in his eyes and watch up close the way his lips parted as he looked up at Kurt and into the camera. He smirked though, before hooking his thumbs behind the lapels of his blazer and straightening them out, wiggling his triangular eyebrows a bit, teasing Kurt.
“You did not just do that!” he laughed, ducking his own head, face instantly blushing. Was Blaine really actually teasing him? Or was he playing around. Running his fingers through his hair, Kurt tried to shake the look Blaine had been wearing on his face a moment ago, a look of sheer…sensuality. But Kurt was sure he had just imagined it. He was sure he was just seeing things.
However, when he looked up, he found Blaine looking at him in much the same way Kurt had imagined himself staring at Blaine. He swallowed, before blinking and licking his lips. “Blaine?”
As if in a trance, Blaine shook his head, and instantly laughed. “Oh, wow, sorry!” he said, his palm against his forehead as he looked away from the screen. “I just…you did something exactly the way I had pictured you in my head. It was a bit surreal.”
The smile on Blaine’s face was less wide, but it seemed somehow more real. It seemed sweeter, and it made Kurt take in a breath as he looked at him. He smiled back though, before nodding and saying softly, although loud enough for Blaine to hear, “This is a bit surreal.”
“But in a good way, right?” Blaine’s voice was hopeful, and Kurt chuckled at the twinkle in his seemingly dark eyes.
Nodding in response, Kurt leaned back and smiled softly, “In a really good way, actually.”
They stared at each other then for what seemed like hours, but was actually less than a moment. Kurt watched the gentle rise and fall of Blaine’s chest as he breathed, the way a few strands of hair had given way and curled over his forehead in the most endearing fashion. The world was still around them, and Kurt didn’t want to think of going back to the world that didn’t have Blaine looking back at him in it.
“Blaine?!” called out a distant voice somewhere in Rome, traveling into Lima and into Kurt’s room. A sigh followed it, before Blaine twirled around in his chair and called out in Italian, “Un momento!”
Turning around, his smile seemed strained as he said, “Hey, Kurt. That’s my dad. I’ll be back online in thirty minutes, okay? This was…” His voice trailed off as he heard his father’s voice again, and Kurt watched as Blaine rolled his eyes. He smiled though, and this time it was natural again as his eyes locked with Kurt’s across the screens. “This was great.”
He nodded and smiled back at the other boy, “It really was. But go before you get in trouble. I’ll be doing homework, but just message me.”
Blaine nodded, before waving and getting up. He smiled on last time before closing in laptop screen, and a moment later, his image was gone and the call dropped.
Kurt, in a dazed state, got up from his desk chair and wandered around his room for a second, not really going anywhere. His mouth pressed against his lips, before he realized he was covering his mouth as he smiled the largest, widest grin he had in a long time. Laughing, Kurt was practically giggling before he fell back onto his bed on his back, trying to make sense as to why his heart was racing so much.